



1、A. it possible B. that possible C. possibleD. it possible that2015 學年第二學期高二年級英語期末考試(LA4 Un it 6-7, NC4 Un it 7-8)II. Grammar and Vocabulary: 12%Directions: Ben eath each of the followi ng senten ces there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one an swer that best completes the sentence.1

2、7. China, a country with 145 million elderly people , will remain_ ageing society during thiscen tury, accord ing to_ Chin ese populati on experts.A. /;theB. an;/C. an ;the D. the; /18. It is not rare in_that people in_fifties were going to uni versity for further educati on.A. 90s; theB. the 90s;/C

3、. 90s;theirD.the 90s; their19. Being examined twice a year, whether it is a car or a bus or a truck, is the rule that everydriver_ obey in this city.A. shallB. canC. needD. might20. The line was busy. Some one_ the teleph one.A. must useB. must be usingC. must have bee n usingD. should have bee n us

4、ing21. According to our experienee, it s too warm_ December. It s not like the normal winter inShan ghai.A. inB. byC. forD. on22. Where_you got that painting at such a low price?A. was it that B. it was until C. was it before D. it was since23. Tom _to New York but he had someth ing urge nt to deal

5、with.A. was going B. was to go C. was to have gone D. is to go24. Every boy and every girl as well as teachers who_to visit the museum asked to be at theschool gate by 6:30 in the morni ng.A. is: isB. are: are C. is: areD. are: is25. The Internet has made _cross-co untry com mun icati on betwee n pe

6、ople via e-mail andother mea ns.26.Have you heard of it? Firefighters rushed into a burning house, three of themunfortunately_in and_ their lives.A. caught; losing B. catching; lost C. caught; lostD. catching; losing27. The police got to_ was once an old school_ the farmers used as a store,A. what.t

7、hat B. where.whichC. where thaD. which where28. He_the admitta nee to the very formal party for not_ properly.A. was deni ed, attiredB.deni ed, attiri ngC. was deni ed, being attired D. deni ed, being attired29. Last week, Mark went to visit his old friend Frank. Sitti ng in the livi ng room, Mark k

8、ept ontalk ing and talk ing and not for a moment_.A. he pausedB. did he pauseC. he would pause D. he had paused30. Beijing Municipal Peopled Procuratorate said it had accepted a criminal report from thefamily of Lei Yang,_ they were requested to investigate the district police officers andauxiliary

9、officers in volved in the case.A. which / B. that C. i n whichD. whe n31. The 21 -year-old University of Virginia student arrested in North Korea was taken beforeNorth Korean media to make a_ about his crimes of taking out a political slogan from thestaff- only area of the Yan ggakdo Intern ati onal

10、 Hotel.A. commitme ntB. conviction C. con fessi onD. con tradict ion32. Un der the in flue nee of weak nesses in the global finan cial markets, the Shen zhe n Comp onentIndex_ 3.57 percent to 10?100.54 points on Friday, taking a 0.4 percent loss for the week.A. soared B. stampedC. plumpedD. slumped3

11、3. A liquefied gas bottle exploded and injured 21 people in a rice no odle restaura nt. Severalpeople rushed out from the restaura nt with their hands_ on their chest or heads, bloodflow ing through their fin gers.A. cli nchedB. clen chedC. crushedD. crashed34. The_bank clerk insisted on seeing her

12、husband cteath certificate before helping her clear the acco unt.A. insen sitive B. insen sible C. sen time ntal D. sen sati onal35. Detectives are hunting two teenagers wearing baseball hats who left more than 20 cars with_ tyres on the Hawt on wille estate over ni ght.A. smashedB. slashedC. dashed

13、D. pun ched36. Earlier on the day, an arbitral jury upheld Plat in is suspe nsion but cut his san cti on from six tofour years. The 60-year-old Fren chma n called the_ a deep injustice”.A. contradictB. accusation C. chargeD. verdict37. The film provided a deep_ into a wide range of human qualities a

14、nd feelings.A. in sightB. outlookC.un dersta nding D. imagi natio n38. When readi ng classics, we should avoid _ a toe into the deep waters of the classics.A. tipp ing B. plungingC.dippi ngD. i nvolvi ng39. The International Monetary Fund stated that the French economy was recovering, but not ata pa

15、ce that would_ the n eeded reduct ion in France s high level of un employme nt and publicdebt.A. acco unt for B. con tributeC. bring about D. result from40. The most successful post-career athletes are those who can take the ide ntity and life skillsthey lear ned in sports and _them to ano ther area

16、 of life.A. utilize B. Apply C.employ D. ExertIII. Cloze: 10%Directions: For each bla nk in the followi ng passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the con text.All Greece was_41_. A mighty army,_42_ by the great King of

17、Persia, had come from theeast .It was marching along the seashore , and in a few days would be in Greece. The Persian King had sent messengersto_43_city,ordering the Greeks to surrender. But the Greeks said, “ No. We will fight. We will be free. And so there was agreat stir_44_the land. The men arme

18、d themselves, and made preparati ons 45 the Persia n in vaders.There was only one way by which the Persia n army could_46_Greece, _47_ was by a narrow pass betwee n themountains and the sea. This pass was guarded by Leoni das, King of the Sparta ns, _48_ three hun dred Sparta nsoldiers.Soon the Pers

19、ian soldiers came into sight. There were_49_many of them that it was _50_to count them. Howcould Leoni das with such a_51_ force hope to sta nd aga inst such a powerful en emy?Yet Leoni das and his Sparta ns held their gro und. They were determ ined to resist the in vaders. Some one broughtthem word

20、 that the Persia ns came in such great nu mbers that their arrows darke ned the _52_.“ So much th_53_, said the Sparta ns. “ Weshall fight inthe _54_. Bravely they stood in the narrow pass. Bravely they fought their enemy. To Sparta ns there was no suchthing_55_fear.They cut dow n the in vaders in l

21、arge nu mbers. Their spears were broke n; yet they stood side _56_ side, fight ing tothe_57_. Some fought with swords, some with daggers, and some with their fists and teeth.All day long the Persia n army was held at the pass. But whe n the sun went dow n, there was no one Sparta nleft_58_.Thousa nd

22、s of Persia n soldiers had_59 _ before those brave Sparta ns. And Greece was saved.Nearly two thousa nd five hun dred years have passed since the n, but men still love to tell the story of Leoni das and thebrave three hun dred, who died_60_52.earthmoonun iversesun53.goodbestbetterwell54.roomshadesea

23、country55.withthatasliketheir countrys sake.ABCD41.i n dan gerout of dan gerdan gerouson danger42.leadi ngto leadledhav ingled43.atheallevery44.throughthroughoutatun der45.meet ingto meeti ngto meetmeet46.arrivegeten teren ter in47.thatwhichitthis48.byofforwith49.verysuchsotoo50. possibleimpossiblea

24、bleun able51. smallweaklargepoor56.bytoonwith57.firstn extbravestlast58.deadalivelyi ngalone59.passedleftfalle nfled60.forofbyfromII.Readi ng comprehe nsion: 20%Directions: Read the follow ing four passages. Each passage is followed by several questi ons. For each of them there arefour choices marke

25、d A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best accord ing to the in formati on give n in the passage youhave just read.(A)The car industry suffered another setback yesterday when Lucas Electric Company announ ced that many of its 12,000workers at 15 factories in the West midla nds would be going on

26、short time.“ There will be a requirement for some short -time working in selected product areas and the5final details will be orga ni zed on site-by-site basis/ a Lucas spokesma n said in Birmin gham.The factories cover all area from Telford, Shropshire, to Solihull in the West Midlands. Many of tho

27、se involved arewomen and the products include alternators, batteries and headlamps. For many families the wife has bee n the sole earnerin rece nt mon ths.”The Lucas announcement is expected to have an aggravated effect on the region rapidly decli ning economy.The compa ny spokesma n said that not a

28、ll the 12,000 would be affected; about 20 perce nt of the staff would not beaffected at all.The announ ceme nt comes after BL product ion cuts in the Austi n-Rover divisi on with a two-week extended holidayfor 8,000 workers because of the sluggish (疲軟的)market. Dunlop in Birm in gham has made a simil

29、ar decisi on. Lucassaid that it was also because of reduct ions in the schedules of other customers in the car in dustry. It was emphasized thatit was temporary and its durati on would depe nd on how many cars were sold in the coming mon ths.61. Accord ing to the passage, we lear n the bad n ews for

30、 the car in dustry from_A. The announ ceme nt of product ion cuts by the Austi n-RoverB. the report of the sluggish market for the car in dustry IC. the announ ceme nt of short-time work ing by LucasD. the reduct ions in the schedules of some customers62. Which of the followi ng is TRUE about the ba

31、d news?A. Workers would work a five-day week.B. Wome n would have to take early retireme nt.C. 8,000 workers would have fewer paid holidays tha n before.D. It would make the area s economy even worse.63. Which of the followi ng is NOT produced by the West Midla nds factories?A. Batteries.B. Homs.C.

32、Headlamps D. Alternators.64. Accord ing to the passage, how many workers would NOT be affected by the bad n ews?A.About 2,400. B.About 5,000. C.About 8,000.D.About12,000.(B)There is an alarmi ng possibility that our America n economy is movi ng in the direct ion of what some people call atwo-tier so

33、ciety - a large population of people with middle-class or higher in comes and values, with a con siderable in creaseat the top, and a large nu mber of people who have bee n econo mically and culturally un coupled from the main society.A great many econo mists, myself in cluded, feel un easy about th

34、e fact that 70 perce nt of the economy does what iscalled service work and only 30 perce nt does what is called goods-related work. New tech no logy keeps en teri ng theeconomy and bringing employme nt in to disorder. When you look back at how the American economy developed , you seea migration off

35、the farm into the factory and out of the factory into the office. The main push has come from tech no logy.There has been relatively little new machinery to push people out of the office, but thats cha nging no w. If the computercreates jobs in the office, the service sector will in crease and there

36、 will be no squeez ing of employme nt. But if tech no logypresses service people out of work, I dont know where they are going to go.Pers on ally, I think America n optimism is in for a very severe challe nge. We have always considered ourselvesvirtually to have a right to be number one in the world

37、. But of course we don t have any suchight or assuranee. And we haveto be patiently prepared for the unsettling fact that we are nu mber two, or three, or four in many ways. In terms of health, forin sta nee, we have fallen seriously behind , and that s a big blow to our smfege.In the next 20 years

38、the government will have to take active steps in providing work and in come for the bottom one thirdof the populati on. The gover nment un willi ngly provides some sort of in come, but it does n t provide work. And work isesse ntial for peoplelseseect andalso for the buildi ng of many kinds of basic

39、 frameworks that are n eeded in the coun try.65. The author finds that_.A. the American society is being driven into a dead end of its economical developmentB. the American people are being forced to concentrate in two sharply contrasting economic positi onsC. the majority of America ns have con sid

40、erably in creased their in comes theyneed.D. the requireme nt for in come rather tha n for work is of first importa nee to America n people66. The author thi nks that America ns are_.A. threate ned with the dan ger of los ing their econo mic superiorityB. entitled to take the leading place in the wo

41、rld economyC. enjoyi ng high employme nt owi ng to the push of new tech no logyD. prepared for a big blow to their self-image67. According to the passage , what the author worries about is that_ .A. America ns have lost the possibility of choos ing their jobsB. the gover nment is un willi ng to prov

42、ide some sort of in come for the bottom one third of the populati onC. work is no Ion ger esse ntial for America n people-respectelfD. the service people would have trouble finding jobs once they become un employed68. In the author s opinion, American economy.A. has bee n brought to a possible depre

43、ssi onB. has developed by turni ng farmers into office workersC.should adjust the improper divisi on of work and wealthD.may count on new tech no logy to create more jobs for the un employed(C)Considering the remarkable progress made in banning tobacco in international air travel, perhaps the time h

44、as comefor the World Health Organization (WHO) to lead the fight to make the world smoke-free. For a start , it can coord in ateefforts to n arrow the intern ati onal gaps in cigarette taxes and warning labels, both significant tools in the fight to cutsmoking. Needless to say, there must be no wate

45、ring down of any international standard. If it is difficult to set uniform globalsta ndards at once, WHO can try to bring about uniform sta ndards on a regi onal basis. That is to say, one set of sta ndardsfor North America, ano ther for East Asia, yet ano ther for Africa,a nd so on.This regional ap

46、proach is already in effect in Europe: The 15 member states in the European Union have agreed to banall cigarette advertiseme nts by the year 2006.Nowhere is the n eed for a un iform policy approach more press ing tha n in un derdeveloped countries. Poor andill-informed, consumers in these countries

47、 are particularly vulnerable to advertiseme nts laun ched by Big Tobacco from thedeveloped world.During a visit to Cambodia last July, billboard after billboard advertising various brands of imported cigarettes greetedme as soon as I arrived in Phnom Penh. Huge billboards featuring the Marlboro cowb

48、oy sit atop office buildi ngs, whilebrand-new Mild Seven posters decorate almost every major thoroughfare in the Cambodia n capital. In deed, I thi nk I sawmore cigarette advertisements in Phnom Penh than in the billboard jungles in Tokyo.Cambodia is one of the poorest coun tries in Southeast Asia.

49、GDP per capital was just $268 (1997 extimate). Wagesare low, with gover nment employees such as police officers and teachers earning a mere $10-15 a mon th. It is from thewallets of these poor people that tobacco makers are determ ined to make money by push ing goods that is labeled by theWHO as dan

50、 geroustohealth.Thus, on one hand, we have developed nations like Japan pouring huge sums of money into Cambodia in a bid torestore an economy that has bee n ravaged by years of civil war. On the other hand, we have tobacco companies from thesesame donor countries unioading a harmful product on the

51、populace as soon as their own cigarette markets are being cutback. What a farce(鬧劇)!)!69. The writer seems to urge WHO to_ .A. start a campaig n on banning tobacco tradeB. narrow the international gap in cigarette taxes and warning labelsC. set a series of global sta ndardsD. direct a campaig n towa

52、rd a smoke-free world70. We can infer from the passage that“Marlboro”and“Mild Seven”are cigarettes made in_A. econo mically adva need coun triesB. poor AfricaC. un derdeveloped coun triesD. Cambodia71. The passage implies that_.A. there is great need for a regional approach to ban tobacco in poor an

53、d ill- informed countries.B. the writer saw fewer cigarette advertiseme nts in Japa n tha n in CambodiaC. a uniform policy approach will soon come into effect in Southeast Asia.D. the tobacco makers would ignore WHOs warni ng of tobaccos dan ger tohealth72. In the last paragraph, the writer intends

54、to_.A. throw light on the fact that the tobacco compa nies are doing harm to CambodiaB. reveal the fact that Japa n has don ated a fortune to CambodiaC. appeal to the world to stop the farceD. illustrate the gap betwee n the developed and un derdeveloped coun tries(D)Scientists have devised a way to

55、 determine roughly where a person has lived using a strand(縷)of hair, a technique that could help track the movements of criminal suspects or unidentifiedmurder victims.The method relies on measuring how chemical variations in drinking water show up inpeoples hair.“Yoare what you eat and drink,and t

56、hat recorded in your hair, said Thure Ceiling, ageologist at the uni versity of Utah.While U.S. diet is relatively identical, water supplies vary. The differences result from weather patter ns. The chemicalcompositi on of rain fall cha nges slightly as rain clouds move. Most hydrogen and oxygen atom

57、s in water are stable, buttraces of both elements are also present as heavier isotopes(同位素).The heaviest rain falls first As a result, storms thatform over the Pacific deliver heavier water to Califor nia tha n to Utah.Similar patter ns exist throughout the U.S. By measuri ng the proporti on of heav

58、ier hydroge n and oxyge n isotopesalong a stra nd of hair, scie ntists can con struct a geographic timeli ne. Each inch of hair corresp onds to about two mon ths.Cerling team collected tap water samples from 600 cities and constructed a map of the regi onal differe nces. Theychecked the accuracy of

59、the map by test ing 200 hair samples collected from 65 barber shops.They were able to accurately place the hair samples in broad regi ons roughly corresp ondingto the moveme nt of rain systems.It nots good for pinpointing (精確定位),Ceding said. It good for eliminating many possibilities. ”Todd Park, a

60、local detective, said the method has helped him learn more about an unidentified woman whose skeletonwas found near Great Salt Lake. The woman was 5 feet tall. Police recovered 26 bon es, a T-shirt and several stra nds ofhair.When Park heard about the research, he gave the hair samples to the resear


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