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1、U3 重點詞匯講解 1. destroy (destroyed, destroyed)v. 破壞 注意該詞與ruin, damage 等詞的區(qū)別:destroy: 多指徹底地、毀滅性地破壞,含導致無用,不能或很難再修復的意味。 ruin: 多指因外部原因而受到嚴重破壞或毀滅,側重破壞的徹底性;也可用于引申意義, 如 ruin ones future, ruin ones career。該詞做名詞時,注意下列搭配:fall into ruin (崩潰),be in ruins (在廢墟中) damage: 多指對無生命物體的損害,造成降低價值、破壞功能等后果, 但仍可修復??捎米髅~,常用詞組d

2、o/cause damage to。 例如:(1) The building was completely destroyed by the fire. 大火完全毀掉了這幢大樓。(2) The repairman tried to repair the car which was damaged in an accident. 修理工試圖修復在事故中被損壞的車子。(3) The earthquake did a lot of damage to the city. 地震對城市造成了巨大的損失。(4)It rained for 3 days, which ruined my holiday. 雨

3、下了三天,把我的假期毀掉了2. remains(1)n. 剩余物 She fed the remains of her dinner to the cat. 她用剩余的飯菜喂貓。同時,該詞還能表示“遺址”和“遺體”。例如:The archeologist discovered the remains of an ancient culture. 考古學家發(fā)現(xiàn)了一處古文明遺址。His remains were buried in Westminster. 他的遺體被安放在威斯敏斯特大教堂。 應注意該詞為復數形式,類似的詞還有:ruins (廢墟,遺址),goods (貨物) ,riches, (

4、財富),arms (武器),fireworks (煙火), wages(工資),sweets(糖果),crossroads(十字路口)等。 (2)vi. 遺留、繼續(xù)存在 Few villages remained after the flood.洪水過后,幾乎沒有村莊剩下。 After the fire, very little remained of the temple. 火災過后,寺廟所剩無幾。 remain 為系動詞,后接名詞、形容詞、分詞、介詞短語等。 He remained the leader after the election. 選舉過后,他仍是領導。 The place r

5、emains warm all winter. 這個地方整個冬天都很溫暖。 He remained sitting in the classroom after the examination. 考試后,他仍然坐在教室里。 也可表示留待以后去看、去做、去說等。 Much remains to be done.還有很多事要做。 It remains to be seen whether the decision is right or not. 該決定正確與否有待將來見分曉。3 condition(1) 該詞為不可數名詞時,意思為“狀況,狀態(tài)”。如:be in good/ poor condit

6、ion 處于好的/壞的狀態(tài)be out of condition 健康/狀況不好辨析:state 、condition、situationstate指“人或物存在或所處的某一種狀態(tài)”,必須與a連用。試比較:在冬天惡劣的天氣下,路況很差。The roads are in a terrible state after the severe winter weather. The roads are in terrible condition after the severe winter weather. situation: 境況;情勢;情景It is important for us to u

7、se a word or phrase according to the situation in language studies. 在語言學習中,我們應根據情境使用單詞或詞組。He was in a dangerous situation. 他處于危險的形勢中。(2)該詞為可數名詞時,意思為“條件”。如: Ability and effort are conditions of success. 才能和努力是成功的條件。(3)當該詞為復數形式時,指(居住、工作或做事情的)環(huán)境、境況、條件。如: living/housing/working conditions 生活/住房/工作條件 He

8、was brought in /under difficult conditions. 他是在極其困難的情況下被養(yǎng)大的。 詞組搭配:(1)on condition that 在條件下(=only if/ so long as)They agreed to lend us the money on condition that we pay it back within one month. 他們同意借錢給我們,只要我們一個月內還。(2)on /under no condition 無論如何都不,決不 (= in no case/by no menans)Under no condition c

9、an we break the law. 我們決不能觸犯法律。4 concerned(1) adj.意思為“憂慮的,擔心的”,常與介詞about、for搭配使用。如: Concerned parents held a meeting about the childrens education. 憂心忡忡的家長們就孩子們的教育問題開了會。The mother is concerned about her childs health. 母親很擔憂她小孩的健康。 (2) concern 用作動詞,表示“影響、涉及;關于;使擔憂;感興趣”。 常用結構:be concerned with “關于”; a

10、s /so far as concerned “就而言 ; concern oneself with/about sth.“忙于,關心”。例如: The book concerns the discovery of a lost civilization. 這本書與發(fā)現(xiàn)失落的文明有關。This novel is concerned with energy crisis. 這本小說與能源危機有關。As far as I am concerned, I share the view of the second group. 就我而言,我同意第二種人的觀點。 He never concerns hi

11、mself with housework. 他從來都不做家務。 (3) concern 也可用做名詞,意為“擔憂,關心的事,重要的事”。如:We have to pay attention to the public concern about corruption. 我們不得不注意到公眾對于腐敗現(xiàn)象的關注。 The president expressed his concern for the economic crisis. 總統(tǒng)表達了他對此次經濟危機的關注。(4)concerning 為介詞,“關于、涉及”(=regarding)。如: All books concerning the

12、Internet were sold out. 所有關于網絡的書都賣光了。5sink (1) vi. 意思為“下沉, 下降”。過去式、過去動詞為sank, sunk。例如: The ship sank to the bottom of the ocean. 船沉到大洋底部。 She sank into the armchair. 她陷在單座沙發(fā)里。 The sun was sinking in the west. 太陽西墜。 My heart sank when I heard the terrible news. 當我聽到這個可怕的消息時,心里陡然一沉。 (2)n. 指(廚房里的)洗滌池,洗

13、碗槽。 Dont just leave your dirty plated in the sink. 別把臟盤子往洗碗池里一放就了事。6influence (1)vt. “影響”。例如: Can the planets influence human character, as astrologers claim? 行星能象占星家所宣稱那樣對人的性格有所影響嗎? 注意與affect的區(qū)別: influence指在人們的思想、行為等方面產生間接的、潛移默化的影響。如: Probably we influenced each other. 也許我們影響了彼此。 affect的影響則比較直接,常指對

14、他人情感上的影響,有時也表示“對產生不利影響”。如: The terrible news didnt affect her at all. 這個可怕的消息并沒有影響她。 The economic crisis has seriously affected German exports. 經濟危機已嚴重影響了德國的出口。 (2)n. The moon has an influence on animal behavior. 月亮能夠影響動物的行為。注意下列搭配: exercise / have an influence (effect) on/over 對 有影響力 under the infl

15、uence of sb. / under ones influence 在某人的影響下7. declare (1) vt.“宣布、宣告、聲明”,后接名詞或從句。 The next day, US President Franklin Roosevelt declared war against Japan.第二天,羅斯??偨y(tǒng)宣布對日作戰(zhàn)。 The Chinese government declared a ban on plastic bags. 中國政府宣布禁止使用塑料帶。 The suspect declared that he was innocent. 該嫌疑犯聲稱自己是清白的。 (2

16、)也可接復合賓語結構,賓語補足語可由形容詞、不定式、分詞等充當。如:The suspect declared himself innocent. 該嫌疑犯聲稱自己是清白的。They declared his story to be true. 他們聲稱他們的故事是真的。The teacher declared Mike chosen. 老師宣布邁克被選上了。(3)注意declare和announce的區(qū)別declare : 用于正式場合,指“正式宣布”,“鄭重宣布”。announce:用于普通場合,指“宣布”,“使公開”,“在無線電、電視上主持介紹”。They announced their

17、engagement to the family. 他們向家里宣布訂婚。The captain announced that the plane would take off. 機長宣布飛機即將起飛。8bury vt.“埋葬”。 The workers were buried alive when the earthquake happened. 地震爆發(fā)時,工人被活埋了。 She buried her face in her hands and wept. 她掩面而哭。 be buried in/ bury oneself in 埋頭于,專心致志于,類似意義有 be lost in, be

18、absorbed in 等。 He buried himself in the books. 他埋頭讀書。9. drive (drove, driven) vt. 迫使某人(生氣、發(fā)瘋等) It drives me angry to think that the keys were in my pocket all along. drive sb. to do sth.驅使或迫使某人做某事 The greedy boss drove the workers to work all night long.貪婪的老板驅使工人整晚都工作。 迫使某物移動或進入某位置;打、敲、戳等 To mend a

19、broken chair, he drove a nail into wood. 為了修椅子,他把釘子敲進木頭里。10. feed (fed, fed) vt. 為提供食物;養(yǎng)活 He has a large family to feed. 他有一大家子要養(yǎng)活。 feed sth. to sb. 把 喂給/ feed sb. with sth. 用喂 你可以用這根骨頭來喂狗。 You can feed this bone to the dog. You can feed the dog with this bone. feed on 以為主食 The cow feeds on hay. 奶牛以

20、草為主食。11. take over(1)接管,接收,接任 (take sth. over from sb.)He expects to take over the business when his father retires. 他希望他父親退休時,由他接管生意。比較:He expects that his father will hand over the business to him.他希望父親能把企業(yè)傳給他掌管。Would you like me to take over the driving for a while?你愿意讓我接替你開會車嗎?(2) 拓展:take in 吸收,

21、欺騙Dont be taken in by his promises for he never realizes them. 不要被他的承諾欺騙,他從來都不兌現(xiàn)。They often drive to the countryside to take in the fresh air there.他們經常開車到鄉(xiāng)村吸收新鮮空氣。take on 雇傭,呈現(xiàn),承擔China has taken on a new look since its reform 自改革以來,中國呈現(xiàn)出新的面貌。I feel honored to take on the role as a volunteer. 能擔任志愿者

22、的工作,我感到很榮幸。The supermarket took on extra workers during vacations. 超市在節(jié)假日雇傭更多的工人。take off 起飛,脫下(衣帽),事業(yè)騰飛His career has taken off since he got the first gold medal. 自他得到第一塊金牌后,他的事業(yè)就開始騰飛了。take up 占據,從事,開始After retirement my grandfather took up photography as a hobby. 退休后,我爺爺喜歡上了攝影。The huge bed took up

23、 half of the rooms space.床占了房間一半的空間。take down 記下,取下The students took down what the teacher said in class. 學生們記下了老師所說的話。take back 收回(所說的話),退回(某物)If you refuse to take back what you said, I will never forgive you. 如果你不收回你所說的話,我定不原諒你。take after 相像 In looks she takes after her father. 他在相貌上和他父親長得很像。12.

24、carry out 實施He failed to carry out his promise. 他未能實現(xiàn)他的承諾。Once a decision is reached, it must be firmly carried out. 決定一旦做出,就應被堅決實施。Our manager must be happy if he sees this plan carried out. 看到這個項目可以實施,經理一定會很開心的。拓展:carry on 進行They carry on a conversation in English every day. 他們每天用英語進行對話。We will ca

25、rry on as arranged and they can do their worst. 我們還按我們的計劃行事,他們愛使壞就隨便他們吧。carry away 使失去理智,使人迷住He was carried away by emotion. 他被感情支配失去了理智。carry through 進行到底His faith and courage carried him through.他的信心和勇氣讓他度過了難關。13in memory of 紀念 He wrote a poem in memory of his dead wife. 他為亡妻寫了一首詩,以示紀念。 歸納類似結構短語:

26、in hope of 滿懷希望 in search of 搜尋 in honor of 為了紀念 in need of 需要 in place of 代替 in favor of 支持14in use正在使用中 The old dictionary is no longer in use.這本老字典已經不用了。 拓展: out of use 不再使用 come into use 使用起來When did the word “net” come into use? 單詞”net”什么時候開始使用的?(be) of useThese maps may be of great use to you

27、on your trip.這些地圖可能對你旅行很有幫助。make use of 利用Make full use every chance you have to practice English.好好利用你擁有的每個機會練習英語. Its no use doing sth. Its no use crying over split milk. = There is no point in crying over spilt milk. 對著打翻的牛奶哭泣是沒用的。 (覆水難收)歸納類似結構:in danger 在危險中in debt 負債in trouble 在困境中in secret 秘密地

28、in silence 悄悄地in public公開地15in return 作為報答(常作狀語) I wish I could do something for you in return. 我希望能為你做點事以示報答。 in return for I gave her a present in return for her kindness to us. 我送她禮物作為對她好心的報答。16. be /go on board 在船上、飛機上 Have the passengers gone on board yet? 旅客已經登機了嗎?練習 一、首字母填空完成句子 1Its hard to i

29、magine how this quiet volcano d_ the whole city! 2. C_ environmentalists expressed their worry over the pollution of the Yangtze River.3. One of the c_ of this job is that you agree to work abroad.4. It is my teachers i_ that made me finally take up my present career as an English teacher.5. Many pe

30、ople were b_ alive when the building collapsed.6. He threw away the r_ of a meal in the trash. 7. The ship began to s_ when it hit an iceberg. 8. The colonies d_ their independence from England. 9. Very long noises in the factory can d _ people mad. 10. The earthquake left the whole town in r_.二、根據中

31、文填空完成句子1人們將建造一座紀念碑以悼念那些在地震中遇難的人們。 A monument will be set up _ _ _ victims in the earthquake.2粗心毀了他的前途。 A careless mistake _ _ _.3由于還有很多工作有待完成,他沒有時間休息。With a lot of work _ _ _ _, he could spare no time for a rest.4. 我們訂購的所有貨物都到達了, 而且狀況良好。 All the goods we ordered have arrived _ _ _.5. 他因出色地完成了任務而受到表揚

32、。He was praised for having _ _ the mission perfectly. 6. 不要沉迷于電腦游戲,你父母在為你擔心。Dont be addicted to the computer games. Your parents _ _ _ you.7他們通過購買股份的方式接管了我們公司。They _ _ our company by buying up shares. 8主席宣布會議開始。The chairman _ the meeting _. 9. 我們給彼德一件精美的禮物,作為對他合作的回報。We gave Peter a nice present _ _

33、_ his cooperation. 10. 為了多賺錢,他被迫做幾份兼職。He _ _ _ take several part-time jobs to earn more money . 三、選詞語填空完成句子in return carry out on board be concerned about in use feed on have an influence over in poor condition take over1. The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see _ the next year.2.

34、 When he died, his wife _ the business.3. I helped him with housework and he gave me some money _.4. All passengers _ tried their best to save the sick woman.5. His words _ me, which made me become an honest person.6. Due to the severe damage, the bridge is no longer _.7. A sheep which _ this kind o

35、f special grass usually grows much faster than one on ordinary.8. He cant work any more because he is _.9. _ her book, she didnt hear the knock at the door.10. We _ your safety in the quake-stricken area. Please contact us soon.四、用所給詞語編寫故事。destroy, concerned, sink, influence, ruins, bury, in return(for), in memory of, on board, carry outKey一、 首字母填空完成句子1destroyed 2. Concerned 3. conditions 4. influence 5. buried 6. remains 7. sink 8. declar


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