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1、葫蘆)雪茄)雪茄)雪茄)赤耳少將)紫毛球 / 毛蛋)燒麥)大型燒麥)燒麥)燒麥)燒麥)燒麥)燒麥)燒麥)燒麥)燒麥)燒麥)少將)紫鳥哈尼)紅鳥哈尼)Mesa Garden 2018肉錐編號對照表Conophytum achabense SB1600 Achab, tiniest of all, snail paced Conophytum acutum e. Bitterfontein, tiny flowering cigarsConophytumacutum hort Wiese, shrinks undergroundConophytumacutum Steenkampskraal, t

2、iny cylindersConophytumaequale = bilobum Numees (Rawe), red edged bilobeConophytumalbipilosum Blesberg, +?truncate, vigorousConophytu mangelicae lovely big form ex hort.Conophytumangelicae Aggeneys, living caramelsConophytumangelicae ssp tetragonum SB1376 Cone Peak, RV, square gemsConophytumangelica

3、e ssp tetragonum near Klipbok, square brown bodiesConophytu angelicae ssp tetragonum Oemsberg, lovely greenmconvolutionsConophytumangelicae ssp tetragonum Rosyntjieberg, rough traitsConophytumangelicae ssp tetragonum mostly green, often spectacularConophytumangelicae Pofadder, putty colored, very ni

4、ceConophytumangelicae SB2152 nw Kotzeshoop, Namibia, grey buttonsConophytumangelicae SH480 Witsand, near TL, beautiful ochreConophytumangelicae GM183 Umdaus, red orange violet petalsConophytumbilobum SB1345 Remhoogte, huge?plump, full to burstingConophytum pellucidum v neohallii SB628 Deurdrif, half

5、 opaque, striking Conophytumpellucidum v neohallii n. Silverfontein, best form(豬皮)(巧克力流蘇玉)(紅線元寶)(紅線元寶)(少將)(少將)(少將)(少將)(少將)(毛紐扣)1411(小紅嘴 B 嘴)(B嘴)(少將)(葡萄)1412 (燈泡)(燈泡)(燈泡)(鴿子蛋)(鴿子蛋)(長安玉)(密紋安貞)Conophytum armianum SH462 TL, Umdaus, tiny warted plantsConophytu lithopsoides ssp arturolfago RR964 Brakfonte

6、in, fine mmottlesConophytumbicarinatum PB3251 Nuwerus, Cedarbergs, red lined lobesConophytumbicarinatum Skitterykloof, irregular red anglesConophytum bilobum SH670 n Komaggas, multi lined, nice Conophytum bilobum RR1157 6 m e Kleinzee, well rounded lobes Conophytum bilobum nr Klipbok, classic bilobu

7、m Conophytum bilobum Narraberg, green spots red keel Conophytum bilobum Japanese hybrid, screwed purple flowersConophytum bolusii ssp primavernum Uitspanpoort, flat top cylinders Conophytum breve Koornhuis, tiny, yellowish greenConophytum breve SB1136 Kuboos, pouting fissureConophytum brevisectum RR

8、1136 Nakanas, Port Nolloth, = bilobumConophytu brunneum SH2592 Nuwerus, many spotted pale bodies, purple mflConophytumburgeri RR1265 /10/ Aggeneys (Fujiyamopsis), wonderbergConophytum burgeri SH 409 Aggeneys, giant hersey kiss Conophytum burgeri Aggeneys, MBB 3337 glass paperweight Conophytum calcul

9、us Quaggaskop light green,?yellow evening flower Conophytum calculus Quaggaskop orange flowered formConophytum carolii /16/ n Kliprand, flat dark green windows Conophytum carpianum SB1029 Doringpoort, neat grey bodies Conophytum ceresianum Ceres Karoo, flat bodies tinged red(安貞)(安貞)1414(赤耳少將)(空卡佛)(紅

10、邊少將)(紅邊少將)(紅邊少將)1415(方碗)(勛章)(勛章)(勛章)(勛章)(勛章)(勛章)(熒光玉)(紅邊豬蹄)(熒光玉變紫)(熒光玉變紫)(熒光玉變紫)(D毛肉錐)(佛肚風(fēng)鈴)(風(fēng)鈴)Conophytum ceresianum SB1025 Skitterykloof, delicate green tracings Conophytum ceresianum SB1050 Karoopoort, white pink peach purple fl Conophytum christiansenianum s Springbok, tall fuzzy bilobum Conophy

11、tum concavum LAV22112 Riethuis, sweet white flowers Conophytum concordans SH2067 Brakfontein, ripply green windows Conophytum conradii SB1363 Eenriet, bold red edged lobes Conophytum coriaceum Helskloof, Richtersveld, leathery skins Conophytum cubicum Eksteenfontein, cubic bowls, super long white fl

12、 Conophytum cupreatum ex IVT; lovely coppery bodies Conophytum cupreatum SH1322 Aasvoelkop, darkly marbled heads Conophytum cupreatum Boonstevlei, highly varied dark orange body Conophytumcupreatum Dooddrink, Kliprand, tiny, deep brownConophytumcupreatum Jakkalskoppie, Dauws, dark, copperyConophytum

13、 cupreatum RR896 4 m S Kliprand, convex bodies Conophytum cupreatum SB888 Kliprand, murky green windows Conophytum danielii Platbakkies, compressed wedge, red edged Conophytum decoratum LAV 28650 Garies?> Studers Pass, bold red lines Conophytum decoratum Studers Pass, shiny round bodies Conophytu

14、m decoratum SB1189 Ottaspoort, Springbok Conophytum depressum SB1612 Silverfontein, very robust form Conophytum devium LAV27214 Doringwater, tiny body, flared clear lobes Conophytumdevium SB De Riet, Platbakkies, tiny rough body(佛肚風(fēng)鈴)(冰風(fēng)鈴)(深紅神靈玉)(銅壺)(銅壺)(銅壺)(流水銅壺)(流水銅壺)( 流水銅壺 )(流水銅壺)(流水銅壺)(流水銅壺)(銅壺)

15、(銅壺)(銅壺)(銅壺)(銅壺)(銅壺)(銅壺)(銅壺)(銅壺)(小 T)Conophytumdevium SB2275 Vanwyksbank, Concordia, rough angled topConophytum devium ssp stiriiferumB+H2298 Geelberg, very tinyConophytummeyerae RR1213 Doringrivier, flaring lobes, dark red linesConophytumectypum 'Mabel's Fire', F2; great range of colors

16、Conophytumectypum RR557 Breekpoort, smallishConophytumectypum brownii SB2336 NarapbergConophytum ectypum v brownii heavy lines, pink purple fl Conophytumectypum v brownii Ratelpoort, pink flower, yellow eyeConophytum ectypum v brownii SB785 Ratelpoort, deep throat Conophytumectypum v brownii w Ratel

17、poort, very darkConophytum ectypum v brownii LAV28553 4 k s Kosies Jct, delicate Conophytumectypum v brownii PV1036 Ratelpoort, waxy, raised linesConophytumectypum v limbatum Anenous Pass, keeled bodiesConophytumectypum v limbatum w Anenous, flowers with large white eyeConophytum ectypum?limbatum SB

18、2300 s Anenous Conophytumectypum v tischleri RR1140 Aribes, TL, strange greenConophytum ectypum SB2299 Geelvlei summit, odd shapes Conophytumectypum SH466 Umdaus, very interesting form, no linesConophytumectypum Geelvlei, variable flowers, waxy green bodyConophytum ectypum s Umdaus, very dark green!

19、 Conophytum ectypum Kosies junction, exquisite dwarf Conophytuicy bodyridgesmeenkokerense SB1191 Konkyp, white or pink fl.(類似口迪)(類似口迪)(神鈴)(紫式部)(紫式部)1420(猴臉)(猴臉)(紅紋猴臉)(玉彥)(玉彥)(麻餅)1422(類似少將)1423(青團(tuán))(青團(tuán))(青團(tuán))(青團(tuán))(安貞)(安貞)(大餅)Conophytumelishae LAV 27947 Komaggas Pass, plump bilobeConophytumelishae SH585 S

20、pringbok, orange flowering parentsConophytumelishae SB1334 Springbok, shiny spotted lobesConophytum ernianum SB2035 Spitskop, densely spotted wedge Conophytumernianum SB2232 n Rosh Pinah, broad squat wedge, pink flConophytum ficiforme EA108 Brandwacht, curved lines, many spots Conophytumficiforme Wo

21、rcester, rich pink scented flowersConophytum ficiforme 'fossulatum' s Worcester, usually well lined Conophytumflavum Blesberg, big ornatum typeConophytumflavum LAV 26294A Doringwater, n Steinkopf, fat and shinyConophytum fragile SB2294 e EksteenfonteinConophytu m fragile Rooiberg II, long wh

22、ite tubesConophytumfrutescens SB2151 Komaggas, long stemmed in age, uniqueConophytum fulleri Namies (Rawe), small viridescent warts Conophytumfulleri Agter Pella, big form, yellow sheathConophytumfulleri SB1543 Samoep, pink red blushConophytumfulleri Matthew se gat, smallish form, big green spotsCon

23、ophytum giftbergense HH5142 near Vredendal, sweet flowers Conophytumgiftbergense SB623 Liebendal, fine red linesConophytumglobosum ARM 1155A Dikdoring, big "deflated" formConophytumglobosum Perdekop, large with dark flowersConophytum chauviniae Hoedkop, often very minute雨月)雨月)雨月)雨月)雨月)雨月)青

24、光玉)哈默燈泡)海倫小 T)小米雛)小米雛)小米雛)小米雛)赤耳小迪)伊爾馬)伊爾馬)P 嘴中型)Conophytum gracilistylum Meulsteen, very slenderConophytumchauviniae SB1921 Ottaspoort, thick red lines, niceConophytumgratum 'geyeri' RR1222 n. Numees, large body, bold spotsConophytumgratum SB1129 s Remhoogte, dotted body, green smileConophy

25、tumgratum SB1123 Lorelei, Namibia, spotted cushionsConophytumgratum obscurum Hogsback, like ricardianum!Conophytumgratum Jenkinskop, boldly spottedConophytumgratum SB2034 flats by Lorelei, variable spottednessConophytumgratum SB2231 Anniskop, fat round spotted bodyConophytumhalenbergense Haalenberge

26、, curved lines of green dotsConophytumhalenbergense Tschaukaib, orange or wine red flowersConophytumhammeri SH2108 Nababiepseberge, thick conical dumplingConophytumhelenae RR1635 Kosies, tiny bodies, purple flConophytumhelenae SB789 Kosies, faceted minatureConophytumhians tiny wedge shaped bodies, f

27、uzzyConophytum hians SB951 Kleinzee, pubescent bodies Conophytum hians SB2028 Skimmelberg, short fat wedges Conophytum hians Lekkersing, reddish bodies and flowers Conophytumklinghardtense ssp baradii Rooiberg, Namib, robust, oddConophytumirmae B+H2318 Anenous Pass, lumpy face, yellow flowersConophy

28、tumaff irmae MRO45 RietkloofConophytum johannis winkleri Namus Kloof, very pale bluish(斑馬)(斑馬)1426(肯尼迪)(赤耳小迪)(巧克力流蘇玉)(紅紋安貞)(少將)(紫式部)(紫式部)(勛章)(赤耳少將)(赤耳少將)(赤耳少將)(流蘇玉)(流蘇玉)1429(安貞)(流水紅紋)(紅邊小飛)Conophytum karamoepense Gamsberg, big and tiny spotsConophytum karamoepense Koerries, tall spotted bodyConophyt

29、umkaramoepense SB788 Naip, E Springbok, taperedConophytumkennedyi SB631 Smorenskadu, pure green colonyConophytumklinghardtense ISI1135 Heioab, Namibia, reddish fl.Conophytumkoubergense RR1077 Kouberg, Gamoep, chocolate coloredConophytumlamb. v conspicuum Gt Holbak, fine gloss, intense redlinesConoph

30、ytumlavisianum Soebatsfontein, southern bilobum, bareConophytum taylorianum ne Sargdeckel, various body colors, dense spots Conophytumtaylorianum ne Sargdeckel, curved spotted pink lobesConophytumlilianum SB1175 Garies, red throated flowersConophytumlinearilucidum flat like angel fish!Conophytumline

31、arilucidum Harras, long sleek body, waxy skinConophytumlinearilucidum e Kleinzee, translucent stripesConophytumlithopsoides Bok, Kangnas SH426 small, dark brown formConophytum lithopsoides Vioolskraalberg, pale flowers, very fineConophytumlambertense SB626 Strandfontein, "litorale" in past

32、 listsConophytumloeschianum SB1362 Remhoogte, tiny wedged bodiesConophytumloeschianum SB1138 Lorelei, bright green bodies, orange flConophytumlongibracteatum TS749 Komaggas, bright yellow flowersConophytumluckhoffii SB1028 Nieuwoudtville,turreted lobes, red linesConophytumluckhoffii?Grasberg(斑馬)(斑馬)

33、1430(斑馬)(丹空)(水蜜桃)(毛漢尼粉紅色)(毛漢尼)(毛漢尼)(毛漢尼)(毛漢尼)(毛漢尼)(毛漢尼)(毛漢尼)(毛漢尼)(水蜜桃)(橙色毛漢尼)(毛漢尼)(毛漢尼)(紅耳神靈玉)(紅邊神靈玉)(紫邊神靈玉)Conophytu mmarginatum Areb, abundant spotsConophytu m marginatum SB2239 Concordia, long lobed formConophytu m marginatum SB632 Smorenskadu, bright red linesConophytu mX marnierianum fine mix o

34、f colorsConophytummaughanii ex Japan, beet red when old, cold helpsConophytummaughanii Achab orange green, fairly smallConophytummaughanii 3 k e Pofadder, translucent pink red ballsConophytummaughanii 8 km e Concordia, pale green eyes, very softConophytummaughanii Nous se poort, +?well lobed, red an

35、d greenConophytummaughanii Naip road, ghostly paleConophytu mmaughanii Vioolskraalberg, large nocturnal fl, green lobesConophytummaughanii Kouberg, reddish bodiesConophytummaughanii Hester Malan, oddly thin and keeled apricot lobeConophytummaughanii Platberg, s Pofadder, translucent milky greenConop

36、hytummaughanii SB2327 Namiesberg, red green bodies, large lobesConophytummaughanii ssp armeniacum Maerpoort, red plumsConophytummaughanii ssp armeniacum SB2236 Nardegas Berg, orange blobConophytummaughanii ssp armeniacum SH365 AugrabiesConophytummaughanii latum?small and glassyConophytummeyerae Kosi

37、es, very long red lobes, yellow flConophytummeyerae Lekkersing, upright woody trunk, red lined lobesConophytummeyerae 'pole evansii' Eenriet, sharp purplish lobe tips(神靈玉)(神靈玉)(麻餅)(紅線墨小錐)(大花墨小錐)(群碧玉)(矮赤耳少將)(玉彥)1433(紅小?。?435(紅紋安貞)(安貞)(霓虹安貞)(OB紐扣)(OB紐扣)(OB紐扣)(OB紐扣)(OB紐扣)Conophytum meyeri SB110

38、6 Augrabies, fuzzy, globose Conophytum meyeri sw Komaggas SB2288 dense clusters Conophytum meyerae SB787 Swartpoort, huge yellow flowers Conophytum middelmostii Klipbok, long tubular flowers Conophytum minimum Witteberg, bodies with red lines Conophytum minimum > ceresianum Touwsfontein, big pink

39、 flowers! Conophytum minutum tiny bodies, masses of bright pink flowers Conophytum minutum SB1227 Meulsteen, tiny; paler pink fl. Conophytum bilobum Sandberge "muscosipapillatum", fuzzy thick bilobe Conophytum novicium Tafelberg, Umdaus, densely spotted Conophytum novicium SB1128 Breekriet

40、, bright yellow fl, big spots Conophytum nudum HH5141 Holrivier, polished purple bodies in winter Conophytumobcordellum 'declinatum'Conophytumobcordellum?Botterkloof, flat spotted top, purple sidesConophytum obcord 'multicolor' SB1193 Heerenlogementsberg, red lines Conophytum obcorde

41、llum 'mundum' BM 7923 Pakhuis Pass, bright spots Conophytum obcordellum 'picturatum' SB622 w Clanwilliam, bold spots Conophytum obscurum Klipbok, dark flowers Conophytumobscurum SB2238 ne KleinseeConophytumobscurum?Nababiep Res.Conophytumobscurum ssp sponsaliorum Rietkloof, waxy pale

42、 bodyConophytu obscurum ssp sponsaliorum s Skimmelberg, brilliant little mfl(少將) 1438(上蠟大餅) (上蠟大餅) (上蠟大餅) (上蠟大餅)(P嘴)1439( P 嘴紅嘴)(P嘴)(P嘴)(皮爾森)(鳥哈利)(勛章)(勛章)(勛章)(魚子醬)(勛章)(勛章)(勛章)(勛章)(勛章)Conophytum vlakmynense Vlakmyn, Rv., obese bodyConophytum ornatum big yellow flowers with scarlet stigmas Conophytum

43、ornatum 'percrassum' SH456 Umdaus, classic fat form Conophytum ornatum Jakkalswater, pale bodies, yellow red fl Conophytum ornatum SB1117 Animub, stigmas red or not Conophytum pageae Spektakel Mine, raised smiling fissure Conophytum pageae BM7964 Bowesdorp, beautiful red sides and fissures C

44、onophytum pageae SB2171 Rosh Pinah, fat and flat bodies Conophytum pageae, Springbokkop SB2334, some with pink fl Conophytum pearsonii Quaggaskop, flat grey green bodies, magenta fl. Conophytumpearsonii Moedgewin, NuwerusConophytumpellucidum earthy colors, intricate linesConophytum pellucidum SB2274

45、 Bailey's Pass, olive brown, flattish Conophytum pellucidum SB790 Bowesdorp, irregular dark shapes Conophytumpellucidum from Leliefontein CR1388Conophytumpellucidum Saalberg, black and whiteConophytum pellucidum 10 km n. of Concordia, nice tan lines Conophytum pellucidum n Concordia, classic ter

46、ricolor Conophytum pellucidum w Tweefontein, intense brick red Conophytum pellucidum s. Rietfontein, wonderful red form Conophytum pellucidum Garies, charcoal grey, small Conophytum pellucidum w Garies, tiny form(鳥哈利)(勛章)(勛章)(勛章) 1444(勛章) (勛章) (勛章) (紫鳥哈利)(鳥哈利)(勛章)(鳥哈利)(鳥哈利)(勛章)(勛章)(勛章)(勛章)(青光玉)1446(

47、翠星)Conophytum pellucidum ssp cupreatum PV1005 Papkuils River, shiny orange Conophytumpellucidum v terricolor Rietberg, hourglass figuresConophytumpellucidum RCL950/61 Steyerkraal, bold dark windowsConophytumpellucidum RR1061 20 m s Kamieskroon, contractile formConophytumpellucidum SB2023 Ottaspoort,

48、 dark red brown windowsConophytumpellucidum SB2210 Pedroskloof, shiny dark olive pinkConophytumpellucidum SB1059 e Soebatsfontein, dark hour glass windowConophytu pellucidum v neohallii SB1187 Silverfontein, lovelymspecklesConophytumpellucidum neohallii?SB2337 BleskopConophytumpellucidum v neohallii

49、 SH1977 KrymekaarConophytumpellucidum SH1956 Nuweputs, the one in the book!Conophytumpellucidum v neohallii Windhoek, Springbok, shining dotsConophytumpellucidum SB2291 s Concordia, shiny black body, white flConophytumpellucidum 'pardicolor' stained glass windowsConophytum pellucidum 'pa

50、rdicolor' ex De Boer, very nice Conophytum pellucidum 'pardicolor' Kweekfontein, rich orange form Conophytum pellucidum 'pardicolor' Leeupoort, clear green body Conophytum pellucidum 'pardicolor' Goegap, near TL, very fine colony Conophytumpictum Matjiesfontein (Rawe), th

51、in lines, robustConophytumsubfenestratum Knersvlakte, windowed, many dotsConophytumsubfenestratum Soutrivier Bridge, pink to white flowersConophytum subfenestratum SB624 Grootgraafwater jct., windowed(云母會)(P毛)( P 毛)(鹿角)(鹿角)(鹿角)(鹿角)(熒光玉)(火柴頭)1450 (大眼睛)(恐龍蛋)(河馬)(路飛)(魯提轄)(鹿角)(鹿角)(鹿角)Conophytumpilulifor

52、me Poortjieskloofdam, scented nocturnal flConophytum piriforme SB1107 Kuboos, very fatConophytum pubicalyx SB2024 Banke, Platbakkies, tiny grey hairy heads Conophytum pubicalyx ARM1248 Witkoppie, incredibly tinyConophytum pulchellum Nutabooi, tiny spotted body, dark pink fl Conophytum quaesitum SB21

53、53 Namusberge, very thick pale bodies Conophytum quaesitum 14 km se Rooiberg, Nam, huge green spotted form Conophytum quaesitum SB1115 Lorelei, straw to rose pink fl. Conophytum quaesitum SB2030 Skorpion Mine, conical wedge, bumpy keel Conophytum quaesitum SB2150 Mt Stewart, cream to yellow flowers

54、Conophytum ramosum RR937 4 m N Kourkam, clumps, shiny body, yellow fl Conophytum rauhii Messelpad, shiny bronze bodyConophytum reconditum Boonste Matjiesfontein, warty windowed tips Conophytum reconditum SB2170 Banke, cold winter, tiny pointy lobes Conophytum regale SB793 Ratelpoort, soft bodies, la

55、rge windows on sides Conophytu smorenskaduense ssp hermarium Smorenskadu, TL, extremely m tinyConophytum hermarium Areb, large body, long green or purple stigmas Conophytum rolfii RR1003 Elandsbay, pubescent, reddishConophytum roodiae SB2292 ne Silverfontein, violet grey tendenciesConophytum rostratum SB1100 Remhoogte, beaked lobesConophytum rostratum EVJ 8841 W Stink/Orange confluence, thick form Conophytum rostratum PB5154 Gamkab, bold, very nice formConophytu鹿角)m Conophytu m Conophytu麻餅)m Con


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