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1、Un it 5 First aid理基礎(chǔ)自主排查夯實(shí)基礎(chǔ)語境提升重點(diǎn)單詞分類)閱讀單詞.temporary adj.暫時(shí)的;臨時(shí)的2.organ n.器官3.layer n.層;層次4. complex adj. 復(fù)雜的5. radiation n. 輻射;射線6. scissors n. (pl.) 剪刀7. squeezevt.&vi.榨;擠;壓榨8.bandage n. 繃帶9. wrist n. 手腕10.damp adj.潮濕的11. sleeve n.袖子12.stab vt. & vi刺;戳;刺傷13.ambula neen.救護(hù)車寫作單詞1.aid n . &a

2、mp; vt.幫助;援助;資助2 .barrier n.屏障;障礙(物)3 .un bearableadj.難以忍受的;不能容忍的4 .vitaladj.至關(guān)重要的;生死攸關(guān)的5 .symptomn.癥狀;征兆6 .pourvt. &vi.倒;灌;注;涌7 .apply vt.涂;敷;搽;應(yīng)用;運(yùn)用vi.申請(qǐng);請(qǐng)求; 使用;有效8 .pressuren.壓力;擠壓;壓迫(感)9 .cere monyn.典禮;儀式;禮節(jié)10.skinn. 皮;皮膚語境活用1. As everybody knows , cancer does nt show any symptoms (癥狀)in its

3、 early stages.2. The skin , whose functions are very complex , is our bodys largest organ which acts as a barrier(屏障)against disease and the suns harmful rays.3.One of the stationstaff saw he was in difficulty and came to his aid(援助).4.The nurse applied pressure (壓力)to his arm to stop the bleeding.5

4、.We find such rudeness quite unbearable (難以忍受的 ).6.It was vital (至關(guān)重要的 )to show that he was not afraid.7.He applied (申請(qǐng))to be sent to the northwest of China.拓展單詞1.tight adj.牢的;緊的;緊密的 tightlyadv.緊地;牢牢地2.firmadj.(動(dòng)作)穩(wěn)定有力的;堅(jiān)定的 firmly adv.堅(jiān)固地;穩(wěn)定地3.bravery n.勇敢;勇氣宀braveadj.勇敢的;有勇氣的宀bravely adv.勇敢地4.treat

5、 vt. &vi.治療;對(duì)待;款待 n.款待;招待宀treatme ntn.治療;療法;對(duì)待;待遇5 . variety n .變化;多樣(化);多變(性)variousadj.各種各樣的宀vary v.改變;使多樣化6 . mild adj.輕微的;溫和的;溫柔的宀 mildly adv.輕微地;溫和地7 . injury n .損傷;傷害宀injurevt.損傷;傷害;使受傷宀injuredadj.受傷的;有傷的8 . poison n . 毒藥; 毒害 vt.毒害; 使中毒宀 poisonousadj.有毒的9 . swell vi. &vt.(使)膨脹;隆起Tswoll

6、enadj.腫脹的語境活用1.He said mildly (mild) to me that he did nt mean to upset me.2 . The burning plastic gave off poisonous (poison) gas, which is harmful to our health.3 . I firmly (firm) believe that the more we are aware of the sig ni fica nee of this famoussay ing, the more ben efits we will get in ou

7、r daily study and job.4 . He showed great bravery(brave)i n face of dan ger.5 . After years of regulartreatme nt(treat), she fin ally became healthy.6 . She was taken to hospital with serious head injury (injure).7 . The young boy has a variety (various)of in terests.8 . His face wasswolle n (swell)

8、 with toothache so I advised him to see a den tist before itgot worse.重點(diǎn)短語雙向第一組短語識(shí)記1.first aid(對(duì)傷患者的)急救3.make a differe nee區(qū)別對(duì)待;有影響起(重復(fù))作用4.over and over aga in 反復(fù); 多次5.act as 擔(dān)任語境活用1.1ve told you over and over aga innot to do that but you wont liste n.2. Arrivi ng in London,she sudde nly fell ill b

9、ecause she could nt bear the cha ngeable weather.3.rm sure that our hard work can make a differenee and everything will be OK.4.The sofa can act as a bed.第二組短語識(shí)記1.squeeze out榨出;擠出2 .in place在適當(dāng)?shù)奈恢茫?適當(dāng)3 .preve nt.from.阻止4 .put on es hands on找到5 .a kno wledge of懂;了解語境活用1.A kno wledge ofcom monpractice

10、s for first aid is vital in our daily life.If a person isdrowning,you must 2. squeeze outthe water in his stomach at first.As for bleedi ng badly,3put your hands on a clean handkerchief or a piece of cloth , press it on the bleeding point and holdit 4. in place .The way to deal with being pois oned

11、by the gas is to ope n the doors and win dows to let thefresh air in.經(jīng)典旬式應(yīng)用填寫課本佳句1.it is where you feel cold , heat or pain and it give you your sense of touch.正是皮膚讓你感到冷熱和疼痛,皮膚還使你有觸覺。2.Remove clothi ng using scissorsif n ecessary uni ess it isstuck to the bur n.除非衣服粘貼在燒傷面上,否則都要把衣服脫掉。如果需要的話,可以使用剪刀。3.

12、Joh n was study ing in his room whe nhe heard scream ing.2 . fall ill生病約翰正在房間里學(xué)習(xí),突然聽到了尖叫聲。4.There is no doubt that Johns quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved MsSlades life.毫無疑問,是約翰敏捷的思維和在學(xué)校學(xué)到的急救技能,挽救了斯萊德女士的生命。析考點(diǎn)課堂互動(dòng)I民忑旣刃財(cái)咚破詞匯1. aid n &vt.幫助;援助;資助教材原句 First aid is a

13、 temporary form of help give n to some one who sudde nly falls ill or getsinjured before a doctor can be found.急救就是在找到醫(yī)生之前對(duì)突然生病或受傷的人給予臨時(shí)性的幫助。(1) first aid急救with the aid of 在.的幫助下in aid of 為了幫助come to on es aid 來幫助某人(2) aid sb.i n(doi ng) sth. 在某方面幫助某人aid sb.with sth. 在某事上幫助某人aid sb.to do sth.幫助某人做某事

14、1(2018 全國卷 川)Holker once aga in ope n its garde ns in aid of the disadva ntaged.2They were accused of aiding him to escape (escape).3He aids the poor withmon ey.4I could nt speak any French , but a nice man came to my aid and told me where to go.2. vital adj.至關(guān)重要的;生死攸關(guān)的教材原句If the injuries are second

15、 or third degree burns , it is vital to get the victim to the doctor orhospital at on ce.如果是二度或者三度燒傷,至關(guān)重要的是把傷者立刻送去看醫(yī)生或送往醫(yī)院。It is vital to do sth. 做某事很重要(1)be vital for/to sth.對(duì)極為重要(2)It is vital that.是極重要的1(2019 天津卷)Understanding history is vitaltounderstanding ourselves as a peopleand as a n ation.

16、As far as rm concerned , it is vital to keep(keep)accurate records. It is vital that the matter (should) be kept(keep) secret.思維拓展在句型 ft is vital that. ”中,從句謂語動(dòng)詞要用虛擬語氣,即should +動(dòng)詞原形”,should 可以省略。3. treat vt.&vi.治療;對(duì)待;款待 n.款待;招待教材原句John used these totreat the most severe injuries to Ms.Slades han

17、ds.約翰用這些東西處理斯萊德女士雙手上最嚴(yán)重的傷口。(1) treat sb.for sth.治療某人.treat sb.to sth.用.招待某人;以.款待某人treat sb.like/as 把某人當(dāng).看待Its my treat. 我請(qǐng)客(2) treatment n. 治療;處理;對(duì)待1(2018 天津卷)Most important , I began to treat themlike winners.2It was summer, and my dad wan ted to treat me toa vacati on like n ever before.完成句子 3男人和女

18、人在教育和雇傭上應(yīng)該平等對(duì)待。Men and women must be treated equally in education and employment.4. apply vt.涂;敷;搽;應(yīng)用;運(yùn)用;腳踩 vi.申請(qǐng);請(qǐng)求;使用;有效教材原句 He slowed the bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds until the police and ambulancearrived.他按住傷口,使血流得慢些,一直等到警察和救護(hù)車的到來。(1) apply.to.把.應(yīng)用于.apply to 適用于.apply (to.) for st

19、h.(向.)申請(qǐng).apply on eself to 專心于.(2) applied adj.應(yīng)用的,實(shí)用的applicationn.應(yīng)用,施用;申請(qǐng)(書)applica nt n.申請(qǐng)人,應(yīng)征者1(2018 匕京卷)Learning your keen interest in Chinese culture , I suggest you apply forPeking University , one of the best universities in China.2If the constitution said that all people were free and equal

20、 , then she thought it should apply to her.3Over the years, he has applied himself to improving (improve) the living conditions of the migrantworkers.4There are 150applica nts(apply) competi ng for the same positi on.5 . in place 在適當(dāng)?shù)奈恢?;適當(dāng)教材原句 Hold the bandage in place with tape.用膠布把繃帶固定。(1)out of p

21、lace不在適當(dāng)?shù)奈恢?;不合適in place of 代替;取代in the first place 首先;第一點(diǎn)(2)take place 發(fā)生take ones place 就座;代替take the place of 代替;取代用 place 的相關(guān)短語填空1I felt completely out of place among all those smart rich people.2Firstly I collected all the books , newspapers and other things scattered in the rooms and putthem in

22、 place .The n I wiped the dust off all the furn iture.3Great cha ngeshave take n place in my hometow n and a lot of factories have bee nset up.4Mr Li is ill , so ni take the place of him to give youlessons.6. make a differenee 區(qū)別對(duì)待;有影響;起(重要)作用教材原句 It shows that a knowledge of first aid can make a re

23、al differenee .這說明急救知識(shí)的確能發(fā)揮重要的作用。(1) make a differenee to對(duì).有作用 /有影響make some/no/little differe nce(to.)(對(duì))有/沒有作用或影響(2) tell the differe nee (betwee n.a nd.)辨別/區(qū)分(分)1His words make nodifferenee to him , for he is quite stubborn.2Does it make adiffere nee whether she will come to our party?3The twins

24、are so alike ; its difficult to tell the differenee between them.間考詞匯7. injury n.損傷;傷害1The big stone rolling down in the Iandslide did a serious injury to the man in his car.2Theinjured (injury) were sent to the n earest hospital after the earthquake.injure vt.injured adj.受傷的do sb.a n injury 對(duì).有傷害8.

25、 variety n.變化;多樣(化);多變(性)用 variety 適當(dāng)?shù)男问教羁?There are a varietyof ani mals and pla nts in the world.傷害 They pla ntedvariousflowers in the garde n.3The ani mals in the zoovary in weight and size.avariety各種各樣various adj.各種各樣的vary v. 變化Johnwas studying in his room when約翰正在房間里學(xué)習(xí),這時(shí)他聽到了一聲尖叫。be doing.when.

26、 “正在做.這時(shí)突然.”, when 為并列連詞,表示這時(shí);突然”,相當(dāng)于 and at this/that time,還用于以下句式:be about to do.whe n. 正要做.這時(shí).be on the point of doin g.whe n.正要做這時(shí)had (just)do ne.whe n.剛做完.這時(shí)完成下列句子(2018 匕京卷)Susan had quit her well- paid job and was workingn eighborhoodwhen I visited her last year .蘇姍放棄了她的高薪工作,然后在去年她在社區(qū)做志愿者工作時(shí)我看

27、望了她。2I had fini shed my exam paperwhe n the bell rang.我剛做完試卷,下課鈴就響了。句式轉(zhuǎn)換3I was about to give up whe n my best friend en couraged me to go on.=I was on the point of givi ng up whe n my best friend en couraged me to go on.|研教材話題拓展15硏教材對(duì)整高考I.課文里的高考根據(jù)課文內(nèi)容,在空白處填入1 個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或括號(hào)內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。There are three types

28、of burns.They are called first, second or third degree burns, depe nding (depend) on which layers of the skin are burn ed.First degree burns affect only the top layer of the skin. These bur ns are not serious and should feel better (good) with in a day or two.Examples in clude mild sun bur n and bur

29、 ns caused by touching(touch) a hot pan , stove or iron for a moment.Second degree burns affect both the top and the second layer of the skin.These burns are serious and take a few weeks to heal (heal). Examples include severe sunburn and burns caused (cause) byhot liquids.Third degree burns affect

30、all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs under the二板塊DILRUANKUAt-旬式剖柄he heard screamingas a volunteer in theskin .Examples in clude bur ns caused by electric shocks.bur ning clothes , or severe petrol fires.These burns cause very severe injuries (injure) and the victim must go to hospi

31、tal at once.n話題微寫作假設(shè)你的妹妹不小心被燙傷, 你用自己所掌握的急救知識(shí)對(duì)其進(jìn)行治療。 請(qǐng)你根據(jù)以下 要點(diǎn)寫一篇短文,介紹這一情況。1 妹妹打翻櫥子上的水壺,燙傷腳踝并腫脹,疼痛難忍;2 你立即進(jìn)行臨時(shí)治療;先把一些布放到?jīng)鏊?,然后擰干,放在患處,并反復(fù)這樣做;然后把患處弄干;最后剪下一條繃帶,蓋住腳踝并綁緊固定。1.盡量多地使用本單元的知識(shí)點(diǎn);2 可適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié);3請(qǐng)根據(jù)以上要點(diǎn),寫一篇100 個(gè)詞左右的短文。范文My sister bur ned her an kle whe n she kno eked over a kettle on the cupboard.Her

32、 an kle becameswolle n and the pain was un bearable .I immediately provided some temporary treatme nt.Firstly , I putsome cloths in a basin of cool water, squeezed them out and placed them on the burned area over and overaga in. The n I dried the burned area gen tly. Fin ally I took a pair of scisso

33、rs and cut a ban dage , with whichI covered the an kle .I tied it tightly so that it would stay in place .I am proud of what I did and it shows that akno wledge of first aid can make a real differe nee.備習(xí)作日積月累由詞組句由少積爭第 25 講 狀語從句一比較狀語從句說明比較狀語從句常用as.as not so/as.as more.than, less.than, the+ 比較級(jí).the+比

34、較級(jí).等引導(dǎo)。這種從句中常省略某些成分。筒單示例His brother is as tallas he .狀語從句比較跟蹤訓(xùn)練1 .紐約的街道和倫敦的一樣擁擠。答案: The streets in New York are just as crowded as those in London.2 .他看上去比他實(shí)際年齡要小。答案: He looks younger than he is (for his age).3 .看的書越多,你的知識(shí)越豐富。答案: The more you read , the more knowledge you can get.4 .我的同桌學(xué)習(xí)比我努力。答案: M

35、y deskmate studies harder tha n I.5.他同我一樣大。答案: He is as old as I.6 .這本書和那本書都沒有意思。答案: This book is no more interesting than that one.I提素能課時(shí)沖關(guān)素能擰升規(guī)范逼涼基礎(chǔ)鞏固單句語法填空1.We must apply what we have learned to our dailywork because in no case should theory be separated from practice.2. We are treating Mom to di

36、nner for her birthday.3.With the aid of a compass, the traveler can find the land.4.Some students often pourout their trouble to our teachers.5.As is often the case with children , Amy was better by the time the doctor arrived.6. We have a lot in com mon ; that is where we can cooperate.7.Carbon dio

37、xide prevents heat from getting out of theatmosphere easily , so the earth is beco ming warmer.8. They have earned lots of money , so I firmly (firm) believe that the bus in ess is a success.9. He always donates money to a poor village school , which makes a great differenee to the childrenthere.10.

38、We were watching (watch) TV when there was a power failure.能力提升I.閱讀理解How can fire or hot things be a dan ger in the house? Matches , of course, are always dan gerous in thehands of young children.A wind comes , sparks are blown on to the roof of a house , and the whole buildingmay be burnt to the gr

39、ound before you can even call the Fire Brigade.Kerosene lamps, too, can be verydangerous.Quite recently there was a bad accident in a village house.The mosquito net over a babys bedwas blow n aga inst a lamp and caught fire.The bedclothes and eve n the clothes of the baby were bur ntbefore the fire

40、was discovered.Young childre n ofte n reach up to a table to take a pot dow n by its han dle .If the pot is full of boilingwater , you can guess what will happen.Similarly , when a babys bath is prepared, cold water should be putin first.If any hot water has to be used , it should be put into the ba

41、th after the cold water but not before it.Many fireworks can lead to blindness and other injuries , especially those are pushed into bamboosticks.Woode n spears or swords should be used only by childre n with sense eno ugh not to injure otherpeople.Very young children often have to be watched very c

42、arefully.They put everything they find into theirmouths to see whether it can be eaten.Medicines have to be put out of their reach.A pill or some ointmentwhich might be harmless to a grown- up can be very harmful to a baby.If there are stairs in your house , do not put a mat at the top of them unles

43、s you want to crash down thestairs on your shoulder or head.Make sure, too, that your mats do not have curly edges.These aredangerous for the very young and the very old : those who cannot see as well as we can.If there are anydeep holes in or near your garden , see that they are filled in or proper

44、ly covered up.This gloomy list of the dangers in and near a house is not complete , but it is enough to remind you tobe careful.If you want to take a risk , do it on the sports field or ,when you are older ,by serving your countryin the Army.1 A house fire can start with _ .A children playing with m

45、atchesB burning rubbish near the houseC the mosquito net being blown against a lampDA,B, C and some other reasons解析: D 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。文章第一段告訴了我們房子著火的原因。2 The author mentioned different things young children mayA they may get injured when playing gamesB they may put something harmful into their mouthsC they m

46、ay play with matches and cause fireD they may be scalded when they reach up to a table to take a pot down by its handle解析:A 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。B 項(xiàng)在第四段;C 項(xiàng)在第一段;D 項(xiàng)在第二段。3 The writer suggested that people should _ .A put a mat on the stairsB use mats without curly edgesC hide the mats so that the very young and the

47、 very old wont see themD use a mat to cover the holes in or near the garden解析: B 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。 從第五段中 Make sure ,too,that your mats do not have curly edges.可知。 do to cause danger except4 The article is meant _ .A to warn people not to let children play by themselvesB.to show that fire or hot things can be a

48、 dan ger in the houseC.to remi nd people to be more careful with the dan gers in and n ear the houseD.to tell people the mat is ano ther dan ger n ear the house解析:C 主旨大意題。由全文可得出結(jié)論。n完形填空My mom has bee n and will always be my biggest in spirati on .She is a sin gle pare nt of eight children,and I have

49、 no idea how she _1_.Throughout the years , my mom has overcome many hardships whichcould easily_2_ some one with little faith.Even _3_doctors questioned if my little sister Jessica would live to see the age of 1 , my mom neverlost4 .After countless visits to multiple doctors , my mom _5_to bring he

50、r home andmake the best of my sisters life _6_receivi ng the same results from differe nt hospitals.Jessicas nu merous hospital visits defi nitely 一 7_ her, but my mom n ever showed sig ns of_8_.Her stre ngth helped Jessica through every _9_ time.No matter how con fused Jessica was , mymom always ma

51、de her feel as if there was absolutely nothing to _10_,which enabled Jessicato live the life of a _11child.She attended a public school,went to parties to dance around excitedly.Weactually _12_ that she was even sick._13_,things began to take a turn for the worse.Around her 6th birthday ,Jessica lost sight,which_14_ the loss of sensation in her left arm at the age of 5.However , that was it and doctors had no_15_.The whole f


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  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時(shí)也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對(duì)自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


