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1、外研五年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語篇一:2021外研版四年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語單詞另外表(一起) 最新版一年級(jí)起始新標(biāo)準(zhǔn)五年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語單詞表Words and expressions in Module 1 單詞表drive駕駛drove (drive的過去式)駕駛player演奏者office辦公室fish捕魚,釣魚Words and expressions in Module 1 單詞表sausage 香腸sandwich 三明治fish and chips炸魚加炸薯?xiàng)ltraditional 傳統(tǒng)的dish食品,菜肴delicious美味的chicken 雞肉Words and expressions in Mod

2、ule 3 單詞表DVD數(shù)字化視頻光盤librarian圖書館管理員;圖書館館長(zhǎng)show給(某人)看borrow借入,借來Words and expressions in Module 4sent (send的過去式)寄,發(fā)送American美國(guó)的;美國(guó)人的read (read的過去式)閱讀interesting令人感興趣的;有趣的season季節(jié)snow 雪Words and expressions in Module 5How much. . . ?多少錢?light輕的sales assistant售貨員,營(yíng)業(yè)員carry提;抱;扛;背;搬pound英鎊back背,背部over在上方,在

3、的上面shoulder肩,肩膀Words and expressions in Module 6place地方thousand (數(shù)字)一千circle圓,圓形answer答案hope希望s。如此,這樣get到達(dá)(某地)hour小時(shí)amazing令人吃驚的take搭乘,乘坐short短暫的,短期的helicopter 直升機(jī)Words and expressions in Module 7 evening 傍晚,晚上actor演員busy忙的,忙碌的quarter 一刻鐘Words and expressions in Module 8 Chinese 中國(guó)人drew (draw的過去式)繪畫

4、,畫piece張,片,塊painted (paint的過去式)給涂顏料scissors (常復(fù))剪刀stick棍,棒tied (tie的過去式)扎上,系上string線,繩Words and expressions in Module 9 theatre 劇院men (man的復(fù)數(shù)形式)男人women (woman的復(fù)數(shù)形式)女人told(tell的過去式)口述,講 joke笑話funny滑稽的,可笑的show演出,表演put (put的過去式)放置history歷史;歷史學(xué)subject學(xué)科,科目Words and expressions in Module 10 ticket 票leave

5、離開,動(dòng)身July七月August八月met (meet的過去式)遇見classmate同班同學(xué)篇二:2021五年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)復(fù)習(xí)重點(diǎn)(外研版)2021五年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)復(fù)習(xí)研究重點(diǎn)(外研版)第一模塊:?jiǎn)卧~短語1. many years ago 許多年前 2. live in a small house 住在 一所小房里3. enough food 足夠的食品4. how about 怎么樣5. lots of buses and cars許多公共汽車與小汽車6. everyday 每天7. talk to和?交談8. miss China想念中國(guó)9. four years ago 四年前 10.

6、last night 昨天晚上11. a television programme about China 個(gè)關(guān) J中國(guó)的綜藝 節(jié)目12. talk about 談?wù)?13. cook on a fire 在爐火上做飯14. work in the fields 在田地里勞作句型1、There was (were) +某人或某物+某地2、過去式:We didn t have enough food .句型:肯定句:主語 +動(dòng)詞過去式+其他否定句:主語+be動(dòng)詞過去式+not+其他或主語+did not+動(dòng)詞原形+其他第二模塊:短語1. in lots of Chinese cities 在許多

7、中國(guó)城市 2. foreign language 夕卜語3. learn English 學(xué)習(xí)英語 4. welcome to Beijing 歡迎到北 京來5. make a cake做蛋糕6. do homework做家庭作業(yè)7. in his class在他的班級(jí)8. a good pupil 一個(gè)好學(xué)生9. study hard 努力學(xué)習(xí) 10. an English teacher 一位英語 老師11. walk to school 走路去學(xué)校 12. by school bus 乘坐校車 句型1、短句詢問他人做過某事的短語及回答句型例:Did she learn any forei

8、gn languages?問:Did+主語+動(dòng)詞原形+其他答:Yes ,人稱代詞主格+did .或No,人稱代詞主格+didn t .2、描述他人做過某事例:She learnt English .主語+動(dòng)詞過 去式+其他3、描述他們現(xiàn)在在做某事例:He is learning English now .主語+be+動(dòng)詞ing+其他第三模塊:短語1. have got 擁有 2. an e-mail from Linglin 一封來自玲玲的電 子郵件3. about English food 關(guān)于英國(guó)食物4. have an English breakfast 吃到了一頓英式早餐5. have

9、 ?for lunch 吃?作為午餐6. a traditional English dinner 一頓傳統(tǒng)的英式正餐7. very different 非常不同 8. give ?to ? 把?給?9. at school 在學(xué)校 10. cook Chinese food for Lingling 為 玲玲做中式食物11. be going to 打算 12. tell a story 講故事句型1、描述吃過某些食物:主語+ had +食物名稱+其他2、詢問他人打算吃/喝什么:What are you going to eat/drink ?3、詢問他人進(jìn)餐吃了什么:What + did

10、+主語+ have + for breakfast / lunch / dinner ?第四模塊:單詞短語Library圖書館;find找到;CD-ROM電腦光盤;bring帶來; use 使用;card 卡片;easy 簡(jiǎn)單的;information 信息;timetable 時(shí)間 表;dictionary 字典;newspaper 報(bào)紙.1. want to 想要 2. make an e-card for Mum 為媽媽制作一張 電子卡片3. be good at 擅長(zhǎng) 4. go to the library 去圖書館5. find a book about e-cards 找到一本關(guān)

11、于電子卡片的書后6. at the library 在圖書館 7. the book about computers 關(guān)于電腦的書8. on Shelf C 在 C 架上 9. library card 借書卡10. bring back 帶回來 11. in two weeks * time 在兩周時(shí)間 內(nèi)12. use our computer 使用我們的電腦13. be easy with 用??很簡(jiǎn)單 14. find out 找到、找出15. in this dictionary 在這本詞典里 16. on this CD-ROM 在這張光盤上17. in this newspape

12、r 在這張報(bào)紙上 18. at the zoo 在動(dòng)物 園19. on TV在電視上句型詢問某物在何處及回答的句型:1、Where are the?about?, please ? 2、Where can you find out about ? 3、 You can find out ? in / on ?第五模塊短語1. take it to China 帶它到中國(guó) 2. buy you a new one 給你 買一個(gè)新的3. this black bag 這個(gè)黑包 4. two pockets 兩個(gè)口袋5. big and light 又大又輕6. be easy for you 對(duì)你

13、來說很 容易7. at the department store 在百貨商店 8. a panda on it 有一個(gè)熊貓?jiān)谧烂嫔?. be too?for 對(duì)?來說太?10. take?to?把?帶到?句型1、描述事物特征的句型:It s get? (big反義small; heavy 反義 light; easy反義hard) 2、表達(dá)看法:It s +形容詞+ for +人稱代詞賓 格第六模塊短語1. of course 當(dāng)然 2. photos of China 中國(guó)的照片3. in the west of China 在中國(guó)的西部4. go there 去那兒5. last year

14、 去年 6. go with your mother and father 和你 的媽媽、爸爸一起去7. stay with和?呆在一起8. in July 在七月9. live there 住在那兒 10. every year 每年11. Li people 黎族人 12. visit her friend 拜訪她的朋友13. ride a horse 騎馬 14. climb the Tianshan Mountain 爬 天山15. visit the Tianchi Lake 參觀天池16. have a lovely time 度過一段愉快的好時(shí)光 17. a lot of /lo

15、ts of 許多句型1、人稱代詞和物主代詞的區(qū)別和用法;2、用方位詞表露地點(diǎn): It, s in the north / south / east / west of?.第七模塊短語1. send an email 發(fā)送電子郵件 2. a computer message 電月育 信息3. from?to ?從?.到?. . 4. a good idea 一個(gè)好主意5. an idea 一個(gè)主意 6. click on 點(diǎn)擊7. write your message 寫你的信息 8. at work 在匚作9. an email from little Tom 一封來自小Tom的電子郵件10.

16、 make a poster 制作海報(bào) 11. thank you for?為??而感 謝12. work hard 努力工作 13. at the office 在辦公室14. be busy 忙碌的 15. be home 在家16. at seven o clock 在七點(diǎn)鐘 17. on the train 在火車 上18. stand up 起立 19. run to the blackboard 跑向黑板20. on the blackboard 在黑板上句型1、another和the other : another用于三者以上的 “其中一 個(gè),the other用于兩者之間2、英

17、語時(shí)間的表達(dá):10: 00 ten o clock 1: 58 one fifty-eight7: 10 ten past seven 9: 48 twelve to ten4: 45 a quarter to five 9: 30 half past nine第八模塊短語1. come quickly 快來 2. on the phone 在通話中3. be excited 激動(dòng)的4. in the summer 在這個(gè)夏天5. take a present for my cousin 為我的堂兄帶一份禮物6. a Chinese dragon kite 一個(gè)中國(guó)龍的風(fēng)箏7. the sam

18、e as 與?.相同8. I think so . /I don t think so.我認(rèn)為這樣./我認(rèn)為不 這樣9. go to a party 去參加聚會(huì)10. wear a beautiful dress 穿著漂亮的衣服句型1、表示建議的幾種方法:(1) What about ?. ? ?怎么樣?(2) Why don t you ? ?你為什么不?呢?(3) How about ? ? ?怎么樣?2、形容詞比較級(jí)的構(gòu)成:第九模塊短語1. in English 用英i吾 2. last week3. go to a children s theatre 去兒童劇院4. wear wom

19、en s clothes穿女人的衣服5. wear men s clothes 穿男人的衣服6. tell jokes/ tell a joke 說笑話7. laugh a lot大笑,笑個(gè)不停8. after the show 表演之后9. go to a restaurant 去餐飾10. be ready for?.為?做好了準(zhǔn)備11. your trip to America 你去美國(guó)的旅行12. last night 昨天晚上13. in three weeks /in three weeks time 在 3 個(gè)周的時(shí)間 內(nèi)14. buy ?for?為?買?15. a book a

20、bout Chinese history 一本關(guān)于中國(guó)歷史的書16. ask you some questions 問你一些問題17. borrow a bike for you為你借一輛自行車18. CDs of Chinese songs 中國(guó)歌曲的光盤19. listen to 聽20. in the evenings 在晚上21. See you soon.再見句型描述某人過去、現(xiàn)在、將來做某事:22. 語+動(dòng)詞過去式+其他上周23. 語+ be +動(dòng)詞ing +其他24. 語 + be going to + 其他第十模塊短語25. feel nervous 感到緊張26. make

21、a list of things to do 列一個(gè)要做的事情的清單27. go to the airport 去匕機(jī)場(chǎng) 4. this weekend 這個(gè)周末5. go there 去那兒 6. at the airport 在飛機(jī)場(chǎng)7. in a yellow taxi乘一輛粉紅色的出租車 8. tall buildings 高樓9. speak English/Chinese 說英語/漢語10. make Chinese food for me為我制作中國(guó)的蜂蜜 句型will +動(dòng)詞原形”坦言將來的動(dòng)作或狀態(tài),形成一般將來時(shí)態(tài)。完全形式:didn t一did not, let s一le

22、t us, I 11-I will, don t一 do not I ve一I have, It s一It is單復(fù)數(shù):my (我的)our,man (男人)men,women (女人)woman單數(shù)第三人稱為形式(單三形式):have一has, do一does,go一goes,主賓格:I (賓格)me, we (賓格)us , they (賓格)them比較級(jí):big一bigger,small一smaller過去式:am / is (是)一was, are (是)一were,go (去)一went,buy (買)bought,eat (吃)ate,have / has (有,吃)一had,

23、teach (教)一taught, drink (喝)一drank,learn(學(xué)習(xí))一learnt, give (給)一gave, ride (騎)-rode,wear(穿)一wore,make (做)一made, tell (告訴)一told近反義詞:same (反)different, light (反)heavy, hard (反)easy篇三:外研社二年級(jí)下英語Unit 5on the farm一、重點(diǎn)單詞tomatoes西紅柿 potatoes 土豆carrot胡蘿卜 cabbage卷心菜 chicken雞chick小雞pig豬 duck鴨 ducking小鴨子cow牛peache

24、s 桃子pear 梨PS:animals 動(dòng)物 farm 農(nóng)場(chǎng) difficultbear 熊 mistake二、對(duì)話:(1)A: We re going to see lots of interesting things today. B: I want to see the farm animals.(2) A: That s Mrs. Feng. This is her farm.B: How many chickens are there?A: There are six.(3)A: What, s are those? B: Those are carrots.A: What s a

25、re these? B: These are cabbages.(4)A: Is that difficult?B: Not really. Do you want try?B: OK!(5)A: Is there a cabbage?B: No, there isn t.A: Are there any carrots?B: Yes, there are.A: How many potatoes are there?B: There are ten.A: Great! Now we can make dinner.(6) In Happy Land, there are lots of an

26、imals. We also havevegetables.(7) A: What s on your farm?B: There are ten cows, there twenty ducks. There are thirty chickens. But there s only one pig.A: Well, it s still very big!Unit 6at the market一、單詞 flour meat saltsugar cornlettuce beanber kilo千克,公斤else另外二、對(duì)話(1)A: Mon, I m hungry. Can we have dumplings for dinner? B: Good idea. I can make them.A: I can help.(2)A: What do we need?B: Let me see. We need some meat.(3)A: Can you go to the market? We need two kilos of meat. B: Sure.A: Here s five yuan.(4)A: How mu


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