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1、大學(xué)英語四級作文類型及模板(-)現(xiàn)象解釋型 社會熱點現(xiàn)象解釋原因?你的看法開頭1. ? In the past years,has become a new fashion.2. In recent years,has become a hot issue3. In recent years, there is a sudden increase of?4. Recently, _ has become the focus of the society.5. Recently, the problem has been brought into focus.6. Recently, _ has

2、 always aroused the greatest concern.7. It seems that the whole society is talking about.8. Nowadays, it is common to hear/ see?9. Nowadays,has become a common phenomenoru10. Currently, an increasing number of people would prefer to? Investigating a little more, you will find that this has become a

3、craze中間:分析原因(影響)1. ? The reason can be attributed to?2. The reasons for are varied?3. The reasons can be listed as follows.4. There are many reasons accounting for ?5. A close analysis will reveal some reasons for this problem? The main reason is. 說明原因一 Furthermore,.原因二 The last but not the least,原因

4、三 結(jié)尾1. From that has been discussed above, we can see clearly that.2. Thus, we can safely draw the conclusion that.3. To sum up,./To conclude,./ In conclusion,./ In general,/ In a word,./ In brief,./All in all, ?或: 我的 看法Topic sentences (全文模板)1. _ has become hot issue in the society.(總現(xiàn) 象)2. And _ ha

5、s always aroused the greatest concern(題目要討論的具體現(xiàn)象)3. What impresses us most is_ .(現(xiàn)象的具體表現(xiàn))4. The reasons for (現(xiàn)象)are varied.(過渡句)5. Among the various reasons,plays an important role?原因之一6. That is to say (具體說明原因一)7. What is more, (原因二)8. For example,(舉例說明原因二)9. When talking about_ 現(xiàn)象 _, (作者的看法)10. On

6、 the one hand,看法的理由一或看法的第一個方面。11. On the other hand,理由二或笫二個方面12. In brief, 總結(jié)參考題 目 Enthusiasm for Certificates : On Excessive Packaging(二)問題解決型:闡述問題 ?問題的嚴重件或影響一?解決辦法開頭1. _ has become common in people's life.(總現(xiàn)象)2. Nowadays, we have to face a problem that.(問題)3. Nowadays, more and more people ar

7、e concerned about the problem問題)4. In recent years,has become a hot issue.5. Recently, the problem _ has been brought into focus among.And has always aroused the greatest concern (題目 要討論的具體現(xiàn)象)中間1)分析原因1. ? The reason can be attributed to ?2. The reasons for are varied?3. The reasons can be listed as

8、follows.4. There are many reasons accounting fo .5. A close analysis will reveal some reasons for this problem? The main reason is? ?說明原因一 Furthermore,原因二 Last but not the least,?原因三 或:分析影響、 后果1? In fact, it is very important for us to 2. It has greatly influenced people's life. In the first pla

9、ce,. in the second place,.3. It is true to the present situation that.(問題)does obvious harm to. Firstly,.?secondly. 或:預(yù)示后果:Obviously, if we don 7t control the problem, the chances are that. will lead us in dang er很明顯, 如果我們不能控制這一問題,很有可能我們會陷入危險.No doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very l

10、ikely that毫無疑問,除非我們采取有效措施,很可能會一It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation.很緊迫的是,應(yīng)立即采取措施阻止這一事態(tài)的發(fā)展.2)解決辦法1. People have figured out many ways to solve the problem.2. Confronted with (MJ 題) we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation3. Thus h

11、ow to (問題) has become a matter of concern. These following channels are possible. (闡述解決辦法)4. How to solve the problem has become a hot issue among many peop?eFor one thing, .(解決方法一)For another, .(解決方法二)結(jié)尾:(參照一,現(xiàn)象解釋型) 可以提出建議:1. It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).該是我們停止這一趨勢的時候了 .2. It i

12、s time to take the advice of ?and to put special emphasis on the improvement of 該是采納白勺 建議,并對的進展給予特殊重視的時候了.3. There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem ,of毫無疑問)對問題應(yīng)予以足 夠 的重視.4. Obviously,.If we want to do something . ? ? ,it is essential that.5. Only in this way can we.6. It m

13、ust be realized that我們必須意識至 U懦考題例文 MMQQJ,凰 QZ 血頷加 My C 或嗨 JEd 吩,iQJoOHJUJto 加 SymcObA JlQbJta 做 vim? / Hqw dQ也mi烷陽p theChildg加加助如口市加皿?第一段:1) Nowadays, we have to face a problem that(總問題:比如小孩不獨立/比如畢業(yè)找工作難).2) The reason can be attributed to (與作文題目相關(guān)的具體原因,如父母的溺愛、面試經(jīng)驗不足等)3) Fo門nstance.摩出具體實例說明)4) Thus (

14、題目的具體問題)has aroused greatest concern in the society.(過渡句) 第二段:5) People have figured out many ways to solve the problem./ 或者 Confronted with.(問題)wc should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.6) Firstly, .(解決方法一)7) Secondly, .(解決方法二)第三段:8) Personally, I believe that.(我的方法)或

15、者 To me, I am taking two ways to solve the problem of.(問題)9) One of them is.(我的方法)10) The other way is.(方法二)11) By now ways have been working perfectly and efficiently and .(結(jié)果:如生活獨立能力強; 成功獲得工 作 等)12) 結(jié)尾:Toconlude,.(建議或者強調(diào)方法的重要性 :如only in these ways can we)(三)利弊論證型:提出話題或社會現(xiàn)象?利與弊我的看法開頭:(參照一,現(xiàn)象解釋型)e.g

16、. In recent years,h as become a hot issue.闡述開頭 (Internet) has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.1. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.2. Everything has two sides- advantages and disadvantages and this is true for.3. Every c

17、oin has two sides, and. is no exception. It has both pros and cons.中間1) .觀點:利1? It is commonly believed that? / It is a common belief that (internet) is good for./ does us alot of good./ is beneficial to us. / is of great benefit to us. / benefits us quite a lot.Take.as an example. First of al太 In a

18、ddition,.(舉例說明)1.1 ndeed, (主題) have advantages to(某人).For instance, it will benefit.3. It is true that?4. It has the following advantages.5. The advantages of .are obviou?2)觀點:弊1. In the mean time, we must realize those disadvantages of. ?(主題)2. However (on the other hand, unfortunately, whereas) ,

19、it has more disadvantages than advantages. / It also does us much harm- / it can be harmful to us.(舉例說明)First of all, .(壞處一)Second,.(壞處二)3. Apparently,(cars) , like anything else, have some disadvantages.4. Of course, the disadvantages of ?can not be ignored.結(jié)尾:(我的觀點:)1? (參考類型: 現(xiàn)彖解釋型)To sum up the a

20、bove arguments, I think a proper attitude towards.(主題)isthat.(我的觀點)可以批判錯誤觀點和做法:1. As far as ?(主題)is concerned, ?就而言,2. It was obvious that很顯然)?3. It may be true that., but it doesn't mean that可能是對的)但這并不意味著4. It is natural to believe that. , but we shouldn't ignore that認為.是很自然的)但我們不應(yīng)忽視.5. The

21、re is no evidence to suggest that.沒有證據(jù)表明一模板:第一段Nowadays,. is playing a more and more significant role in people's daily life.There is a good side and a bad side to everything, and ? ? ? are no exception.第二段Generally speaking, the positive aspects could be listed as follows. For one thing, . For

22、another 第三段However, as every coin has two sides, the negative aspects are also obvious. On the one han d, ? .On the other hand.結(jié)尾Up until now ) we could see it clearly that . The key lies in the user-so long as we could make proper use of it. It can be most helpful to us in many respects.(四)觀點對比型/對比

23、選擇型 兩種觀點/現(xiàn)象對比開頭過渡句(不同觀點)1. Different people have different views on 一2. People's views on vary from person to person.3. Attitudes towards (drugs) vary / differ from person to person.4. People's attitudes towards TV are various?5. There are different opinions among people as to 關(guān)于?人們的觀點大不相同6.

24、 Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure).7? People usually have different ideas about. some hold that.while the other people believe tha?關(guān)于??常常有不同的觀點。一些人認為而另一些人堅信文中:觀點一1. Some people tend to think that.(觀點一)2. Some people prefer, -?3? Some hold that.4. Many people insist that5. So

25、me people think/ claim/ maintain/suggest that.They point out that.(理由 一)Additionally,(理由二)A case in point is(舉例)Therefore.(小結(jié)) 觀 點二1. Others tend to, (舉例說明).2. However, others believe that.(舉例說明)3? On the contrary/ In contrast, others argue that.4. However, other claims that.5. Yet, others argue (st

26、rongly object) that然而)其他人爭辯/強烈反對Firstly,. Secondly,? ? ?結(jié)尾:我的選擇/觀點1. As to me, I agree with /to2. As far as Fm concerned, I believe that.3? To my mind, / In my view,/ In my opinion, / From my point of view, / personally. my favor goes to the first/second view.4. In my opinion, both sides are partly

27、right. When we. we should take into consideration all aspects of the problems and then make the right decision.模板J第一段?has become a hot topic among people recently. Opinions vary from person to person Some people are inclined to think that . On the contrary, there are still many people who won, t agr

28、ee, and they claim.第二段Those who criticize. argue that. However, people who advocate .on the other hand, maintain that.第三段As far as I am concerned, my favor goes to the first/second view. Admittedly, .but it doesn't follow that. Only 訐? can we.Just as the saying goes.(五)圖表作文常用詞匯與表達方式開頭常用詞匯1 .圖表類型

29、:table表格;chart圖表;diagram圖表或圖解,示意圖;graph圖表,曲線圖;column/ bar chart柱狀圖;pie graph餅 圖2 .描述:show; describe; illustrate; can be seen from; clear; apparent; revestfl示;represent表現(xiàn))描繪3 .內(nèi)容:figure 數(shù)字;statistics 用作復(fù)統(tǒng)計數(shù)字資料 ;number; percentage; proportion (the? of A to B)表示數(shù)據(jù)上升:increase, rise, ascend, soar, surge激

30、增),go up, climb, mount, level up下降:decrease, fall, drop, descend, decline, reduce Jessen,平穩(wěn):stable, steady, remain steady/stable; /maintain/keep/be the same as/similar to ;波動:fluctuate, fluctuation, rise and fall, up and down占:occupy, take up, account for而: while, however, whereas , on the other han

31、d相比:by/in contrast, on the contrary, likewise, compared with最高點:the highest, the top, the summit, the peak最低點:bottom, least, rock bottom 最低點平均值:average趨勢:tendency, trend, inclination比例:20 per cent, 20%) one in three, 1/3 , one out of every four,有個穩(wěn)是的過程:a stable period can be seen常用句型1 .正如表中所不As is s

32、hown/ As can be seen in the chart (table, diagram, graph)2 .上圖顯示的是The graph above indicates / suggests that.3 .本表顯示了的巨大差異(明顯變化)The chart shows the great differenee between(obvious changes in ?)4 .在某方面出現(xiàn)了巨大的增長(急劇的下降)There was a great increase ( a sharp decrease) In.?5 .在某方面出現(xiàn)了明顯的(略微,緩慢)的增長、下降There wa

33、s a noticeable (slight, slow) rise (drop) in 6 .根據(jù)圖表,在年間,生產(chǎn)逐漸上升According to the graph, during the year八 period, there was a gradual growth in the production.7 .分析圖表中的數(shù)字后,可發(fā)現(xiàn)After analyzing the figures in the table, we can find that.8.1995年得數(shù)字是1985年的兩倍。In 1995, the number is twice as much as that in

34、1985?9 .與1995年相比,這個數(shù)字由10%降到5%oBy comparison with 1995, the figure decreased (dropped, fell) from 10% to 5%.10?占總數(shù)的 40% oIt made up (account for) 40% of the total.Directions: write a composition entitled “How people spend their holidays on the information shown in the following table. Analyze the figures about the various ways in which people spent their holidays in 1995 as compared with 1985 and explain the reasons for these difference?19851995Travel abroad12%24%Going to seaside38


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