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1、第一部分聽力(共兩節(jié) 20 小題,每小題 1.5 分,滿分 30 分)第一節(jié).聽下面 5 段對話,每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的 A、B、C 三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應位置。聽完每段 對話后,你都有 10 秒鐘的時間來回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題。每 段對話僅讀一遍。1. Who is pay ing the lunch now?A. They share the bill B. The woma n C. The man2. Who are the two speakers?A. WorkersB. Stude ntsC. Teachers3. What will the s

2、peakers do over the weeke nd?A. Go camp ing B. Stay at home C. Climb mountains4. Where are the speakers?A. In a bookstore B. On a bus C. At home5. What does the man ask the woma n to do?A. Get his key B. Start the car C. Wait for him第二節(jié).聽下面 5 段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的 A、 B、 C 三個選項中選出最佳選項, 并標在試卷的的相

3、 應位置。聽完每段對話或獨白前,你將有 5 秒鐘的時間閱讀各個小題; 聽完后,各小題將給出 5 秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。聽下面一段材料,回答第 6 和第 7 題6. Why does the woma n call the man?A. To tell him the time and place of a meeting.B. To tell him how to get toBirmi ngham.C. To tell him to visit Don White.7. Which train is the woma n tak ing?A. The 10:17 B. The

4、 10:45 C. The 11:15聽下面一段材料,回答第 8 和第 10 題8. When is their flight?A. In the morni ng B. In the after noonC. In the eve ning9. Why do the speakers n eed to stop off in Hong Kong?A. Direct flights are more expe nsive.B. They pla n to do some shopp ing there.C. There are no non-stop flights to Sin gapore

5、.10. How long will the speakers be away from home?A. Two days B. Ten days C. Twelve days聽下面一段材料,回答第 11 和第 13 題11. Where does this conversation take place?A. In a concert hall B. In a restaura ntC. In a theatre12. How does the woman feel in the conversation?A. Un happyB. Curious C. Excited13. What is

6、 the woma n going to do n ext?A. Start to work immediately B. Talk to the group C. Sit dow n to order聽下面一段材料, 回答第 14 和第 17 題 14. Why was Bill unhappy about thegame?A. Some players played poorly. B. The scores were tooclose. C. It lasted too long.15. Who cheered for the Tigers?A. Steve B. Bill C. Eri

7、c16. What was the one thi ng Bill said he enjoyed?A. His friends company. B. Supporting his team. C. Eating some food.17. What do you know about the woma n?A. She knows Bill well. B. She owns a restaura nt.C. Shedislikes football.聽下面一段材料,回答第 18 和第 20 題18. What do you kn ow about Cactus City Wild Wes

8、t Park?A. A place to see cowboys and cowgirls.B. A place for children to play in winter.C. A fun place for the whole family.19. When does the Wild West Show begi n?A. At 10 am weekdays. B. At 2 pm on weeke nds. C. At 2:30 pm everyday.20. When can people take free buses to the park?A. On Saturdays an

9、d Sun days.B. Throughout the week. C.In the eve ning.第二部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分 45 分 )第一節(jié) 單項填空(共 15 小題;每小題 1 分,滿分 15 分)從 A、 B、 C、D 四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項 .21. Even if you are inrush, pushing someone so that you canget into an elevator ( 電梯) isjustbad manners.A. a; /B. the; the C. a; theD. the; /22. This Engli

10、sh dictionary is expensive, but it is of _.A. useful B. great useC. no useD. useless23. Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his_ .A. energy B. force C. strength D. power24. _ is no possibility _ China wins FIFA WorldCup.A. There; that B. It; that C. There; whether D. It; whether25.

11、 _ surprised us most was that with all his money, he_ worry about a little thing like 5 cents.A. It; couldB. What; could C. What; should D. It; should26. _ came that he and his girlfriend had broken up justbecause he didn t keep his _ again.A. Word; wordsB. Word; wordC. A word; wordD. A word;words27

12、. Global warming has become a serious problem, _ we must findsolutions.A. which B. to which C. with whichD. that28. What made Tom scolded by the teacher? _ .A. He told a lieB. Told a lieC. Telling a lieD. To tell alie29. Mum, would you please buy me an ipad? If you can help do the dishes the whole v

13、acation, you _have one as a reward.A. would B. shall C. may D. must30. Linda, can you give me some tips on doing this project? Sorry, but I m not the person to _ how the job should bedone.A. determine B. persuade C. recommend D. influence31. On Christmas Eve, we put up some balloons to _ thefestival

14、 atmosphere.A. make for B. add to C. add up D. join in32. The poor man, _ , ran out of the dark cave.A. trembling and frightened B. trembled and frighteningC. trembled and frightened D. trembling and frightening33. His computer, which cost him a sum of money several weeks ago, isout of order and wan

15、ts _ , though it looks very new.A. to be repairing B. repaired C. repairing D. to repair34. Youare _ to have such a good teacher.A. fortune B. fortunate C. fortunately D. unfortunately35. Do you enjoy watching stand-up comedy? . I prefer to watch science fiction movies.A. Thank you B. Yes, I do C. G

16、o ahead D. Not really 第二節(jié) 完型填空(共20 小題;每小題 1.5 分,滿分 30 分) 閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C 和 D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項 .“Kevin, we are getting a divorce, ”said my mother. My heart plunged( 急降 ). I was 9 years old and I thought that my life was going to36_. My brother and I were going to move with mymother to sout

17、hern California. My dad was to _37_ in NewJersey because of work. My family was splitting apart.Now that my mom is a _ 38_ parent, I do my own laundry,make dinner and do extra chores around the house. _39_ itwas hard at first, I now recognize the positive _ 40_ that thisresponsibility had on me. My

18、mother gave me these _41_and duties so that I would learn to become self-disciplined( 自律的 )andtrustworthy.I strive to show these _42_ in my life, and have seen the benefits.When I was only 11 years old, my _43_ told me that he was selectingme as soccer team captain because of mydetermination and abi

19、lity to get my teammates to _ 44_themselves. We _ 45_ the championship, but I won the fairplay award for keeping my team together.disadvantages36. A. fall apartB. stand outC. carry onD. come true37. A. fightB. remain C. accompanyD. practice38. A. carelessB. cruelC. niceD. single39. A. AlthoughB. Bec

20、auseC. IfD. Since40. A. attitudeB. experience C. effectD. situation41. A. achievements B. abilitiesC. choresD.42. A. choresB. difficultiesC. feelingsD. qualities43. A. fatherB. headmasterC. brotherD. coach44. A. enjoyB. teachC. helpD. push45. A. wonB. lostC. had D. achieved46. A. wrongB. abnormalC.

21、dynamicD. violent47. A. afraidB. tired C. proud D. fond48. A. cheatB. persuade C. please D. cheat49. A. familiesB. jobsC. kidsD. partners50. A. stillB.notC.rarelD. less51. A. neverB. even C. everD. almost52. A. bestB. worst C. busiestD. first53. A. challengeB.protect C. beat D. ruin54. A. pain B. me

22、mory C. importance D. celebration55. A. obstacles B. families C. parents D. divorce 第三節(jié) 閱讀理解 (共 20小題;每小題 2 分,滿分 40 分) 閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C 和 D)中,選出 最佳選項 .AAny introduction to Peking Opera would not be complete without telling ofMei Lanfang. During his stage life, he combined the traditions of the

23、 pastwith his own creations, shaping a style of his own and giving birth to“The Mei Lanfang School ”.He was also the first artist to introducePeking Opera to an overseas audience, making it popular to the world.Mei Lanfang began his stage life at the age of 8. His teacher said heshowed little hope b

24、ecause of his boring eyes. To improve this, heexercised them day after day. Thanks to his efforts, he managed tochange his dull eyes into a pair of bright and expressive eyes and winnational fame before the age of 20.In over 50 years on the stage, Mei Lanfang played no less than100 different charact

25、ers in the performance. He also wrote many newplays, designing the dances himself. The many dances he created formpart of the great treasure that he left to PekingOpera. In 1930, Mei Lanfang started on a successful US tour. There hisbrilliant performances impressed the audience, making them realize

26、thatPeking Opera was a theatrical form of great value.56. Mei Lanfang was the first artist to introduce Peking Opera toA. ChinaB. audience C. the world D. schools57. How long did it take Mei Lanfang to exercise his eyes into bright andexpressive?A. About 8 years.B. About 10 years. C. About 12years.

27、D. About 14 years.58. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The history of Peking Opera.B. Mei Lanfang s early stage life.C. The performance of Peking Opera by Mei Lanfang.D. Mei Lanfang s great contributions to Peking Opera.BThe deserts of the world are not all covered with sand. Many of them hav

28、esurfaces of rock or clay or small stones. They are not flat, either. Theyoften have high hills and deep valleys. There is some plants life in manyparts of the desert. There is little rain in the desert, but it does fall oftenenough for most plants.The deserts of the world are not uninhabited(not li

29、ved by people). Peoplealso live outside oases( 綠洲 ), but these people are not farmers. Theyhave camels, goats, donkeys, sheep, etc. These animals can live on thedesert plants and do not need much water. The people of the desert haveto move constantly from place to place, they must always look for gr

30、ass ordesert plants for their animals. They usually live in tents. When there is nomore food for their animals, they fold up their tents, pat them on theircamels and donkeys, and move to another place. In good years, whenthere is enough food for their animals, they trade their skins and theirgoats a

31、nd camel hairs with the people of oases for wheat and fruit. But inbad years, when there is not enough food for their animals, the people ofthe desert would attack the oases people. But they are also hospitable, noman in the desert would ever refuse to give a stranger food and water.59. According to

32、 the passage, deserts are mostly made up ofA. clay B. rock C. stones D. sand60. The underlined word “hospitable ”has the meaning of beingA. brave B. cruel C. strange D. kind61. In the desert _ .A. it rains in spring only B. there is some rain, but far from enoughC. it rains for a short time every mo

33、nth D. the rainfall is just enough for theplants62. People live _ .A. only inside the oasesB. only outside the oasesC. both inside and outside the oasesD. in places with regularrainfalls63. From the passage we know that life _.A. is hard in desertsB. is happy in desertsC. is impossible in desertsD.

34、in deserts is much betternowCIndia has many festivais, with some celebrations that last for weeks.However, none of them come even close to Holi, India s most colorfuland fun festival. Celebrated on the day following the full moon, this years festival happens to be on March 19th.As with most Indian f

35、estivals, this one also has many different folk stories.Most of them center around the success of good over evil. The mostpopular one is about a king, who hates his son Prahlada for loving thecreator of the Universe Lord Vishnu. When every attempt to stop himfails, his sister, Holika believed to bei

36、mmune( 免疫的 ) to fire, joins in the effort by inviting the young boy tosit with her inside a huge fire. Helped by the power of Lord Vishnu,Prahlada escapes safely, while the evil Holika is burned to death. Toremember this event, huge outdoor fires are lit in the night before Holi inorder to clean the

37、 air of evil spirits and to celebrate the death of the evil.So what sso great about this day? While there are some fun parades ( 游行 ) and folk songs and dance performances, the most fun of all iswalking to the streets and splashing( 潑灑 )people with water guns anddry colors and even covering them wit

38、h entire buckets of colored water.On this day, everybody is fair game, no matter how old or how young.At about midday, the splashing comes to an end and people living closeto oceans or rivers usually take a bath in the water to clean themselvesbefore going home to a delicious home-made big dinner an

39、d awell-deserved short sleep, following this full day of fun and activities.64. Why does the king dislike his son Prahlada?A. Because Prahladadoesn t love him.B. Because Prahlada is rude to Holika.C. Because Prahlada loves Lord Vishnu.D. Because Prahlada concentrates on his own success.65. Prahlada

40、gets out of danger _ .A. with the help of LordVishnuB. because of his good luckC. by beating his aunt HolikaD. using his amazing talent66. The underlined phrase“fair game”in Paragraph 3 refers to aperson who _.A. fights against others fairlyB. enjoys splashing peopleC. plays a trick on othersD. is t

41、he aim of splashing water67. After the fun activities, people living close to oceans or rivers oftentake a bath because _.A. they have got dirty with dry colors and colored waterB. going home with colored water means bad luckC. they believe clean water will bring good luckD. taking a bath shows thei

42、r true love for Lord VishnuDBelow is adapted from an English dictionary. Use the dictionary to answerthe following questions.figure / fg? / noun, verbnoun1. a number representing a particular amount, especially one given inofficial information: the trade / sales figures2. a symbol rather than a word

43、 representing one of the numbers between0 and 9: a six-figure salary3. (informal) the area of mathematics that deals with adding, multiplying,etc. numbers4. a person of the type mentioned: Gandhi was both a political and areligious figure in Indian history.5. the shape of a person seen from a distan

44、ce or not clearly6. a person or an animal as shown in art or a story: a wall with five carvedfigures in it7. the human shape, considered from the point of view of beingattractively thin: doing exercise to improve ones figure8. a pattern or series of movements performed on ice: figure-skating* be / b

45、ecome a figure of fun: be / become sb. that others laugh at* cut a figure: sb with a particular appearanee: He cut a striking figurein his dinner jacket.* put a figure on sth: to say the exact price or number of sth.* a fine figure of man / woman: a tall, strong-looking and well-shapedperson* figure

46、 of speech: a word or phrase used in a different way from its usualmeanings in order to create a particular mental image or effect* figurehead: someone who is the head or chief in name only (with no realpower or authority) verb1. to think or decide that sth. will happen oris true: I figured that if

47、Itook the night train, I could be in Scotland by morning.2. to be part of a process, situation, etc. especially an important part: Myopinion of the matter didn t seem to figure at all.3. to calculate an amount or the cost of sth: We figured that attendance at150,000.* figure in: to include (in a sum

48、): Have you figured in the cost of hotel?* figure on: to plan on; to expect sth. to happen: I haven t figured on hisgetting home so late.* figure out: to work out; understand by thinking: Have you figured out howmuch the trip will cost?* It / That figures!: That seems reasonable.68. According to the

49、 information above, which of the following sentenceis not right?A. This year s sales figures were quite excellent.B. I couldn t figure out what the teacher was talking about.C. She was the leading figure in British politics in the 1980s.D. He wasabout to speak but she put a figure on his lips to sto

50、p him.69. She was coming late again for the work. _ ! That s typical of her. You just can tdo anything to stopher doing that.A. It figures her out B. She is a figure of funC. It cuts a poor figureD. It figures70. The phrase “watch my figure ”in the sentence “Don t tempt mewith chocolate; I am watchi

51、ng my figure. ”means “_”.A. add the numbersB. have sportsC. try not to get fatD.watch games71. Which sentence is used as figure of speech?A. John is fond of animals and raises a rabbit as a pet.B. In some countries, bamboo can be used to build houses.C. We all regard Mr. Smith as an important figure

52、 in our company.D. I didn t really mean my partner was a snake.EWhen I was young I wanted to be a model ,so when a national contestwas staged , I convinced my parents to take me for an audition ( 試演 ) Iwas selected and told I had potential.They said that for only $900 I couldattend a weekend event w

53、hich dozens of the most prestigious ( 有聲望的 ) modeling agencies from around the world would attend. At 13 ,my hopes of fame and fortune clouded all judgement and I begged myparents to let me go.We have never been rich ,but they saw myenthusiasm and agreed.I imagined being signed by some famous model

54、companies. For months ,any boredom or disappointment I faced was pushed aside because Iknew I would soon have the chance to be real model. I thought I wouldgrace the covers of famous magazines!Of course ,I wasnt signed , but what hurt the most was being told thatif I grew to 5 9(about 1.75 metres) I

55、 could be a success. I prayed fora growth spurt( 沖刺 )because I could not imagine giving up my dream.I made an appointment with a local modeling agency and the agentdemanded $500 for classes. $500 for a photo shoot and $300 for otherexpenses. My parents only agreed after hours and hours of my begging

56、.The agency sent me out on a few auditions ,but with every day I didntreceive a call , I grew more depressed. The_final_straw came in July afterI had decided to focus on commercial modeling. There was an open callin New York City.We spent hours driving and another few hours waiting ,only to be told

57、that I was too short. I was devastated ( 極度不安的 )Years later ,I realized that the trip to New York was good as it made menotice I didnt actually love modeling ,just the idea of it. I wanted to bespecial and I was innocently determined to reach an impossible goal. Theexperience has made me stronger an

58、d that will help me in the future.72 Whats the authors parents attitude toward her dream? AEncouraging.BWorried.CDoubtful.D Enthusiastic.73 What was it that made the author end her attempt to become amodel?A Her parents were strongly against it.B She realized that it was impossible for her.C Even a local modeling agen


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