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1、QTP自動化測試腳本' Simple Automation Framework For Remarkably Obvious Notes ' Copyright ? 2006 Mercury Interactive Corporation '' Notes:'' Requires QuickTest Professional 9.1'' Author : Adam Gensler' Created : July 12, 2006' Last Updated : September 11, 2006''

2、; This prototype framework is provided AS IS, and is meant ' to be used for instructional purposes.'' This framework is a prototype, and is not supported ' by Mercury Interactive.''* initialized = falsethirdlevel = "" level = ""desc = ""object =

3、""objectDescription = ""levelsubdescriptiondelimiter = ","leveldescdelimiter = "|"objectdelimiter = "|"leveldelimiter = "|"objectsDescriptiondelimiter = "|"webLevels = "Browser|Page|Frame"webLevelsDesc = "micclass:=

4、Browser|micclass:=Page|micclass:=Frame|"' 擴(kuò)展對 Image,WebRadioGroup對象的支持 objects ="Link|WebButton|WebList|WebEdit|Image|WebElement|WebCheckBox|WebRadioGroup|"objectsDescription ="micclass:=Link|micclass:=WebButton|micclass:=WebList|micclass:=WebEdit|micclass:=Image|micclass:=We

5、bElement|micclass:=WebCheckBox|micclass:=WebRadioGroup|"' Generates a generic description based up on the "level" viarable ' levelstr - will be one of the values that is in the level array' returns - string representative of the object hierarchy Public Function GenerateDes

6、cription (levelstr)l = IndexOf(level, levelstr)If l >=0 Thenfdesc = level(0) & "(" & Quote(desc(0) & ")."If l >= 1 Thenfdesc = fdesc + level(1) & "(" & Quote(desc(1) & ")."If 2 >= l ThenIf thirdlevel <> "" Thenf

7、desc = fdesc + level(2) & "(" & Quote(desc(2) & "," & Quote("name:=" & thirdlevel) & ")."End IfEnd IfEnd IfEnd IfGenerateDescription = fdescEnd Function' Generates an object description based upon the object, and objectDescription a

8、rrays' obj - name of the object in the object array ' prop - additional property to help uniquely identify the object ' returns - a string representative of the object description Public Function GenerateObjectDescription (obj, prop)i = IndexOf(object, obj) ndesc = ""If i <&

9、gt; -1 Thenndesc = obj & "(" & Quote(objectDescription(i) & "," & Quote(prop)& ")." End IfGenerateobjectDescription = ndesc End Function' given an array, returns the index of the value to search for ' ary - an array' str - value to search

10、 for in an array' returns - index in arrayPublic Function IndexOf (ary, str)val = -1val = iEnd IfNextIndexOf = valEnd Function' configures framework to work within the context of a specific frame ' val - the Name of the frame to work within - use Object Spy if you don't ' already

11、 know the frame namePublic Function WorkInFrame (val)Report micPass, "Enter Frame", "Entered scope of frame " & Quote(val) thirdlevel = valEnd Function' configures the framework to work outside the context of a specific frame Public Function StopWorkingInFrameReport micPa

12、ss, "Exit Frame", "Exited scope of frame " & Quote(thirdlevel)thirdlevel = "" End Function' generates a string with embedded/surrounding quotesPublic Function Quote (txt)Quote = chr(34) & txt & chr(34)End Function' navigate to a site if the browser i

13、s already opened, otherwise run initialization打開指定 URLPublic Function BrowseTo (url)thirdlevel = ""Report micPass, "Navigate to URL", "Navigating to URL: " & Quote(url)If initialized ThenExecute GenerateDescription("Browser") & "Navigate " &a

14、mp; Quote(url)ElseLaunch "website", urlEnd IfReporter.Filter = rfDisableAllEnd Function' waits for the web page to finish loading等待 WEB頁面打開完全后再繼續(xù)執(zhí)行程序Public Function AutoSyncExecute GenerateDescription("Browser") & "Sync"End Function' close all opened browser

15、s關(guān)閉頁面Public Function CloseBrowsers' prepares the framework for usage, and configures all internal framework' variables and structures' apptype - used to launch different types of applications based ' upon different technologies - currently there is only web ' val - string that re

16、presents what to launch ' returns - always returns truePublic Function Launch (apptype, val)If "website" = apptype Thenthirdlevel = ""Report micPass, "Initialize", "Initializing Framework"level = split(webLevels, leveldelimiter, -1, 1)desc = split(webLevel

17、sDesc, leveldescdelimiter, -1, 1) object = split(objects, objectdelimiter, -1, 1) objectDescription = split(objectsDescription,objectsDescriptiondelimiter,-1, 1)CloseBrowsersSet IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")IE.visible = trueIE.Navigate valWhile IE.Busywait 1WendEnd Ifin

18、itialized = trueLaunch = trueEnd Function' Verify the Existence of an object' objtype - values should be limited to values in the object array ' text - multi-purpose argument that indicates what to verify ' - for a link, or button, it's the text of the control ' - for a list,

19、 it's thename of the control ' - for a frame, it's the name of the frame Public Function Verify (objtype, text)rval = falselocalDesc = ""estr = ""If thirdlevel <> "" ThenlocalDesc = GenerateDescription(level(2)ElselocalDesc = GenerateDescription(level(

20、1)End IfAutoSync()Select Case objtypeCase "Page"Execute "rval = " & GenerateDescription(level(1) & "Exist (0)"If rval ThenExecute "title = " & GenerateDescription(level(1) & "GetROProperty(" & Quote("title") & "

21、)"If title = text Thenrval = trueElserval = falseEnd IfEnd IfCase "CurrentFrame"If thirdlevel <> "" Thenestr = "rval = " & localDescEnd IfCase "Link"estr = "rval = " & localDesc & GenerateObjectDescription("Link", &qu

22、ot;innertext:=" & text)Case "WebButton"estr = "rval = " & localDesc & GenerateObjectDescription("WebButton", "value:=" & text)Case "WebList"estr = "rval = " & localDesc & GenerateObjectDescription("WebList&

23、quot;, "name:=" & text)Case "WebEdit"estr = "rval = " & localDesc & GenerateObjectDescription("WebEdit", "name:=" & text)End SelectIf estr <> "" ThenExecute estr + "Exist (0)"End IfIf rval ThenReport micPass,

24、 objtype & " Verification", "The " & objtype & " " & Quote(text)& " was verified to exist" ElseReport micFail, objtype & " Verification", "The " & objtype & " " & Quote(text) & " was no

25、t found"End IfIf "True" = rval Thenrval = TrueElserval = FalseEnd IfVerify = rvalEnd Function' Activates an object based upon its object type' objtype - the type of object should be limited to values in the object array ' text - identifying text for the control - for a lin

26、k,it's the text of the link Public Function Activate (objtype, text) localDesc = ""If thirdlevel <> "" ThenlocalDesc = GenerateDescription(level(2) ElselocalDesc = GenerateDescription(level(1) End IfAutoSync()Select Case objtype Case "Link"Execute localDesc &a

27、mp; GenerateObjectDescription("Link","innertext:=" & text) & "Click"Report micPass, "Link Activation", "The Link " & Quote(text) & " was clicked."Case "WebButton"Execute localDesc & GenerateObjectDescription(&q

28、uot;WebButton", "value:="& text) & "Click"Report micPass, "WebButton Activation", "The WebButton " & Quote(text) & " was clicked."' 擴(kuò)展對 Image 類型的按鈕的支持Case "Image"Execute localDesc & GenerateObjectDescription(&qu

29、ot;Image", "name:=" & text) & "Click"Report micPass, "ImageButton Activation", "The ImageButton" & Quote(text) & " was clicked."' 擴(kuò)展對 WebCheckBOX選中或撤銷選中支持Case "WebCheckBox"Execute "texts = " & localDes

30、c & GenerateObjectDescription("WebCheckBox","name:=" & text) & "GetROProperty (" &Quote("checked") & ")"If texts=0 ThenExecute localDesc & GenerateObjectDescription("WebCheckBox","name:="&text) & &q

31、uot;Set"&Quote("ON")ElseExecute localDesc & GenerateObjectDescription("WebCheckBox","name:="&text) & "Set"&Quote("OFF")End IfReport micPass, "WebCheckBox Activation", "The WebCheckBox " & Quote(text)&a

32、mp; " was clicked."End SelectEnd Function' 判斷 WebCheckBox當(dāng)前狀態(tài),如果是 0 則位選中, 1 為選中Public Function isWebchecked(text)localDesc = ""If thirdlevel <> "" ThenlocalDesc = GenerateDescription(level(2)ElselocalDesc = GenerateDescription(level(1)End IfAutoSync()Execute &

33、quot;texts = " & localDesc & GenerateObjectDescription("WebCheckBox","name:=" & text) &"GetROProperty (" &Quote("checked") & ")"isWebchecked=textsEnd Function' 根據(jù) Index:=N 的值進(jìn)行 Click, 目前只實(shí)現(xiàn)了 WebCheckBox Public Functio

34、n ActivateForIndex(objtype,i)localDesc = ""If thirdlevel <> "" ThenlocalDesc = GenerateDescription(level(2) ElselocalDesc = GenerateDescription(level(1)End IfAutoSync()Execute "texts = " & localDesc &GenerateObjectDescription("WebCheckBox","

35、index:=" & i) & "GetROProperty(" & Quote("checked") & ")"If texts=0 ThenExecute localDesc &GenerateObjectDescription("WebCheckBox","index:=" & i) &"Set"&Quote("ON")ElseExecute localDesc &Ge

36、nerateObjectDescription("WebCheckBox","index:=" & i) &"Set"&Quote("OFF")End IfReport micPass, "WebCheckBox Activation", "The WebCheckBox " & Quote(i) & " was clicked."End Function' 點(diǎn)擊 WebRadioGroup'valu

37、e為 WebRadioGroup Value'index為單選框索引,從0 開始Public Function ActivateWebRadioGroup(value,i)localDesc = ""If thirdlevel <> "" ThenlocalDesc = GenerateDescription(level(2)ElselocalDesc = GenerateDescription(level(1)End IfAutoSync()Execute localDesc &GenerateObjectDescripti

38、on("WebRadioGroup","Value:=" & value) & "Select(" & Quote("#"&i) & ")"Report micPass, "WebRadioGroup Activation", "The WebCheckBox "&Quote(value)&" 的"& Quote(i) & " was clicked.&q

39、uot;End Function' Selects a specific value from a listbox, or combobox' objname - name of the control - use Object Spy if you don't know the name property ' text - the item in the combobox to selectPublic Function SelectFromList (objname, text)localDesc = ""rv = ""

40、;rval = falseIf thirdlevel <> "" ThenlocalDesc = GenerateDescription(level(2)ElselocalDesc = GenerateDescription(level(1)End IfAutoSync()localDesc = localdesc & GenerateObjectDescription("WebList", "name:=" &objname)Execute "cnt = " & localDe

41、sc & "GetROProperty(" & Quote("items count") & ")"For i = 1 to cntExecute "rv = " & localDesc & "GetItem (" & i & ")"If rv = text Thenrval = trueEnd IfNextIf rval ThenExecute localDesc & "Select " &

42、amp; Quote(text)End IfIf rval ThenReport micPass, "WebList Selection", "The WebList item " & Quote(text) & "was selected."ElseReport micFail, "WebList Selection", "The WebList item " & Quote(text) & "was NOT found."End IfSel

43、ectFromList = rvalEnd Function' Enters text into an edit field' objname - name of the control - use Object Spy if you don't know what it is' text - the text to enter into the control Public Function EnterTextIn (objname, text)localDesc = "" rval = trueIf thirdlevel <>

44、 "" ThenlocalDesc = GenerateDescription(level(2) ElselocalDesc = GenerateDescription(level(1) End IfAutoSync()localDesc = localdesc & GenerateObjectDescription("WebEdit", "name:=" &objname)Execute localDesc & "Set (" & Quote(text) & ")

45、"Report micPass, "Enter Text", "Text: " & Quote(text) & " was entered into " &Quote(objname)EnterTextIn = rvalEnd Function' 根據(jù) index 給指定 WebEdit 賦值Public Function EnterTextInI (text,i)localDesc = ""rval = trueIf thirdlevel <> "&

46、quot; ThenlocalDesc = GenerateDescription(level(2)ElselocalDesc = GenerateDescription(level(1)End IfAutoSync()localDesc = localdesc&"WebEdit("&Quote("micclass:=WebEdit")&","&Quote("index:="&i)&")."Execute localDesc & "

47、;Set (" & Quote(text) & ")"Report micPass, "Enter Text", "Text: " & Quote(text) & " was entered into " &Quote(objname)EnterTextIn = rvalEnd Function' Obtains text from a control' objtype - is the type of control the get the tex

48、t from ' objname -is the name of the control - use Object Spy if you don't know the name ' returns - the text of the controlPublic Function GetTextFrom (objtype, objname)text = ""localDesc = ""If thirdlevel <> "" ThenlocalDesc = GenerateDescription(lev

49、el(2)ElselocalDesc = GenerateDescription(level(1)End IfAutoSync()Select Case objtypeCase "WebEdit"Execute "text = " & localDesc & GenerateObjectDescription("WebEdit", "name:=" & objname) & "GetROProperty (" & Quote("value&quo

50、t;) & ")" Case "WebList"Execute "text = " & localDesc & GenerateObjectDescription("WebList", "name:=" & objname) & "GetROProperty (" & Quote("value") & ")" End SelectReport micPass, "Capt

51、ure Text", "Text: " & Quote(text) & " wascaptured from thecontrol " & Quote(objname)GetTextFrom = textEnd Function' 獲取 DIV 中 WebElement的值'classNames,DIV的 Class 值。Public Function GetFromWebElement(classNames)text = ""localDesc = ""If th

52、irdlevel <> "" ThenlocalDesc = GenerateDescription(level(2)ElselocalDesc = GenerateDescription(level(1)End IfAutoSync()Execute "set doc="& localDesc&"object"for each element in doc.allinnerText=element.InnerTextclassName=element.ClassNameIf className=class

53、Names thentext=innerTextEnd IfNext' MsgBox InStr(text,Chr(13)'If InStr(text,Chr(13)>0 Then' Report micFail,"提交結(jié)果提示信息 ",text' Else' Report micPass,"提交結(jié)果提示信息 ",text' End If GetFromWebElement=textEnd Function' 如果頁面中存在多個需要點(diǎn)擊的對象時,需要指定順序,一般默認(rèn)第一次點(diǎn)擊是 0,后續(xù)為

54、1,2,3.N'objtypes,點(diǎn)擊的對象名, WebButton、LinkPublic Function ActivateMoreSameObject(objtypes, texts,i) text = ""localDesc = ""If thirdlevel <> "" ThenlocalDesc = GenerateDescription(level(2)ElselocalDesc = GenerateDescription(level(1)End IfAutoSync()Execute "se

55、t oDesc=Description.Create"If objtypes="WebButton" ThenoDesc( "micclass" ).value = "WebButton"oDesc( "value" ).value = textsExecute "Set colObject =" & localDesc & " ChildObjects( oDesc )"Execute "colObject(i).Click"E

56、nd IfIf objtypes="Link" ThenoDesc( "micclass" ).value = "Link"oDesc( "innertext" ).value = textsExecute "Set colObject =" &localDesc & " ChildObjects( oDesc )"Execute "colObject(i).Click"End IfIf objtypes="WebElement&

57、quot; ThenoDesc("micclass").value = "WebElement"oDesc("innertext").value = textsExecute "Set colObject =" &localDesc & " ChildObjects( oDesc )"'Execute "colObject(i).FireEvent"&Quote("onmousedown")&""

58、Execute "colObject(i).Click"End IfIf objtypes="WebTable" ThenoDesc("micclass").value = "WebTable"oDesc("tagName").value = textsExecute "Set colObject =" &localDesc & " ChildObjects( oDesc )" 'Execute "colObject(i)

59、.FireEvent"&Quote("onmousedown")&"" Execute "colObject(i).ChildItem(1,5,"&Quote("Link")&",0).Click" EndIfReport micPass, "ActivateMoreSameObject", Quote(objtypes) &":" & Quote(texts) & "was ca

60、ptured from the control "End Function' 雙擊網(wǎng)頁對話框中 WebTable中指定行列 , 該行列為 WebElement,Window對象沒有運(yùn)行時屬性,需要手工將對象加入 object 庫中。Public Function DblclickWindTable(classname,i,text)'className'dblclickExecute "set WinDesc=" & "Window(" & Quote("Windows InternetExpl

61、orer") & ").Window(" & Quote("micclass:=Window") & ").Page(" &Quote("micclass:=Page")&")"Execute "setobjWebElement=WinDesc.WebTable("&Quote("className:="&classname)&","&Quote(&quo

62、t;index:="&i)&")"&".WebElement("&Quote("innerText:="&text)&")" Execute "objWebElement.FireEvent"&" "&Quote("ondblclick") Report micPass, "WebTable CellData", "TableRow: " &a

63、mp;Quote(TableRow)&" , TableColumn:" & Quote(TableColumn) & " be dblCliked "End Function' 獲取網(wǎng)頁對話框中的 WebTable中指定行列值Public Function GetWindTable(classname,i,TableRow,TableColumn)text = ""Execute "set WinDesc=" & "Window(" & Quot

64、e("Windows InternetExplorer") & ").Window(" & Quote("micclass:=Window") & ").Page(" &Quote("micclass:=Page")&")"Execute"text=WinDesc.WebTable("&Quote("className:="&classname)&","

65、&Quote("index:="&i)&")"&".GetCellData("&TableRow&","&TableColumn&")"Report micPass, "WebTable CellData", "TableRow: " &Quote(TableRow)&" , TableColumn:" & Quote(TableColumn) &a

66、mp; " be dblCliked "GetWindTable=textEnd Function' 給網(wǎng)頁對話框中的 WebEdit 賦值Public Function WindowEnterTextIn (objname, text)rval = trueExecute "set WinDesc=" & "Window(" & Quote("Windows InternetExplorer") & ").Window(" & Quote("micclass:=Window") & ").Page(" &Quote("micclass:=Page")&")"Execute "texts= WinDesc.WebEdit("&Quote("name:="&objname)&").Set ("& Quote(text) & ")"Report micPass, "Enter Text", "


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