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1、瓦爾登湖讀后感英文瓦爾登湖讀后感英文【一】read through some of themore than half of the walden pond, to be honest lookat a lot of paragraphs do not really understand, butsay it is fun sections of animals that people readfresh.thefirstanimal istheroosterattention,and thatthe most common birds, however the authors pen in

2、theairallofa sudden and verypoor.thoreauis the authordescribedthemthisway:therooster,pheasantwasoriginally,andtheirchirpingistheworldsmostbeautifulmusic,betterthan alltheother animals,butmost ofthetimeto fillthegaps intheirvoiceis theirwife- themotherchickens are noisy,itsno wonder thattheyultimatel

3、ycan onlybe thepoultry,not tomentionwhat kind of a chicken egg. these words can not helppeopledesperatelywant toremember the musicchenmingrooster, the result was a loss, except in writing fromthe mechanical oo sound. as for the hen, they can onlyremember them after the end of each time it is underth

4、e giggle to stop the called.waldenpond,how can thereareso many wildanimal?every day itseems thattheauthorand notthe name theysay hello. are familiar with ant, but where the antsare like the soldiers how to ah, make that an ant warwas afraid to read the small bio of contempt. lovelyfledgling partridg

5、e destitute people, they only obeythe instinct of mothers and their own oh, the fullnessof their long feathers of the body of small branchesand leavestogethertomaintainthesame posture,whereto stay motionless, it picked up when a stranger orfollow it, it continues to stay as motionless, or takeyour e

6、yes clean. scary, of course, most diving birds,and it alwayssent laugh,when itisfrom thislakefirstdive, the observer much hunting or after a lot of fun.what itis,you can go tothe bottomofthelake tofishin the bird.afterallthe human animalis,ah,justhigh-levelanimals.theauthorpredictedthattheresultofhu

7、manprogress must be to give up meat, as the savage to thecivilizedaroundafterpeoplegiveup bad habits,likeeating.ido notknow human beingsarenotone day giveup meat, it is very curious about the rabbit call. inthebook,theauthorsaid:rabbitto the end,thetruthwasachildcry.onrabbits,themostprofoundimpressi

8、on that the tree hit a hare, but there is no written record of our had been a poor hunt rabbits.瓦爾登湖讀后感英文【二】Walden is a masterpiecewritten by Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), who wasborn in Concord, Massachusetts. The age he lived hadwitnessed the flourish of capitalism as well as theprosperityofind

9、ustrializationand urbanization.Duringthe19thcentury,theAmericaneconomy developedat sofastratethat mostpeoplewereboundup inpursuingthe materialsatisfaction,whileingoredthespirituallifetoa greatextent.ButThoreauwas quitedifferent from other people, he disdained the moderncivilizationand attachedmore i

10、mportancetothespiritthan the material. He thought many people of his timelivedina non-human-likemodernsocietyandmanymodern appliances, such as trains and telegraphs, haddone harm to peoples harmonious life peace and alsobroken the relationship between human and nature.Inordertoprovethatwithoutthemod

11、erninstruments, peoplecan also livea happy life,in1845,he moved into a cabin on the shore of Walden Pond andlive there alone for two years to get close to thenature .Walden, is the famous book mainly talks abouthis life and thoughts during those days living in the woods .Thoreau was so happy with th

12、e life living near thelake of Walden that he felt it a sweet grace to havethe nature accompany and even the sounds of rain andthesightsaroundhishousewere fullofsincerefriendship. In his eyes, the nature was an intimatefriend of him and all things in the nature were livelyand vivacious. And all kinds

13、 of animals in the wood,such as field mouses,robinsandwild rabbits wereamicablytreatedandregardedashisadorablecompanions. He even thought that plants were also hadtherighttoliveequal withhuman beings.Justbecauseof this, he even blamed himself for hitting chestnuttreeswithstones.From many words or se

14、ntences,we caneasilyfeelThoreaus deep loveand caretowardsnature.Besides,Thoreau was a pioneeringnaturelover,whocalledon peopletostopdestoryingnaturebutprotectitbysettinghimselfan exampletoothers.Theconsciousnessoftheenvironmentalprotectionisbecoming more and more importantinour modern society,whilet

15、hewholeworldistrappedin someseriousecologicalcrisisesresultingfromhuntingand killinganimals, cutting down trees and polluting the riversfor pursuit of human beings own interests. We all havethecommon sensethatthenumberofwildlifeisdecreasing,thearea of lakeisshrinking,and thewaterisnotclearanymore.Wh

16、ats worse, environmentproblemssuch as globewarming,climatechange and airand waterpollutionaredeterioratingduringthecommercial process . So its high time that we shouldrealize we never be the dominator of the whole worldconquringnature,butshouldspare noeffortstoimprove theenvironmentrightaway. Thatis

17、,we shouldcomplywiththenaturallaws,makereasonableutilizationof naturalresourcesandkeeptheharmoniousdevelopmentbetweenthesocietyandtheenvironment.Only inthisway willwe has an opportunityto embrace a bright future and achieve a sustainablesociety .In the book, Walden, Thoreau not only advocated thepro

18、tectionofnature,but also encourage people tocomprehend and return to nature. He told us using hisown experience that by living a simple life close tonature, we human beings will find out the true valueof life and significance of existence.After reading the book, what impressed me most isthe descript

19、ion of the fascinating scenery around theWalden pound,especiallythesesentences:A lake isthelandscapes most beautiful and expressive feature. Itisearthseye;lookingintowhichthebeholdermeasuresthe depth of his own nature. The fluviatile trees nextthe shore are the slender eyelashes which fringe it,andt

20、hewoodedhillsandcliffsaroundareitsoverhangingbrows.To Thoreau,theWalden lakeislikea charming and meltinggirl,who has slendereyelashesandlikesto dressherselfindifferentbeautifulclothes with the changes of different seasons.Every morningaftergettingup,Thoreauwouldhavea bathintheWalden laketostarta new

21、 day. Afterthat,he used to wander around the pond and refresh himselfwith the fresh air. In summer days , he cultivated apieceoflandandgrowedbeans,blackberries,johnsworts and the like. The depiction of his leisureruralityspontaneouslyremindsme of Tao Yuanming,thefamous Chinese poet, who lived in the

22、 Jin Dynasty andmade hislifemeaningfulby returningtothenatureandperfecting himself. If Thoreau and Tao Yuanming livedin thesame periodand place,theywould probablybecomebest friends.From the book, we know that during the years whenThoreau lived near the Walden, he did not completelyisolate himself fr

23、om the outside world. Sometimes hewent to the town and did odd jobs and would receivevisitorsand friendsinhiscabinattimes. As I mentionbefore, the intention for his living in the woods wasthathe wanted toteachpeoplehow tolivea simple life,achieve enjoyment from the nature, free oneself fromthe strai

24、ned daily life and what is more important isto reevaluate the value of social life.Thoreausthoughofenjoyinga simplelifehas a morerealisticsignificanceandhavebecomeavaluablespiritualwealthinourmodernsociety.Withthedevelopmentofthematerialcivilization,peoplesdesires are swelling limitlessly and many p

25、eople arebusy with the pursuit of wealth and luxurious life byany means, includingattheexpense ofnature.However,eveninthesocietymateriallyaffluentandtechnologicallyadvanced,peoplearenotbemorehappierthanthosepeoplewho livedcenturiesago,buteven feel less satisfactory and complaint more abouttheirpresent lifeas a resultofhaving unboundeddesires of getting more and better. Therefore, manypeoplewho possessa lathave become slavesofmachine,working more but do not have the ability to enjoy whatthey have.In the book Walden, Thoreau had realize


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