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1、寵物醫(yī)師與寵物主人的有效溝通介紹:根據在美國從事 20 年咨詢服務工作的經驗,筆者意識到, 成功運營動物醫(yī)院最重要的工具就是有效的溝通。有效的溝通能夠讓 客戶更愿意接受服務, 讓客戶對醫(yī)院更加信任, 從而接受醫(yī)生的建議, 放心地把寵物留在醫(yī)院進行治療。方法:促進與客戶更有效的溝通,有以下 3 點主要方法1. 我們需要了解的是, 溝通是一種雙向的路徑, 需要有演講者 (醫(yī) 院員工)與聽眾(客戶)。演講者需要經過培訓,才能讓聽眾了解醫(yī) 院工作流程的重要性。2. 有效的溝通應有一種固定的模式, 每位員工都需要遵循該模式。 預防獸醫(yī)學的 5 個步驟是促進溝通有用的工具。3. 同時,所有的溝通都應建立在

2、同情心與高質量服務的基礎上。溝通的基礎是員工教育:有效溝通的基礎來源于員工與醫(yī)生們豐 富的知識和高度的自信。沒有足夠的知識與經驗,無法讓客戶了解醫(yī) 院為什么需要進行如此復雜的工作流程。提高員工的自信,方法就是 讓他們在醫(yī)院里通過學習、培訓、接觸各種不同的病例,從而增強他 們的經驗和知識。員工教育對于醫(yī)院的成功至關重要,因為大部分的 溝通都是從員工開始,又從員工結束。如果計算一下,動物醫(yī)院中非 專業(yè)員工與客戶相處的時間是臨床獸醫(yī)與客戶相處時間的兩倍。當客 戶第一次打電話或者拜訪醫(yī)院,員工首先與客戶交談并邀請他來醫(yī) 院。此時正是員工開始對客戶進行教育的時機,早于醫(yī)生對客戶的寵 物進行檢查的時候。

3、在檢查室時, 醫(yī)生來之前, 員工還可以進行體溫、 脈搏的檢測。這是一個很好的機會,員工可以向客戶解釋該寵物現在 的狀況以及醫(yī)生可能會給出怎樣的建議等等。所以,員工的知識與教 育程度非常重要,員工的參與能提高醫(yī)生診斷的價值。當醫(yī)生的診斷 結束后,員工可再次安慰客戶, 讓客戶放心。 醫(yī)生檢查和診斷的結果, 對寵物的護理會有一系列的建議和計劃。這也是員工進行客戶教育的 重要時機。 ADDS (該治療方案的好處、不執(zhí)行該治療方案的后果、 醫(yī)生所提建議的關鍵點、整個故事)是我的醫(yī)生們通常使用的促進醫(yī) 患有效溝通的方法。因為溝通是雙向的,那么聽取客戶的意見,記錄 客戶的需求就是溝通非常重要的組成部分。需要

4、告之客戶、需要客戶 同意的內容,也都是應該記錄在案。當客戶決定是否在這所醫(yī)院治療 他們的寵物時,他們想要知道以下 3 件事情,當然醫(yī)生可以向客戶進 行解釋,但是值得信賴的員工也可以承擔這項任務:1. 我將會付費多少?2. 我的寵物怎么了,你們將要做些什么?3. 多久能恢復,以后會復發(fā)嗎? 當解釋明白后,客戶就會同意醫(yī)生的建議,同時簽署醫(yī)療合同。 醫(yī)療合同中除了醫(yī)療方案外,應當包括醫(yī)療費用、支付方式以及寵物 送診時間。當然還應留下客戶電話,以便當醫(yī)生想對醫(yī)療方案進行修 改時, 能隨時聯(lián)系到客戶。 除了急診以外, 在沒有簽署醫(yī)療合同之前, 不采取診療措施。所有這些對客戶進行溝通教育的行為,都要求員

5、工 自身的水平非常高。每月?lián)艹鎏囟ǖ臅r間進行一次的室內員工培訓, 是醫(yī)院向員工表示院方非常重視員工的教育與培訓。員工會議是撥出 特定的時間, 員工與醫(yī)生一起討論病例和客戶, 也是員工學習的過程。 有一個原則:教育讓人更有責任感。同理,通過員工來對客戶進行教 育的重要性可見一斑。制度化標準化的溝通技巧:當雙方進行溝通時,我們總是希望說 有意思的事情。在一個忙碌的動物醫(yī)院里,每天會同時發(fā)生太多的事 情,電話鈴聲、犬吠聲、客戶在前臺咨詢,正在給寵物做術前準備, 準備迎接送診的動物,客戶在等待治療評價等等,所有這些營造出一 個壓力環(huán)境。當客戶匆匆忙忙時,我們與客戶交談,往往也會漏掉或 忽略我們應當對他

6、們解釋或建議的內容。如果每個員工都有一個自檢 目錄,就能提醒我們自己不會忽略該向客戶交代的所有要素。 在過 去的 20 年中,筆者在多家動物醫(yī)院推廣預防獸醫(yī)學 5 步自檢目錄, 獲得了很大成功。該自檢目錄適用于所有動物醫(yī)院,同時也可因地制 宜,根據每家醫(yī)院不同的需要作調整。 該自檢目錄最重要的價值在于, 醫(yī)院的每一位員工都可以統(tǒng)一地對客戶進行教育、解釋和建議。自檢 目錄也是病例的一部分,能夠顯示在醫(yī)生提出建議之后,最終客戶選 擇了那種醫(yī)療方案,又放棄了哪些方案。面向客戶進行制度化標準化 的溝通、教育與建議,對于醫(yī)院經營的成功與否非常重要。自檢目錄樣本如下:客戶姓名 日期其他寵物名 就診目的:

7、新寵物 檢查 注射疫苗六個月體檢,每年 CBC/GP 與免疫效價疫苗佐劑 疫苗效價 每年基本血常規(guī) Q6M 檢查建議1 、 營養(yǎng)健康食品供應商來源iVet 食譜 i Vet 食療 O3O6 FA/Zn 食品 Rx 食譜建議2、 體內和體外寄生蟲預防,人畜共患病Q3M 糞便檢查 跳蚤/ 心絲蟲預防 渦蟲疫苗建議3、 口腔衛(wèi)生對于健康的重要性牙膠 牙齒印模材料 洗牙 抗生素建議4 、 動物行為學,人與動物的交流一般咨詢 處方 行為學家咨詢建議5 、 該診所特有的選項卵巢切除 / 去勢手術 肛門腺 通便化毛膏 寵物美容建議富有同情心的溝通是建立在人與動物情感紐帶( Human Animal Bond

8、 )的基礎上。只要 HAB 成為員工溝通的一部分,員工就能與客 戶進行富有同情心的溝通。 HAB 不僅僅是你向客戶說了些什么, 而是 從你的身體語言就能感覺到。撫摸寵物的頭、脖子、尾巴,輕搓寵物 的腹部,這些身體語言都能在與交談時表現出與寵物的親密。與寵物 坐在同高度的地板上,能讓它們有回到家的感覺。如果醫(yī)生和醫(yī)院其 他員工能這樣做,會給客戶留下非常深刻的印象。在給寵物檢查完畢 提出醫(yī)療方案時, 就又能與寵物建立另一種 HAB ,同時讓客戶感受到 員工的同情心。帶領客戶參觀處置室與住院處,讓客戶放心地把寵物 留下來進行治療。關于擁有寵物與人們生活的關系,一直以來的研究 與事例數不勝數。在美國有

9、很多監(jiān)獄用寵物充當犯人在獄中的“室 友”。很多殘障人士,每天都接受寵物治療或陪伴。對于很多情緒紊 亂或精神失常的病人,與寵物共同生活也是一種先進的治療方式。人 們從最自然的層面了解寵物,同時,自己也回到了自然的狀態(tài)。擁有 寵物就像擁有了自然。所有這些知識,都應該通過醫(yī)院的員工傳達給 我們的客戶。當客戶理解了醫(yī)院所有的工作程序都是源自對動物的同 情,他們就更能理解了這些醫(yī)療程序的必要性。當客戶明白寵物更大 的價值時,他們也會對寵物更加照顧,就像對家人一樣。結論:我們已經知道通過教育促進溝通的重要性、預防獸醫(yī)學、HAB 這三個要素。 通過教育提高員工的知識, 嚴格的制度化的預防醫(yī) 學檢查,員工對

10、HAB 的知識,這三者是促進有效溝通,說服客戶的 基礎。有效的溝通能讓醫(yī)院、客戶、寵物三方都得到最好的結果。Successful Client Communication in Veterinary Hospitals in the USAIntroduction: Through 20 years experience as a consultant in the US, I have recognized the most important tools that practitioners need to polish to make their practice successful.

11、 These are COMMUNICATIOtoNols that are used for better service rendered to the CLIENTS.Through the optimum communication clients build high level trust and confidence in the clinician. As a result of the trust their pets are left for the services and treatment that were recommended by the clinician.

12、Method: I would like to point out 3 important ways that the communication becomes successful.1. We need to understand the communication is definitely two way street. It means there are the speaker and the listener ( staff and clients). Speaker should be highly educated for the listener to be able to

13、 understand the importance of the procedures.2. It also takes a form of structure and every one need to follow this formality as part of the system. 5 Steps of Preventive Medicine is highly effective tools for communication.3. Also, all above action for commutation should be based on compassion and

14、Quality to the eyes of clients. Otherwise client might perceive the value of the treatment and recommendation as part of merchandizing.Communication based on Staff Education: Effective communication starts from the knowledge and confidence of the staff and doctors. Without knowledge and experience n

15、o one can speak up for the pets medical need and why it is important to get the procedures done. Only way to experience the staff confidence is to have them learn and experience through education, training and exposure to many different scenario within the hospital. Staff education is so vital for t

16、he success of the hospital since most communication is going to be initiated by the staff and most communication is finished by the staff also. If calculate the percentage of time that aclinician spends with the clients it willbe lessthan 30% compared to the para-professional encounter is more than

17、double of doctors. When clients calls the clinic or visits initially, staff first talks and invited them to the hospital. Even in walk-in cases, the communication starts with questions on the condition of pets and how the problems started. In a wellness care cases also, staff can communicate about p

18、reventive medical elements. This is the moment that the staff (receptionist) can plant the seeds to educate the clients before their pets are examined by the doctor. During the examination room also, staff can do TPR( temperature, Pulse and Respiration check) before doctor comes in for examination.

19、This is also a great opportunity to speak to clients about the conditions of the pets and what doctor may speak to them pertaining to the condition of the pets. So, staff knowledge and their education can be so valuable since their participation enhances the value of the doctor's time at the tim

20、e doctor evaluate the cases and make diagnosis. Once the diagnosis is finished staff can revisit to comfort the clients also with words of assurance. As a result of doctor' s examination and diagnosis there will berecommendations and plan for the care of the pets. This is when the techniciansand

21、 para-professionals can participate in the act of client education. ADDS( Advantages of the treatment process, Disadvantages what the treatment is not followed through, Distinction of the particular process that doctor is proposing, and Storytelling ) is one of the tools that many of my doctors are

22、using to make the communication more effective. As the communication is two-way-street listening to what clients say and putting in record on what they request are such a vital part of communication. The component the clients should be told and what they agreed should be all in record also. When cli

23、ents leave the pets at the clinic for treatment there are 3 things they wants to know and it should be clearly explained before and/or during the treatment. Although it might be best that doctors explain about these items, depending on the level of trust staff may be able to do it effectively.1. How

24、 much it will cost when I return?2. What is wrong with my pet and what will be done about it?3. How soon will it get better and will it happen again?Once these are fully explained Client leave a notation that they agreed to the proposal through a paper trail. Agreement should be formulated as part o

25、f the written record regarding cost of the treatment, method of payment and time of discharge of the patients. Client' s contact phone member is essentialin an event that doctor might change the course of treatment for the best care of the pet. No treatment should be performed unless it is an em

26、ergency so that the contact number is so crucial for the approval of additional treatment. All these act of communication and education of the client requires high leveleducation of staff. Once of month in-house training by setting aside a designated time is a good example to show the staff the hosp

27、ital is serious about staff training and education. Staff meeting set aside in advance will be a good tool for the staff and doctors communicate to discuss about the patients and clients as part of the learning process. Knowing the principle that“Educated personbecomes more responsible and responsiv

28、e ” , the importance of client education through staff knowledge should be further emphasized.Structured Skills on Communication: We all want to say impressive things to the other party when we communicate. In a busy veterinary practice, there are so manythings happening simultaneously. Ringing of t

29、he phone, dogs barking, clients asking for the medication at the front desk. Surgical patient being prepared, getting it ready for the discharge animals, clients waiting for treatment estimates: all these put us in a pressure cooker leading us to a stressful environment. Speaking to clients when the

30、y are in such a hurry even makes us to forget and/or neglect what we need to explain and recommend. Having a formulated check list for recommendation is a good way not to skip routine and regular steps of preventive medical procedures as well as elective elements when patients are in the examination

31、 room. Author has used 5 Steps of Preventive Medicine Check list over the last 20 years to manydifferent practices with total success. This check list is for a general practice although it can be altered in such a way that fits the practice ' s needs. Most important thing of this list is that the staff can uniformly can educate, explain and recommendthe procedures. This is also becomes part of the medical record showing what was recommended and what procedures are not followed through after recommendation. This structured process of communication through education and


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