1、百度文庫-讓每個人平等地提升自我小學(xué)英語單復(fù)數(shù)練習(xí)題及答案英語專項測試名詞復(fù)數(shù)姓名:分?jǐn)?shù):/ 一、請寫出下列詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式。this/ w atchdhiydaybookdresssheeptea boxstraw berrypeachsandw 込hpaper.lirew a term lkrfce-Th二、單項選擇1. The in our yaid are very beautifiilA cbthB w aterC flow ers2. T om is one of the C hheseh our schoolA. boy B boys C bojfes3. A cat has fou
2、r, doesnt it?A foots feetC feets4 There are threeand fiveh the room /A. Am erican, Japanese B Am erbans, Japanese C Am erfcan, Japanese、/5 C an you see nineh the prture? /A fish B book C horse6. Thehas tv oA. boy; w atchB boy; w atches C boys; w atch7. Theare fhg back to 1heircountry./ A G erm any B
3、 G eim anys C G eim ans8. The girl brushes hergoes to bed.eveiy day before she A tooths B teethC tee thssaw m anyh the streetA peoplesgreen sw eater is his三、選擇填空1. They com e fiom dififerentA county B countries C a country D countrys2. H ow m anydo you see h the prture?15A tom a Ids B tom atoes C to
4、m atoD the tom a to3 They areA w om an teachersB w om en teachersC w om en teacherD w om an teacher ,please?4 W ould you likeA. two glass ofw ateiB 1w o glasses ofw ater /X /C two glass of waters D two glasses of /w aters / / /5. M ostof /live hA. G erm ans, G erm an B Geiman,GeimenC G erm en, G erm
5、 any D G erm ans, G eim any/ 6 There are som ein theseA knifespencitboxes B knivespencils-box C / . knivespenciHaox D knivespencis43oxes/ 7 .一likeby air:A G reens, travellhgB The G reen, tmvelhg C The G reens, travel) The G reens, traveling8. Iwonderwhyare interested h actbn fih s.A the peophB peopl
6、e C peopbsD the peoples9. There is noin the plate.A applesB orangesC riceD eggsuncb has three四填入所給名詞的正確形式1. Ihave 1w o2. There are m anyhere3. There are m anyon the road.4 A feware draw ing on the w all5. Theaxe playing foolballnow.6. P lease take tv oform e.7. like the red8.W ould you please clean
7、yournow ?9. D oyou w antsom e10.There are teninourschool/答案:、請寫出下列詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式。cities zooscountrfes teethm 込e boys broom s carstees horses buses foxesblanches babies fem ilies dishesradios photos panos knivesleaves lives thfeves m enw om en children :feet thesew atches dnrfes days booksdresses sheep teas
8、boxesstawbeirfes peaches sandw 込hes papers jirew a term ik rice people CDs oxen deer fish二、單項選擇.B.B .B .AC >B >B三、選擇填空B -B >B -DD JB .C四填入所給名詞的正確形式1. knives boxes buses boys children.tom atoes teeth m ilk teachers、this請寫出下列詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式。w atch、-s'Ikdferydaybookdresssheepteaboxstraw berrypeachs
9、andw rhpaperjitew a term ik rreox>1deerfish/二、單項選擇 /1. Thehour yard are very beautifiil”xyA cbthB w aterC flow ers2. T omis one of ihe C hheseh our school英語專項測試名詞復(fù)數(shù)A. boy B boys C bofes3.A cat has four,doesn't it?A. foots B feetC feets4 There are threeand fiveh theroomA. Am erican, Japanese B
10、 Am erbans, Japanese C / Am erfcan, Japanese5. C an you see ninein the pidure?A fish B book C horse6. Thehas tw oA. boy; w atchB boy; w atches C boys; w atch7. Theare fhg back to tieircountry.A G erm any B G eim anys C G erni ans8. The girl brushes hereveiy day beforeshegoes to bed.A tooths B teethC
11、 tee thssaw m any A peoplesh the streetgreen sw eater is his _三、選擇填空1. They com e fiom dififerent zXX /A county B countries C a country D countiys / do you see h the phture? /A tom atos B tom atoes C tom atoD the tom ato2. H ow m any3. They areA w om an teachersB w om en teachersC w om en teacherD w
12、 om an teacher4 W ould you like,please?A. two glass ofw ateiB 1w o glasses ofw aterC two glass of w aters D two glasses of / w aters5. M ostoflive h- A. G erm ans, G eim an B G erm an, G eim enC G eim en, G eim any D G eim ans, G eim any6. There are som ein theseA knifespenciHioxes B knivespencilsox
13、 C knivespencitbox D knivespencikdDoxes7. likeby air:A. G mens, travellrigB The G reen, travelingC The G mens, travel) The G reens, tevelhg8. Iw onderw hyare hterested in actionfilm s.A the peopleB people C peoplesD the peoples9. There e noh tie phteA. appfesB oiangesC riceD eggsuncfe has tiree四填入所給
14、名詞的正確形式/ 1 I have iw o/ ' 2. There are m anyhere1L3. There are m anyon the road4 A feware draw ing on the w all5. Theare playing feotbalnow 6. P lease take tw oform e.7. I Ike the red8. W ould you please chan yournow ?9. D o you w ant som e?10. There are ten h ourschool答案: 一、請寫出下列詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式。citfes z
15、oos countrfes teeth m ice boys broom s cars trees horses buses foxes blanches babies fem ilies dishes radios photos pianos knives haves lives thfeves m en w om en child ren :feet thesew atches dhrfes days booksdresses sheep teas boxesstewbeirfes peaches sandw rhes papersjifce w aterm ilk rrepeople C
16、Ds oxen deer fish、單項選擇.B.B .B .A.C.B .B三、選擇填空.B.B .B .D.D.B .C四填入所給名詞的正確形式1. knives boxes buses boys childrentom atoes teeth .m ik teachers小學(xué)畢業(yè)復(fù)習(xí)專項練習(xí)之句型轉(zhuǎn)換亠、肯定句改否定句的方法一步法、在 be 動詞后加 not。如I: is not , are notw as not , w ere not、在 can,X X 等后加not o如I:should , w HLXw illnot ;、3、上述都沒有的,在動詞前加助動詞否定形式/should
17、not ,t/ioesn , t/clidn 'cannot ,百度文庫-讓每個人平等地提升自我4、som e 改成 any。二、肯定句改一般疑問句的方法三步法1、把be動詞放在句首,剩下的照抄,句點改成問號。2、把can, shall , w ill 等放到句首,剩下的照抄,句點 改成問號。3 、上述都沒有的,在句首請助動詞DoRoesRid幫忙,剩 下的照抄,句點改成問號。三、肯定句改特殊疑問句的方法四步法XTh1 、在一般疑問句的基礎(chǔ)上,句首添加一個疑問詞即可, 可根據(jù)劃線部分確定是什么疑問詞。2 、接著找be動詞或can, shal , w il等放在疑問詞后面,若沒有則請助動
18、詞doAloesil幫忙,寫在疑問詞后面,how m any/vhose除外,必須先寫物品,再寫 be動詞 等。X 、劃線部分去掉后剩下的內(nèi)容照抄,4 、句點改成問號。1. Thatis a chain2. That s m yteacher3. This is JetterD 4. Tom is hereis B ob17百度文庫-讓每個人平等地提升自我25m LiLeiis a pencitcase.8. This is a pen h English.9. It is an English book.w as sunny yesteiday.11. The apples are five
19、 yuan./12. M y m um cleans the room every day.thisw atchdjaiydaybookdresssheepteaboxstrawberrypeachsandw 込hpaper.iirew a term ikrre、單項選擇1. Thein our yaid are verybeautiftilA cbthB. w aterC flow ers/2. T omis one of the C hhesein our school13. They are looking forbag.A. boy B boys C bofes3.A cat has
20、four,doesnt it?A. foots B feetC feets4 There are threeand fivein theroomA. Am erfcan, Japanese B Am errans, Japanese C Am erban, Japanese/ 5. C an you see nineh the piduie?A fish B book C horse/ 6. The /'_ has tv oA. boy; w atchB boy; w atches C boys; w atchya7. Theaxe fhhg back to tieircountryA
21、 G erm any B G eim anys C G eim ans -8. The girl brushes hereveiy day before shegoes to bedA tooths B teethC teethssaw m anyh the streetA peoples' sgreen sw eater is his三、選擇填空1. They com e fiom dififerentA country B countries C a country D countiys2. H ow m anydo you see in the prture?LA tom ato
22、s B tom a toes C tom atoD the tom ato3. They are. /A w om an teachersB w om en teachersC w om en teacherD w om an teacher.一4 W ouH you like,please?A. 1w o glass ofw ateiB 1w o glasses ofw ater / C two glass of waters D twow aters5. M ostoflive hA. G erm ans, G erm an B G erm an, G eim enC G erm en,
23、G erm any D G eim ans, G eim any6 There are som ein theseA knifespenciHioxes B knivespencilsDox C knivespencitbox D knivespencis43oxes7.likeby air:A. G mens, tevellhgB The G reen, tavelhgC The G reens, travel) The G reens, tavelhg8. Iw onderw hyare interested in actbnglasses offilm s.A the peophB people C peopbsD the peoplesin the plate.9. There is no .A applesB orangesC riceD e
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