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1、第三冊英語口語測試復習提綱八年級英語教案 模板Part One Ask and answer1 . What' s your name? My name is 2 . Which class are you in?I am in Class 3 . Which grade are you in?I am in grade 4 . What' s the weather like today? It' s fine/ cloudy/ rainy/ windy 5 . How many people are there in your family? There are t

2、here/ five6 . What' s your favourite food/sports/subject? My favorite food/ sports is 7 . Do you like giant pandas? Yes, I do. / No, I don ' t.8 . Are you good at English? Yes, I am. / No, I am not.9 . Where were you born? I was born in Kunshan.10 .How often do you go home? Once a week.11 .W

3、hen do you usually have lunch? At eleven.12 .What' s your mother? She is a teacher/ worker/ driver13 .What are your parents like? They are kind and friendly.14 .What will you do if you want to protect giant pandas?15 .How many seasons are there in a year? There are four.16 .Where do you live? I

4、live in Kunshan.17 .How do you usually go to school? By bike/ bus/ car. / On foot.18 .What will you feel if an earthquake happens? I will feel frightened.19 .How is your father today? He is fine, thank you.20 .How much time do you spend studying everyday? About four hours.21 .What do you do after cl

5、ass? I often play football with my classmates.22 .What will you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a teacher.23 .Who is the best student in your class?24 .Which do you like better, apples or bananas? I like apples better.25 .What' s the Chinese meaning of“ Summer Palace " ?26 .Why sh

6、ould we protect wildlife?27 .Do you feel cold today? Yes, I do.28 .What' s subject do you study at school? I study English, math and Chinese.29 .Do you read English everyday? Yes, I do.30 .What does a parrot have? It has colorful feathers.Part 2 o ReadingPlease read the six reading passages as f

7、luently as you can.Part 3 ree Topic Speaking1) 朋友1 .我有個好朋友叫 Daniel。2 .他個子很高,大大的眼睛帶著眼鏡。3 .他喜歡音樂,讀書。他樂于助人,隨時給別人幫助。4 .我們經(jīng)常一起做作業(yè),互相幫助。5 .我們是好長時間的好朋友了。2) 學校生活1 .我們學校有二十個班級,數(shù)千名學生。2 .早上六點起床,然后開始讀英語。晚上十點睡覺。3 .學校有很大的餐廳,漂亮的公園和圖書館。4 .我們 學校有很多課外活動,比如籃球,足球,乒乓球。5 .每周我們學校都去戶外活動。3) 出游的一天1 .早上我們八點在學校門口結合,然后乘校車到人民公園。

8、2 .我們在那兒爬山,有人摔倒了,大家都幫助他。3 .最精彩的是公園的歌舞表演,我們都想加入。4 .我們拍了很多照片。5 .這是多么快樂的一天啊!4) 野生動物1 .我最喜歡大熊貓。2 .熊貓最喜歡的食物是竹子和竹筍。3 .中國采取了很多的措施來保護大熊貓。4 .我加入了野生動物興趣小組。5 .我要寫信給雜志社讓更多的人知道保護動物的重要性。5) 觀鳥1 .我是觀鳥懼樂部的一員。2 .我們每周都去公園看鳥。3 .我最喜歡鸚鵡,因為它有五顏六色的羽毛。4 .扎龍是世界最大的鳥類保護區(qū)之一,那兒有很多稀有的鳥類。5 .我們要讓更多的人知道保護鳥類的重要性。6) 自然災害1 .地震開始的時候我在一個

9、商店。2 . 一開始,我感到輕微的震動,然后一聲巨響,人們到處逃竄。3 .我終于跑到了街上,到處都是人。4 .我很害怕。5 .終于地震結束了,幸運的是沒有人受傷。教案示例二總體教學思路:本節(jié)課設計思路:本節(jié)課任務設計以學生每天所吃的食物和是否有規(guī)律的進行體育鍛 煉為主線,上課以如何保持一個健康的體魄為討論主題引出科學的膳食和有規(guī)律體育鍛煉兩 個主題導入任務,通過討論得出結論什么是合理的飲食習慣,和科學的鍛煉身體的頻率并評選出生活學習最有規(guī)律的標兵教學目標:1 .學會描述不同食物的名稱和各項體育運動的名稱。2學習如何正確運用表示頻率的表達方式。課前準備:飲食和運動的調查問卷。教學過程設計:Tas

10、ksLesson 94教學設計示例一、教學目標1 .知識目標掌握過去進行時的用法。2 .能力目標能夠用自己的話復述課文里的小故事(盡量用到過去進行時)。3 .情感目標教育學生不要打擾別人休息,鄰里之間要友好相處。二、教具 同上課。 三、課堂教學設計1.復習 教師參照練習冊習題1,與學生進行問答練習??赏ㄟ^如下方法,培養(yǎng)學生口頭復述課文的能力:對一組學生逐個提問,這組學生每次回答一個問題;從另外一組中找出一位同學,依次將每個同學及他前面同學的答案像滾雪球似的復述下來。例如:T: Where did the man live ?S1 : The man lived in a tall buildi

11、ng in the city of Moscow.S0: The man lived in a tall building in the city of Moscow.T : Why did he like to live there?S2: Because it was usually very quiet and he could see the park from his window.S0: The man lived in a tall building in the city of Moscow. He liked living there because it was usual

12、ly very quiet and he could see the park from his window.T: What did the man upstairs always do when he came home every night?S3: The man upstairs always took off his shoes and threw them on the floor.S0: The man lived in a tall building in the city of Moscow. He liked living there because it was usu

13、ally very quiet and he could see the park from his window. The man upstairs always took off his shoes and threw them on the floor.扮演S0的角色,一次可以是一個人;可以是一個組;也可以是班上其他學生。剛開始練習 時,問題不宜一次提得過多,三至五個即可,逐步過渡。此外,較難回答的問題要注意修改,通常不使用一般疑問句(除非學生掌握更靈活的方法注)。2 .聽課文錄音,學生跟讀一遍。3 .教師解釋難句(見難點講解)。4 .打開練習冊,做習題2。當堂核對答案,并要求學生按此準

14、備課文復述。5 .布置作業(yè)1)練習朗讀本課文,準備復述;2)書面完成練習冊其他習題。四、難點講解1. the man upstairs 樓上的人 the man downstairs 樓下的人 upstairs和downstairs都是副詞,用來修飾前面的名詞the man。當副詞用作定語修飾名詞時,一般要放在被修飾的名詞之后。例如: On his journey home, he made a lot of friends.在回家 的旅途中,他交了很多朋友。 (句中home是副詞)Look at the photo above.請看上面的照片。(句中 above是副詞)2. He liked

15、 living there.他喜歡住在那里。作為動詞,like后既可接動詞不定式也可接動名詞,但在意義上有細微差異。like to do表示的是具體的動作,往往有特定的場合;而 like doing是抽象意義,表示習慣性動作。例如: I like walking in the evening. 我愛在傍晚散步。I like to walk in the evening. 我喜歡傍晚去散步。I like playing basketball.我喜歡打籃球。I like to play basketball.我現(xiàn)在想去打籃球。3. He found it very difficult to get

16、 to sleep and he was very unhappy.他發(fā)現(xiàn)難以入睡,彳艮不高興。句中的it是形式上的賓語,而真正的賓語是動詞不定式短語to get to sleep. it作形式賓語時,句子結構往往是:主語 +謂語+ it+賓語補足語+真正賓語。除動詞不定式以外,that引導的從句也常作真正賓語。這時,句中謂語動詞往往是find, think, make, believe等。例如:Do you think it right to play tricks on others?你覺得開別人的玩笑好嗎?He thought it best to say nothing.他覺得最好是什

17、么也不說。I make it a rule that I should spend at least two hours learning English every day. 每天至少花兩 小時學英語是我的規(guī)律。get to sleep是 入睡”的意思。動詞 get有 漸漸”的含義。例如:We got to know each other later.后來我們逐漸相互了解了。When winter comes, the nights are getting longer and the days are getting shorter. 冬天來臨,夜 晚變長,白天變短。4. With a s

18、mile the man from downstairs said," I ' m sorry to troubleoW,的omrade.笑著說:對不起,同志,打擾一下?!本渲衱ith a smile是介詞短語,在句子里用作狀語,表明樓下的人說話時的伴隨狀態(tài)。介詞 短語用作狀語的情況很多,再如:Thank you for teaching us so well.謝謝您把我們教得這樣好。Classes begin at eight. 點開始上課。5. He was just falling asleep when there was a loud knock at the do

19、or. 他剛睡著, 就有人大聲敲 門。fall asleep是 睡著”的意思。asleep是形容詞,接在連系動詞 fall之后。句中when等于and then,意思是: 那時。 再如: He was walking in the park when he saw a watch on the ground. 他 正在公園里行走,看見地上有一塊手表。教學目標知識目標:1. Words and phrases: rob, hard-working, art, at the moment, set, set off, pleasant, here and there, on watch, look

20、 out, in front, hole, sink, life, lifeboat, make room for, take one ' s place, thankful, war, information, noisy, penguin, pink, shellfish, lay, pretty, toe, yip, yippee, rob, human, Titanic, iceberg, Boston, Californian2 .日常交際用語:復習第21-25單元中的日常交際用語。3 .語法:復習第21-25單元中的語法項目。能力目標:1 .使學生能夠根據(jù)教師設計的情景,利

21、用這五個單元所學日常交際用語進行口頭和筆 頭練習。2 .使學生能夠對這五個單元所學的語法項目進行歸納總結。3 .使學生能夠讀懂第102課課文,回答課后的問題,并能根據(jù)上下文判斷出生詞的大意。4 .使學生能夠聽懂與課本難度相當?shù)穆犃Σ牧?。情感態(tài)度目標Evans小姐能在 泰坦尼克號”即將沉沒的緊急關頭把自己的座位讓給別人,自己卻喪身 于這次海難之中。這個生動的事實,充分說明了 Evans小姐為了別人,勇于犧牲自己的高風亮節(jié)。她值得我們每一個人敬重和學習,教師應教育學生要象Evans小姐一樣做一個高尚的人,一個有利于別人的人。教育學生見義勇為,舍己為人。增加學生的環(huán)保意識。教學建議教學內容分析本單元

22、是復習單元。它綜合了從第二十一單元到第二十五單元的所有語法知識和相關交 際項目。除了要復習以前所學知識外,還要掌握本單元的詞匯、用語等,特別是比較級的用 法。復習的語法項目有:構詞法、過去進行時、形容詞比較級、little, few, neither等詞的用法,以及句子的類型等。教學內容還有兩篇長篇幅的閱讀文章等。Lesson 101主要是復習過去進行時和形容詞的比較級和最高級形式和有關句型,學生在熟悉結構的同時,能根據(jù)教師設計的情景靈活運用。Lesson 102主要是一篇閱讀課文,文中生詞較多,目的是提高學生閱 讀水平。Lesson 102的課文學習,要融思想品德教育于其中,學習Miss E

23、vans的高尚品德和無私的奉獻精神。我們可帶著如下問題去學習: What do you know about Titanic? Can you tell us something about Miss Evans? Lesson 103主要是以口語練習為主組織學生就最喜歡的電影 和電影明星進行討論,本課還復習了復句和few, little, either, or的用法。Lesson 104主要是關于構詞法的內容和聽力內容,我們要掌握部分構詞規(guī)律,這樣有助于我們進一步擴大我們的詞匯量。還有一個寫假條的練習,我們要掌握書寫請假條的格式。另外還有一篇補充閱讀 文章。課文背景分析Miss Evans為

24、篇故事,講述了發(fā)生在近百年前的一次真實的航海悲劇。當時英國制 造出一艘當時世界上最大最先進的輪船Titanic (泰坦尼克號)。它在第一次試航時撞上了冰山,船上當時有大約2200名游客,救生艇又很少,只有一小部分人,主要是婦女、兒童、乘救生艇逃得性命。 有1500多人喪失了生命,其中就有本文提到的 Miss Evans埃文斯小姐。 有關口語的教學建議1 .教師在講授課文中有關介紹電影內容之前,先做一個Brain storming的練習,組織小組討論 Which film have you seen?將學生提到的電影名寫到黑板上,然后提問學生 Which is your favorites fi

25、lm? Can you tell me the story of the film?What is the film about? How do you like it?教師可以給出一些詞讓學生根據(jù)這些詞進行回答.例如: wonderful, exciting, attractive, sad 。2 .教師在復習過去進行時時,可以讓學生進行角色表演。一個同學扮演警察其他幾個同 學扮演可疑人物。除了教科書的練習以外還可以設計以下情景:教師可以出示一些同學的舊照片在黑板上,然后進行提問:Who is he/she? What was she doing? What time was it? Wer

26、e theboys playing football?(May 1,1998 )(yesterday afternoon)t three days ago)(at nine yesterday morning )有關形容和副詞的比較級的教學建議3 .復習形容和副詞的比較級時,教師可以將學生分成以5到6人的小組,第一個學生說:I think Math is not as interesting as English.第二名同學說 :Jim thinks Math is not as interesting as English. I think English is as popular as

27、Chinese. 讓同學接二連三的講下去, 直至U 本組最后一名同學。關于語言運用的教學本單元是復習單元,教學內容較多,教師在教學過程中除了對具體的語言項目進行復習 以外應注重提高學生歸納總結和綜合運用語言的能力。在第101課中出現(xiàn)了以下 4個句型,估計學生在理解上有一些困難,老師必須向學生作一些必要的講解,然后通過練習加以鞏固。1. Who do you think is the best m physics in your class ?(1)句中的do you think是一個插入語。特殊疑問句中的這類插入請必須用疑問式,其位置在特殊疑問詞和主語之間,且特殊疑問句中的助動詞/情態(tài)動詞不能

28、提到主語前。例如:When do you think they will be back?What do you know he is doing ?如果特殊疑問詞是句子主語的話,則這類插入語在特殊疑問詞和謂語動詞之間。例如:Which do you think is the biggest, the sun, the moon or the earth ?(2)上述例句中的插入語(畫線部分)都可以提到句子開頭,即:Do you think when they will be back ?Do you think what he is doing ?Do you think which is

29、the biggest, the sun, the moon or the earth ?2. What is the most popular song at the moment?the most popular是形容詞popular的最高級形式。 對這些多音節(jié)(包括三音節(jié)) 形容詞、 副詞來說,其比較級、最高級是通過 more, most構成,即比較級為 more +形容詞/副詞原 級,最高級 most +形容詞/副詞原級。例如:careful fmore careful fmost carefuldangerousfmore dangerous f most dangerousquic

30、kly fmore quickly fmost quickly3. Science is not as popular as Chinese.not so (as) +形容詞/副詞原級+ as表示 甲在某一方面不如乙”。例如:It is not so warm today as yesterday. You must wear more clothes.He didn' t come as early as Li Lei. I think he may got up late.as+形容詞/副詞原級+ as表示 甲與乙在某一方面程度相同”。在肯定句中第一個as不能換成so。例如:Thi

31、s lesson is as easy as that one. We can understand it without your help.He writes as carefully as his brother. But his handwriting is not as good as his brother ' s. 有關閱讀的教學建議1 .教師在講解102課閱讀時引入階段可以先播放電影titanic的歌曲,使學生在音樂中進入情景,同時可以激發(fā)學生的學習興趣。2 .教師在講解104課閱讀引入階段時教師可以出示一張企鵝的圖片,再進行介紹。This is a picture o

32、f Penguin. It lives in the ice land. Is it lovely ? Do you like it?3 .教師在講授102課時重點突破單詞關,本課生詞較多是學生一大難點,教師可以先 讓學生閱讀下列句子,根據(jù)句意判斷出生詞的大意,然后在閱讀全文。1) Set off: The ship will set off from Tianjin and she will arrive in Shanghai in three days. 2) Look out: look out ! It is dangerous.3 ) Take one' s place:

33、Jane has taken your place; you are not the head any more.4 ) Make room for me: Mary asked:"Make a little room for me. It is cold outside.5 .第102課講述了一位平凡而偉大的女性在人類歷史上最嚴重的海難發(fā)生時所表現(xiàn)出 的崇高思想品質。文中出現(xiàn)了大約17個新單詞,為了給學生掃清閱讀中的障礙,可采用先講解單詞后讓學生閱讀的方法。在講解單詞中介紹出課文的基本內容。如教單詞Titanic時老師可以說出這樣的一段話。Titanic was the large

34、st and finest ship at that time. set off: Oneafternoon on in April 1912, a new ship named Titanic set off from England to America on its first trip.pleasant: Though the weather was cold. the trip was pleasant.iceberg: People in the ship could see icebergs here I and there, because it was very cold.等

35、等, 這種雙管齊下的教學方 法一方面能使學生的注意力高度集中,同時也訓練他們的聽力。老師講解完單詞以后,讓學生快速閱讀課文,接著做練習冊第102課中的練習1。6 .教師組織學生討論If you were Miss Evans, what can you do at that time? 討論后,教師組織學生就這個題目寫一篇短文。寫作建議建議學生改寫課文,以 Miss Evens的口吻,寫一篇短文。題目: On the Titanic. 學法建議1 .熟練掌握單詞、詞組和固定短語是學好英語的關鍵。本學期我們總共學了400多個單詞,150多個詞組和固定短語,同學們一定要采用科學的方法加以記憶。2

36、.學好語言重在朗讀和運用。對于所學的課文一定要反復朗讀,有的甚至能背誦。同 時根據(jù)所學課文內容作一些模仿性的寫作訓練。熟能生巧,只要不斷堅持口頭和書面練習, 同學們的英語水平一定能得到不斷提高。第102課及第104課中的兩篇小短文故事情節(jié)都比較完整,在老師的指導下,學生可以故事的形式用英文將其主要內容表達出來。3 .本單元是復習單元,著重復習、操練形容詞的比較級,過去進行時及構詞法。對于 各種語法現(xiàn)象不能單純記憶他們的概念和用法,而要放在具體的語言環(huán)境中去體會和掌握。 詞匯辨析1. look out/ be careful/ take care三者均有小心、當心、注意”之意,常用于祈使句或警告

37、對方時的用語。look out語氣最強,用于某種緊急的情況或者可能出現(xiàn)危險的場合;take care語氣不那么強,多用于對可能出現(xiàn)的不測作出預先的提醒或警告;be careful是一般的警告或勸告用語,可用于各種情況。如:Look out! You' ll hit that car .當心!你要撞上那輛汽車了。Look out for the rock in the river. (后接 for 短語)小心河里的石頭。It' s the first time for you to travel alone . You must take care . 這是你第一次獨自旅行, 一

38、定要小心。take care后可接動詞不定式短語或that從句,從句謂語動詞用一般現(xiàn)在時。如:Take care not to break the glass. 小心另U打了杯子。Take care (that) all the doors are locked.不要大意,要把所有的門鎖好。 be careful可單獨使用,也可跟動詞不定式或of/with短語。如:Be careful not to lose the key .當心不要丟了鑰匙。You' d better be careful with your handwriting.你最好書寫認真些。Be careful of y

39、our health .愛護你的身體。2. take one' s place/take place /take a place as1) take one' s place,中one' s如果與主語一致,意為 就座,就位";one' s如果與主 語不一致,則表示 坐某人的座位”或 代替某人的職務、工作等(相當于take the place of 如:Please take your place. The meeting will begin 。請各就各位, 會議就要開始了。If there is no room for you there, take

40、 my place here .如果那邊沒有空位, 坐我的位置吧。Who ill take Mr. Green ' s place? = =Who ill take the place of Mr. Green?)誰將代替格林先 生?2) take place表示 發(fā)生,舉行”之意,為不及物動詞短語。如:The story took place on June 4th , 1980.這個故事發(fā)生于 1980 年 6 月 4 日。When did the party take place ?晚會何時舉辦的?3) take a place as意思是"(應聘)擔任 ”。如:He

41、took a place as manager of the company. 他應聘擔任了公司經(jīng)理。3. die/ lose one' s life/ kill這組詞語都含有 死”的意義,但用法不同。1) die是不及物動詞,為普通用語,指生命的終止、生物停止呼吸??梢灾缸匀凰劳?、意外死亡以及因疾病、負傷等原因而 死”;die用于進行時態(tài)表示即將死去”之意。如:His grandfather died three days ago . 他祖父三天前去世了。Six children died in the accident .事故中死了六個小孩。He died of heart ill

42、ness .他死于心臟病。The old man is dying .那位老人快不行了。2) lose one' s life為特殊用語,僅指由于意外事故、戰(zhàn)爭等不可抗力而造成的死亡,為 意外死亡。如:Many people lost their lives in the war .戰(zhàn)爭中有許多人喪生。He jumped into the river to save the boy and lost his life .他跳進河中為救那個男孩犧牲了。How many people lost their lives in the earthquake ?地震中有多少人喪生?3) kill

43、是及物動詞,表示殺死的事實。如:The farmers killed a lot of locusts .農(nóng)夫們殺死了許多蝗蟲。4. please, pleasure, pleased, pleasantplease作動詞是 靖,使高興的意思“,不能和be動詞連用。例如: Please come in. The door is opened.pleasure是名詞,意思是 高興”指人的情緒。例如:A: Thank you.B: It doesn ' t matter. It is my pleasure.pleasant是形容詞,意思是愉快的,快樂的”,可以修飾人也可以修飾物。例如:T

44、he trip is pleasant. But I feel a bit tired.pleased做形容詞意思是高興的,愉快的”但是它的主語通常指人.例如: Your mother will be pleased if you send her a gift on his birthday.5. few, a few, little, a little有些(表示肯定)幾乎沒有(表示否定)修飾可數(shù)名詞A fewFew修飾不可數(shù)名詞A littleLittle例如:I have a few apples. But I have little water in my bottle. Mary h

45、as a little water but she has few pears.6. people/person/ humanpeople表示 入、人們”,只用單數(shù)形式,但表示復數(shù)意義;person (=a man, woman orchild)是 人”的普通說法,其復數(shù)形式通常用people代之;human意思是 入、人類”,以區(qū)別于動物、鬼神之類,其復數(shù)形式為humans。例如:The young person is a policeman. 那個年輕人是個警察。A lot of people speak English. 許多人說英語。That was the beginning of

46、the life of humans. 那就是人類生活的開始。學構詞法在英語中,構詞方法有三種,即合成、派生和轉換。一、合成把兩個或兩個以上的詞合成一個新詞,這種構詞法就叫做合成。如:class + room fclassroom every + body feverybodyblack + board fblackboard news + paper fnewspaper二、派生在一個單詞前或后加一個詞綴,變成一個新詞,這種構詞法叫做派生。詞綴有兩種,加在單詞前的詞綴叫前綴,加在單詞后的詞綴叫后綴。如:polite fimpolite true funtruefriend ffriendly

47、goodfgoodness三、轉換將一個單詞由某一種詞類轉用為另一種詞類,叫做轉換。如:use由動詞 使用”轉義為名詞 用途”slow由形容詞慢的”轉義為動詞放慢”練習一、判斷下面每組詞是否屬同一種構詞方法,屬同一種構詞方法的打反之打“X”7. l. children computer interesting8. 2. keyboard playhouse raincoat9. 3. moonlight supermarket foggy10. . mouth-to-mouth get-together daytime二、根據(jù)構詞法,用所給詞構成另一個新詞:11. health 2.metre

48、 3.use4.write5.birth 6.sun7.art8.business 9.playKeys:一、1.,2.,3. X二、1. healthy 2. kilometer 3. useful/useless 4. writer 5. birthday 6. sunlight/sunny7. artist 8. businessman/businesswoman 9. player/playground疑難解析1. Mrs.Jones'house was robbed last night.昨晚瓊斯夫人家遭搶劫了。本句是被動語態(tài),rob是及物動詞,意思是 搶劫,盜取"

49、。was robbed是被動語態(tài),它 的結構是:be +過去分詞。如果說搶劫某人的東西”,則用句型:rob sb. of sth.如:They robbed the bank last night.昨晚他們搶劫了銀行。The robber robbed the man of his money. 強盜搶走了那人的錢。The woman s bag was robbed by a young man.那個婦女的包被個年輕搶走了。2. Who is the most popular singing star at the moment? 誰是當今最流行的歌星?the most popular是形容

50、詞popular的最高級形式。popular是一個多音節(jié)的形容詞, 多音 節(jié)形容詞的最高級形式不是在其后面加est,而是在其前加 most。如:interesting - mostinteresting , beautiful beautiful 等。at the moment意為 此刻、現(xiàn)在、目前 “。如:The number is busy at the moment. Try it again in five minutes. 您撥打的號碼現(xiàn)在忙, 請五 分鐘后再試一次。3. Maths is as interesting as English.數(shù)學與英語一樣有意思?!癮s+級+as”結

51、構用于兩者間的平級比較, 意為:"和 一樣"。如:Li Lei is as tall as Wu Ming .李雷與吳明一樣高。它的否定形式為:not (so) as as意思為: 不如。如: Han Mei is not as hard-working as Wei Hua. 韓梅不如魏華用功。4. One afternoon in April 1912, a new ship set off from England to American on its first trip.1912年四月的一個下午,一艘新船從英國出發(fā),開始了去美國的首次航行。1) set off是

52、出發(fā)”的意思,同義詞組為“set out。如:She set off for Japan to take part in the World Table Tennis Competition last week. 她上星期 去日本參加世界乒乓球比賽。2) fromto 從到",它可以修飾地點, 如此句中from England to American 從英國到美國;也可以修飾時間,如:Every day he reads from 8 to 11 in the morning, writes from 2 to 5 in the afternoon, watches TV from

53、7 to 10 at night and then goes to bed.他每天上午從八點到H一點看書,下午從兩點到五點寫作,晚上從七點到十點看電視,然后去睡覺。3) trip (旅行)是名詞,它的動詞形式為:travel。5. Please make room for me. 請給我讓出點地方來。make room for somebody / something 意思是 給某人/某物讓出空地方"。room在這里是空間,地方”的意思,是不可數(shù)名詞,前面不加不定冠詞a,點兒地方”為a little room,足夠的地方“為enough room。如:There' s no

54、room here. Let' s go to other place.這兒沒地方了,咱們去別的地方吧。Please move along and make room for me. 請動一動給我讓點地方。Can you make room on that shelf for some more books?你能在那個書架騰出點地方多放幾本書嗎?6. She got out and the thankful mother joined her children in the lifeboat.她下了船, 心懷感激的母親和她救生船上的孩子來在了一起。thankful是形容詞,它是由名詞t

55、hank加后綴ful構成的,我們把此類詞稱為派生詞。如:help-helpful , use-useful 等。7. More than 1500 people lost their lives.有一千五百多人喪生。1) more than意思是 多于",它的反義詞組是:less than少于"。如:More than three hundred people took part in the sports meeting yesterday.昨天有三百多人參加了運動會。Five is less than six. 五比六少。2)lose one' s life意思

56、是 獻出生命、喪生、死去 ”。同義詞是die。如:Many people lost their lives in the war. 戰(zhàn)爭中很多人喪生。8. Now I ' m writing to you to ask for sick leave.現(xiàn)在我給你寫信請病假。1)write to意思是 給寫信”。如:Please write to me when you get to London. 你至U倫敦后請給我寫信。2) ask for請求“,ask for sick leave是 請病假",leave在本句中是名詞。另外, 靖天假”也可以用askfor。侏表示。如:Sh

57、e asked for sick leave yesterday.昨天她請了 病假。I ' m going to ask for a day off tomorrow.明天我打算請?zhí)灬蹷ULesson 101教學設計方案Teaching Objectives:1. the Past Continuous Tense;2. the Superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs;Language focus:1. The Past Continuous Tense2. The Superlative formsthe most popular, the best3. as. . .as; not so/as. . .as4. The subjects they learn.Chinese, English, maths, physics, politics, art, PE, music, history, geography, biology, chemistry5. New wordsro


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