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1、Un i t 1 話 題 寫 作 ( 3 1 - 1 ) 范 文 : Vo l u n t a r y Wo r kI ama memberof the Group For Love of our school. Weoften do voluntary workto help children in need in our free time. There is a children s hospital close to our school. Sometimes we go there to tell them stories. Sometimes we visit the orphan

2、age to teach the children to sing songs and dance. Inorder to help them more, we often have some activities to raise money. Weuse the moneyto buy healthy food, clothes, books and toys for the children.I think our voluntary work can raise the children s spirits. We shouldhelp them to live a happy lif

3、e.譯文: 我是“愛心小組”的一員。我經(jīng)常在我們的空余時間做義務性工作來幫助有需要的孩子。 我們學校附近有一家兒童醫(yī)院。有時候我們?nèi)ツ墙o那里的孩子講故事。有時候我們拜訪孤兒院,去教那里的孩子唱歌跳舞。為了更多地幫助他們,我們經(jīng)常舉行一些活動來捐款。我們把捐來的錢來給孩子們買健康的食品,衣服,書籍和玩具。我認為,我們的義務性工作可以使那些孩子們振奮精神。我們應該幫助他們過一個快樂的人生。Unit 2 話題作文(34-1 ) 范文:Hello, everyone! Welcome to work in our travel company! I will tellyou some communic

4、ation skills. First, when you are working at your desks, you should sit up straight and hold your heads up. You shouldn t crossyour arms. Second, while talking with customers, you should listen to them carefully and answer their questions with a smile. It will make them feelyou are friendly. You sho

5、uldn t look away or look down. Third, when thetalk is over, you should stand up and say“thank you ” to customers. Youhad better shake hands with them when saying goodbye. Remember: Making a good impression on customers is very important.譯文:大家好!歡迎來我們的旅游公司工作!我將會告訴你們一些溝通的技巧。首先,當你在你的桌旁辦公時,你應該坐直并把你的頭抬起來。

6、你不應該交叉手臂。第二,當你和顧客談話時,你應該帶著微笑認真聽并回答他們的問題。這將會使他們覺得你是友好的。你不應該往別處看或向下看。第三,當談話結(jié)束時,你應該站起來并跟顧客說“謝謝” 。當說再見時最好跟他們握手。記?。航o顧客留下好印象很重要!Unit 3 話題寫作( 37-3 ) Paper cuttingMy grandpa is a paper cutting artist. Although he is over 70, he isvery healthy and still enjoys paper cutting. My grandpa learned papercutting a

7、t an early age. He can cut out different shapes from paper suchas animals, flowers and Chinese characters that stand for good luck. Hehas held many paper cutting shows. His paper cuttings are very popular and attract many visitors. They think his paper cuttings are very beautifuland can bring good l

8、uck. I like my grandpa s paper cuttings very much.I want to learn paper cutting and be good at paper cutting like my grandpa one day.譯文:我的爺爺是一個剪紙藝術(shù)家。雖然他超過 70 歲了,但他很健康并且仍然很享受剪紙。我的爺爺在很小的時候就學剪紙。他能從紙中剪出不同的形狀,例如動物,花朵很那些代表好運的中國漢字。他已經(jīng)舉辦過好多次剪紙展了。他的剪紙很受歡迎并且吸引了很多游客。他們認為他的剪紙是非常漂亮的并且可以帶來好運。 我非常喜歡我爺爺?shù)募艏垺N蚁雽W會剪紙并在

9、有一天能像我爺爺一樣善于剪紙。Unit 4 話題寫作( 42-3 ) My favourite movie starMy favourite movie star is Jackie Chan. He has won many prizes. Heis famous not only in China, but also in other countries. Jackie Chan isnot very tall. He has black hair and a big nose. His eyes are not big, butbright. He is good at kung fu.

10、 He always smiles, especially after he beats bad men. Most of his movies are exciting. I think his best movie is Police Story. He is kind and he often gives money to help poor people, so I like him very much. 譯文:我最喜歡的電影明星是成龍。他得過很多獎。他不僅在中國,而且在其他國家也一樣出名。成龍不是非常高。他有黑色的頭發(fā)和一只大鼻子。他的眼睛不是很大但很明亮。他善于功夫。他總是微笑著,

11、尤其是在他打敗壞人后。他的絕大多數(shù)電影都是令人興奮的。我認為他最后的電影是警察故事 。他很善良,他經(jīng)常給窮人金錢,所以我非常喜歡他。Unit 5 話題作文( 45-1 ) 范文: Polar bearsPolar bears mostly live on sea ice. They are good at swimming. Atbirth, they weigh only a few hundred grams. But when they become adults, they may weigh as much as 900 kilograms. They can live for up

12、 to 25 years.They eat some animals in the sea. Nowadays, polar bears are in danger.First , it is because the Earth is becoming warmer and warmer and there is less and less ice. Polar bears are losing their homes. Second, people kill polar bears for their fur and meat, because their fur is thick enou

13、ghto keep people warm in cold winter. It is important for people to protectthem. 中文譯文:北極熊幾乎生活在海冰上。它們善于游泳。出生時,它們僅僅中幾百克,但它們成年后,它們也許可達900 千克。它們能生活長達25 年。它們吃海里的一些動物。如今,北極熊處于危險中。首先,是因為地球變得越來越暖,而且冰越來越少。北極熊正失去它們的家園。第二,人們通過捕殺北極熊獲取它們的皮毛和肉,因為它們的皮毛足夠厚,可以讓人保暖。對人們來說,保護它們很重要。Unit 6 話題寫作( 48-1 ) 范文:petsI think it

14、is a good idea to keep pets.First , we can play with pets, take them for walks or do sportswith them. In this way, we can also do some exercise. Second, playing with pets can help us relax ourselves. Third, we can learn how to take care ofothers by keeping pets. What s more, pets are always faithful

15、 to us. They offer us love so we won t feel lonely. Finally, acco rding to someresearch, caring for pets ever helps us live longer. In my opinion, we can really learn a lot of things from keeping pets.中文譯文: 我認為養(yǎng)寵物是個好主意首先,我們能和寵物一起玩,帶它們?nèi)ド⒉交蛘吲c他們做運動。通過這種方式,我們也可以做一些運動。第二,和寵物一起玩能夠幫助我們放松我們自己。第三,通過養(yǎng)寵物,我們可以學

16、會如何照顧別人。更為重要的是,寵物總是對我們很忠誠。它們給我們愛,所以我們將不會感到孤獨。最后,根據(jù)一些調(diào)查,照顧寵物甚至可以幫助我們活得更久。 我認為,我們確實可以從養(yǎng)寵物中學 到很多東西。Unit 7 話題寫作( 50-3 ) A special experienceOne midnight, I got up for some food. Suddenly, I heard a strange noise. I ran out of my house and saw a spaceship landed on the ground. Some aliens came out of it.

17、 They were thin and tall with no hair on their heads. They also had light blue skin and black eyes. They were pleased to see me and even waved to me. I felt really excited. After that, they turned around and walked back to their spaceship. There was a word “ Mars” on the spaceship. Oh, they were Mar

18、tians! In myopinion, weshould makefriends with Martians. Do you think so譯文:一晚的半夜,我為了找點吃的起來了。突然間,我聽見一陣奇怪的聲響。我跑出我的家并看到了一艘太空船著陸在地面,一些外星人從船里出來。它們又瘦又高,它們的頭上沒有頭發(fā)。它們也有亮麗的藍色的皮膚和黑色的眼睛。它們很高興見到我并跟我招手。我感到異常興奮。最后它們到處逛并回到它們的太空船里了。在太空船上有“火星”的字樣。哦,它們是火星人?。?我認為, 我們應該和火星人交朋友,你覺得呢Unit 8 話題寫作( 54-1 ) Life in the future

19、My life in the future will be different from that in the present. Iwill live in a both green and smart house, with computers in every room.These computers are connected to the outside world. I can do many thingson the Internet. A robot will help me do the housework. It looks like areal man. As for m

20、y work, it will take me only four hours to work at homeevery day on weekdays. In myfree time, I will often travel around the world in a new type of car. It uses solar energy to run. What' s more, I ' llbe very strong because the food in the future is healthier.譯文:我未來的生活將會和現(xiàn)在的不一樣。我將會住在既環(huán)保又智能的

21、房子里。這個房子的每個房間都有電腦。這些電腦與外面的世界相連接。我們能在網(wǎng) 絡上做很多事情。將會有一個機器人幫我做家務。它長得像真人。至于我的工作, 我每個工作日將僅需花4個小時在家里工作。在我的空余時間里,我將經(jīng)常會用一輛新型的汽車環(huán)游世界。這輛車是太陽能來驅(qū)動的。更為重要的是,我將變得更強壯,因為未來的食物將會更健康。學校在科技節(jié)期間舉行征文比賽,請以Life in the Present and Future為題寫一篇80詞左右的英語短文投稿。 要求語言通順,意思連貫?,F(xiàn)在的生活將來的生活污染問題城市污染嚴重(自己補充內(nèi)容)教育很多同學周末去補課,學習壓力大(自己補充內(nèi)容)文娛活動(自己補充內(nèi)容)與機器人一起打乒乓球,坐飛


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