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1、2012托業(yè)考試閱讀模擬題1.October ?Oh2C06Mr. Fernandez 13B5 Midland Ave. DetrortJ MichiganDear Mr. Femandez,As ttia presidentF1 謝n proud to announm that this Friday marks the 30th anniversary of our long and suocMsfitl running c-ourrtry club, This, of couise, ulis for a night of ceteBratiort Andfar this rnd wa

2、 tiave reserved the Grant) HbI at the Falcon Hotel tJih Friday at 7 p.m. for anight of fine dining and dancing.On this special evening, the newest members of our dub will get an opportunity 1o listen ta the thoughts 出 our older members and exchange ideas in an Inform謝 atmosphere. The newest menibftn

3、, who will be carrying on our tradition, should hear what ting older members have to sawFurthfir. th&food 訕ill ba superb, rv had a chance to dine at the hotei several ttmes in ttie past In other iunctions and it was (he food that convinced me to hold our event there. I am quite certalp th戲 測 of

4、our membarB wiM shara my f&eling. Anyhow, am Poking forward to 別& Friday when ah of our members can let loose and havs some 協(xié)m“創(chuàng)新。減 this is a letter to official y inv4e you and your spouse or significant other to join us on this memorable evening.Plessa let us know If you can attend.Yours 5i

5、ncwely1153. What is the main purpose orf this letter?(A) To provide trifonnation about the club's history(B) To notify the members of a yearly meeting (C> To welcome the newest member to the club(D) 7b nvite the members to am upcoming event154. Which of the fol lowing will NOT be part of the

6、event?(A) Discussions(B) Entertainment(C> Presentalina(D) Dinner155. According to Mr. Connelly, what led him to hold ttie event there?JA) It has become a tradition at the club,(日)He has special ties with the hotel staff.(C) The hotel 得 ksGated close to the ulub.(D) He was impressed with its menu.

7、參考答案 DCDHOMinAY NITWORr STUDENT 6UIDILINESOn arrival at your new home;Uy to remember the names of your host famiJy. If unsure about how to address them, it Is okay to ask how they would like to be called. For example, if it is impolite in your country to call someone elder by their first name, ask i

8、f it's okay to add Mr. or Mrs. in front of their names. Some Americans do not like to be addressed ihis way because it makes them feel old. Show your family that you are grateful for being your host But do not give expensive gifts, It to.however, considered approprtat© to bring inexpensive

9、handcrafts from your country or a small gift for the chi W re not the host family.,i: Your host family will be curious to know more about you. Bring photos of your family and friends to share with them. This is also a great way to break the ice with them. After you get settled, your host family will

10、 help you make a call to your parents to assure them that you have arrived safely. After you've had dinner, you may ask the host family to be excused earty. They will be fullyaware of the fact that you might be jetlagged,feel free to ask them.On your first day of school: On your first day of sch

11、ool, your host family will take you to school and help you with the necessary registration paperwork. Your host family will also make sure that you know ynur way tn and from school. They will also teach you how to usu public tnuisportation. When traveling alone, you should at all times carry a map a

12、nd the phone number of your host family. In Gan© you are lost and cannot got in touch with your host family, you can contact the "Homestay WtworK.156- For whom is this guideline intended?(A) Host families(0) Foreign students(C) School staff(D) Airline worker157* Which of tha folowing is NO

13、T mentioned in the guideline?(A) Rnd out how you should address the host family(0) Al way 営 be pr&parfed 1or the unaxpected(C) Be prompt during meal times(D) Establish a rappwt with th© host familyi158 What might be an appropriate present for the host famiry?(A) A toy train(B) A bottle of w

14、hiskey(O A camera(D) A cellular phQD?I159. What 底 implied by the gutdelines"?(A) Americans prefer to address sach other formally, (S) Newly arrived students often get lost in the city,(C) Host families corrie from educated backgrounds.(D) Students will depend on the hosl family to settle in.參考答

15、案:BCAD3.Pump Itspecial offer vLook your best this summer with our stateof tiie-art equipment and a tailonnade training programmade specially for you by one of our top rated personal trainersIf you are having a difhcull time getting motivated, Pump It is where you want to be.With a personal trainer a

16、ssigned to you, youll be placed in a tailor-made program that will make you look your best in just 12 weeks.With our program, you will get the full benefits of. Our one-on-one support and expert guidance by the top trainers in our industryThe use of the most updated fitness equipment money can buy,

17、including free weights, treadmills, bikes, and even a his and hers saunaOngoing group classes, from aerobics to yoga to dancercisc to s-butts-thighs1, just to name a few For the time being, absolutely no joining and a very affordable monlhly membershipratesSo come for a free consultation, and get st

18、arted today!Don't miss out!Offer is good until this Friday310 St. George Street, Suite 601, ChicagoT: 755-3422 W: 160. Who does this advertisement mainly target?(A) Anyore who bailed at dieting durlng the summar(B) People wrthout much time on their hands.JC) Athletes training for upcoming compet

19、itions(D) People who ne&d a IHtle nudge at gating into shap16V What 1$ NOT offered in the advertlsennerit?(A) Continuation erf organized tdsons(B) Personalked ooaGhing to 3urt individual出 needs(C) Free signup(D) Annual membership discounts參考答案:DAMEMORANDUMTO:Marketing staffFROM: Jonathm BlairDAT

20、E; August 22RE; New Advertising CampaignWe arc very excited ibout our new line of infant clothes this year. The foEowing will give you a general outline of the marketing strategies we have planned to help promote our new clothes. As you all know, this is our first attempt in this marketj and we arc

21、anticipating great results, And to add to this, we have put together our biggest and most expensive ad campaign in several of the guntry largest media. :nv ? TELEVISION SPOTS ? y,: g。A thirty-cond cwmercial on 3 of the largest networtes during primetlm© hours (7-9 p.m.) for three months. A tota

22、l of 4 showings on each station daily. Also 5 showings between 9-11 pm. on Saturdays and 6 showings on Sundays.嚴(yán);1 屹* MNEWSPAPER ADD INS-Will feature a three-page advertisement complete with colorful illustrations and discount coupons. W川 be inserted into the middle of all major newspapers in the ci

23、ty on weekend editions for two months.SUBWAY AND BUS ADSAdvertising posters on major routes around the city. A total of 5000 poster will be posted fori month.Everyone is encouraged to submit comments and ideas to the Marketing Departinen165. What is the mafn purpose of ttie memorandum?(A) To recrurt

24、 talented people to work on an advertising proj&ot(B) To announae the eompanyH future plans(C) To inform the staff members about a teievison documentary(D) Io find a model spokesperson for the posters電166. Who is the target audience for the new products being launched?N(A) Babies(0) Children(C)

25、AdulU(D) Seniors尊 I J A 1167. What can be inferred from the mBmorandum?(A) Local television is airing a specif on the company.(B) The company is breaking into a new market,(C) An article about the company has been prirrt&d In the local paper.(D) The subway and bus strikes will affect the company

26、.168 How many times will the ad be aired on a weekday on one station?(A) 3 times'(0)4 times(G) 5 times(D) 6 times169. Which of the following is NOT true about the newspaper ad?(A) It will bein varioiks colors.(B) itwitl be featured on tHe front page.(C) It will offer discount vouctiers.(D) It wi

27、l! t>a included In t帕 weekend editions.答案為:BABBB5III.JN THE VICINITY丫1鄉(xiāng)BANKSThere are two banks on the comer of Man and Wdteley Street It's walking distance from the hotel. The hours are Mon-Fri 10:00 am -4 pmMUSEUM130 Man Road (Near 亦抽 M< ;Bus #1 will take you directly to the museum, h ru

28、ns every 15 minutes.HOSPITALSt. George Hospital, 1000 Bathurst Street. Emergency service open 24 hours a day.«KTAXI STANDJust outside the east wing door. Ask th« front desk clerk for assistance with luggage.POST OFFICENearest post office - 4 min. walk down Gerald Road. Hours 9-5 weekdays.f

29、flGYM1st Basement floor of the hotel.PHARMACYGround floor of the hotel. Open 24 boursaday-SHUTTLE BUSShuttle s«vco to the airport every 10 min. Free. At the front door.POLICE STATIONClose to the hotel - On the comer of University and College Streets. Emergexy 911.SHOPPING250 Main Road. Hours ar

30、e from 10am. 6 p.m. on weekdays. 12 5 on Saturday, Closed Sunday,PHOTO DEVELOPINGService available from 9 until 6 dajly from your room. Call the front desk. ExtooaFOR MORE FORMATIONASK AT FRONT DESK162. Where would th憾 information moet likely be posted?(AJ At a bus 3top(B) In a hotel lobby(C) At a s

31、hopping center(D) Al a post office、63 Aucortllng to the inforrnatton. which can be performed at 1 o'clock in the morning?(A) Withdrawing some cash(B) Working out at the gym(C) Getting medicine for a cod(D) Getting pictures developed164 What can be Inferred from the information?(A) A ride to the

32、asport is available very infrequently(B) Packages can be sent during business hours.(C) Guests can get their suits pressed righi from their rooms.(D) Help with the bags 呂 available with just a phone calk答案:BCB6.Are you suffering fromRAGWEED ALLERGIES?Are you one of those people who suffer from;sneez

33、ing?runny, Itohy nose?red, watery, itchy eyes?during the latter part of the summer rronths.The Research Institute of Ragweed Allergies iscurrently conducting a study and is asking volunteersto participate in testing an experimerral drug.Those who pass the qualification procedurewill receive compensa

34、tion br his/her part in contributing to the study.Calk «5如333 /ext.1) or Toll free; iRIM-5544Emaik祐仿 stih/te陽艸 eedcomRegular hours of operation: Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 6 pmSaturday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.Research Institute of RAODiNeRdinMbsbauga2 blocks south of 印 ington Ave.www.rm8afcWnstituW4a

35、gweed.corr170. What is the primary neason for taking cut this notice?闖 To announce a medical brklhrough in curing ragweed aiiezgtes(B) 7b Inforni the public about the spread u( d new lypw d an ail曰防(C) To recruit people who are willing to come forward for a medical cause(D) To provide trie resutts o

36、t a test conducted by the research institute171, What can t>e implied about Ragweed allergies from the notice?|A) They're most prevatent during the late summBf months.|B) Research atx)ut Uiem has been ongoing for the errtire summer.(C) They have been the main public issue in recent months.D)

37、They affect a great num bee of people living in hot ctimales,17 Which of the following information is NOT focirxi in tfie notice?(A) A number where interested people could call(B) The specific compensation each participant will recetve for volunteering(C) The subject of the study being conducted(D)

38、The conditions required for those who want to make a contribution答案為:CAB7.TOO0000900000CREDIT PROBLEM?CREDIT DENIED?WeCANHELPl1(COLLECTION AGENCIES) LATE PAYMEfffS * REPOSSESSIONS-BANKRUPTCIES * BIG D£BTSICRPS Exclusive $1 各mi川on Computer Search Program.Ths only one of 據(jù) kind iri the woridHow c

39、redit aeeccies may not in complianceWith the Canadian Consumer Reporting Act an<fyou can do about it.tWE REPAIR CREDIT. LEGALLY”"All info/matwn is strictly confidsmial"Consolidate debts into lower monthly payments'Cali 伽 nn appointment:416-755-769B173- Who ts the intended audience o

40、f this advertrsennent?(A) People who are in legal trouble(B) Anyone who as having tinanc剛 problems(G) Businesses that are tn need of tax breaks(D) Workers who must do their yeady incorne taxes174. What typ&ot service goes the company offer?(A) ft helps those who in debt.(S) It lends money at I=q

41、w interest.(C) It invests in potenrtia! companies.(D) It provides lgai counseiing to people in trouble,To: Room 1204-Mr. Mart IH/K Sflrvi:es Lid. 1F -iKlvircEL Idirg -? B-kt 3:花樸討Mewman Isfard Pa: flc HotelFacs!miie-MME HanKvu Services Ltd.Who-w 型 h56 &M&Fix冰朋撫灑-Cnaj二mtwwwhar椒兀 amF3 旦 uaggfD

42、'hclng 口H仲5W3H、377T8S55運(yùn)劇一 pagePieaie pass this messaon 甘 yaurpes £ Mark Newman- wbowstayfng h Hoorr *2D< Thinks. 3arMr-冒官"疥Ron Ewran hKasked meo££ 呂 kBw 寸證_*Q&s'一merest盤 h meeUnj wth 若匸 13 占 IWQJ-呂 SAturdax gh/e h m a 晝呂滯3呂_莎 呂0需溼K5E J55sEa<B畐居爍創(chuàng)=畐寺面 , J? Kind

43、regga.0PAcrR%韋s£175. Why did Ms. Wong send ttie tiax?(A) To reserve a room at ths hotel(B) 7b convey a message an behalf of her boss(C) Io ask about the price of a room at the hotel(Dj To cancel a meeting with a customer17£ Who is the intended rwipiant of this fax?(A> HanKyu Services Li

44、mited(B) Ron Devereux(C) Mark Newman(D) Island Pacific Hotel177. Wkiat wiFI the recipient of the fax do?(A) Check out of the 也畑IBJ Get his room Key(C) Go to Mr. D&versLix office(D) Make a telephone call1T8. Who is Maggie Wcog?(A) The president of HanKyu Services Limited(B) A hotel front d«&

45、amp;k clerk(Cl A guwt who is staying at the hotel(D) The personal assistart of Ron Devereux參考答案:BCDDfl9.CHINACHINA3a DE>lhooos any nB ds'h from the menu s rg back wcrlriQed to S8 0一-ess food itemQ¥#h anyoreer $4 口crefara faxem)黑耳 盍一在 三00=.匚 rlacFl with arycth專cffCD©一 58 nsos Wing伽Wh

46、h 號 y 口3卑 Q<sf2BH-eo-r*夏) OK p 聲 Qa咚 03-20<IM)-kl in 仃口 nc-nci-on w 碑hcun* otherQners,pickcpsp&t20 舉 OFF20心 區(qū)Q.3concocrQ'lq Mrly 口&卑 Clffe0C 總丁 payrTIGi03-y. Dai-P combo M- comp-sa Dmnem exccdoa!i?45 Jan 酣 RFmoq 235F Juk-l.t5- Toi i Q_Jft re£f 3S- J5 By paying 字«me 那-rl n

47、&v- ? » 8-3 305?5j Bv 蘆于口 匚0 芋* ffoa5 口<m-Ta 5 the festaugr 黑 K certaa_J8-Ml Whsf d目寡 & *S3 -he sTh* nea&urarl aGGCPtmQ善 C£J* 一ffir nzlaYel導(dǎo)sfr主需石 Rd% 一 c) FIisCPUPQn-nar:需 rsad 口*ErmE- s AL-于也亠Q1XJsa 蘭 6 pog 石軸獸事 ragcWF Pfk3e,June 3,2006| Suzanne Rogers.I UltraErgoroniic Fu

48、rnitureI Sa!es and Shipping Department1I Suite 58 107 Morris CircleI Moocabbin, Viotoria 3206f 一4 J)Dear 曲 Rogers,)Ae Pm sure you are i刪q our company has been organizing conu&ntio叫 festivals, and other larga corporate events for the last fifteen years, and In fact we are leaders in the field. We

49、 have relied on Ultra- Ergonomic Fumfture for purchase and rental supplies M high-qtallty furniture 伽 that entire period, and vre've never had any cause for complaints with regard to your seivces.I am writing to you personaly to ask a special fam We rwently made an orier with your company for th

50、e supply of rental furniture that includes chairs, tables, partitions, md lecterns for an auto show (see order No.11-35694A). Unfortunately, a serious error was made. In fact tfe wpositicn begins one week earlier than )Indicated on 畑 order form. The starting date is acbaly July 7,1 would appreciate

51、it very much if you could )trytodo everyth ing you can to ensure that our order be delivered to us on 血 data Alsopossble, I'd I祁 to add 20 popup displays on top of our original order.I realize that this is a big favor to ask but on the basis of our Jofig-term business relationship I hope that youwiHbeabletofindaway.IVn really sorry for any inconvenience. Please contact me soon.Yours sincerely,Michael RobinsonDearMtRobta,Thank yoj for your letle:l 熔 surprsed.and of corse concefned.hat you find yourself in this uitortunale : sltuallon. And of oxk出 I will do niy Iwsl b Mp yvu. Yow ow


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