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1、Unit 1 Getting to know youTopic 2 Where are you fromI .聽單詞,選擇你所聽到的單詞。每個單詞讀兩遍。(5分)()1. A. morningB. afternoonC. from()2. A. she()3. A. China()4. A. sixB. meC.heB. CanadaC.JapanB. sevenC. ten8. howC.where(5分)()5. A. whatn .聽句子,選擇正確圖片。每個句子讀兩遍。6.7.8.出.聽句子,選擇正確答語。每個句子讀兩遍。9. 10.(5分)()11. A. Yes, I am.B. M

2、y name is Tom. C. No, I' mnot.()12. A. No, he isnt. B. Yes, he ' s Li Ming.C. He isLi Ming.()13. A. Goodbye.B. Good evening!C.Goodmorning!()14. A. Yes, I am.B. No, I ' m Sally. C. I ' m fine.()15. A. I ' m Xiao Hua. B. I ' m from China. C.Fine, thanks.IV.聽對話,判斷下列句子的正 (T)誤(F)。

3、每組對話讀兩遍。(5分)()16. Linda is from the U.S.A.()17. Jane is a teacher.()18. Da Wei is from China.()19. His (他的)telephone number is 8216-5347.()20. He is Mike.第二部分基礎(chǔ)知識運用(55分)I .單項選擇。(10分)()1. Where they from?一They' re from China.A. isB. amC. are()2. 一 your name? My name is Kate.A. What ' sB. What

4、C. Where()3. Is she Maria?C. aren ' t No, she.A. isB. isn ' t()4. , are you Mr. Wang?Yes, I am.A. FineB. Please()5. Are they from Canada? No, they.A. areB. aren ' t()6. What' s telephone number? It ' s 823512.A. youB. your()7. 一 are they?They are XiaoLi and Jane.A. WhoB. What()8.

5、 Mary from Cuba.A. isB. am()9." One one zerM 示"。A.火警B.匪警()10. Is he Li Ping?Yes,.A.I'mB. he ' sn.情景交際。(15分)A.從II欄中找出I欄各句的應(yīng)答語。(5分)In()11. Where are you from? A. No.C. Excuse meC. isn ' tC. myC. WhereC. areC.急救中心C. he isThey' re fromFuzhou.()12. What ' s his name? B. It &

6、#39; s (010)82679.()13. Is she Jane?C. I ' m from Cuba.()14. Are they from Beijing?D. Yes, she is.()15. What ' s your telephone numEe r?His name is LiuXiang.B.將下列句子按正確順序排列。(5分)A. Who is she?B. She is from Canada.C. Where is she from?D. No, she isn ' t.E. She is Judy.第一句已給出:Is she Maria?1

7、從方框中選出適當(dāng)?shù)木渥友a全對話,有兩項多余。(5分)A: Excuse me, are you Sam?B: Yes, I am. 21A: My name is Bob.B: 22A: Nice to meet you, too. 23B: No, I ' m not24 Where are you from?A: I'm from Shanghai.25B: Thank you.A. How do you do?B. WelcometoBeijing.C. WelcometoShanghai.D. Are you from England?e

8、?E. What ' s your namF. I'm from the U.S.A.G. Nice to meet you.in.看圖填空。(10分)根據(jù)圖片內(nèi)容補全對話26. 一 is he?He Xiao Ming.27. Is she Japan?一 No, she.28. 一 are they from?They are from.29. 一What' sQQ number?QQ number is 158141028.30. 一 she Jane?, she is.IV.閱讀理解。(20分)(A)ThHi! My name is Zhou Mei. I &#

9、39; m your 萌承$ heacher. I ' m from Beijing. This is Mike. He ' s from the U.S.A. He ' s your teacher, too. is Li Lei. He ' s from Guangzhou. H嘛來白s.new( 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,判斷正(T)誤(F)。()31. Zhou Mei is a teacher.()32. Mike is a teacher, too.()33. Zhou Mei and Mike are from China.()34. Li Lei is a

10、student(學(xué)生).()35. Li Lei is from Beijing.(B)This is Fangfang. She is from China. Her(她的)telephone number is(010)8257-6644. She is in Beijing No.1 High School(北京一中).She is agood student. Miss Gao is her English teacher.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,完成芳芳的名片。iNHn Name: 36.P Fro.: 37.二Tel: 38,School: 39.40.仿照芳芳的名片,設(shè)計你自己的名片。Na

11、me:From:Tel:School:第三部分寫作(25分)I .詞匯。(10分)A.根據(jù)句意及首字母提示填詞。(5分)1. W are you from?一I ' m from Shanghai.2. 一 What' s y name?一 My name is David.3. 一Are you f Fuzhou?一No, we aren ' t.4. 一 What' s your telephone n? It ' s (010)865981.5. E me, are you Frank?Yes, I am.B,將國旗與其所屬國家連線。(5分)6.

12、the U.S.A. 7. Canada 8. China9. Japan10. Englandn.連詞成句。(5分)將下列詞語組成完整的句子,注意字母大小寫。11. name, my, Ma Lin, is12. from, are, where, they13. number, my, telephone, is, (010)8629-768814. am, I, Mark, not15. Guilin, is, from, hein.書面表達。(10分)假如你是Michael,下面是你的名片。根據(jù)名片內(nèi)容,用不少于三 句話介紹你自己。并制作一個新對話,對話的開頭已給出Name: Mich

13、aelFrom: the U.S.A.Tel:(010)8659-7981A: Excuse me, are you David?B: No, I ' m not. I amA:B:A:B:聽力材料Unit 1 Topic 2I .聽單詞,選擇你所聽到的單詞。每個單詞讀兩遍。1. from 2. she 3. Canada 4. seven 5. where n .聽句子,選擇正確圖片。每個句子讀兩遍。6. Mike is from England.7. Chunzi and Tian Qi are from Japan.8. Nini is from China.9. A: Wher

14、e are you from?8: I'm from Canada.10. Michael Jordan is from the U.S.A.in.聽句子,選擇正確答語。每個句子讀兩遍。11. What ' s your name?12. Is he Zhang Ming?13. Good evening!14. Are you from Beijing?15. Where are you from?IV.聽對話,判斷下列句子的正 (T)誤(F)。每組對話讀兩遍。16. M: Are you from the U.S.A., Linda?W: No, I ' m not

15、. I ' m from England.17. M: Jane, is your mom a teacher?W: Yes, she is.18. W: Where is Da Wei from?M: Oh, he is from China.19. W: What s your telephone number?M: It ' s 825367.20. W: Is he Mike?M: No, he is Tom.參考答案及解析Unit 1 Topic 2I .1. C2, A3, BH .6. D7, C8, Am.11. B 12. A 13, BIV.16. F 17

16、. F 18, T第一部分 聽力4. B5, C9. E10. B14. A 15. B19. T 20. F第二部分基礎(chǔ)知識運用I .1. C 本題考查am, is, are與人稱代t的搭配,可由一句口訣 我是 am,你是are, is跟著他她它”來記憶,they是 他們”的意思, 是第三人稱復(fù)數(shù)后面接are,故選C。2. A 由答語My name is Kate,可知是在問名字,故可排除C,同時 該問句中應(yīng)該有be動詞,故選A。3. B 本題考查一般疑問句的否定回答,be動詞+主語?是一 般疑問句的句式,它的回答要用Yes后加肯定或No后加否 定。因為有No,先排除A,由she可知選B。4

17、. C Fine表示身體健康的;美好的;天氣晴朗以及表示滿意等; Please用于客氣的請求或吩咐以及表示客氣的接受和加強 陳述的語氣等;Excuse me意為 請問,打擾了、對不起”等, 常用于引起別人注意、問路、請求讓路或打聽消息等,由語境可知選Co5. B同3題,本題考查一般疑問句的否定回答,由they可知選B。6. B you表示 你,你們"作主語;your表示 你的/你們的”作形容 詞性物主代詞,此句是問你的電話號碼是多少,故選B。7. A 本題考查疑問代詞的用法。what表示什么,怎么樣”;where 表示在哪里,往哪里";而who表示誰”。由答語他們是 Mar

18、ia和Jane可知選A。8. A 本題考查am, is, are的用法。Mary為第三人稱單數(shù),故選A。9. B 火警119,匪警110,急救中心120。one one zero翻譯成110, 故選B。10. C 一般疑問句的簡單肯定回答中沒有縮略式,故選CH.A.11. C12. E13. D14. A15.BB. 16. D17. A18. E19. C20.BC. 21. E22. G23. D24. F25.BHI .26. Who; is 27. from; isn '28. Where; China 29. your; My 30.Is; YesIV .(A)31. T 從第2、第3句可知Zhou Mei is a teacher,故判斷為T。32. T 根據(jù) This is Mike. He ' s your teach的關(guān)闞為 T。33. F 從文中可知 Zhou Mei is from Beijing. Mike is from the U.S.A.,故判斷為F。34. T 從倒數(shù)第1、第2句可知Li Lei is a student.,故判斷為T。35. F 從倒數(shù)第2句He' s from Guangzhou可判斷為F。(B)36. Fangfang37. China38. (010)8257-664439. Beijing No.


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