



1、托福測試閱讀同義詞替換-歸類fuels = provides energy forenduring = lasting prevailing = generally accepted incredible = impossible to believe obsolete = out of date suitable = appropriate ambitious = impressive but difficult to achieve take precedence over = have greater importance than surplus = excess quantity e

2、xhibits = displays embody = incorporate ultimately = eventually virtually = Nearly suspended = floating replenished = restored dramatic = striking distinction = difference rapport = bond thrill = excitement vitality = energy specified = stated focused = concentrated imminent = about to happen refine

3、ment = improvement scattered = widely separated speculates二puts forward as a possibility tremendous = enormous hence = therefore implement = put into effect particularly = especially scarce = short in supply principally = mainly controversial = producing disagreement induce = cause the formation ofi

4、nevitable = certain accordingly = correspondingly cluster = group enormous = huge presumably = it is reasonable to assume pertinent = relevant subdue = defeat coincides with = occurs at the same time as justify = provide a rational basis for promoted = encouraged hierarchical = having several levels

5、 of authorityconstituents = components excavated = dug from the ground characteristic = typical alteration = modification henceforth = from this time on obliged = forced launched = started ensure = guarantee incited = stimulated substantial = considerable outweighs = exceeds collective = group erect

6、ing = constructing consequent = resulting reinforces = supports devastate = destroy simultaneously = at the same time unintentional = unplanned alternate = take turns at regimes = governments a surge of = a sudden increase inaggregations = groups lateral = sidelittle short of miraculous because almo

7、st impossible designation = iden tif (cation chaotic = disorganized retains = preserves constant = continual coalesced = collided emitted = released defining = identifying domestic = householdswift = fast significant = considerable modest = relatively small consequently = Therefore component = part

8、remarkable = extraordinaryconfined to = limited to relentless = unceasing托福測試閱讀同義詞替換-歸類synthesizing = combiningdiffusion = spreadelevated = raisedautonomous = independent obliged = requiredIn essence = Basicallyfeasible = practicalvast = hugescale = sizeappreciated = approvedadvocated = promotedvici

9、nity = surrounding areafostered = encouragedaccidental = by chancefrigid = coldmodify = change drastically = extensivelydetected = discoveredprohibit = preventextensive = largeultimately = finallyaccounts for = explainskept pace with二matched the increase inremnants = remainderscapacity = available s

10、torage spaceremote = isolatedinevitable = unavoidablecited = mentionedsurpass = exceedponder = thought about fundamental 二basic= amazing mandated = required promoted = encouraged signifying = indicating ceased = stopped dispersed = scattered function = purpose alleged = supp osed controversial = deb

11、atable inconclusive = not decisive elaborate = well developed pioneered = introduced subsequent = later comprised = consisted of enhanced = improved reinforce = strengthen profound = intense obsolete = out of date3托福測試閱讀同義詞替換-歸類obscure = little known associates = connects encompasses = includes stat

12、ionary = unmoving hence = therefore irreversible = permanent monumental = enormous manipulate = skillfully used pursue = prefer subsistence = survival exposed = unprotected with no warning = without any indication b eforehand congestion = overcrowding altered = transformed emitted = released retardi

13、ng = slowing abundant = plentiful sustain = support pioneering = original distinct = separate enabling = allowing restricted = limited severity = harshness congregate = gather consequently = As a result comprise = consist of constituent = component predominate = are in the majority gradual = slow di

14、ffuse = spread dispersed = scattered deficiencies = shortages emerging = appearingBesides = In addition to preoccupation = concern coupled with = combined with autonomy = independence conspicuous = easily noticed endure = withstand surplus = extra task = requirement unfavorable = disadvantageous tri

15、ggered = initiated severely = greatly reinforcing = strengthening launched = started methodically = systematical accelerate = speed up improved = p erf ected detect = sense convincingly = persuasively elusive = hard to identify maintenance of = supporting isolated = separated from one another overwh

16、elmed = was too large for relatively = comparatively particular = specific exclusively = only accumulating = collecting counter = combat breakthrough = development sophisticated = highly developed surge = sudden increase proportions = size sustain = support persistent = lasting promote = encourage c

17、ontradictory = conflicting6manifestations = expressions cumulative = combined apparent = noticeable corresponded = equaled norm = common adjacent = nearby intervals = periodically discrete = separate prolific = highly productive sparser = more thinly distributed episodes = occurrences proponents = s

18、upporters swift = quickunpromising = unfavorable a wealth of = an abundance of devoid of = lacking in diffusion = spread ongoing = continuing corresponds = matches complexity = sophistication allowing = resulting in distortions = irregularities temporarily = briefly peculiar = unusual plentiful = nu

19、merous emergence = rise routinely = regularly distinctive = characteristic thereby = consequently suitable = appropriate generally = usually tending = taking care of rudimentary = elementary akin to = similar to occasionally = sometimes ingenuity = inventiveness tangible = physical sequences = serie

20、s converted = changed approximating = estimating subsequently = later equivalent = comparable exploitation = use altogether = fully steadily = at an unvarying rate concentrations = dense groupings reflect = indicate obscure = hide unfavorable = negative pursue = engage in comparable = similar extrem

21、e = greatUpon reflection = After consideration consult = ask expelled = left by prompted = stimulated explicit = clearly expressed imply = suggest enhanced = improved peculiar to = unique to exert = put forth apparently = seemingly astonishment = surprise virtually = nearlyIn retrospect = looking ba

22、ck prompts = stimulates particular = specific eventually = in the endrecall = remembersimultaneously = at the same time dismissed = rejected elevated = high exercised = applied emergence = rise tactic = strategy thus = consequently stagnation = lack of growth sustained = continued implications = con

23、sequences exclusively = solely potential = p ossible favorable = advantageous ambiguous = unclear convey = transmitaccounted for = explained considerably = significantly striking = noteworthy formerly = desirable relatively = comparatively accentuated = intensif fedspecifically = precisely undoubtedly = certainly technically = scientifically classified as supplementary = extra subtle = not ob


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