



1、小學(xué)英語試卷40%1 聽錄音,編號(hào)。 (10%)強(qiáng)壯的 文靜的 活潑的 和藹的()()()()活稽的 校長 大學(xué)生 女士()()()()先生老師()()2 聽錄音,選出你聽到的一項(xiàng)。(10%)1 . ( ) A short B shirt2 ( ) A tall B ball3 . ( ) A thin B this4 ( ) A miss B Mr5( ) A break B black6 ( ) A English B science7 ( ) A Is he strict? B Is she smart?8 ( ) A Yes, she is. B Yes, he is.9 ( ) A

2、What is your father like?B Where is he from?10 ( ) A Who s that lady? B Whose bag is it?三 聽錄音,選出所聽到的問題的最佳答語。 (10%)1. ( ) A Yes, she is. B Yes, he is.2. ( ) A. Mr Zhao. B He s funny.3. ( ) A He s from Canada. B. He s Wang Tao.4. ( ) A She s thin. B Yes, she is.5. ( ) A. Yes, she is quite. B No, she i

3、s quite.四聽錄音, 填空 (10%)1. is your math like?He is and .2. is she? Oh,is my mother.3. The story( 故事 ) is , but it s very 4. Our principal is ,but she is .筆試部分 (60%)五 找出不同類的一個(gè)。(5)1( ) A young B old C ball2. ( ) A funny B fun C strong3. ( ) A what B who C water4. ( ) A China B Chinese C English5. ( ) A

4、woman B lady C man六 . 填入所缺字母,完成單詞并寫出中文。(12) t _ ll ( ) f _ nny ( ) k _ nd ( ) s tr_ct ( )5 smt ( ) 6 act _ ve ( )7 st_dent( ) 8 pr_ncipal( )七 把問題和答語對(duì)應(yīng)起來。( 5)( ) Who s that man? A 、 He s from China.( ) What s he like? B 、 He s my teacher.( ) Where s he from? C 、 No, she is old.( ) Is Miss Wang young?

5、 D 、 He s short and thin.( ) Is Mr Wang young? E 、 No, he is old.八中英文連線。( 10)十二Miss * he 誰但是twenty * she哪里二十but * who 什么小姐twelve * what他校長principal * where她九選擇正確答案并將字母序號(hào)填在括號(hào)里。(5)( )1 Look at the man ,he is 【 A strong B a strong C science 】( )2 What s he like? thin and short.【A. ShesB. He s C. his 】(

6、 )3 This is _ university student.【 A an B a C 不填】( )4 funny? Yes, she is.【 A Is he B Who s C Is she 】( )5 1. Who s math teacher?【 A. your B. I C. you】十連詞成句并寫出中文。( 10)1. What he is like(?)2. He tall strong is and (.)3. that is young who man (?)4. is Our principal kind very(.)5. classes what like you do (?)(8%)1. ( 誰是你的新的語文老師?)is your Chin


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