



1、名師精編精品教案柬3二人秦皇島分校NorthEastern University At QinHuangDao英語教學(xué)法教學(xué)實踐教案與講義系另外語系專業(yè)英語班級6070120姓名于佳殊20XX年12月20日名師精編精品教案東北大學(xué)秦皇島分校外語系教案20092010 學(xué)年 第一學(xué)期課程名稱:綜合教程_ 任課教師于佳殊授課章節(jié): unit 4授課班級60701授課順序1教學(xué)內(nèi)容A View of Mou nta in時數(shù)2教學(xué)目的 及要求Stude nts will be able to:1)Understand the history of atomic booming in Hiroshim

2、a in a subjectiveway.2)Un dersta nd the threate ns of nu clear weap ons to our world.3)master the key words and expressi ons; grammar points etc. appearinin the first two paragraphs4)Con duct a series of read in g, liste ning, speak ing and writi ngactivities related to the theme of the un it.教學(xué)重點 難

3、點1.The main idea of paragraph 1-2; the topic sentence of paragraph 1-2.2.The understanding of paragraph 1-2 including some difficult expressions and key words.3. The follow-up activity: talk about the modern war using the hi-tech(eg:USA vs Iraq)教學(xué)方法 及教具prese ntati on, discussi on video, pictures課堂設(shè)計

4、(教學(xué)內(nèi)容、過程、方法、圖表等)時間 分配名師精編精品教案1 periodIn troductio n:1)Ask students to say something about World WaE2)Leading-in the topic of todays textPre-readi ng activities:a) Watch the video and pictures about the atomic bomb in Hiroshima andexpla in, the n, divide stude nts into several groups( each group hast

5、hree or four stude nts) to talk about their opinions towards atomic bombin Hiroshima and nu clear weap ons ectioiaffi n our world.b)Introduce the background of the text and the authorc)Ask students to read the first paragraph with following questions1the mai n idea of this paragraph2the sce nes desc

6、ribed in Hiroshima after bomb ing3figure out what you don t uncbferstanDetailed study of the text:Paragraph one1. Ask students to do pair work to answer the questions mentioned lastperiod2.Explain the key words and expressions to studentsdispatch; or so; in existenee; methodically; artistry; thermal

7、; brand with;leave beh ind; for good; be dotted with3.Grammar points and Sentence Highlights4.Figure out the rhetorical features existing in the paragraph5.Feedback3min2min30min10min5min5min10min10min10min5minParagraph two1.2.3.Read through this paragraph accord ing to the follow ing questio ns Gras

8、pthe main idea of this paragraphTake notice of the rhetorical features mentioned in Para.1 and underlinethemWhat is the relati ons betwee n Para.1 and Para.2 ?(could be reserved asthe homework if time not permitted)Ask stude nts to an swer the questi onsUn derli ne the key words and expressi ons for

9、 stude ntsin a flash; come into one own; in the shadow of ;hang over;open_ended; not so much as;in the background8min5min2min名師精編精品教案作業(yè) 及 思考題1. Ask students preview Para.2-42. Think about the following questions:1why the author says “Arriving half century late, they are still neW?2what is the univer

10、sal meaning of Yamahat photos?3why the author says eaC picture is a“windbowew York?3.Use the words or phrases to make senten ces.課后小 結(jié)名師精編精品教案東北大學(xué)秦皇島分校外語系講義Unit 4 A View of Mountain1. Objectives:Students will be able to:1) Understand the history of atomic bomb in Hiroshima in a subjective way and th

11、e threate ns of nu clearweap ons to our world.2) Master the key words and expressions; grammar points etc. appearing in the text3) Learn the rhetorical features: personality, metonymy4) Con duct a series of readi ng, speak ing and writ ing activities related to the theme of the unit.2. Time allotmen

12、t:st1period: pre-read ing activities;nd2period: while-reading(the first two paragraphs).Procedure:1stperiodObjectives:(1) Active stude ntsin terests about the atomic bomb in Hiroshima(2) Deepen studeitsunderstanding towards threaten of nuclear weaponsIntroduction:1) Ask students to say something abo

13、ut World War2) Lead in g-i n the topic of todays textPre-reading activities:a) Watch the video and pictures about the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and explain, then, divide stude ntsinto several groups (each group has three or four stude nts) to talk abouttheir opinions towards atomic bomb in Hiroshima

14、and nu clear weap onsaffecti on oworld.b) Introduce the background of the text and the author.(page.5O)The Gift of Time is destined to become the same for our age. In a series of conversations with officialsas diverse as Vietnam-era defense secretary Robert S. McNamara former Soviet leader MikhailGo

15、rbachev, and the last comma nder of the Strategic Comman,dGen eral George Lee Butle,Schellfinds support for the aboliti on of nu clear weap ons in the unlikeliest places, among the very generalsand politicians who presided over nuclear strategy and its implementation during the ColdWar.Writing in a

16、spirit of optimism and hope, Schell calls upon all Americans-indeed, all of the worlds citizens-to snap out of our cold-war trance, this forced cohabitation with horror,and take the stepthat alone can free us from nu clear dan ger and corrupti on,n amely the aboliti on of nu clear weapons.c) Ask stu

17、dents to read the first paragraph with following questions.a)the main idea of this paragraphb)the sce nes described in Hiroshima after bomb ingc)figure out what you don understtand2ndperiod Detailed study of the text:名師精編精品教案Objectives:(1) Grasp the ma in idea of each paragraph(2) Appreciate the Ian

18、 guage used in the text(3) Master key Ian guage poi nts and grammatical structures in the textWhile-reading Tasks:Paragraph one1. Ask students to do pair work to answer the questions mentioned last period:1What is the main idea?Main idea: describe the sce nes in Hiroshima after bomb ing to us and le

19、ad in the paragraph2What is the sce nes after bomb ing in Hiroshima?a) a horse twisted un der the cat it had bee n pulli ngb) a heap of somethi ng that once had bee n a huma n being hanging over a ledge into a ditchc) a girl survived unwoun ded sta nding in the ope n mouth of a bomb shelter2. Expla

20、in the key words and expressi ons to stude nts:dispatch send off to a desti nati oneg: Chin ese gover nment was prepari ng to dispatch 4,000 liberati on army men to Hong Kong.中國政府準備派遣 4000 名解放軍戰(zhàn)士進駐香港。or so aboutin existence 存在,現(xiàn)有eg: The elepha nt is the largest la nd ani mal in existe nee 大象是現(xiàn)有的最大的陸

21、上動物。 methodically有系統(tǒng)地,有方法地eg: The librarian is very amiable, methodically explaining to us how to consult books in the library.那位圖書管理員非常親切,他系統(tǒng)地向我們講解了如何在圖書館查找圖書。thermal; (of garments or fabrics) specially designed so as to have exceptional heat-retaining propertieseg: thermal springs 溫泉;a thermal bur

22、 n 熱灼傷;thermal underwear 保暖內(nèi)衣。brand with;印上eg: Some clothes are also bran ded with beautiful flowers 一 些衣服上總是印上美麗的花。leave behind 1.忘帶,留下;丟棄 2.使落后,丟在后面eg: Dont leave me behi nd.不要把我忘了。He left behi nd a pair of glasses and some books 他 的一副眼鏡和一些書籍忘記帶上了。The you ng athlete soon left the others far beh in

23、d.那位年輕運動員很快就把其他選手拋在 后面。He was left behi nd in the race 他 賽跑時落在后面。for good perma nen tly, fin ally 永久地,一勞永逸地eg: He says that he s leaving the country 他說他出國后就不再回來了。be dotted with 點綴(引申為:到處都是;布滿 )eg: We have offices dotted all over the regio n.這個地區(qū)到處都是辦公室。Campfires, like red, peculiar blossoms, dotted

24、the night.營火像紅色的,別致的花朵點綴著 黑夜。3. Grammar points and Sentence Highlights1It was therefore left to Yamahata to record, methodically nd, as it happens, with a great and simpleartistry -the effect on a human population of a nuclear weapon only hours after it had bee n used.Paraphrase: The responsibility

25、was therefore placed on Yamahata rebouddeirs toeffect on huma n beings of nu clear weap on used only after hours systematically and timely with a great名師精編精品教案and simple artistry.因此,重任就落在亞馬哈塔身上,他要系統(tǒng)地用藝術(shù)家 杰出的簡單的技法來記錄核武器使用幾小時后對人類的傷害。Analysis 這個句子中第一個 it 是形式主語,真正的主語是 the effect。句子的主干其實 是 It was left to

26、Yamahata to record the effect 其中,and 連接的是 methodically 和 with a great and simple artistry 表示Yamahata 以一種怎樣的方式和態(tài)度來進行記錄。as ithappens 則作為時間狀語從句,it 代表的是 atomic bomb。2They have been burned by light- technically speaking, by the“thern- alrputbeir ”bodies are often branded with the pattern of their clothes

27、, whose colors absorb light in differe ntdegrees.Paraphrase Technically speaking, they have been burned by thermal pulse. And because the differe ntcolors of the patter ns of their clothes absorb light in differe nt degrees, their bodies are marked with thepatterns of their clothes 從技術(shù)上說,他們實際是被光-熱脈沖

28、燒著的,因為衣服的顏色不同,吸收光的程度不同,致使身體上烙著不同衣服的圖案。Analysis: tech ni cally speak ing:從技術(shù)角度來說。類似的表達結(jié)構(gòu),如:gen erallyspeak in g (總的來說, 一般地說來) ,ho nestly/fra nkly speaki ng (坦率地說, 老實說) ,perso nally speaking就個人來說; 就自己而言),plainly speaking(坦率地說),properly speaking 確切地 說),roughly speaking 粗略地說來),strictly speak in g(嚴格說來)。

29、whose colors absorb light in different degrees 其中 whose 引導(dǎo)非限定性定語從句,指代 的是 clotheso3A third shows a girl who has some an un earthly smile, shock ing us with the sight of ordinary life,which otherwise seems to have been left behind for good in the scenes we are wit ness ing.Paraphrase The third photo i

30、s a girl who does not die and does not get hurt. How she survived we do notknow. She stands in the open mouth of a bomb shelter and she smiles queerly. Her smile shocks us andreminds us of a peaceful and ordinary life in the place where she stands if without such an atomic bom第三張圖片是一個女孩,不知怎的就幸存 下來,沒

31、有受傷,站在防空洞入口,露出怪異的微笑,讓人感到震驚,如果沒有投放原 子彈,在我們看到可怕場景的地方,人們能過著幸福的生活。Analysissomehow:ad. in a way not specified, un derstood, or known 以某種方式; 以某種不特定、 不理解或不知道的方式eg: She somehow got lost.她不知道怎么竟迷了路。survive: v. to live Ion ger tha n(比活得長);to live or persist through(從困境中活過來或挺 過來)eg: She survived her husba nd b

32、y five years 她比她丈夫多活了五年。Few survived after the flood 洪水過后,生還者極少。語法:the tense adopted in this sentence is historic present that is used to describe what happened in thepast. Describe the past as if it were happening now, the historic tense convey somethi ng of the dramaticimmediacy if an eye-wit ness

33、 acco unt. The historic tense is ofte n found in the popular narrative style, inphotograph captions, and in historical summaries.這 句話使用的都是一般現(xiàn)在時,在英語的語法中,用一般現(xiàn)在時描述過去發(fā)生的事情, 稱 為歷史現(xiàn)在時。用歷史現(xiàn)在時描述過去的事情,好像它們發(fā)生在現(xiàn)在一樣。歷史現(xiàn)在時 經(jīng)常用在通俗的故事讀本中,也用在照片字幕上,歷史概述讀本中?!癢hich” refers to the ordinary life we have been in, and“ ot

34、herwise ” meansthasee the smiles on the little girl, we may have forgot the ordinary life un der this situati on.這三幅圖充分表現(xiàn)了原子彈對人類的威脅,特別是小姑娘的這一張,用小姑娘的天真來反襯出這場戰(zhàn)爭的殘酷以及核武器的威力。名師精編精品教案4Stretching into the distance on all sides are fields of rubble dotted with fires, and, in the backgro und,a view of mount

35、ains.Paraphrase In the far distance, people can see the fields of rubble covered with fires and in thebackground of the field of rubble people can catch sight of a view of mountains.在這幅 圖片的遠處,四周是冒著火星的廢墟,廢墟的背后是山的一角。Questi on: Why the backgro und is a view of mountain? Because this city has bee n bomb

36、ed to theground, all things have gone, so people can only see a view of mountain.5That abse nce, eve n more tha n wreckage, contains the heart of the matter.Paraphrase That vani shed city tha n in the wreckage that the sig ni fica nce of the eve nt lies. 是消失的城市,不是殘垣斷壁表明這個事件的真正含義。Analysis“ The heart

37、of the matter ” is a metonymy feature.6The true measure of the eve nt lies not in what rema ins but in all that has disappeared. ParaphraseThe sta ndard to evaluatio n or a basis of eve nt lies not in what is left but in what has disappeared 衡量整個事件的標尺不在于所留下的,而在于所消失的。Analysismeasure an evaluati on or

38、 a basis of comparis on 標準,尺度比較的估價或基礎(chǔ) eg : the final measure ofthe worth of a society 社會價值的最終估價尺度 lie in : exist in, be found in 在于eg: In deed, a good deal of the importa nce of the book lies in its later in flue nce.確實,這本 書的重要性在于它后來所產(chǎn)生的影響。4. Figure out the rhetorical features existing in the paragraph1Stretching into the


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