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1、題,每小題5秒鐘:聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答 時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。綿陽市高中2017級第二次診斷性考試英 語第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分 30分)回答聽力部分時,先將答案標在試卷上。聽力部分結束前,你將有兩分鐘的時間將你的答案轉涂到答題卡上。第一節(jié)(共5小題:毎小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的 A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并 標在試卷的相應位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘 的時間來回答有關小題并閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。例: How much is the shirt?A. 9.15.B. 9L18.C. $15.答案

2、:Co1. Where does the man want to go?A. To a ci nema.B. To a candy shop.C. To a bookstore.2. What is the woma n doing now?A. Making a list.B. Baking cookies.C. Buying groceries.3. What does the man thi nk of the hotel?A. Its too simple.B. Its the best there.C. Its very disappo in ti ng.4. Where does

3、the con versati on take place?A. At an airport.B. On a pla ne.C. In a park.5. What is the weather probably like now?A. Fi ne.B. Windy.C. Rai ny.第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題1.5分,滿分22.5分),你將有時間閱讀各個小聽下面5段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應位置。聽每段對話或獨白前 聽第6段材料,回答第6、7題.6. What are the speakers talk ing a

4、bout?A. A fire.B. A house.C. A neighbor.7. What will the woma n do?A. Call the n eighbor.B. Go there right away.C. Send some fireme n there.聽第7段材料,回答第8、9題.8. Whats the deadli ne of handing in the Physics homework?A. Mo nday.B. Friday.C. Tuesday.9. What will the man do first?A. Solve this problem.B.

5、Turn to the teacher for help.C. Read the chapter aga in.聽第8段材料,回答第10至12題.10. What are the speakers mainly discussing?A. The quality of bank service.B. The nu mber of bank bran ches.C. The use of computers in the bank.11. What do the speakers agree on?A. Computers have improved banking.B. Computers a

6、re directly to blame for bad service.C. Computers cause employees to avoid resp on sibility.12. What does the woman decide to do?A. Keep her money at home.B. Move her acco unt to the mans bank.C. Con ti nue havi ng her money in the prese nt bank.聽第9段材料,回答第13至16題。13. What job is the woman applying fo

7、r?A. A part-time waitress.B. A restaura nt man ager.C. A uni versity lecturer.14. Where docs the man put their advertisement?A. On the Intern et.B. On a poster.C. In the n ewspaper.15. Why is the woman looking for a new job?-1A. She wan ts more time to study.B. She n eeds more money for her study.C.

8、 She wants to work for a fast food restaura nt.16. What applica nt is the restaura nt look ing for?A. One who can help whe never they are busy.B. One who is available at weeke nds.C. One who works on Sun day.聽第10段材料,回答第17至20題。17. What do uni versities in the U.S. con sider in the admissi on?A. Resea

9、rch ability.B. Entrance tests scores.C. Social work experie nee.1 8. How much does an international student have to pay for the SAT?A. 145.5 dollars.B. 161.5dollars.C. 187.5 dollars.19. How long docs the ACT test last?20. What docs the speaker mainly talk about?A. College life.B. The U.S. educati on

10、 system.C. Two college entrance tests.第二部分閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)第一節(jié)(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項。并在答題卡上將該選項涂黑。AFour Places to Visit Before You DieSantorini, GreeceIt is actually an isla nd of Cyclades. There are a lot of isla nds in this city and sun bath ing around any of these wou

11、ld be an un forgettable experie nee. The most ideal period of the year to go to this miracle is from April to September.SydneyIt is the most populous city of New South Wales in Australia. Its Harbor Bridge is the most famous tourists place in the world. Every year, the celebrations of new year take

12、place at this bridge where millions of people gather from the world to welcome the new year.RomeIt is also called the center of Western civilization. The Colosseum (羅馬圓形大劇 場)which is the worlds most iconic monument is also in Rome. There is no one who wishes to return from Rome without seeing this m

13、onument. Moreover, The Pan the on and Piazza Navona are also worth visit ing in Rome.Taj MahalTaj Mahal, located in the city of Agra in India is also called the monument of love. It was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jehan in love of his wife Mumtaz Mahal in 1932. It is located at the South bank of Ya

14、muna River. Its ivory white color attracts the tourists from a dista nee.21. Which of the followi ng is a n atural won der?A. San tori ni, Greece.B. Syd ney.C. Rome.D. Taj Mahal.22. What can we lear n from the passage?A. The best time to visit San tori ni is spri ng.B. Sydney is the most populous ci

15、ty in Australia.C. The Colosseum is a must-see of visitors to Rome.D. All the four amaz ing places men ti oned arc in Europe.23. Whats the main purpose of this passage?A. To persuade people to travel before dying.B. To in troduce four amaz ing places worth a visit. |C. To make some comparis ons of f

16、our amaz ing places.D. To advertise four amaz ing places for a travel age ncy.BPeople have always been defined by their generation. We had the baby boomers of the 1960s, followed by Generation X and then Generation Y, often referred to as millennials, and the new kids on the block are Generation Z -

17、 aged between 16 and 22. Its easy to classify these young people as all being the same, sharing the same attitudes towards life but is that fair?People from Gen erati on Z, in formally called Z-ers, may be viewed by others as digital n atives, in capable of real-world frien dships. But they actually

18、 view themselves as hardwork ing, ambitious and about to change the world for the better. The previous generation, born between the mid-1980s and late 1990s - the millennials were also thought to have these characteristics. But many people view this new generation as “ mir-imillennials because Z-ers

19、 are different and they have their own set of values and preferences which con sumer brands n eed to cater for.Its true to say that tech no logy is play ing an importa nt part in the lives of Gen erati on Z, particularly in the area of social media. In fact, they have not known life without it and u

20、sing it to com muni cate, share ideas and campaign is second nature. It means they have more of a say on what we eat, drink and buy than any generation before them. These young people certa inly n eed to be liste ned to by retailers (零售商) and bus in esses - they are the people with time on their han

21、ds and mon ey.But being a Z-er comes with pressure. One young person says Many people in Generation Z have mentalhealth issues because theyre un sure what the future will brin g. The future always brings un certa in ties but maybe there is pressure for this gen erati on to be the most successful eve

22、r.24. When was a Z-er likely to be born?A. In 1964.B. In 1975.C. In 1987.D. In 1999.25. What do Z-ers see themselves as?A. Dilige nt and ambitious.B. Hardwork ing and in capable.C. Promis ing and differe nt.D. Stressed and successful.26. Whatre Paragraphs 2&3 tryi ng to argue?A. Z-ers have known lif

23、e without social media. |B. Z-ers pay too much atte nti on to digital devices.C. Z-ers and the mille nni als have the same pers on ality.D. Z-ers become a key drivi ng force in the con sumer market.27. What docs the author think is the real cause of the Z-ers pressure?A. Their ambiti on to be the be

24、st.B. Their un certa inty of the future.C. Their addict ion to digital devices.D. Their lack of real-world frien dship.CEvery driver is familiar with the horrible blind spot problem. However, it is more than just an annoyance. Accord ing to the Nati onal Highway Traffic Safety Adm ini strati on, ove

25、r 840,000 car accide nts occur due to the blind spot. Those zones which cannot be directly observed by the driver often causes incidents that result in serious property damage and in some cases eve n death.-While drivers can take precautions such as adjusting the drivers seat and side mirrors proper

26、ly, installing backup cameras and so on, they wont remove the in visible spots completely. Therefore, the driver will always have to carry the resp on sibility of being con sta ntly aware of bli nd spots because faili ng to do that can lead to accide nts.Luckily, now theres a soluti on to that and i

27、t comes from a 14-year-old girl, who does nt even have a drivers lice nse yet. However, not being able to drive did nt preve nt Ala ina Gassier from un dersta nding the importa nt issue of traffic accide nts result ing from bli nd spots. In fact, she knows the problem so well that she actually solve

28、d it for us. And the way she did it is nothing but genius. |Her project is called Improvi ng Automobile Safety by Removi ng Bli nd Spots* and work in a relatively simple way as she explained: I did that by having a camera behind the A pillar of a car and the camera sent the video to a projector that

29、 projected ( 投射 )the image onto the pillar esse ntially making it in visible and making the driver see beh ind it.To complete this inven ti on, she used easily atta in able materials such as a webcam, projector, and 3D-pri nted materials that project the view from outside your vehicle onto the bli n

30、d spots of your car. |Gassier was awarded for her life-savi ng inven ti on. It earned her the top place in a n ati on wide competiti on for middle schoolers with the $25,000 Samueli Foundation Prize in honor of overall STEM (Scienee, Tech no logy, Engin eeri ng, Mathematics) excelle nee.28. Why is t

31、he blind spot problem more than an annoyance?A. It is familiar to every driver.B. It cannot be see n by drivers.C. It may cause serious accide nts.D. It is ofte n overlooked by drivers.29. What does the underlined word that in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. Adjust ing the drivers seat.B. Being con sta ntly

32、 aware of bli nd spots.C. Adjusti ng side mirrors.D. In stall ing backup cameras.30. Which of the followi ng stateme nt is wrong?A. Gassier is a stude nt, who cant drive.B. Gassier is tale nted eno ugh to make the inven tio n.C. Gassier uses easily-accessible materials in her inven ti on.D. Gassier

33、won first place in an intern ati onal competiti on.31. 31. What can be the best title for this passage?A. A Great Inven ti on from A Young DriverB. Improving Vehicle Sale by Removing Blind Spots |C. A Girls Way to Solve the Bli nd Spot Problem in CarsD. A New Ge neration of Cars without the Bli nd S

34、pot ProblemDAnyone who commutes (通勤)by car knows that traffic jams are an unavoidable part of life. But humans are not alone in facing potential traffic jam. Ants also commute 一 between their nest and sources of food. The survival of their colonies (群體) depe nds on doing this efficie ntly.The more t

35、hey are, the more food theyre going to bring back. But at the same time, they might end up with traffic jam because there are too many of them. Sebastien Motsch, a mathematician in Arizona State Uni versity said. When huma ns commute, theres a point at which cars become dense eno ugh to slow dow n t

36、he flow of traffic, caus ing con gestio n. Motsch and his colleagues wan ted to know if ants on the move could also get blocked. So they con trol traffic den sity by con struct ing bridges of various widths betwee n a colony of Arge ntine ants and a source of food. Then they waited and watched.The f

37、low of ants did in crease in itially as ants started to fill the bridge and the n stabilize at high den sities.But it never slowed down, even when the bridge was nearly filled with ants. The researchers then took a closer look at how the behavior of in dividual an ts impacted traffic as a whole. Tha

38、t meant cautiously track ing thousa nds of separate ants as they made their way across the bridge.Motsch and his team found that whe n ants sense overcrowdi ng, they adjust their speeds and avoid en teri ng high-density areas, which prevents congestion. These behaviors may be made by pheromones (外激素

39、), chemicals that tell other ants where a trail is. The ants also man age to avoid collidi ng with each other at high den sities, which could really slow them dow n.Can ants help us solve our own traffic problems? Not likely, says Motsch. Thats because when it comes to gett ing from point A to point

40、 B as fast as possible, huma n drivers put their own goals first. In dividual ants have to be more cooperative in order to feed the colony. But the research could be useful in betteri ng traffic flow for self-driving cars, which can be designed to be less like selfish humans and more like ants.32. W

41、hat is the purpose of the research?A. To compare huma ns with an ts.B. To see how an ts, avoid traffic jam.C. To solve the problem of traffic jam.D. To see whether ants will encoun ter a traffic jam.33. What did the researchers do before testi ng the an ts?A. They built bridges of differe nt widths.

42、B. They made the ants on the move.C. They watched the ants closely.D. They got the ants blocked.34. What is the result of the research?A. The ants avoid en teri ng high-de nsity areas.B. The ants n ever stop and no traffic jam happe ns.C. The ants sense overcrowdi ng and adjust their speed.D. The an

43、ts give off chemicals to tell others where they can go.35. Whats the researchers attitude to solvi ng our own traffic jam?A. Optimistic. B. Doubtful.C. I ndiffere nt.D. Supportive.第二節(jié)(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)根據(jù)短文內容,從短文后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項。選項中有兩項為多余選項。With the rise of basic economy and budget airline models t

44、hat charge extra for seat selection, its become alot harder for groups, especially families with kids, to secure seats next to each other. 36.37. The earlier you book your familys travel, the more likely that youwill be able to reserve seats that arc n ext to each other.Contact your airline and ask

45、it to accommodate your family, if you cant initially be seated together.Discuss with the airli ne your concerns about a child being seated alone. 38, they may be able to assure youthat each child is seatednext to an adult family member.Check reservations and seat assignments directly with the airlin

46、e, if you book through a third partyonline agency. If you did not book your travel directly with an airline, obtain or confirm your seat assignmentsdirectly with the airline as soon as possible before the day of travel. 39.Confirm reservations and seat assignments again before you leave for the airp

47、ort. You may wish toconfirm your seat assig nments before you would no rmally go to the airport as your seat assig nments could havecha nged after book ing due to an aircraft adjustme nt with a differe nt seat ing arran geme nt. 40. They will dowhatthey can to help families who need to sit together.

48、A. The earlier, the betterB. Book tickets as early as possibleC.Even if the airli ne is un able to seat the whole family togetherD.Here are some tips to help you sit together without pay ing extraE. Even though the airli ne is un willi ng to take your concerns into con sideratio nF. If your seat ass

49、ig nments have cha nged, you can con tact the airli ne to ask for helpG. This can be done either on the website or over the phone by con tact ing reservati ons第三部分英語知識運用第一節(jié) 完型填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選岀可以填入空白處的最佳選項。When I was nine, I used to mow the lawn (修剪草坪)for Mrs. L

50、ong. Living on a 4 budget, she paidme very little for the work. But she did 42 me, When Christmas comes, I shall have a 43 for you. ” I spentmuch time 44 what it would be. My friends had baseball gloves, bicycles and ice skates. I was so 45 toacquire any one of these.As Christmas approached, it was

51、with 46 that I kept myself from reporting to Mrs. Long and 47 myprese nt. My pare nts had to remi nd me that its too 48 On December 22, my patie nee fin ally 49 . . I marcheddow n the street, prese nted myself at her house, and said, Ive come for my prese nt, Mrs. Lon g/She 50 me into her livi ng ro

52、om and disappeared into ano ther roo m. In a mome nt she returned with a 51 package which un der no circumsta nces could 52baseball gloves, let alone a pair of skates. I was pain fully 53 but did not show it, because my pare nts had warned repeatedly, Whatever she has for you, take it 54 and say tha

53、nk you.“ What is it? lasked.A kind of 55 and youll see on Christmas Day.Her words set my mind 56 with new possibilities. Gradually, curiosity 57 my initial disappointment.By the time I reached home, I had 58_myself that she gave me a magicians set. Ill be able to 59 an umbrellainto a bunch of flower

54、s. Cool! |On Christmas morning, with great excitement, I removed the wrapping paper and opened the flat box, only to find in side ten 60 of black paper, Carbon Paper Regal Premium(復寫紙)It is really somethi ng magic!41. A. tightB. freeC. quickD. safe42. A. admireB. warmC. promiseD. trust43. A. questi

55、onB. prese ntC. taskD. suggesti on44. A. choos ingB. accepti ngC. forgett ingD. won deri ng45.A. eagerB.happyC. gratefulD. lucky46. A. joyB. difficultyC. practiceD. wisdom47. A. sendingB. buyingC. dema ndingD. refus ing48. A. earlyB. heavyC. lateD. simple49, A. came aboutB.sped upC. paid offD. gave

56、out50. A. carriedB. ledC. hidD. forced51. A. stra ngeB. newC. smallD. light52. A. holdB. showC. affordD. match53. A. disappo in tedB. excitedC. annoyedD. surprised54. A. bravelyB. slowlyC. politelyD. casually55. A. jokeB. magicC. loveD. paper56. A. clos ingB. dancingC. sufferi ngD. faili ng57. A. ad

57、dedB. supportedC. ruinedD. replaced58. A. taughtB. convincedC. enjoyedD. i nformed59.A. cutB. putC. turnD. take60. A. loafsB. bagsC. pilesD. sheets第二節(jié)(共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當?shù)膬热荩?個單詞)或括號內單詞的正確 形式。Recently I went for a drive through the local countryside. The sun 61 (shine) warmly and the animals were out foraging (覓食).lt was a glorious day to be alive.On the side of the road, I watched as an older woma n got out of her car a


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