1、“動同up力短語薈萃1. add up加起來Every time I add these figures up I get a different answer.These figures don ' t add up right. add up to加起來等丁,總并達;(總起來看)說明,意味著The money he spent added up to more than $ 1,000.Your long answer just adds up to a refusal.2. break up(1) to become separated into smaller pieces丁碎
2、; 拆散; 碎開The ship broke up on the rocks.船觸礁裂開了.(2) to come or bring to an end, esp. by separating吉束;角牟散;馬區(qū)散Their marriage broke up.他們婚姻破裂了.、(3) to stop being together; separate or go in different directions別離,斷絕關系,The crowd broke up.人群散開了.What will happen to the children if Jim and Mary break up?如果Ji
3、m和Mary離婚,孩子們怎么辦呢?3. bring up(1) to educate and care for (a child) until grown-up 養(yǎng)育,教養(yǎng)(孩子)She was brought up to believe that money is the most important thing in life.她所受的教養(yǎng)使她相信,金錢是生活中最重要的東西.(2) 嘔吐(throw up ) : He brought up his dinner.他把晚餐吃的東西都嘔吐出來(3) to mention or bring to attention (a subject)提出(
4、議題)Don' t bring up that embarrassing topicf要提出哪個令人為難的話題.4. build up(1) to (cause to) increase, develop, or become gradually largefi()增進; 增加; 加The clouds are building up.云正在密集起來.Traffic going out of the city is already building up.往城郊的交通正變得越來越to build up one ' s body / strength質 / 增強力量(2) to
5、praise so as to influence the opinion of others捧起,贊揚, 宣傳 The singer has been built up into a great succes嫗位歌星已經被捧紅了.5. burn up(1) to flame more brightly or strongly 旺起來,燒起來Put some more wood on the fire to make it burn up.加點木柴,使火燒得更旺.(2) to destroy or be destroyed completely by fire or great health毀
6、,燒盡The rocket burnt up when it re-entered the earth ' s atmosphere. to fill (someone ' s ) mind complebJ )充滿 ;祉著迷 He was burnt up with jealousy.他妒火中燒.6. catch up(1) to come up from behind and reach the same point ro level a4J上,追上At the moment our technology is more advanced than theirs, but
7、they arecatching up (with us).目前,我們的技術比他們的先進,但是他們正在很快地(2) to do what needs to done in order to come up to date 趕做(應及時完成的工 作)I have to catch up on my work tonight, so I can ' t corimeteut得趕工作,不7. call up(1) to telephone / ring up 打 給:I ' ll call you up this evening.(2) (使)回憶起;把召喚回來This song c
8、alls up memories of my childhood.這支歌引起我對童年的回憶.8. clean up: to clean thoroughly and remove anything unwanted 徹底掃除; 收拾It ' s your turn to clean (the kitchen) up.The new mayor has promised to clean up the town by getting rid of all the criminals.新市長已許愿要活楚一切罪犯.9. clear up(1) 晴朗也來,開朗起來;好轉I hope the w
9、eather clears up before Sunda洪希望星期日前天氣回轉晴.澄活;說明;解答The book has cleared up many difficulties for me.(3) to put in order; tidy up; finish 整理; 完成You' ll have to clear up the things on the table before we have tea.I have some unfinished work to clear up before I can go home.10. come up(1) to come ne
10、ar, esp. by walking 走近; 走過來; 接近He came up and asked me if I knew the time.(2) 引起注意;值得考慮;被提出Your question came up at the meeting你的問題在會上給提出來討論了.to happen, esp. unexpectedly尤指意想不到地)發(fā)生I ' ll let you know if anting comes up.(4) 長出來: Weeds are coming up everywhere.11. cut up to cut into little pieces
11、切碎,割碎They cut down the tree and cut it up for firewood.(2) to make very sad and upset使傷心,使難受 Alice was really cut up when her friend died.12. divide up 分(配)They divided up the land among themselves.13. do up(1) to fasten or tie 扣,系,扎,捆Do up your buttons / my dress / this knot.系上你的紐扣/替我扣上連衣裙/(2) to m
12、ake (oneself) more beautiful 打扮Mary has done herself up for the party.收拾,整理,修理,裝飾The house needs to be done up.14. draw up(1) 起草,擬訂:draw up a plan / contract(2) (車輛)至U達某處停下:The car drew up (at the gate) and three men got out.(3) 使排好隊伍; 使歹U陣: The soldiers were drawn up outside the palace.15. eat up :
13、 to eat all of (something)吃完,吃光,好盡Come on, eat up; there ' s plerftyPft.把它們都吃光;還剩很多呢!A big car eats up money.大汽車彳艮耗巒錢.16. end叩最后(無某種結局),最后(成了)Every time she tried to argue with her husband she ended up crying her eyes out.He ended up (as) head of the firm.他最后成了 公司的主管入.17. fill up(1) to complete
14、(a form) by answering the questions in the spaces provided 填寫(表格)(2) to make or become completely full 使)充滿; 裝滿The room soon filled up (with people).房子彳由快就擠滿了(人).18. fix up(1) to repair, change, or improve to make suitable for new needsll理,修*卜; 整My mother' getting too old to live on her own, so
15、we' rfixing up the spare room for her.我的母親太老了,不能自己生活了,所以我們正收拾這個多出來的房間讓她住.安排,安排Can you fix me up with a bed for the night?你能安排我過夜嗎?19. fit up裝備,布伺We had to fit up one of the bedrooms as an office.20. get up(1) to (cause to) rise from bed in the morning 使)起床I ' m sorry to phone so early; did I
16、 get you up?(2) to rise to one ' s feet; s&rtd up起來Everyone got up when the judge came in.21. give up(1) to stop having or doing 放棄,拋棄,中止He had to give up his studies through lack of money.由于沒有錢,他不得不輟(2) to stop attempting something; admit defeat認輸; 中輟All the girls swam the lake except two,
17、who gave up halfway.除了兩名女孩半途退出外,所有女孩都游過了湖.(3) 把(某人)交給警方;自首,投降The murderer gave himself up (to the police).22. go up(1) to rise; increase 上升; 增長: Prices have gone up again.(2) to be built被興建;建立There are new houses going up everywhere round here.這兒周圍至 U 處都建起23. grow up(1) (of a person) to develop from
18、 being a child to being a man or woman 長大成動詞+up短語薈萃(附練習)What do you want to be when you grow up?(2) to become established; develop確立,開展The custom grew up of dividing the father ' s land between thesson由兒子們分割父親的地產已逐漸成為一種習俗.24. hold 叩(1) (常用被動態(tài))to delay推遲,(使)耽誤入The building of the new road has bee
19、n held up by bad weather.新公路的建造 由丁天氣不好而耽誤下來了.(2) to show as an example提出(作為典范),展示The old man always held up his youngest son as a model of hard work.那位老人總是舉出自己的小兒子作為勤奮工作的典范.25. hurry up(1) to (cause to) act or move more quickly 使)加快行動(步子)I tried to hurry him up, but he wouldn' t walk any faster.
20、If you don't hurry up we ' ll miss the plane.(2) to do faster趕機及(某事)We have to hurry this job up if we want to finish by Thursday. 我們如果想在26. hang up(1) to finish a telephone conversation by putting the receiver back® 斷 I was so angry I hung up on her.我一氣之下掛斷了 她的 .(2) 掛起來;耽誤,擱置He hung up
21、 his hat and coat.The business has been hung up owing to the partner' s illness.27. join up(1) 把連接起來: The electrician joined the wires up.(2) to become a member of an army, navy, etc參軍,入伍When war was declared he joined up at once.28. keep up(1)繼續(xù)(下去),繼續(xù)(做某事);保持Keep up the good work!繼續(xù)好好干下去!Will
22、the fine weather keep up?好天氣會繼續(xù)下去嗎?She kept up her spirits by singing.她川唱歌來保持精神昂揚.破上(不落后)I can ' t keep up with these changes in fashion任不上時新樣式的變化.(3) (使)不睡覺,(使)不倒下;使不掉下來 keep up appearance鼓而子; 擺闊氣29. look up(1) to find (information) in a book (在書中)查檢(資料等);了解Look up the word in the dictionary.I
23、' ll look up the times of the trains.(2) improve 會好轉,改善:Things are looking up.情況正在看好.(3) to find and visit (sb) when in the same area看望, 拜訪I must look up an old friend who lives nearby.30. lay叩搜集,儲存to lay up food for the winter 儲藏過冬食物to lay up problems for the future把問題留到將來解決31. lift up舉起,抬起,提起;
24、鼓明If you lift up the chair I' ll clean the carpet underneath it.His very presence lifted us all up.32. light 叩(1) 開燈;點(煙);照亮,使生輝,亮起來The candles on the Christmas tree lit up the room.The room suddenly lit up.(2) (使)變得喜悅起來His face (was) lit up with sudden excitement.A smile lit up her face.33. mak
25、e up(1) to invent (a story, a poem, an excuse, etc.), often in order to deceiV®造,虛 構,捏造(2) to form as a whole 形成,構成,組成Farming and mining make up most of the country ' s industry.農業(yè)和礦業(yè)團成這個國家產業(yè)的大局部.(3) 湊足:They made up a four at tennis .他們湊足了四個人來打網球.(4) 化裝,化裝:They made him up as an old man for
26、 the last act (幕)of the play.(5) to become friends again after (a quarrel河解:It ' s time you made it up with your sister.34. dry up(1) 擦T, 使T: The sun came out and dried up the streets in a half-hour.(2) to (cause to) become completely dry 彼)TWI: The well / river / stream has dried up.35. open up
27、開辟,開拓,(使)展現(xiàn);開放,開辦(1) Modern scientific advance has opened up the possibility of a higher standard of life for most of our people.(2) They opened the country up to trade.他們使這個國家在貿易上對外開放.(3) They decided to open up a business in the town.36. put up(1) 舉起(手);搭起,蓋起Drop your weapons and put your hands up
28、.Have you put up the tent?你落起帳篷了 沒有?They' re putting up a new office block他們正在建造一棟辦公樓.(2) to fix(esp. a notice) in a public place where people can see 推上; 張貼She put up the exam results.她公布了這次測試的結集.(3) 為提供膳宿;找膳宿之處,投宿I ' m afd I can ' t put you up; you ' ll have to go to a hotel.We ll
29、put up at a hotel for the night.我們將在旅館住一夜.(4) 提升,增加:They' ve put the price up.37. pick up(1)撿起,拾起;收拾,整理,Please pick up all your toys when you' ve finished playing.(2) to collect; arrange to go and get取(物);接(人),接載(人) Pick me up at the hotel.I ' m going to pick up my coat from the cleaner洗
30、衣店).'s (3) to come to have; gain, buy, learn, etc;獲得,得至U, 買至U, 學會 Where did you pick up that book / your English / that habit / such ideas?(4) to (cause to) start again 使)重新開始;to raise (oneself) after a fall or failure (此面后)再爬起來Let ' s pick up where we leftfof讓我們從停頓的地方重新開始.She picked herself
31、 up and started running again.(5) to allow to enter a vehicle 讓人搭車;to be able to hear or receive收聽至U We picked up a hitchhiker.我們接載了一個搭乘便車的人.38. ring up給打 39. set up(1) to establish or arrange (an organization, business, plan, etcft立,設立,倉U 辦(組織,企業(yè));制定;設角,豎庖set up a committee / trust fund設立一個委員會 /信托基
32、金Roadblocks野障)were set up by the police to catch the escaped prisoner.(2) to produce; cause造成,產生,引起;安裝The high winds set up dangerous driving conditions.40. send叩發(fā)射,發(fā)出;使上升/漲(1) They have sent up several spaceships this year.(2) Good news sent prices up on the market.41. show up(1) to arrive as expec
33、ted or arrangec®達,出現(xiàn),來至U某處She must have gone out early, for she had not shown up for breakfast.(2) to (cause to) be easily and clearly seert()顯眼,(使)顯現(xiàn);顯露出來A dark blue design will not show up on a black background.This test shows up your weaknesses in arithmetic術).(3) to make clear the unpleasan
34、t truth about揭發(fā),使木俞快的東西顯露出來;I intend to show up this liar (說謊者).When we go to parties my husband always shows me up by telling rude jokes.42. sit up(1) to stay up late; not go to bed 熬夜,不睡: We sat up to watch the midnight movie.(2) to (cause or help to) rise to a sitting position from a lying positi
35、on 彼或幫助) 坐起來;to sit properly upright in a chair 端坐, 坐正43. speed up: to (cause to) move, go, or happen fasterf()加速; 增速 (put / pick up speed)(1) We ' d better speed up if we want to get thnreme.(2) Production of the new model must be speeded up. 這一新式樣產品的生產 必須加快速度.44. stay up待著不睡覺;沒有倒塌/下沉,留著不撕/拆下(1
36、) I stayed up reading until midnight.(2) Your notice can stay up for a week, but then, I ' rafraid, it ' hlave to come down to make room for others.5 / 10動詞+up短語薈萃附練習45. tear up : to destroy completely by tearing 撕毀,撕碎(1) The maigcian tore up a $ 5 note and then made it whole again.魔術師把一張五英鎊
37、鈔票撕碎,然后乂使鈔票恢復原樣.46. team up with與合作或一起工作I team up with Jane to do the job .我與簡合作做這個工作.47. take up開始花時間從事(某項活動);對產生興趣;開始學習(某課程), 選修;(事物或事件)占用了(時間或空間);接受的建議;繼續(xù)(1) John took up acting while he was at college.約翰在上大學時開始喜歡演(2) The job took up most of Sunday.這項工作占用了大半個星期天.(3) Why don ' t take him up on
38、 his offer of a meal?為什么不接受他的邀請去I I ' ll take up the story where I finished yesterday.會從昨天故事結束的地48. throw up嘔吐(bring up);放棄(某事),停做(1) I hear you ' ve thrown up youjb說你辭去了那份工作.49. turn up(1) to arrive; make one ' s appeaiand至U, 出席,赴約 ;出現(xiàn) We arranged to meet tathe station but she didn '
39、; t turn up. The book you have lost will turn up one of these days.開大,調大(反義turn down);使加大;卷起,翻起,折起Turn the radio up; I can ' t hear it.He turned the coat collar up because of the wind.(3) to happen, esp. unexpectedly and fortunately(事等)忽然發(fā)生 Don' t worry, something ' s sure to t&mup.
40、巾態(tài)會有括機的.50. use up to finish completely (run out of) 消耗,用盡(1) Try not to use up all the flour.盡量別把所有的面粉都用完.51. wake up醒來;的醒(1) She had to wake up several times a night when their baby was ill.(2) Don ' t make a noise - you' ll wake the baby up.52. catch up with 趕上(1) The thieves had gone ten
41、 miles before the police caught up with them.(2) When will Britain catch up with Japan in industrial production? come up with提出(答案、解決方法令)(1) Scientists will have to come up with new methods increasing the world supply.end up with 以結束(1) We started with soup, and had fruit to end up with.(2) We ended
42、 the dinner up with fruit and coffee.53. keep up with跟上,不落在后面;了解(最新的開展等);和.保持聯(lián) 系,和來往(1) It is impossible to keep up with the news unless you read the newspapers.(2) For some years after his retirement he kept up with a number of his old workmates.(3) keep up with the Joneses與鄰居比闊氣(尤指比買貴重物品)54. put u
43、p with 忍受,容忍1 There are some things that are not easily put up with55. be fed up with對感到厭煩不滿的1 I ' mather fed up with your complaints.我聽夠了你的牢騷.56. be taken up with 忙丁;喜歡He can ' t help; he ' s too taken up with his own problems.他幫不了什么忙,他自己的問題還應付不了呢.her高考鏈接:1. 08 海南 34 After studying in a
44、 medical college for five years, Jane job as a doctor in the countryside.A. set outB. took overC. took upD. set up2. 08 上海- .As a society, we really need to this problem and do something about it .A. look up to B. face up to C. make up for D. come up with3. 08 浙江 14American Indian about five percent
45、 of the U.S. population.A. fill upB. bring upC. make upD. set up“Oh, no, i4. 08 浙江 Cloze 36 - But my father always and said easily,fine. A. stood up B. set out C. showed up D. turned out5. 08 江蘇 23 -Is Peter there?-, please. I ' ll see if I can find him for you.A. Hold up B. Hold onC. Hold outD.
46、 Hold off6. 2021 全國,26 I can the house being untidy, but I hate it if it's not clean.A. come up with B. put up with C. turn toD. stick to7. 2021 浙江,12 He decided that he would drive all the way home instead ofat a hotel for the night.A. putting down B. putting off C. putting onD. putting up8. 20
47、21 山東,27 Same some knowledge of the computer just by watchingothers working on it.A. brought up B.looked upC. picked upD. set up9. 2021 江西,26 Smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just sweet dreams.A. keep up with B. put up with C. end up with D. catch up with10. 2021 湘北,29 Had she h
48、er promise, she would have made it YaleUniversity.C. kept up withD. come up withA. looked up to B. lived up to答案詳解:1. C. take up從事或開始某項工作.2. B face up to勇敢地接受/對付;look up to抬頭看',仰視;尊敬:make up for彌補.3. C. make up "ffl成,構成;化裝;虛構;和解"fill up"充滿,裝滿;填寫"; bring up "撫養(yǎng);嘔" se
49、t up"®立,設立;產生.4. C show up 出現(xiàn),到來.根據(jù)上下文提示父親這個時候出現(xiàn)了,并對我說.set out著手,動身,出發(fā)"turn out 結果是,證實是"5. B hold on為 用語,表示稍等,不要掛機"hold up 舉起,堅持??; hold off 擋住,離開;hold out 伸出"6. B句意:我可以忍受房間亂點兒,但我討厭它不干凈.come up with"提出,想出"put up with"忍受"turn to"求助受,轉向"stick
50、to"堅持.7. D句意:他決定當晚直接開車回家,而不住旅館. put down"鎮(zhèn)壓,記下, 降落"put off"推遲,®期;put on 穿上,戴上;put up舉起,建造;提升; 投宿.8. C句意:Sam只通過觀看別人操作電腦便學到了一些電腦知識.bring up "撫養(yǎng)";look up"抬頭看;查詢"pick up "撿起;取物,接人;好轉;學會; set up 建造,搭起9. C句意:睡前聞聞這些花,你可能會做美夢.keep up with"跟上";put u
51、p with 容忍,忍受";end up with 以.結束";catch up with 追上,趕上.10. B句意:假設她當初遵守自己的諾言,她本可以被耶魯大學錄取的.live up to 符合,不辜負;遵守;look up to 贊賞,尊敬";keep up with 跟上,不 落在 后面;了解最新的開展宇;和.保持聯(lián)系,和 來往"come up with 提出,想出"穩(wěn)固提升:1. She Japanese when she was in Japan. Now she can speak it freely.A. picked out B. made out C. made up D. picked up2. After he retired from office, Rogers painting for a while, but soon lostinterest.A. took up B. saved up C. kept up D. drew up3. For all these yea
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