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5、* Suites CD Meme Sub" tncu«-v Cotiaary C齊 pv Largjags "ode 12 34.I 口56 78-Rzu二次檢索功能Shanghai party: Wbat ywj'l find a: 2020 World ExpoSan kse Mercury Wvs (CKomia), kn« 20, 2010 Sunday, NEV/5; Trawl; Restyle, 1513 werds, By John Boudreau 5sn g Mercu-y HewsGlobal get-toetMr V/la
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7、ncay, TRAVEL; Pg C2t 1451 words, John &0Ld*«au. Tn® Pxv.nc®Postcard from th© Expo: E>po 2010 Snanghai: soarcng :or rw川ng>Gntuia Gweol Nez Sevic© XHy 1, 2010 Trvursday 1:20 W ES7, DOMCSTIC NEWS; Ecorooric, 1724 譏erdsPostcard from the Expo: E>po 2010 S-%anchai: se
8、arcng 'or nearingXnhua G如Wns SrviCG,比” lr 2010 Thursday 3:25 W EST, DONCSTTC NEWS; Ecoro(T»C, 1724 zerdsShanghai & bppy faces; What 艸 can e)pect :c $<? asCNnhs astst-growing ccy throws party for the 伙oddTines Colonist (Victons, Bntsh CoLirba), Jdy 3, 2C10 Saturday, TRAVEL; Pc. 03. 13
9、31 worcte, John Boudreau, McGtchy 2 ServesAROUNC CH1HIXC. Jure 22. 2010 Tuesday 1C74 werdsSPEECH BV HE AM3ASSADOR UU XIAOMINC A* THE 叱 OF THE PHOTO EXHIBITJOW OF THE SHANGHAI V/ORLC EXPO ! MANCHESTWStates News 9«rvce. June 26r 2010 SatirdAy. 70S a:xdv States News ServceLexisNexis列表LexisNexis列表L
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12、WS; Travel; LihsR匕 1518 words, 6y John 8oudr«au San J旳 Mcrc jry NewsSicbal gt-togetber you'l fnd X 2010 »vodd Boo h ShanghaiThe Star-edgar (Wmix, Ww Jarsy My 11, 2CJC Sjnday. TRAVEL; Pg. 31, 96 crds. Jdin Bcvdraaj MC" NEWS SEQCal it China's deb<JUnte bal; Some 70 miler oeop
13、te are expected to marvel at the grandeirThe Vaxw/er Orovnze (Ertsh Coitnbia), Juy ® 2310 Sunday. TRAVEL; Pg C2 14S1 words, John Boudreau The ProvincePostcard tcxt the Expc; Expo 2010 Shanghai; secrcing for maanmgXirhw General NeAS Service, July I. 2010 Thursday 1:20 Ml EST, DOMESTIC NEWS; Eccn
14、cmc, 1724 wordsPostcard *or the Expc: Exp< 2910 Shanghai: swsrrng for rreanmgXirhta General 血as Sarvice, Jufy 1. 2010 *hursday 8:25 Ml EST. DOMESTIC NEWS; Eccncmk, 1724 wordsShangha's happy ;aces;詢卜st you car expec: to see 3> Chinas fs$t:-groAir»g city Erows party fy tne worldTines Co
15、lonist (Actcm, fintish Columba), liy 3, 2C10 Saturday, "RAVB.;何.OJ, 1331 words, John Boudreau, fA:Oatchy N ServiceARCtND OWC, June 22, 2010 Tuesday, 1C7-4 r/<rdsBY H E. AMBAS弘DOR LTJ XIAOMIMS AT THE OPENING OF T« PHOTO EXHEH:OM OF THE SHANGHAI WORD EXPO : WNCHESTERStates *刖 5er/cez June
16、 26“ 2319 Saturday. 705 vords. States Servce全文關(guān)鍵詞以紅色字體顯著標明LexisNexis列表LexisNexis列表Search within results _町通過此處下載打印或發(fā)送郵件sliuw Pul Math tndexg * 1 of 2039 D O Shnhal partv* Whjit you*II find »t 3.Shanghai party: What you'll find at 2010 World ExpoRYl INF: Bv Joftn RoudfAu San lo«o Morcur
17、y NoakSECTION: MESS; Tr>v<l; LiF«tty«LENGTH: 1518 wordsIf th« 2OO2 Dc<x9 Olymptsa wda China's postcard to the world, the Shogrvai V/ortd Cxpo 19 the nabond comarg out partyTh# expo mmy thing* kittchy nation brodn, >n amzog cllctcn of #catching McKit«ctvr«
18、71;n up-clof« look at O*ni c«l«br»bng it* historic b*«>kneck «conomc developmentThose 磯32外? will Experience me patience-cesUng strenOi o" OWiese who can wait and i " endless in«s ofOdais antic<)dte $on»e 70 m»on people will crcop through t
19、he oxpo boforo it zloca: Oct. 31.Th* GprAZm 2522milo axpoat* rivtdd by th* MiiJw)Qpu Rivr. withkyhitMt*an th* Puw aMo rd gl»«tuning nt»Anah rtaCvcrt tM(nl«r cgctn«8 2S9 pAvikone. io > a Sw of cur fdvontM: Tha Fmsn rzlicn loot* ik* an trwarai ark notnj m war“ crzc Kmj. or
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21、rw Or丘“ac Arrterccr fairy ZQ at itc pav4o«i. It is tho frat htna Erb*crabred 5ifC3(xre has some M the frienduest creeters ac eve expo, its pavilon, desord as a cianc inusic bo>, ixUJ* a vkleo homierong the dcy-nacon, nweicdl fountains ana 尹rcer /vith an orchid bytxid created to cc*r*neM&
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53、isNexis國際期刊資訊可查找加拿大香港和英國的法律期刊及論文it-5hep«rd' «5li£E5fTLexisNexis國際期刊資訊可查找加拿大香港和英國的法律期刊及論文檢去Rl定于這擇下直的一個主X 晉住空不場以耀天ca所看的怎律評憶和期刊垠行法0氏療氏酬;去o k法o務民法Q沁II棄fi;去禿法Q曲乞理©證券獨o刊注Q體肓和隕樂法O環(huán)蟆法Q w«LexisNexis結(jié)果列表26LexisNexis結(jié)果列表LexisNexis AcademicRe5«lt CroupsShow listySearch within m
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