



1、國際音標測試卷姓名把下列單詞與對應(yīng)的英標連線。sheep nine game picture room? i:Pru:m ge ? m 'p ? kt? ? na ? n very doctor class watch chaird ?kt?'ver? kla:s t? e? w ?t ?根據(jù)劃線部分的讀音,選擇正確的音標。3()1. pleasure A. s B. z()2. thank A. s B.()3. year A. j B.()4.cardsA.dsB.dz()5. cat A. ?()6.homeA.uB.()7.bookA.uB.u:()8.ChinaA.k

2、B.t()9. bee A. i: B.()10. bird A. ?C. ?0 C. e? C.?C. tsB. e ? C. ?uC. auC.?u?C. h?C. eB.?:C.?三、寫出下列每組單詞中劃線部分的共同音標。1. no post home grow / /2. bird her work girl / /3. what when watch win / /4. cry tie eye like / /5. oil boy noise enjoy / /四、選擇所給單詞的正確音標,將其序號寫入題前括號內(nèi)。1.toiletA./'t? ?l ? t / B. /'

3、;t ? ? l ?t /2.threeA. /0 ri:/B. /eri:/()3.bagA. /b?g /B./be? g/()4.shortA. /? ? :t/B. /? ?t/()5、 penA /pen/B. /p? n/()五、劃分音節(jié)o1. / 'ta? g?/2. /'ta ? d? /2. /d? ' semb?/ 4. /p?' l ? sm?n/5. / 'be? b? /6. /'p? kt? ?/六、寫出下列劃線字母組合的讀s。window/ /house/ /today /talk /chair/ /photo /

4、/this /television / /father /()七、根據(jù)所給元音音標補全單詞。eg. ?uhome1. ?2. e gg3.? : w l4. e ?c ke 5. u?6.? ? h八、口才訓(xùn)練,根據(jù)音標正確拼讀下列單詞。1. wish w ? ?2. heavy 'hev?3. kitchen k? t? ? n4. yet jet5. clever 'klev ?6. friend frend7. weather 'wee? 8. map m?p9. catch k?t?10. stood stud11. spring spr12. hundred

5、13. jump d ?mp14. country k?ntr ?15. through h?ndr?dru:國際音標測試卷姓名基礎(chǔ)知識-、根據(jù)音標知識填空。1 .英語中共有 個音素,分元音和輔音兩種。2 .元音有 個,分 元音和元音。輔音有 個,分 輔音和輔音。3 .前元音有 個,分別是:【i:】【】【】【】.4 .中元音有 個,分別是:【】【】5 .后元音有 個,分別是:【a:】【】【】【】【u:】【】6 .雙元音的特點有三個。(1)由 個單元音組成;(2)前 后輕; (3)前長后。他們分別是:【al】【】【au】【】【】【】【】【】7 .爆破音有 個,根據(jù)發(fā)音時聲帶是否振動可以分為清、濁

6、對應(yīng)的三對:【p】-【】,【t】-【8 .摩擦音有 個,八個摩擦音可以成對的分為四組:【f】-【清輔音和 輔音。六個爆破音可以歸納為】,【k】-1】-1】其余兩個分別為【h】【r】19 .鼻音有一個,分別為【聽力部分二、聽一聽,選出你所聽到的音標。)1. A)2. AaI)3. A【p】k)4. Aau)5. Au:e)1threeA6B【e】)2nameA【el】B【al】)3appleA【?】B【e】)4earA【? ?】B【e?】)5noA【?】Bau(四、聽一聽,選出聽到的選項。、聽錄音,選出劃線部分字母或字母組合的發(fā)音。()1. Abi: B)2. A)3. A)4. A)5. A【

7、eg】B【 paI 】C【 deI 】let 】B【 red 】C【 bed】hau 】B【 nau】C【 I ? 】zu 】B【 zu: 】C【mu:n】五、聽一聽,圈出下列單詞中發(fā)雙元音的單詞。1. ear 2. go3. banana 4.bird5. boy 6. I7. apple 8.goat筆試部分六、根據(jù)單詞,圈出正確的音標。)1. name Ane? m 】me?m】ne? n 】)2. bikeba? k 】be?k】pa? k】)3. cakese? k 】ke?k】ca ? k 】)4. eare?u? 】)5.apple【'?pl】【'e? pl 【&

8、#39;a? pl 4七、將單詞與對應(yīng)的音標連線。boy【 pig 】- school【 d?i:p 】pig【 k?t 】- baby【 sku:l 】cat【 d?k 】- goat【 be? b? 】duck【 'ta ? g?】- face【 g?ut 】tiger【 b? 】- jeep【 fe ? s 】八、寫出下列單詞的音標big】 shego】 bagbed】 seezoo】 book九、字母、音標對對碰。i:ke? 】【 e? 】eks 】【vi: 】kju: 】em】A E K M Q V X十、按發(fā)音規(guī)則將下列單詞分類。t ? 】 【 f 】 【 v 】 【 ?

9、】 _A face B move C shoe D lifeE love F ship G choose H teacher國際音標測試卷姓名 英語國際音標表( 48 個)元音( 20 個)k兀白/ u/短元音 /?/雙元音/e/?/?/:/a/?:/?/?/ /?/i:/?/?/ /U:/?/? /a ? /? /? ?/ /e ?/ /e/? ?/ /輔音( 28 個)輕輔音/p/ t/k/f/ 0 /s/濁輔音/b/d/g/v/e/z/輕輔音/?/ h/ts/t ? /tr/濁輔音/ ?/鼻音/ m/n/半元音/j/邊音 / ? /一、判斷下列單詞的音標()1.listing讀成()2.

10、yes讀成()3.wash讀成()4.mind讀成()5.change讀成()6.tests讀成二、找出清濁成對的輔音,打,或X。'l ? st ?jes.w ? : / .ma ? d.t ? e?tests., 連線。/ r/?/ w/n.n d ?./dz/d ?/dr/p t k f 9 s / t 門tr tsg z dr b v dz d e d ? ?, 并寫出劃線部分的音標。()1.A.cakeB. takeC. napD. wave()2. A. breadB. eatC. teaD. seat()3. A. neverB. legC. redD. he()4. A.

11、 goodB. tooC. bookD. neighborhood()5. A. fatherB. crabC.sharkD. car()6. A. sodaB. hotC. boxD. not()7. A. bikeB. fiveC. myD. his()8. A. orderB. doctorC. boringD. corner()9. A. whatB. waterC. walkD. talk()10. A. goB. noC. toD. nose()11. A. dayB. playC. theyD. Sunday()12. A. lotB. notC. toD. follow()13

12、. A. eachB. ideaC. theatreD.dear()14. A. flowerB. followC. howD. brown()15. A. slideB. hiC. toiletD. bike()16. A. youB. houseC. blouseD. trousers()17. A. studyB. puzzleC. busD. busy()18. A. findB. dining-roomC. behindD. pumpkin()19. A. kitchenB. sandwich C. ChinaD. peach()20. A. streetB. coffeeC. me

13、et D. see()21. A. toiletB. appleC. bottleD. table()22. A. backB. lampC. parentD. have()23. A. pigB. togetherC. gardenD. swing()24. A. musicB. telescopeC. newspaperD. maths()25. A. sofaB. offC. potD. lot()26. A. roomB. footC. tooD. food()27. A. teacherB. driverC. termD. waiter()28. A. behindB. bedroo

14、mC. jacketD. eleven()29. A. familyB. campingC. danceD. blanket()30. A. overB. otherC. clothesD. home()31. A. morningB. horseC.doorD. tomorrow()32. A. diamondB. aroundC. elephantD. change()33. A. houseB. blouseB. child()34. A. building()35. A. tennisB.find()36. A. streetB.theatre()37. A. washB.want()

15、38. A. largeB. laugh()39. A. nameB.lamp()40. A. foodB.cook()41. A. cryB.circle()42. A. thingB.theatre()43. A. wash.B.sure()44. A. onB.diamond()45. A. nearB.heartC. laughC. childrenD. mouthD. biscuitC. whiteD. kiteC. triangleD. treeC. parentD. whatC. sofaD. vaseC. campingD. amC. footD. lookC. classD.

16、 pictureC. bathroomD. thereC.shapeD. squareC. crayonD. o,clockC. tearD. hear暑期三年級綜合能力強化與提高訓(xùn)練姓名、找出下列各組中不屬于同一類的單詞,填序號。()1 .A. watch B. computer C. uncle D. pen()2. A. sisterB radioC. sonD. daughter()3 .A .planeB. bikeC. carD. window()4. A. woman B. friend C. tall D. girl()5. A. zebraB. tigerC. eggD. p

17、anda()6. A. zoo B. crayon C. storybook D. tape()7. A. brother B. stapler C. knife D. copybook()8. A. door B. tap C. light D. tape()9. A. fat B. English C. big D. small()10. A. telephone B. sofa C. bookcase D. T-shirt二、詞組翻譯。4. elevenplusone _ 5.myfamilyphoto 6.how many7. in thecar8.inEnglish9.That

18、9; s1. his uncle2.excuse mee hereright.A. Yes, I do .B. She ' s my motherC. I can see 11.D. It ' s under the chair.E. Sure.三、根據(jù)問句,選擇合適的答語并將其序號填在前面的括號內(nèi)。()1 、Can I use your pen?()2 、Do you like bananas?()3 、Wh6 s that woman?()4 、How many cats can you see?()5 、Where is the ball?四、根據(jù)下面情景,選擇恰當?shù)倪x項

19、。()1.當別人問你來自哪里后,應(yīng)回答說:A. You ' re welcome. B. I'm from America. C. My name is Li Mei.()2.當你很驚訝地看到一只大鵝時,應(yīng)說:.A. What a big goose! B. How beautiful! C. What a big fish!()3.當你把物品給別人時,應(yīng)說:.A. It ' s here.B. Here you are.C. Here it is.()4.當你正在找玩具汽車時,應(yīng)說:.A. Where is my taxi?B. Where is my car?C.

20、This is my car.()5. 當看到別人要摔跤時,應(yīng)說: ()6. Nancy isA.aB. anEnglish girl.C. theD. /()7. Excuse,is this a camera?(A. IB.you)8. my grandfather.C. myD. me(A. He)9. Shall weB. She' sTV?OK.C. HisD. He' s(A. lookB. watch)10. Sorry, Iknow.C.look atD. watch theA. am notB. don ' t五、把卜列單詞歸類,將序號填在橫線上。1.

21、 sofa2. greenblack6. yellow7blousewhite10.coat11. telephone12. dresspen15.bookcaseC. isn ' tD. can ' t3. pencil sharpener 4. skirt8storybook13. penA. Watch TV.B. Watch out.C. Look at me.5.9.14. ball家用物品TK、完成對話。A:Canyou?B: I'dsome oranges, please?A: OK. How many kilos?B:Threeplease. How m

22、uchthey?A:Threeyuan, please.B:HereyouA:you. Bye.B:七、將下列各組句子重新排列成對話。1. a. It ' s seven forty.b.What' s the time?c. Let' s have supper.d. All right.2. a. Look an the gloves. b.They're my mother ' s.c. Whose are they?d. They 're nice.3. a. Are you ill?b.Why don' t you go to

23、bed now?c. What' s the matter,Li Hong? d.No,I ' m tired.4. a. Perhaps it ' s over there.b. Excuse me. Is this my cat?c. NO, it isn ' t. It ' s my cat d. Where is my cat?()八、把下面人物的各個身體部位和表示該部位的單詞用線連起來。hand nosemouthbody fingereye ear leg armfoot九、閱讀短文,選擇正確答案。My name is Billy . I&#

24、39;m a boy . I am eleven . I' m in China now . My father is a doctor and my父母親)don ' t . They like bread .mother is a teacher . I like Chinese food , but my parents (re many books on the desk .II have a nice room . There s a bed , a desk and a chair in it .There like books .I often ( 經(jīng)常 )rea

25、d books in the evening .( )1. Billy is .A. a boy B. eleven C. in China D. A,B and C( )2. Billy s father is .A. a teacher B. a doctor C. Chinese D. a worker( )3. Billy likes .A. Chinese B. Chinese food C. bread D. English( )4. Billy has a room .A. nice B. big C. small D. good( )5. Billy often reads b

26、ooks .A. at home B. after class C. in the evening D. at school暑期三年級綜合能力強化與提高訓(xùn)練姓名一、與出卜列詞句的中文或央文。1.family members 2.family photo3.your friend4.I think一5.我的媽媽6.你的兒子7.Is he your father? 8.Is she your sister?_9.She's my daughter.10.Who's the man?_二、按要求寫單詞。1.sandwiches( 單數(shù))2.pear (復(fù)數(shù))3.knife(復(fù)數(shù)形式)

27、4.mango(復(fù)數(shù)形式)5.glass( 復(fù)數(shù))6.can,t (完整形式)_7.is not(縮寫形式)8.where's(完整形式)9.whose(同音詞)10. policeman對應(yīng)詞)三、選擇填空。()1. Who ' s that girl?- my sister.A. He ' sB. She ' sC.It ' sD .They ' re()2 Are these apples? Yes,A. they areB. these areC.they ' reD.these're()3books are those?

28、 Sorry I don ' t know.A WhoseB WhereC WhichD Who s()4 Shall we go to school by?A. the busB. a bikeC. an airplane D,car()5 What colour are the jackets?A .They ' re oranges. B. They ' re orange.C.It ' s orange.D. It is red.()6 Mike,write on the wall.A. can ' tB. don ' tC.aren &

29、#39; t.D. isn ' t()7 Can you see a catthe tree?A. inB .onC. betweenD. of()8. How much is it? A. It ' s five yuan.B. It ' s five yuans. C.They are five yuan.D. They are five yuans.()9. What would you like? -.()10.四、從..9.A I'd like a pie.do we go there?A. HowB欄中找出WhatB. I

30、'd a pie.d like a pies. D. I ' d like an pie.B. WhatC. IsD. AreA欄相應(yīng)的答句,將序號填入題前括號中。's this in English?May I come in?WhatWhatA. ItB. No, he isn's the time now?'s seven plus eight?How much is it?Is that your uncle?Who's that girl?What about this red one?Can I have a look?)10. Do

31、 you play volleyball?E. ItC. No, I donD. ItF. Come in, please.G. Ten yuan, please.H. ItI. Sure, here you are.J. Shes eleven o clock.t.t.'s a knife.s nice.'s fifteen.'s my friend.五、連詞成句。1.your she Ismother?2.timeIt ' shaveto.lunch3.basketthatWhat' s?inyour4.plusnineteenfifteen?Wha

32、t' s5.pencilIt ' ssharpenera.六、排序。)That'd like a cup of coffee.' m thirsty, Mr Brown .'s a good idea.)Hello, Gao Shan.)Let's go and play baseball now.)That ' s a good idea.)Here you are.)I like baseball.()Thank you.()What do you like, Wang Bing?()2. The man wants to go to

33、()That ' s all right .()Hello, Wang Bing.七、句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1.I can have an ice cream.(否定句)2.There are three people in my family.3.This duck is very naughty.(變復(fù)數(shù))4.I ' m going to be a doctor.(變一般疑問問句)5.There are two men.(變單數(shù))八、選擇適當?shù)脑~填空。shall we , whatwhat's ,)1.theman with big eyes?He's my grand

34、father2.goto the the stationby taxiOK .3.myEnglish teacher ?She's in the computer4._blouseis this ?It's Nancy' s .5.goto the supermarketby car?All right.7.arethese ?Theyare grapes .8.areyou ?Im ten .九、閱讀理解。who' s ,whosewhere' show oldletsroom.A.朗讀對話,根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容選擇正確的答案。(M= ManG=Girl)M:

35、 Excuse me.G: Yes?M: Is this train for Wuxi?G: Yes, you are right. This way ,please.M: Thank you very much.G: You ' re welcome.)1. The man and the girl are at theA: stationB: theatreC: libraryD: schoolA: Xi anB: ShanghaiC: WuxiD: Nanjing)3. Perhaps the girl works in theA: planeB: trainC: busD: m

36、inibus暑期三年級綜合能力強化與提高訓(xùn)練 姓名、英漢互譯。1.多少錢3.一塊巧克力5.進來7. in English9. sound good、在橫線上寫出相應(yīng)的一個字母組成單詞。1. jgging2. thtys_ndw_ch5. basketb_ll6. app_e2.什么顏色4.上學(xué)6. excuse me8. have lunch10. have a look3. w_tck4.7. sk_ting8. f_ot9. b_d10. rm 11.f shingq.m_n三、找出不是同類的詞。()1.A. glovesB. shortC. socksD. shoes()2.A.sitB

37、. copyC. wordD. draw()3.A.bigB. hungryC. longD. small()4.A.rabbitB. lionC. monkeyD. toy()5.A.,writeB. blackC. yellowD. red四、選擇。()1 .It ,s timehave lunch .A. toB. forC. at()2.Mike. Where 's my pen? - Sorry, Iknow .A. notB. don ' tC. can ' t()3. -What' s the time ?-.A. All rightB. That

38、 ' s rightC. It ' s eight()4.- Is that a TV ?-.A. Yes, it isn ' t B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is()5.- Where' s my bag ?-A. It ' s six o ' clockB. No, it isn ' t C. On the chair()6.你想問別人要些什么時,可以說:A. What would you like ? B. What do you do ?)7.當你找不到媽媽時,你會問A. Where' s my mo

39、ther ?B. Who' s my mother ?)8.媽媽問你是否想吃冰淇淋,你想要時說A . Sounds good .B. No, thank you.)9.如果你是售貨員,你會對顧客說A . What' s this ?B . Can I help you ?)10. 你早晨在校園里遇到同學(xué)、老師時,可以說A. Good morning .B. Good evening .五、用正確的形式填空。1 Therean animal. (be)2 Theresome milk.(be)3 My motherat home here.(be)4 I can(jump) hi

40、gh.5 Those are(lion)6 This is(Sam)sweater.7 Sam(have) got a pet cat.8 Whatyou going to do today?9 Can you(swim)?10like(play)the piano?六、選用方框中的詞或詞組填空。How,What' s1.shoes are these?They' re Nancy '2.are you?Fine, thank you .3. is this in English? It' s an umbrella4.is the book?It ' s on the des


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