



1、人力資源管理英文專業(yè)詞匯第二部分Cafeteria ben efit programs : Cafeteria ben efit programs allow employees toselect the fringeben efits and servicesthat an swer their in dividualn eeds.career : A career is all the jobs that are held during one's working life.career counseling: Career counseling assists employees

2、 in findingappropriate career goals and paths.career developme ntCareerdevelopme nt con sists of those experie nces and improveme nts that one un dertakes to achieve a career pla n.career goals : Career goals are the future positions that one strives to reach. These goals serve as ben chmarks along

3、on e's career path.career path : A career path is the sequential pattern of jobs that form on e'scareer.career planning: Career planning is the process by which one selectscareer goals and paths to those goals.career plateau : A career plateau occurs when an employee is in a positi on he or

4、she does well eno ugh not to be demoted or fired but not welle no ugh to be promoted.change agents: Change agents are people who have the role ofstimulat in gcha nge with in a group.checkoff : A checkoff provision in a union-management labor agreement requires the employer to deduct union dues from

5、employee paychecks and to remit those mon eys to the union.Civil Rights : Act of 1964 This act was passed to make various forms of discrimination illegal.closed shop : A closed shop is a workplace where all employees are required to be members of the union before they are hired. These arran geme nts

6、are illegal un der the Nati onal Labor Relati ons Act.codeterm in ati on: Codeterm in ati on is a form of in dustrial democracyfirst popularized in West Germany. It gives workers the right to have represe ntatives vote on man ageme nt decisi ons.coin sura nee clause : A coin sura nee clause is a pro

7、visi on in an in sura nee policy that requires the employee to pay a percentage of the insured'scom muni cati on : Communi catio n is the tran sfer of in formatio n and un dersta nding from one pers on to ano parable worth : Comparable worth is the idea that a job should be evaluated as

8、to its value to the orga ni zati on and the n paid accord in gly. Thus of comparable worth would be paid equally. For example, two people with widely different jobs would both receive the same pay if the two were of equal value to the parative evaluation approaches : Comparative evaluati

9、on approaches are collecti on of differe nt methods that compare one pers on's performa ncewith that of pensation : Compensation is what employees receive in exchange for their .Comprehe nsive Employme nt and Trai ning Act of 1973 (CETA): CETA was aranging act desig ned to provide

10、job training, employme nt, and job hunting assista nee to less adva ntaged pers on s. It has since bee n replaced the Job Part nership Trai ningAct.concentrationin employment:Concentration exists when an employer(orsome subdivisi on such as a departme nt) has a higher proporti on of employees from a

11、 protected class than is found in the employer's labor market. (See un derutilizati on.)concessionary bargaining: Concessionary bargaining occurs when laborman ageme nt n egotiati ons result in fewer employer-paid fringe ben efits or con cessi ons, such as a freeze or wage cut.conciliation agree

12、ment: a conciliation agreement is a negotiatedsettlement agreeable to the EEOC and to all parties involved. Its accepta nces closesthe case.Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) : This act was sig ned in to law in 1986. COBRA requires employers that provide ben efits to empl

13、oyees through a group pla n to also provide group ben efits to qualified beneficiaries with the right to elect to continue their for a certain period of time after their coverage would otherwise , witha few exceptio ns.constructs : Constructs are substitutes for actual performanee. For example,a sco

14、re on a test is a con struct for actual lear ning.con tract labor : Con tract labor con sists of people who are hired (and ofte n train ed) by an in depe ndent age ncy that supplies compa nies with n eededhuma n resources for a fee.con tributory ben efit pla nsCon tributory ben efit pla ns are fring

15、eben efits thatrequire both the employer and the employee to con tribute to the cost ofthe in sura nee, retireme nt, or other employer ben efit.coord in ated orga ning : Coord in ated orga ning occurs when two or more pool their resources to orga nize a targeted employer or group of .corrective disc

16、ipli ne: Corrective discipli ne is an acti on thatfollows a rule in fractio n and seeks to discourage further in fractio ns so that future acts re in complia nce with sta ndards.counseling: Counseling is the discussion of an employee problem withthe objective of helping the worker cope with it.couns

17、eling functions: Counseling functions are the activitiesperformed byco un selors. They in clude advice, reassura nce, com muni catio n, release of tension, clarified thinking, and reorie ntati on.craft unions : Craft unions are labor orga ni zatio ns that seek to in clude all workers who have a com

18、mon skill, such as carpe nters or plumbers.criticalincident method : The criticalincident method requires therater to stateme nts that describe extremely good or extremely bad employee behavior. These statements are called criticalincidents,andthey used as examples of good or bad performance in rati

19、ng the employee.Decisio n-maki ng authority: See line authority.deductible clause : A deductible clause is a provisi on in an in sura nce policy that requires the in sured to pay a specified amount of a claim before the is obligated to pay.deferral jurisdict ions: Deferral jurisdicti ons are areas i

20、n theUnited States where the EEOC will refer a case to another (usually astate or local); for example, Florida Human Relations Commission.deferred stock incen tive systems : These incen tives award stock that becomes by the executive gradually over several years.delegation :Delegation is the process

21、 of getting others to share amanager's . It requires the manager to assign duties, grant authority, and createa sense of resp on sibility.Delphi technique : The Delphi technique solicits predictions from a panel of experts about some specified future developme nt(s). The collective estimates are

22、 then reported back to the panel so that the members may adjust their opinions. This process is repeated un til a gen eral agreeme nt on future trends emerges.demographics :Demographics is the study of populationcharacteristics.demotions :Demotions occur when an employee is moved from one jobto that

23、 is lower in pay, resp on sibility, and orga ni zati on al level.development : Development represents those activities that prepare an employee for future resp on sibilities.Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) : The Dictionary of Occupational Titles is a federal gover nment publicati on that pro

24、vides detailed job descripti ons and job codes for most occupatio ns in gover nment andin dustry.differe ntial validity : Differe ntialvalidity is used to dem on stratethat tests or other select ion criteria are valid for differe nt subgroups or protected .directive coun seli ng:Directive coun seli

25、ng is the process oflistening to an employee's emotional problems, deciding with the employee what shouldbe done, and the n telli ng and motivati ng the employee to do it. (See non directive coun seli ng.)discipli ne: Discipli ne is man ageme nt acti on to en courage complia neewiththe orga ni zati on's sta ndards.dismissal :Dismissal is the ultimate disciplinaryaction because itseparates employee from the employ


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