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1、Period 2知識(shí)講練課學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)1.Master the usages of such important words and expressions as:attend,absorb,cure,blame,link,instruct,expose,put forward,apart from,look into;etc.2.Learn the method of constructing knowledge trees through self-study and cooperative exploration.3.Enjoy the fun of expressing yourself

2、using English and participate in class with a strong passion.學(xué)習(xí)過程一、詞匯精粹1.attend vt.照顧,護(hù)理;出席,參加;處理【教材原句】 John Snow was a famous doctor in Londonso expert,indeed,that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician.約翰·斯諾是倫敦一位著名的醫(yī)生他的確醫(yī)術(shù)精湛,因而成了維多利亞女王的私人大夫?!居^察思考】(1)John Snow attended to Queen V

3、ictoria as her personal physician.約翰·斯諾作為私人醫(yī)生照顧維多利亞女王。(2)Many people attend church every Sunday.很多人每周日去做禮拜。(3)I will attend to the matter immediately.我會(huì)立刻處理這件事。(4)Many people attend class at the weekend.很多人周末上課。【歸納總結(jié)】用法:attend (to sb./sth.) attend to sb./sth. 搭配:attend class/school &#

4、160; 參加婚禮/典禮/葬禮/演講/聚會(huì) 2.absorb vt.吸收;理解【教材原句】 The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.第二種看法是人們是在吃飯時(shí)把這種病引入體內(nèi)的?!居^察思考】(1)Plants absorb oxygen.植物吸收氧氣。(2)Clever children absorb knowledge easily.聰明孩子容易吸收知識(shí)。(3)I was absorbed in a book and didn􀆳

5、;t hear you call.我正專心讀書,沒聽見你叫我。【歸納總結(jié)】全神貫注于,熱衷于 3.cure v.治好(疾病等),解決n.治愈,痊愈【教材原句】 Neither its cause nor its cure was understood.人們既不知道它的起因,也不知道它的治愈方法?!居^察思考】(1)She tried every means to cure her child of the bad habit.她用盡一切辦法讓孩子擺脫壞習(xí)慣。(2)This medicine will cure you of your cough.這種藥能治好你的咳嗽。(3)So far

6、,the cure for AIDS has not been found yet.目前還沒有藥品能治愈艾滋病?!練w納總結(jié)】cure作動(dòng)詞時(shí)的習(xí)慣用法是;作名詞時(shí)經(jīng)常和介詞搭配使用。 4.blame vt.責(zé)備,把歸咎于n.責(zé)備;過失【教材原句】 It seemed that the water was to blame.看來水是罪魁禍?zhǔn)住!居^察思考】(1)Which driver was to blame for the accident?這事故是哪個(gè)司機(jī)的責(zé)任?(2)He blamed his failure on his partner.=He blamed his partn

7、er for his failure.他把他的失敗歸咎于他的搭檔。(3)You shouldn􀆳t lay the blame for the failure on your teacher.你不應(yīng)該把這次失敗歸咎于你的老師?!練w納總結(jié)】表示被動(dòng),某人(因?yàn)槟呈?要受到責(zé)備 =把歸咎于某人 lay/put the blame on 把歸咎于某人5.link vt. & n.連接;聯(lián)系【教材原句】 In another part of London,he found supporting evidence from two other deaths

8、that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak.在倫敦的另一個(gè)地區(qū),他從兩個(gè)與寬街暴發(fā)的霍亂有關(guān)聯(lián)的死亡病例中又發(fā)現(xiàn)了有力證據(jù)?!居^察思考】(1)The new bridge will link the island to the mainland.新的橋梁將把該島與大陸連接到一起。(2)The new company linked with several older ones to protect itself.那家新公司與幾家較老的公司聯(lián)合以保護(hù)自己。 (3) Researchers have detected a link between s

9、moking and heart disease.研究人員發(fā)現(xiàn)了吸煙和心臟病之間的關(guān)系。【歸納總結(jié)】把和連接到一起 聯(lián)合 和的聯(lián)系 6.instruct vt.命令;指示;教導(dǎo)【教材原句】 The water companies were instructed no to expose people to polluted water any more.自來水公司被要求不能再讓人們接觸被污染了的水?!居^察思考】(1)She is instructing a class in history.她在給一個(gè)班的學(xué)生上歷史課。(2)He was instructed to

10、 sail for New York.他奉命乘船前往紐約。(3)Read the instructions on the pocket.看一下袋子上的說明?!練w納總結(jié)】教授某人技巧 說明,指示,(經(jīng)常用復(fù)數(shù)) 7.expose vt.揭露,使曝光,使面臨,使暴露【教材原句】 But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.但是當(dāng)他一想到要幫助那些受到霍亂威脅的普通百姓,他就感到很振奮。【觀察思考】(1)Don􀆳t expose y

11、our skin to direct sunlight,or you􀆳ll get sunburnt.不要讓你的皮膚直接暴露于陽光下,否則你會(huì)被曬傷。(2)We want to expose the kids to art and culture as much as possible.我們想盡可能多的讓孩子接觸藝術(shù)和文化。(3)There were reports that about 160 local residents may be exposed to radiation in Japan.有報(bào)道稱,日本大約160名當(dāng)?shù)鼐用窨赡芤呀?jīng)遭受核輻射?!練w納總結(jié)】使某人/物

12、暴露在/面臨著某事;使人接觸到某物 暴露于,處于危險(xiǎn)中 二、短語集錦1.put forward 提出;推薦;撥快【觀察思考】(1)I will put you forward for the club secretary.我將推薦你當(dāng)俱樂部的秘書。 (2)He put forward a better plan.他提出了一個(gè)更好的計(jì)劃。(3)My watch was four minutes slow,so I put it forward.我的表慢了四分鐘,所以我往前撥了一下。(4)They put forward the meeting by one week.他們把會(huì)

13、議提前了一周。【歸納拓展】put oneself/sb. forward put sth. forward put 撲滅,生產(chǎn) put 舉起,搭建,張貼 put 增加體重 put 推遲 put 穿上,上演 put 容忍 put 放下,寫下,鎮(zhèn)壓 put 接通(電話),完成 2.apart from 除了之外【觀察思考】(1)Apart from his nose,he is good-looking.他除了鼻子以外,哪兒都很好看。(2)Apart from the injuries to his

14、 face and hands,he broke both legs.他除了臉部和雙手受傷外,兩條腿也斷了?!練w納總結(jié)】apart from既表示,也表示 【辨析】besides/except/except for/apart frombesides是“除了以外(還有)”的意思,有肯定的附加意義,表示在整體中加上一部分,除去的部分包括在內(nèi),是包容關(guān)系;還可作副詞,表示“另外”,相當(dāng)于in addition。except 是“除了以外(沒有)”的意思,表示在整體中減去一部分,除去的部分要排除在外,是排除關(guān)系。前后名詞性質(zhì)相同。except for 意思是“除之外”,用于引述細(xì)節(jié)以修正和

15、補(bǔ)充句子的主要意思。前后名詞性質(zhì)不相同。apart from 具有多重意義,既可表示besides,也可表示except或except for。3.look into【教材原句】 Next,John Snow looked into the source of the water for these two streets.接下來,約翰·斯諾調(diào)查了兩條街的水源?!居^察思考】(1)He looked into her eyes.他凝視著她的眼睛。(2)He looked into the magazine and put it down at once.他瀏覽了一下那本雜志,馬上就放下

16、了。(3)Let􀆳s look into the problem together and figure out a way to solve it.我們一起來研究一下這個(gè)問題,想出解決辦法。【歸納總結(jié)】look into  三、重點(diǎn)句型1.Neither its cause,nor its cure was understood.人們既不知道它的起因,也不知道治愈方法。【典例背誦】 Neither you nor I,nor anybody else knows the answer.你、我、其他任何人都不知道答案。【歸納總結(jié)】neither.nor既不也不,連接

17、并列主語時(shí),按照原則使用單復(fù)數(shù)。 【注意】 類似的連詞還有 2.So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.每次有霍亂爆發(fā),都會(huì)有成千上萬驚恐的人們死去?!镜淅痴b】 Every time I see him,he always smiles to me.每次見到他,他總是對(duì)我微笑。【歸納總結(jié)】every time可作,相當(dāng)于whenever連接時(shí)間狀語從句,類似的還有等。某些表示“立刻、馬上”等時(shí)間意義的副詞也可以用作連詞,如:等。 3.John Snow

18、 suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined.約翰·斯諾建議所有的水源都要經(jīng)過檢測(cè)。比較:Her pale face suggested that she was ill.她的臉色說明她病了。【總結(jié)歸納】suggest表示“建議”時(shí),后面的賓語從句要用,結(jié)構(gòu)形式是,should可以省略。同suggest一樣的動(dòng)詞還有等表示“命令、堅(jiān)持、要求”的動(dòng)詞;但suggest表示“”的意義時(shí)不用虛擬語氣。 四、成果展示1.If I take this medicine twice a day,it s

19、hould c my cold. 2.Black cloth (吸收) light. 3.It seemed that the polluted water (應(yīng)該被譴責(zé)). 4.I will tell him (一就) I see him. 5.I don􀆳t really like citiesgive me the countryside every time.(Translation) 6.你知道癌癥和吸煙有關(guān)嗎?(be linked to) 7.用attend,join,join in,take part

20、in的合適形式填空。(1)My father a revolutionary organization in 1938. (2)Why didn􀆳t you the talk last night? (3)We􀆳ll social activities during the summer vacation. (4)He will an important meeting tomorrow. 課堂練習(xí)挑戰(zhàn)一小試牛刀1.司機(jī)應(yīng)該為這次事故承擔(dān)責(zé)任。 2.When I opened the door,I found

21、 my father sitting in his chair,completely a magazine. A.absorbing inB.absorbed inC.absorbing toD.absorbed to 3.Neither his face nor his clothes (attract) me. 4.這種藥能治好你的咳嗽。 5.用expose的適當(dāng)形式完成句子。 ads for a long time will surely influence one􀆳s ideas on purchase. 6.The bad w

22、eather was partly for crop failure this year. A.blameB.to blameC.blamingD.to have blamed7.選詞填空。(注意形式)expose,attend,apart from,blame,link(1)It is the most instructive lecture that I since I came to this school. (2)The journalist the official􀆳s scandal the public. (3) cleaning

23、the yard and making up the beds for the old,we also read newspapers for them and had chats with them. (4) for the breakdown of the school computer network,Alice was in low spirits. (5)You􀆳d better give up smoking,for many diseases smoking. 挑戰(zhàn)二走進(jìn)生活H7N9流感的暴發(fā)一直是一個(gè)挑戰(zhàn)。為了得出結(jié)論,專家調(diào)查一

24、些病例并進(jìn)行科學(xué)研究。護(hù)理患者的內(nèi)科醫(yī)生們提出了一些合理的建議,人們應(yīng)該多鍛煉,鍛煉有利于健康。除了鍛煉,我們還被教導(dǎo)不要接觸鳥、雞或者鴨,它們是這種病的病源。請(qǐng)你寫一篇100詞左右的短文分享給大家吧!要盡量使用這個(gè)單元的詞匯、短語和句型,如cure,suggest,attend,contribute to,apart from,be exposed to,be to blame for,look into,make a conclusion,every time。  課后作業(yè)1.Master what we have learned today.2.Make senten

25、ces by using each word or phrase.參考答案學(xué)習(xí)過程一、詞匯精粹1.【歸納拓展】注意,專心照顧,關(guān)照某人/某事上課/學(xué)attend a wedding/a ceremony/a funeral/a lecture/a party2.【歸納總結(jié)】 be absorbed in.3.【歸納總結(jié)】cure sb. of sth.for4.【歸納總結(jié)】be to blame(for sth.)blame sb.for sth.blame sth.on sb.5.【歸納總結(jié)】link.to.link with.a link between.and.6.【歸納總結(jié)】instr

26、uct sb. in sth.instruction7.【歸納總結(jié)】expose sb./oneself/sth. to sth.be exposed to二、短語集錦1.【歸納拓展】自薦或推薦某人為某職位的候選人提出,把時(shí)鐘往前撥;提前outupon weightoffonup withdownthrough2.【歸納總結(jié)】除之外包括在內(nèi)3.【歸納總結(jié)】向里看;瀏覽;研究三、重點(diǎn)句型1.【歸納總結(jié)】就近一致的or,either.or,whether.or,not only.but also.2.【歸納總結(jié)】連詞each time,next time,every time,the moment,the minute;immediately,directly,instantly3.【總結(jié)歸納】虛擬語氣should doinsist,order,demand,requir


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