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1、中考英語首字母高頻單詞清單,準初三基礎必備!A -Z字母高頻詞匯A字母開頭高頻單詞L 副詞: 句中:a I ready, a I soT almost, always 司是:again, accurate Iyf altogether,a I one2 . 連詞: after, and, as a I though3 .介詞:around, among, across, along, about, above, afterr against, as4 . 動詞:achieve/get/ga i n/recei ve, afford (afford to do ), agree, answer,

2、 allow, appear, award5 .代詞:a. anything, anybody, all, another, anybx bothc, everybody, everything, either, each£. somebody, somethingn. nothing, nobody, neither/noneo、 others, other, one(s)B字母開頭高頻單詞1, 連詞:but, because, before2* 介詞:besidg beside/next to» below* behi nd, beforet between3 . 動詞

3、:begin/start, become, be I ieve, bio% book, break, borrow4 .形容詞:beauti fu I /prettyr brave, brief, better/best, busy, br i ght/c I ever/smart/wi sec字母開頭高頻單詞1. 動詞:cost, control close, co nt i nue corr ectt comp Iete/finish, comp I a i nr confu se , caI Iedt catch/know/understand.change sth to sth, ch

4、oose to do sth, cause sb. /sth. to do, check v. /n. , connectto/wi th, comp a后w i t h ,2. 形容詞: carefu I (carefuI I y), care Iessr correct, coimonr crazy, cheap, convenient, confident, clear, comfortable, cold, cI ever, certain/sure (一定的)3* 名詞: chance, choice, corner, cuIture/customt hobby/hab i tD字母

5、開頭高頻單詞1 . 動詞:decide, di sI i ke/hate, develop, discover, drive(驅(qū)趕,discuss,d i sappearf damage/destroy/hurt/wound (毀壞, 破 壞)2 .形容詞:different(d i fference) difficult du I I/bor i ng di shonest deaf dangerous developing-deve I oped3 . 名詞: make a deci sion/suggestion, dream/ambit ion, duty, diet, day, da

6、nger, darkness4 .分詞;dur i ngE字母開頭高頻單詞1. 副詞;even/ever, exact I y, easily, everywhere, enough, especially2. 形容詞: early/ear ier, easy, elder, empty, excited, expensive, else (what/who*e I se anyth5 ng/noth i ng else)好的:exceI Ient/perfect/nice/fine/good/great/wonde rful3. 動詞: enjoy, escape,exp I a i n/a

7、nswer/say/suggest (解至M 回 軍). examine/check (檢 查),encourage sb. to do, end n. /v. expect/w i sh/hope (希 望) 4t 介詞:except5.名詞:endteverythi ng/body, exam/qu i z/compet it i on/conte st (測試),exerc i se (s) , exper ience (s), examp I eF字母開頭高頻單詞1.名詞:fun, friendship, form* freedom, flight, fonn/type/kind(種類

8、)2,動詞二forget follow findfinish/completefail發(fā)現(xiàn):find/d i scdver/not i ce I earn/reaIize3 . 副詞: far (farther, farthest), fast, finally, first, forward4 .介詞: from5 .形容詞:first, friendly, favor it% few, funny. f i ne/weI I/n i cet following,fr ightened/afraidG字母開頭高頻單詞1 .形容詞:good/great,g I ad/ p I eased/ha

9、ppy/sat i sf i edt gent I e (溫某 的). generous (大方的)2 . 動詞:grow, guess, gosgive, get/ga i n/achi eve/r ecei ve (得 至U)3 .名詞: goal, game, group, guide4,副詞:gently, genera I I yf greatlyH字母開頭高頻單詞1. 名詞:hab i t, hobby, headache, hea I th, hearty help, hope, hour, hope/wish/dream(希望)2. 動詞:hope, happen, hate,

10、 he I p, hes i tate, h i deT hurry, hope/wi sh/expect3,影容詞:huge /giant / big/large, homeless, he IpfuI, hungry, healthy, harmful, happy4 .副詞:happily, hardt hardly5 .連詞:However, howi字母開頭高頻單詞1. 名詞:idea, information, importance2. 副詞:instead, indeed/trulyt inside, into, inimediate I y3. 動詞:introduce. in

11、clude, improve4. 形譽詞:impossible, important, impatient. interesting/amusi ng5. 連詞:ifJ字母開頭高頻單詞1 . 動詞: joi nf judge, jump,2 .名詞:journey/way/road (路),judge(裁判), joy3,副詞:justN字母開頭高頻單詞K字母開頭高頻單詞L 名詞:keyt kind of, knowledge2. 動詞:keep, know, knockL字母開頭高頻單詞1 .動詞:learn, leave, let, I ift ( ra i se), live2 . 形容

12、詞:little/ I ess/ leasts I oca I, late,I azy, Iucky, large(b i g/ great), lone Iy, lovely, likely (be likely to d。)= possible3,副詞:Iater Iucki Iy4 .介詞:like Csuch as 與 for example )M字母開頭高頻單詞L 動詞:卬 i ss, rriean meet (遇見,滿足), move (搬 家), match (與相配), mind (介意)* matter緊),make2. 名詞:markett member,巾ethod (方

13、法),month, manner (4L message3. 冊容詞: many/ much/ more/ most modern1 .動詞:notice,need2 .形容詞:nervous, new, necessary (必要的), n i ce3 . 名詞: nat i on, news-message, neighbor (neighborhood) , noti ce4* 代詞:nothing, nobody, neither (either), none (all)5. 副詞:near ly, never, nearbyo字母開頭高頻單詞L 動詞:own, offer, orde

14、rt ask2. 形容詞:ordinary, only, own, other, outdoor3. 副司: often, once, ofT over, outside4. 介詞:over= throughout, out, outs ide5. 連詞:orp字母開頭高頻單詞1. 動詞:promise, pay, p I ay, p prefer, prepare, provide, proc( 工),produce (生產(chǎn)),prove (證明) 2.名詞: pa i 口,performance, p I 步),process (過程L pract i ce3 .形容詞:phys ica

15、I (身體的),p pretty, powerf u I. pr i vate (perst pI eased, pleasant, poI i te4 . 副詞: poss i bI y, perhaps, pre persona I Iy1 e 名詞:question2 . 形容詞:quiet, quick3 .副詞:quick lyt quietly, quiteR字母開頭高頻單詞L 動詞: receive, realize, reach, remember,T字母開頭高頻單詞equip reduce,.refuse run, re I ax2.形容詞:real,rich, respon

16、siblet right3.副詞:rea I I v.recently, right, rather4. 名詞: reason.result, rest;s字母開頭高頻單詞1. 動詞:suppose, show, seem, suggest, &hare# spend, spread, start2* 名詞: secret, story, shame = pityT sign, symbol, situation somebody3. 形容詞: serious, simple, spec ia I, soft, successfuI, strictr surprising, stran

17、ge, same, simi I ar4. 副詞l sudden I y, slowly, still, ser i ous I y, sometimes, soon, seldom1. 副詞:tomorroWj tonight todayt too, then, there, together terribly2. 介詞:til t% towards, through, throughout3. 動詞:turn, tryt train, touch, teach, troubIe4. 名詞:trouble, team, teenager, tradition5. 形容詞:tired, thirsty, thankful, thick, thin, terrible, their, tradit ionalu字母開頭高頻單詞1 . 形容詞:unusua I, useful, unhappy, upset, unheaI thy2 , 介詞:until, up. under3


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