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1、翻譯真題及答案1. A man who believes he is incapable cannot make a real effort一個認為自己沒有能力的人不會真正地去努力。2. A dog is always well-known as a clever and friendly animal.人們一直認為狗是聰明,友好的動物.3. A dolphin is always well-known as a clever and friendly animal.人們一直認為海豚是聰明,友好的動物.4. A good memory is a great help in learning a

2、 language.好的記憶力對學(xué)習(xí)語言幫助很大。5. A lot of natural resources in the mountain area are to be exploited and used.山區(qū)有許多自然資源有待于開發(fā)利用。6. A teacher should have patience in his work.教師在工作中應(yīng)該有耐心。7. Air pollution is more serious than water pollution.空氣污染比水污染更嚴重。8. All that glitters is not gold.閃光的東西未必都是金子。9. All th

3、ings are difficult before they are easy.凡事總是由難而易。10. Apples here like water and sunshine.這兒的蘋果喜歡水和陽光。11. Are you fond of music?你喜歡音樂嗎?12. Are you willing to denote more for the poor people?你愿意為窮人多捐一點嗎?13. As is known to all, China is a developing country.眾所周知,中國是一個發(fā)展中國家。14. Because there was heavy t

4、raffic, we were ten minutes late.因為交通擁堵,我們遲到了10分鐘。15. Before leaving the classroom, please turn off the lights.離開教室之前,請關(guān)掉燈。16. Beijing Olympics can make Chinese people work harder.北京奧運會能讓中國人工作更努力。17. Bill hit his car into a wall last night.昨晚比爾開車時撞到了墻上。18. Bob and Peter found out that they were twin

5、 brothers.鮑勃和皮特發(fā)現(xiàn)他們是雙胞胎兄弟。19. Both Ann and Mary are suitable for the job.安和瑪麗都很適合這份工作。20. But competitive swimming is just over one hundred years old.但是游泳比賽只有100多年的歷史。21. . But I ve got room for only two of you in the house.但我的房子只能容納你們中的兩人。22. But it looks like something I would never buy.但是這好像是那種我永

6、遠都不會買的東西。23. By 1900, states had laws against selling cigarettes to young people.到1900年,美國已經(jīng)有了法律禁止向年輕人銷售香煙。24. China is the largest developing country in the world.中國是世界上最大的發(fā)展中國家25. Christmas is the most important festival in the west.圣誕節(jié)是西方最重要的節(jié)日。26. Could you give me a cup of coffee, please?請你給我一杯

7、咖啡,好么?27. Could you tell me where the post office is?您能告訴我郵局在什么地方么?28. Did you get that E-mail from me?你收到我的那封電子郵件了嗎?29. Did you go fishing with your friend last Sunday?你上周日和朋友去釣魚了嗎?30. Do you go swimming every day?你每天都去游泳嗎?31. Do you mind my smoking here?您介意我在這里吸煙嗎?32. Do you often do your washing

8、in the evening?你經(jīng)常在晚上洗衣服么?33. Do you still have anything that you don t understand?你還有什么不明白的嗎?34. Do you think students should do a part-time job?你認為學(xué)生應(yīng)該做兼職嗎?35. Does the computer have instructions on it?電腦上有說明嗎?36. Don t trust him no matter what he says.不管他說什么都別相信他。37. Each time history repeats its

9、elf, the price goes up.歷史每重演一次,代價就增加(一分)。38. Each year some of his money is given to the best scientists and writers of the world.每年他的一部分錢都被授予全世界最優(yōu)秀的科學(xué)家和作家。39. Eastern culture is different from western.東方文化與西方文化不同。40. Excuse me, where is the nearest police station?打擾一下,請問最近的警察局在哪兒?41. Few of them be

10、lieve you.他們當中幾乎沒有人相信你.42. Fewer high school students are smoking now than a few years ago.現(xiàn)在吸煙的高中生比幾年前少了。43. Fires may do more damage than the earthquakes.火災(zāi)造成的破壞可能比地震還要大。44. Five days is too long for me to wait. Do you want to wait?五天的等待對我來說太久了,你愿意等嗎?45. Flight 220 is scheduled to arrive at 10:30

11、pm.220航班定于晚上十點半到達。46. Fred was such a hardworking student that he soon came out first in the class.弗萊德是一個非常努力的學(xué)生,他很快就成了班里第一名。47. From the East Coast to the West Coast it is about 3,000 miles wide.從東海岸到西海岸大約3000英里寬。48. Go down this street until you reach the second traffic lights沿著這條街一直走到第二個紅綠燈。49. G

12、ood health is an essential part of good life.身體健康是生活幸福的基礎(chǔ)。50. Have you seen Tom recently?你最近看見湯姆了嗎?51. He called the doctor and made sure that they would meet at five.他給醫(yī)生打電話確認五點見面。52. He didn t need to attend the meeting.他沒有必要參加會議。53. he doesni t know what life means to him他不知道生活對他意味著什么。54. He does

13、d t like the way you talk to him.他不喜歡你和他說話的方式。55. He had a traffic accident last Sunday.他上周 日出了車未曷。 56. He has sympathy for all poor people.他對所有窮人都有同情心。/他同情所有窮人。57. He has the habit of making notes while reading.他有一邊閱讀一邊記筆記的習(xí)慣。58. He is a world famous pop star.他是一個世界著名的明星。59. He is a worldwide famou

14、s scientist.他是一個聞名全球的科學(xué)家。60. He is always looking for excuses for being late.他總是為遲到找借口 .61. . He is one of the greatest writers in the world.他是世界上最偉大的作家之一。62. He keeps looking at himself in the mirror.他一直在照鏡子。63. He likes to help anyone who is in difficulty.他喜歡幫助任何有困難的人。/不論誰有困樂,他都喜歡幫助。64. He lives i

15、n a small room with only one small window.他住在一間只帶一個小窗戶的小屋里。65. He looks much older than his age.他看起來比實際年齡老。66. He offered to help us with our work.他主動幫助我們工作。67. He often went from town to town giving lectures.他經(jīng)常到不同的城鎮(zhèn)作演講。68. He prefers coffee to tea.比起茶,他更喜歡咖啡。69. He shows a great interest in learn

16、ing English.他對英語學(xué)習(xí)表現(xiàn)出很大的興趣。70. He told me that he had lived in America for ten years before he came to China.他告訴我:在來中國前他在美國已生活十年了。72. He wanted to help all the wounded people no matter which side they were fighting for.他想幫助所有的傷員,無論他們是為哪一方而戰(zhàn)。73. He was pleased with the fine weather天氣很好,他心情愉悅。74. He w

17、as satisfied with his new car, and drove to work in it the very next day.他對他的新車非常滿意,第二天就開著去上班了。75. He was too tired to go on reading.他太累了無法繼續(xù)閱讀下去了。76. He was very happy to hear from his old friend.收到老朋友的來信他很高興。77. He s growing more like his father now.他現(xiàn)在長的更像他的父親了。78. How are you doing these days?最近

18、好嗎?79. How did you spend your holiday?你假期怎么過的?80. How do you spell your last name?你的姓怎么拼寫?81. . How long have you been collecting stamps.你集郵多久了?82. How long will you be staying in China?你要在中國呆多久?83. How much does a parrot like this cost?這樣的一只鸚鵡多少錢?84. I am finishing my second year of study我正在完成我第二年的

19、學(xué)業(yè)。85. I am writing this letter to complain about the service in your hotel.我寫這封信是為了投訴你們賓館的服務(wù)。86. I came back because of rain我回來是因為下雨了。87. I came here at least once a month.我每月至少來這一次。88. I dont think he can operate the new type of computer.我認為他不會操作這種新型電腦。89. I feel lonely without you.沒有你我很孤獨。90. I f

20、eel satisfied with my life.我對我的生活很滿意。91. . I got married ten years ago.我十年前結(jié)的蠟。92. I got there by plane late at night.昨天深夜我乘飛機到達那里。93. I got to the library by bus.我是乘公共汽車去的圖書館。94. I had no choice.我別無選擇。95. I have a foreign friend who lives in America.我有一個外國朋友,他住在美國。96. I have lost interest in my wor

21、k.我對我的工作失去了興趣。97. I have no interest in what they say about me.他們怎么說我沒有興趣。98. I hope we can have some snow this winter.我希望這個冬天能下點雪。99. I hope you will change your mind tomorrow.我希望你明天會改變想法。100. I hurried to my office.我匆匆忙忙趕到辦公室。101. I looked for the book on the desk but it was nowhere.我在桌上找那本書,但是哪也找

22、不到。102. I met one of my old friends on my way home yesterday evening.昨天晚上我在回家的路上遇見了一個老朋友。103. I need you to fill out the top portion of the form first.我需要你先把這個表格的上半部分填上。104. I picked up the bag to protect my face from the smoke and heat.我拿起包保護我的臉以免被煙熏或燙到。105. I play football with my classmates.我和同學(xué)踢

23、足球。106. I reached Beijing early in the morning.我今天一大早就到北京了。107. I read the local newspaper with great interest every evening.我每天晚上饒有興趣地讀當?shù)氐膱蠹垺?08. I sent him a Christmas card last year.我去年送了他一張圣誕賀卡。109. I slept soundly all night.我整個晚上都睡得很香。110. I think she will change her mind tomorrow.我覺得她明天會改變主意。1

24、11. I think the picture shows us how fruit is necessary to life.我覺得這張圖片告訴我們生活中水果是多么的必要。112. I want to get back home by five o clock if it is possible.如果可能我想五點之前到家。113. I was having a nap when suddenly the telephone rang.我在睡午覺時,電話鈴?fù)蝗豁懥恕?14. I ll call you as soon as I arrive.我一到就給你打電話.115. I ll try no

25、t to make up too much of your time.我會盡量不占用您太多的時間.116. I m busy studying for my exams.我在忙著復(fù)習(xí)考試。117. I m eager to improve my oral English.我渴望提高我的英語口語。118. I m going to run for the bus as soon as the bell rings.鈴聲一響我就跑去追車.119. I m going to visit a friend of mine this Sunday.這周日我要去拜訪我的一個朋友.120. I m havi

26、ng a headache now.我現(xiàn)在頭疼。121. I m looking forward to your visit to China.我盼望著你來中國。122. I m thinking about a visit to Paris.我在考慮去巴黎一趟。123. I ve been so busy lately, I haven t had time to call anybody.我最近一直很忙,沒有時間給任何人打電話.124. I ve got a pain in my back.我背疼。125. I ve never heard such good music in a com

27、puter game.我在電腦游戲中從來沒聽過這么好聽的音樂.126. If you decided to learn a new language, you would have to dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to the cause.如果你決定學(xué)習(xí)一門新的語言,你必須全身心地投入。127. If you take vitamins, you will have more energy.如果你服用維生素,你將更有精力。128. If you travel by ship across the Pacific, you cross the Intern

28、ational Date Line.如果你乘船穿過太平洋,你會穿過國際日期變更線。129. In an age of plenty, we feel spiritual hunger.在這個物質(zhì)財富充裕的時代,我們感到精神上的饑渴130. In fact, he did not even own a bed.實際上,他甚至連張床都沒有。131. In Foreign Languages Department, a checking machine is used to correct the students test papers.外語系用判卷機給學(xué)生批卷。132. In most cult

29、ure, animals are in a worse position than human being.在大部分文化中,動物的地位比人類低。133. In no other country in the world can you find such plants as this one.像這種植物在世界上的其他任何一個國家中都找不到。134. In the United States a lot of college students do not live at home.在美國,很多大學(xué)生不住在家里。135. In the world, soccer or football is t

30、he most popular sport.足球是世界上最受歡迎的運動。136. Inside, this large plane looks more like a high building than a plane.從里面看,這架大飛機更像一幢高樓而不像一架飛機。137. It is necessary to take medicine on time.按時吃藥是必要的。138. It is no good hoping to read all these books.希望把所有這些書都讀了是沒有好處的。139. It is still raining today.今天仍然在下雨。140

31、. It s always a pleasure to see many friends here in London.在倫敦能見到很多朋友,總是件快事。141. Jim was intelligent, but he hated hard work.吉姆很聰明,但是他討厭努力工作。142. John and his brother differ in personality even if their differences in age are not significant.盡管約翰和他哥哥在年紀上相差不大,但他們的個性卻不相同。143. It s easy to say, but di

32、fficult to do.說起來容易做起來難。144. Its never too late to learn.活到老學(xué)到老。145. Its not much different from that heavy metal music you like so much.它和你非常喜歡的重金屬音樂沒有太大的差異。146. Karsh was praised as a master portraitist, often working in black and white, influenced by great painters of the past.卡什被人們譽為人像攝影大師,由于受到歷

33、史上一些著名畫家的影響,他在 繪畫中經(jīng)常運用黑白攝影。147. Let me key in your address and open an account我來鍵入你的地址 ,然后 給你開個賬戶.148. Lets sit over here until its time for you to board.讓我們坐在這里等待你登機。149. Li Bai is one of the greatest poets that have ever lived in China.李白是中國最偉大的詩人之一。150. Many Chinese people want to be volunteers i

34、n 2008 Olympics.很多中國人想在奧運會中做志愿者。151. Many schools will not open for lessons until the beginning of September.很多學(xué)校直到九月初才開始上課。152. Mark couldn t come to the party because he had to work.因為要上班,馬克不能來參加聚會。153. Mr. Lin assigned too much homework today.今天林老師留了很多作業(yè)。154. My classmate is more clever than I.我的

35、同學(xué)比我聰明。155. My grandpa is used to getting up early.我爺爺習(xí)慣早起。156. My problem is that I dont have much time to do the work.我的問題是我沒有太多的時間去做這份工作。157. My roommate, Tom, is also a graduate student like me.和我一樣我的室友湯姆也是一個研究生。158. No matter what happens, I ll be your best friend.不管發(fā)生什么,我都是你最好的朋友。159. Not all

36、the machines here are produced by our factory.這兒不是所有的機器都是由我們工廠生產(chǎn)出來的。160. Nothing in the world moves faster than light.世上沒有任何東西比光傳播得快。161. Now people all over the world are trying to help people in Sichuan.現(xiàn)在全世界的人們都在努力的幫助四川人。162. Our library is so big, so is theirs.我們的圖書館很大,他們的圖書館也很大。163. Our textboo

37、ks are very different from theirs.我們的教材與他們的教材有很大的區(qū)別。164. People always hate mice, but one mouse won the peopls heart of the whole world.人們總是痛恨老鼠,但是有一只老鼠卻贏得了全世界人民的心。165. People use science knowledge to understand and change nature.人們利用科學(xué)知識了解自然,改變自然.166. Playing the sport you like is considered as an

38、essential part of a person life.一個人生活中很重要的一點就是從事自己喜歡的運動。167. Please call me back when you are free.等你有時間時給我回電話。168. Please give me your advice.請給我您的建議。169. Please give this book to whoever comes first.請把這本書給最先來的人。170. Please move your chair to the window.請把你的椅子往窗戶那邊挪一挪。171. Promise me never to be la

39、te again.向我保證你再也不遲到了。172. She always laughs at a good joke.聽到可笑的笑話,她總是放聲大笑。173. She begins cooking as soon as she gets home.她一到家就開始做飯。174. She got home that evening and showed her husband the beautiful hat she had bought.那天晚上她回到家給她丈夫看她買的漂亮的帽子。175. She is used to living in the countryside.她習(xí)慣于住在鄉(xiāng)下。17

40、6. She likes Mike a lot, but she doesn t want to get married so early.她很喜歡邁克,但不想那么早結(jié)蠟。177. She looks lovely when she is happy.當她開心的時候,她齊起來很可愛。178. She was the only daughter and the youngest child of five.她是家里唯一的女兒,也是五個孩子中最小的。179. Smoking can seriously harm your health.吸煙嚴重危害你的健康。180. Some of the pic

41、tures were shown in an art museum in Shanghai when she was 4 years old.這些畫中的一部分在她四歲時在上海的一個藝術(shù)博物館展出過。181. Some parents even stop their children from meeting their good friends.有的父母甚至阻止他們的孩子與好朋友見面。182. Some people find it difficult to ask for help.有些人覺得求人幫忙很困難。183. Stay before I get back.在我回來之前呆在這別動。18

42、4. Students can study by themselves through school network.學(xué)生可以通過學(xué)校的網(wǎng)絡(luò)自學(xué)。185. Success in business depends on hard work.商業(yè)上的成功依賴于努力的工作。186. Take this empty box away and bring me a full one.把這個空瓶子拿走,給我拿瓶滿的。187. Talking for a long time makes me tired.長時間的談話讓我很疲勞。188. Ted and William have lived under th

43、e same roof for five years.泰德和威廉已經(jīng)在同一個屋檐下生活了五年了。189. The cause of the fire was carelessness.火災(zāi)的原因是疏忽190. The doctor is very patient with his patient.這位醫(yī)生對病人很有耐心。191. The doctor said there was nothing wrong with his eyes.醫(yī)生說他的眼睛沒有什么問題。192. The doctor told me to have more water.醫(yī)生讓我多喝水。193. The doctor

44、s decided to see this strange man themselves.醫(yī)生們決定親自看一下這個奇怪的人。194. The earth on which we live is shaped like a ball.我們所居住的地球形狀像一個球。195. The farmer didn t spend much time working on his farm.這位農(nóng)民沒有花很多的時間在他的農(nóng)場工作。196. The friend saw everything but did not say a single word.這個朋友看到了一切,但卻一句話都沒說。197. The g

45、lass broke into pieces.玻璃破成碎片了。198. The Great Wall is wide enough for six horses to go side by side.長城的寬度足夠六匹馬肩并肩地走。199. The little boy wanted to exchange his toy car for my cake.小男孩想用他的玩具汽車換我的蛋糕。200. The man is easy to deal with.這個人容易對付。201. The men answered every differently from the women男人的回答與女人

46、有很大的差別。202. The moon looks much bigger than any other stars in the sky.月亮看起來比天空中其他的星星要大得多。203. The more money I make, the happier I will be我掙的錢越多,我就會越開心。204. The more passions we have, the more happiness we are likely to experience.我們越有激情,我們可能體驗到的快樂就越多。205. The most common samples of inorganic mater

47、ials are the gases of the atmosphere, water, rocks, etc.大氣中的氣體、水、巖石都是無機物中最普通的實例。206. The old man is in his late sixties.這位老人快70歲了。207. The plan has been over fulf川ed by now.到目前為止已經(jīng)超額完成計劃。208. The plane took off very smoothly.飛機平穩(wěn)地起飛了。209. The polluted air becomes poisonous and dangerous to health.被污

48、染的空氣變得有毒,對健康有危險。210. The school management must be improved.學(xué)校的管理必須改進。211. The shop is open till ten at night every day這家商店每天營業(yè)到晚上10點。212. The students are encouraged by their teacher to do more listening, reading and writing.老師鼓勵學(xué)生多聽,多讀,多寫。213 The teacher came earlier than expected.10老師比預(yù)計的提前到了。214

49、. The whole process required a great deal of effort, skill and luck.整個過程要求大量的努力,技術(shù)和運氣.215. Their parents dori t know them as well as their friends do.他們的父母不如他們的朋友了解他們。216. There are 45 students in each class of the school.這個學(xué)校每個班有45個學(xué)生。217. There is a large amount of energy wasted due to friction.由于

50、摩擦而損耗了大量的能量。218. There s something urgent for you to do right now.有些緊急的事情要你馬上去做。219. These five boys failed in their English exam last term這五個男孩兒上學(xué)期的英語考試不及格。220. These two students are admitted in to Beijing University.這兩個學(xué)生被北京大學(xué)錄取了。221. They have three times as much rain as we have here他們那兒的降雨量是我們這

51、里的三倍。222. They quested both men but neither of them could speak English.他們詢問了這兩個人,但是他們都不會說英語。223. They sold the old house yesterday.他們昨天把老房子賣了。224. They thought that there must be something wrong with their TV set.他們覺得他們的電視機肯定出了什么毛病。225. They were sitting in the park, playing cards.他們坐在公園里玩撲克牌。226.

52、Think it over before you speak.說話之前要好好想一想。227. This box can hold more books than that one.這個箱子比那個盛的書更多。228. This custom has a long history.這一風俗習(xí)慣有很長的歷史。229. This custom has a long tradition.這一風俗習(xí)慣有很長的傳統(tǒng)。230. This is the most wonderful day of my life, because I m here with you now.這是我一生中最精彩的一天,因為我現(xiàn)在和

53、你在一起。231. This pair of shoes cost me 260 Yuan.這雙鞋花了我260元。232. This place has plentiful material resources.這個地方有豐富的物質(zhì)資源。233. This shirt is too big for me. Do you have a smaller one?這件襯衫對我來說太大了。您有沒有小一點的?234. This street will be widened.這條街將被拓寬。235. This TV channel has many commercials.11這個電視頻道有很多廣告。23

54、6. Though it was late, they kept on walking.盡管很晚了,他們?nèi)岳^續(xù)走路。237. Though it was late, they kept on working.盡管已經(jīng)很晚了,他們還在繼續(xù)工作。238. Tom likes playing basket-ball but he cant play well.湯姆喜歡打籃球,但是他打得不好。239. Tom was such a hardworking student that he soon came our first in the class.湯姆學(xué)習(xí)十分用功,很快他就成了班里學(xué)習(xí)最好的學(xué)生。

55、240. Transistors are small in size and light in weight.晶體管的體積小,重量輕。241. Travel broadens your view.旅游開拓你的視野。242. Traveling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages.乘火車履行比乘飛機慢,但它有自己的優(yōu)勢。243. Various substances differ widely in their magnetic characteristics.各種物質(zhì)的磁性大不相同。244. Wang Li s

56、 father has taught English here since he graduated from Peking University.王麗的父親從北京大學(xué)畢業(yè)后就一直在這里教英語。245. We admire him although he makes a lot of mistakes; after all he is a great man.盡管他犯了很多錯誤我們還是很敬佩他,畢竟他是一個偉人。246. We all like her because shes very helpful.我們都很喜歡她,因為她非常樂于助人。247. We are getting ready for our English examination.我們正在為英語考試做準備。248. We are short of time and money.我們?nèi)狈r間和金錢。249. We cannot tell when an earthquake is coming.我們無法預(yù)測地震什么時候發(fā)生。25


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