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1、 Module 3 My school Un it 3 Lan guage in use 新課落實 實效課堂 1. di ning hall _ 飯廳 _ 2. scienee lab _ 科學實驗室_ 3.on the left of _ 在 . 的左邊 _ 4. between and _在 . 與 . 之間 . 5. 辦公樓 _ office _building _ 6. 體育館 _ sports _hall _ 7. 在 . 的中間 _ in _the_middle_of _ 8. 畢業(yè) _ leave _school _ 1. 學校中間是一個大操場。 _In _ the _ midd

2、le _ of the school is a big playground. 2. 圖書館在操場的左邊,靠近校門口。 The library is _ on _ the, _left_ of_ the playground near the school gate. 3. 這棟樓和飯廳之間是一棟有二十四間教室的教學樓。 _Between_ this buildi ng _ anQ the dining hall is the classroom buildi ng _ with twenty - four classrooms. 4. “操場在哪里? ”“它在體育館后面。” _Where _

3、 is一 the playgro und ? Its _ behind_ the sports hall. 1 behind prep .在 . 后面 觀察Lingling is behind Zhao Feng. 玲玲在趙峰的后面。 謀前自主預習 短語互譯 句型在線 課堂互動探究 2 探究behind 意為“在后面”,是方位介詞,如果接代詞,則用代詞賓格形式。 behind 的反義短語是 in front of,意為“在 . 的前面”;in the front of 則表示“在 內部的前面”。例如: Lily sits in front of me. 莉莉坐在我前面。 I sit behi

4、nd Lily. 我坐在莉莉后面。 活學活用 The teachers desk is _ the classroom. A. behind B. in front C. in front of D . in the front of 解析D 因為講桌在教室內部,所以選 D2 between prep .在 . 之間 觀察Gao Yans in front of Daming and between Zhao Feng and Li Min. 高燕在大 明的前面,在趙峰和李敏之間。 Who is between Mike and Lucy? 誰在邁克和露西之間? 探究between主要指兩者之

5、間,其賓語往往是表示兩者的名詞或代詞,或者是由 and 連接的兩個人或物。 注意:among般用于三者或三者以上,意為在 . 之間”,其賓語通常是一個表示 籠統(tǒng)數(shù)量或具有復數(shù)或集合意義的名詞或代詞。例如: Those ani mals are among the trees. 那些動物在樹林中。 活學活用 用 among 或 between填空 (1) He built a house _ among the trees. (2) John runs fastest _ among the students. (3) She is sitti ng _ between Lucy and Lil

6、y. 3 middle n.中間; 中央 觀察In the middle of the school is a big playground. 學校中間是一個大操 場。 探究in the middle of 意為在 . 的中間,其近義短語是 in the centre of 拓展middle 常構成短語: middle school 中學。例如: She is a stude nt at a middle school. 她是一名中學生。 1 Betwee n this buildi ng and the dining hall is the classroom build ing with

7、twe nty-four classrooms. 這棟樓和飯廳之間是一棟有二十四間教室的教學樓。 探究句中的 with表示帶有; 具有”。介詞短語with twenty-four classrooms 作后置定語,修飾the classroom buildi ng 。例如: There is a room with two doors. 這是一個有兩扇門的房間。 拓展with 作介詞,意為“和一起;共同”,后面可接名詞或代詞等。例如: 3 Tom is in Beijing with his brother. 湯姆和他弟弟在北京。 活學活用 (1)We are at No.2 Middle S

8、chool _ Lucy. A. with B. for C. in D. and 答案A (2)1 have a big house _ a garde n. A. in B . to C . of D . with 答案D 2 Wheres the playgrou nd? Its in the middle of the school. “操場在哪兒?” “它在學校中間?!?探究(1)where 是一個特殊疑問詞,對地點或位置進行提問。回答用“ Its/Theyre +方位介詞短語”。例如: Where is your bag? 你的書包在哪兒? Its on the bed. 它在床上

9、。 Where are your books? 你的書在哪里? They are in the bag. (2)句中 its 是 it is 不表示性別。例如: 它們在書包里。 的縮寫形式。it 用來指代上文提到的事物,不能指代復數(shù)名詞, 啤住Widi環(huán)下童用 I have a red coat. It is (Its) n ew. 我有一件紅上衣,它是新的。 拓展常見的表示方位的介詞 (1) on意為“在的上面”, 通常指一個物體在另一個物體的上面, 兩者之間有接觸。 例如: There is a book on the desk. 課桌上有一本書。 (2) in意為“在 里面”。例如: M

10、y mother is in the car. 我的媽媽在小汽車里。 under 意為“在下面”,常指一個物體在另一個物體的垂直下方, 二者之間往往 沒有接觸。例如: His bike is un der the tree. 他的自行車在樹下。 beside 意為“在 . 旁邊”。例如: Tony is beside the door. 托尼在門的旁邊。 4 活學活用 (1) Where are the pen cils? _ in the box. A. It is B. They are C. Those are D . Were 答案B (2) _ the scie nee lab? I

11、ts beh ind the library.5 B Whys D What 由答語可知問句在詢問地點。A Hows C Wheres 解析 C 6 1. . 在 的左邊 _on_theeft _of _ 2. 飯廳 _dining _hall _ 3. 科學實驗室 _science _lab _ 4 .在 . 禾廿 . 之間 _between an d_ 5.一座辦公樓 _an_office _building _ 6 .一個體育館 _a_sports _hall _ 7.教學樓 _classroom _building _ 8 .在 . 中間 _in _the_middle_of 9.微機

12、室 _computer_rooms_ 10 .在 . 的前面 _in _(the)_ front _of _ n.根據句意及首字母提示補全單詞 3. There are many books in our l_ library _. 4. We often run on the p_ playground in our school. 川.用所給詞的適當形式填空 1. What _ s_ (be) un der the desk? There _ are (be)some boxes, but there _ aren t _ (not be) any rulers. 2 . There ar

13、e some _ offices _ (office) in the building. 3 . Next to the dining hall _ is _ (be) the sports hall. 4 . We have a big _ sports (sport) hall. 5 . How many _libraries _ (library) are there in your school? IV .根據漢語意思完成句子 1.大明在玲玲后面。 Dami ng _ js _ behind_ Lin gli ng. 2 .你們學校有科學實驗室嗎? Are _ there_ any s

14、cie nee _ labs in your school? 3. 圖書館在教學樓的右邊。 The library is _ on _ the _ right _of一 the classroom buildi ng. 4. 在體育館前面的科技樓里有五個微機室。 There are five _ computer _ rooms in the scie nee buildi ng _ in _ _of_ the sports hall. 5. 湯姆的座位在托尼和貝蒂的座位之間。 Toms seat is _ betwee n Ton ys _ and一 Bettys. 1. There are

15、 three classroom b 2. In our school, there is a s_ buildings _ in our school. scienee_ lab. 5. The table is in the m_ 6. There is a basketball b middle_ of the room. behind the door. 7 . There are two computer r rooms in our school. 8 . China is a country w with_ a long history. 9 . Is there a post

16、office b betwee n the 10 . The di ning hall is n_ near_ the supermarket. front I .漢譯英 6. 飯廳在哪兒?” 它在圖書館的前面。8 _Where s_ the di ning hall? _It s _ in _ front of the I .單項填空 ( )1.There some milk in the fridge. A . am B. is C. are D . be 答案B ( )2. The buildi ng beh the dining hall is scienee. Its the sci

17、enee buildi ng. A . of B .from C . for D . in 解析C 介詞 for 表示為, 為了”。 ( )3 your teacher? She is in front of the office. A. Whos B . Wheres C. Whats D . Hows 答案B ( )4. _ office buildi ng is _ the left of the scie nee buildi ng. A. An; in B . A; on C. A; at D . An; on 解析D office 以元音音素開頭, 所以前面應該用不定冠詞 是固定搭

18、配,表示“在的左邊”。 ( )5.ln the _office, there is a televisio n. A. teacher B . teachers C. teacher D . teachers 答案B ( )6. _the library? Its in front of the sports hall. A . Whats B . Wheres C. Hows D . Whos 解析B 根據回答可知第一句對位置進行提問,所以答案是 B。 ( )7. _ there any apples on the table? No,_ . A . Are; there are B . A

19、re; there arent C . Is; there isnt D . Is; there arent 答案B ( )8.Our classroom building is _ the office building and the scienee lab. A . from B . between C . in D . on 答案B an 修飾;on the left of library ( )9. There is a classroom _ computers and televisi ons. A . of B . to C . in D . with 解析D 介詞 with表

20、示帶有,具有”。 ( )10.Lets go to the _ to play football this after noon. A. scienee lab B . playground C. library D . dining hall 答案B n.按要求完成下列各題 1. There are some caps in the room.( 改為否定句 ) There _ aren t _ _ any_ caps in the room. 2. There are some girls behind Miss Li.( 改為一般疑問句) Are there any girls behi

21、 nd Miss Li? 3. There are 40_dsks in our classroom.( 對畫線部分提問) _How _ many desks are there in your classroom? 4. Jim is behind me.( 改為同義句) I _ am _ in _front _ f 一 Jim. 5. There are two_classroom_buildings in front of the scienee lab.( 提問) _What is _ in front of the scienee lab? 6. _ Damings friend i

22、s under_the_tree .(對畫線部分提問) Where is Damin gs friend? 川.從 B 欄中找出能回答 A 欄中問句的答語 A ( )1.Where is your dicti on ary? ( )2.Are there any scie nee labs in your school? ( )3.Is there a dining hall in your school? ( )4.Is the gym next to the classroom? ( )5.Whats in the library? ( )6.Where are they? ( )7.Ar

23、e the classrooms n extto the scie nee labs? ( )8.Where is Tony from? ( )9.Whats your mothers job? ( )10.Where is Betty? B A . Yes, it is. B . They are in the classroom. C. Its on Miss Lis desk. D . No, there isnt. E . Yes, there are. F . Some new storybooks. G. Hes from Can ada. 對畫線部分 10 H . She is

24、an En glish teacher. I. She is in the park. J. Yes, they are. 答案1 5 CEDAF 6 10 BJGHI IV .閱讀理解 This is Toms bedroom. There is a desk near the window. You can see a chair under the desk. There are some Chin ese books, En glish diet ion aries and a cup on the desk. This is his bed. And there is a bag a

25、nd a coat on the bed. Whats in his bag? Its his En glish book. Where is his football? Oh, its beh ind the door. ( )1. The passage( 文章)is about Toms _ . A. school B . family C. bedroom D . friends room ( )2. His chair is_ . A. under the desk B . near the window C. on the floor D . under the bed ( )3.

26、 There are some _ on the desk. A. cup B . flowers C. dictionaries D . English books ( )4. _ is in the bag. A . A cup B . A coat C . An En glish book D . A picture ( )5. _ is beh ind the door. A . A bag B . A football C . A coat D . A chair 解析 1. C 由This is Toms bedroom. ”可知是介紹湯姆的臥室。 2 . A 3.C 4 . C

27、由Whats in his bag? Its his En glish book. ” 可知書包里是一本英語書。 5. B 由短文的最后兩句話可知他的足球在門后面。 V. 任務型閱讀 My nameis Zhang Hao. Mybrother is Zhang Qiang. Were Chinese at a middle school. There are three buildings in our school: an office building, a teaching building and a library building. There are 45 classrooms

28、 in the teaching building. There is a scie nee lab behi nd the teach ing buildi ng. Our house is next to our school. I n front of the house there is a small garde n. Weoften read in the garden. And we sing in it, too. Our father is a manager. He works in a hotel. He has a nice car. Behind the house there


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