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1、建設(shè)工程各學科SCI期刊目錄TOP10、土木工程學科1、結(jié)構(gòu)工程1) Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE2) ACI Structural Journal3) Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE4) ACI Materials Journal5) Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE6) Cement and Concrete Research7) Engineering Structures8) Journal of Materials in Civ

2、il Engineering, ASCE9) The Structural Design of Tall Buildings and Special Structures10) ) Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE2、巖土工程1) Geotechnique3) Canadian Geotechnical Engineering4) Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering-ASCE5) Computers and Geotechnics6) Rock Mechanic

3、s and Rock Engineering7) Engineering Geology8) International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics9) Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering10) ) Geotextiles and Geomembranes3、市政工程1) Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE2) ?Construction and Building Materials3) ?Environ

4、 Modell Softw4) ?Road Materials and Pavement Design5) International Journal of Pavement Engineering6) ?Int J Greenh Gas Con7) Waste Manageenviron Sci Technol8) J Hazard Mater9) Indoor Air10) Water Res4、供熱、供燃氣、通風及空調(diào)工程1) Indoor Air2) Energy and Buildings3) Building and Environment4) HVAC&R Researc

5、h5) Renewable Energy6) Solar Energy7) International Journal of?Heat and Mass Transfer8) Applied Thermal Engineering9) International Journal of Refrigeration10) ) International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow5、橋梁與隧道工程2) J Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE3) Tunneling and Underground Space Technology

6、4) Computers and Structures5) Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE6) Structural Engineering and Mechanics7) Steel and Composite Structure8) Bridge Engineering9) Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering10) ) Structural Engineering International6、防災(zāi)減災(zāi)工程及防護工程1) Earthquake Enginee

7、ring & Structural Dynamics2) Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE3) Structural Control and Health Monitoring4) Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering6) Earthquake Spectra7)?Smart Materials and Structures8) International Journal of Solids and Structures9) Structural Safety10) Journal of Sound

8、 and Vibration7、 土木工程治理1) Journal of Construction Engineering and Management2) Journal of Infrastructure Systems3) Automation in Construction4) Construction Management & Economics5) International Journal of Project Management6) Building Research and Information7) Real?Estate?Economics8) Manageme

9、nt Science二、水利工程學科1、水工結(jié)構(gòu)工程1) Journal of Hydraulic Engineering - ASCE2) Dam Engineering3) Journal of Fluids and Structures4) Journal of Hydraulic Research5) International Water Power & Dam Constructions6) Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics7) Soil Dynamic and Earthquake Dynamics8) Inte

10、rnational Journal of Solids and Structures9) Computers and Structures10) ) Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering2、水利水電工程1) International Water Power & Dam Constructions4) Tunneling and Underground Space Technology5) Operations Research6) Journal of Hydrodynamics7) International J

11、ournal of Solids and Structures8) Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering9) International Journal of Project Management10) Dam Engineering3、港口、海岸及近海工程1) Coastal Engineering2) Wave Motion3) Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean?Engineering4) Ocean Engineering5) IEEE Journal of Ocea

12、nic Engineering6) Applied Ocean Research8) Journal of Coastal Research9) Coastal Engineering Journal10) ) International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering4、水文學及水資源1) Water Resources Research2) Journal of Hydrology3) Advances in Water Resources4) Journal?of?Water Resources Planning and Managem

13、ent-Asce5) Hydrology and Earth System Sciences6) Hydrological Processes7) Journal?of?the American Water Resources Association8) Hydrological Sciences Journal9) Environmental Modelling & Software10) ) ?Water Resource Management5、水力學及河流動力學2) Coastal Engineering3) Computers & Fluids4) Internati

14、onal Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids5) Journal?of?Hydraulic Engineering-Asce6) Ocean Engineering7) Journal?of?Engineering Mechanics-Asce8) Journal?of?Hydraulic Research9) Journal?of?Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering-Asce10) ) Fluid Dynamics Research三、交通運輸工程學科11) 通運輸規(guī)劃與治理1) Transpor

15、tation?Research?Part?B: Methodological2) Transportation?Research?Part?A: Policy and Practice3) Transportation?Research?Part?E: Logistics and?Transportation?Review4) Journal?of?Transport?Geography6) Operations Research7) Transportation?Research?Part?D:?Transport?and Environment8) Transportation9) Tra

16、nsportmetrica10) ) Journal of Urban Planning and Development2、交通信息工程及限制1) Transportation?Research?Part?B: Methodological2) Transportation?Research?Part?C:?Emerging Technologies3) IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems?4) Accident Analysis & Prevention5) Journal of Transportation

17、 Engineering - ASCE6) Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems?7) Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour8) Journal of Advanced Transportation?9) Safety Science10) ) Transportation?Research?Record: Journal of the?Transportation?Research?Board3、道路與鐵道工程1) Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering - ASCE2) Journal of Transportation Engineering ASCE3) Journal of Engineering Mechanics -ASCE4) Road Materials and Pavement Design5) Transportation?Research?Record: Jo


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