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1、RBA 手冊要素 Manual elements文件名稱 Procedure name文件編號NO.5.7 LOTO procedure 掛牌上鎖治理掛牌上鎖治理程序RBAC-P-32-A.0修訂記錄Revision History編制人Author發(fā)放日期Release Date生效日期Effective Date修訂內(nèi)容Change Description版本號Rev陳沖2021.06.012021.06.01A.2批準Approvals職位Position簽名Name日期DateRBA 手冊要素 Manual elements文件名稱 Procedure name文件編號NO.5.7 L

2、OTO procedure 掛牌上鎖治理掛牌上鎖治理程序RBAC-P-32-A.0LOTO掛牌上鎖及危害能量限制治理程序中英文1.0 PurposeTo identify and control hazardous energy in the process of equipment maintenance, to prevent the accidents caused by accidental release of hazardous energy, and to ensure xxx Company, In c. ' s employee and property safety

3、.2.1 ScopeThis standard is applicable to the machinery, equipment or system of energy, energy release locking and all equipment accidents due to out of control energy, and the need to for proper treatment for energy and to prevent damage to equipment and personnel and destruction of all the work.For

4、 non-repair / maintenance activities, such as sampling, lubrication, cleaning, adjustment, change of tools, to remove the obstruction and maintenance, which energy cannot isolate operations, are required to separate operation safety assessment and develop standard operating procedures. Only those wh

5、o are trained and authorized personnel can carry out the operation.This standard applies to the enterprise within the jurisdiction of the contractor maintenance work.2.2 ResponsibilityThe enterprise shall clearly define the person responsible for the energy isolation management and lockout / tag out

6、 management. He shall be responsible for the promotion and management of the entire enterprise risk in all energy related activities. He shall conduct risk identification and control, and regularly review the implementation of this standard.2.3 The energy isolation and LOTO detail requirements2.4 Ge

7、neral requirementsa) Company should establish requirements of energy control programme and LOTO program.Through the implementation of this programme, the possibility of exposure to risk tofpossible emergency recovery energy, start or stored energy release, and harm, can be eliminated or reduced.b) A

8、ll devices should be locked if possible. An energy isolating device needs to have one of the following conditions in order to be locked:RBA 手冊要素 Manual elements文件名稱 Procedure name文件編號NO.5.7 LOTO procedure 掛牌上鎖治理掛牌上鎖治理程序RBAC-P-32-A.0Equipped with other additional devices, so that the lock can be fixe

9、d on the deviceHas internal configuration structure for lockingNo disassembly, re-establishment or reinstalling of energy isolating device or without permanent damage to its energy control ability.c) If a mechanical / equipment is not available for locked energy isolation, transformation plan should

10、 be established to ensure that it can operate in LOTO. Before transformation, there should be a detailed operating procedures to prevent the risk of injury accidents causedby the accidental release of energyd) LOTO operation is the one of the high risk operations, Permit To Work management system sh

11、ould include the content of LOTO.2.5 Hazardous energy and locking.2.5.1 Identification of dangerous source of energy and related repair and maintenance tasksComprehensive identification of isolated power source is the first step to effective isolation. Possible energy source:WElectric eHeat BChemica

12、lMechanicalCompressed airRadiationGravityPotentialOthersased on the Process and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID), charts, and other documents provided by the supplier, the related potentially dangerous electrical energy, fluid pressure, mechanical drive, hydraulic and pneumatic can be identified a

13、s different types of energy source to be isolated.RBA 手冊要素 Manual elements文件名稱 Procedure name文件編號NO.5.7 LOTO procedure 掛牌上鎖治理掛牌上鎖治理程序RBAC-P-32-A.02.5.2 Identify the LOTO point and choose the isolation waya) Identify and mark all isolated points clearly (i.e. indicate separation point in the LOTO doc

14、ument through labelling)b) Determine the energy isolating device needed, such as circuit breakers, blind plate, plate valve and application lock to be placed in the field (or LOTO station)c) Equip with all kinds of locks and define the requirements, such as personal lock, supervisor lock / group loc

15、k.Different isolation methods should be used for different isolated points of energy. In the isolation of combustible gas, toxic and harmful gases to purge and confined space operations, isolation type must be of the highest level achievable. Stop and emergency stop switch cannot be used as isolatio

16、n equipment start-up; independent manual control switch circuit can be electrical isolated.Group lock and personal lock:LocktypePurposeExpiresColorKeyTagGroup lockIf group lock is being used, no personal lock is to be used.Only for one shift or less.No special requirement for color. The lock is only

17、 forOne key.No master key.RequiredGroup lock can be used together with LOTO box.LOTO.PersonallockOnly for authorized personOnly for one shiftNormally, red.The lock is only for LOTO.One key.No master key.Red tag.Emergency removal of lockThere may be incidents where the employee did no bring their per

18、sonal lock. In these circumstances, as far as possible, all efforts should be taken to contact the employee that his locks need to be broken open. If contact is not possible, only the general manager of the factory or factory designated engineer has the right to remove the lock, and only after confi

19、rming the following actions:RBA 手冊要素 Manual elements文件名稱 Procedure name文件編號NO.5.7 LOTO procedure 掛牌上鎖治理掛牌上鎖治理程序RBAC-P-32-A.0A) Confirm that the person is not in the plantB) Evaluation of the situationC) Deactivate the card access, clearly inform the security room that the person is not allowed to en

20、ter it again,until written approval is attained from plant manager or plant engineer4.2.3 Isolation, residue energy release and confirmation effect of isolationImplementation of LOTO requires professionals according to standard operating procedures (SOP) to conduct the following: issue work permit i

21、n the energy isolation plan, select the isolation lock, tag and chain suitable device isolation of isolated points in isolation plan. Different order for lock should be considered for different energy type. Procedures to release the residual energy should be included in the isolation procedure to en

22、sure energy source is completely broken down. The equipment should not be started up until the isolation requirements is completed. Special attention should be paid to discharge the capacitor and inductor, as the charged state of this kind of device will be maintained for a period of time after the

23、completion of the isolation (about 5min). The working area should be in" zero energy " state after residual energy is released. The releaseof the residual energy and the verification of isolation effect are the key steps of LOTO.4.2.4 LOTO requirementsCompleted isolation and verification,

24、should be locked and tagged, indicating the corresponding isolated permit number on the label (or license number, date of isolation, operator 'name) and other information. Review staffs are to verify according to the permit content and endorse at the signature column. Isolation of single and gro

25、up key should be corresponding to the central control room (or permit issued by the people) centralized management. Maintenance work can only begin after all verification and approval work is completed.4.2.5 Energy isolation dismantle4.2.6 When the repair work is completed, the person in charge of i

26、solation permit (permit to work) will endorsed on the quarantine permit column.Professional personnel in the control room (isolated from issuing work permits) will retrieve the isolated single keys, repair the homework before the full isolation is remove, restore the device to repair before the stat

27、e (the standby state or condition). Standard operation procedureRBA 手冊要素 Manual elements文件名稱 Procedure name文件編號NO.5.7 LOTO procedure 掛牌上鎖治理掛牌上鎖治理程序RBAC-P-32-A.0Specific procedure for machine/equipment should be written and posted on the machine/equipment. Procedure should include steps to turn off,

28、stop, turn on and recover the energy used.Except .6, all specific procedure for the machine and equipment should include:a) Affected person should be informed before, during and after LOTO work.b) After implementation of LOTO, the residual energy should be released and confirmed by authorise

29、d person. The emergency stop button or other control circuit as isolation method is not acceptable. The authorized operator should be the person in charge.c) Fill in the isolation list and signd) All work on the equipment personnel are required to lock the LOTO point. If group lock is in use, regula

30、r inspection is required. For example, the shift change and the working plan change. (for how to use the lock see 4.2.3)e) The person who last removed the lock and tag should check all the machine and equipment to ensure the safety of this machine and equipment.f) Before commissioning, remove the is

31、olation and tag, all protection and safety system should be established by authorised person.4.2.7 Training and authorizationLOTO is a high risk operation. LOTO operation related person and approval person should attend the training. Training and approval from relevant manager are the prerequisites

32、to conduct any LOTO related work. Therefore, before the implementation of LOTO, initial training should be provided, so that all authorized personnel have an understanding of the requirements of this standard. At the same time, improving the awareness of all affected personnel carrying out LOTO thro

33、ugh training, the affected employee will recognise the LOTO environment and know their responsibility. The training includes involved contractors. For the temporary working contractor, the orientation should include LOTO information.The following personnel are required to attend the training:a) LOTO

34、 operator (include SOP training)RBA 手冊要素 Manual elements文件名稱 Procedure name文件編號NO.5.7 LOTO procedure 掛牌上鎖治理掛牌上鎖治理程序RBAC-P-32-A.0b) energy isolation personnel and LOTO approve personnelc) equipment management personneld) area management personnele) affected personnelf) EHS personnelTraining should be

35、 updated under the following situation:a) New or updated LOTO procedureb) Authorization person changec) LOTO work plan changed) Additional LOTO risk occur, for example, new equipment, new process, new LOTO device.e) Personnel found to be not as competent in LOTO1.1.8 Break off energy isolationIf wor

36、k needs to be done during the LOTOIf the above work has been finished, we should execute all steps of LOTO (attachment steps18) before working.1.1.9 JSA should be conducted for all energy related work without specific SOP. All energy isolation and LOTO control measure should follow the above permit

37、to work process.4.3 Change Management4.3.1 All changesfor energy isolation and LOTO related machine and equipment should follow the change management procedure. Trained personnel should conduct the risk assessment and conduct procedure .8 before the change. Special LOTO procedure should be u

38、pdated and training conducted for all related person.4.3.2 If there are changes to people or work environment, energy isolation should be re-assessed, and ensure all operation should be in“ Zero Energy State ".4.4 Incident Management and Continual Improvement4.4.1 All incidents should be invest

39、igated. All equipment and process that are not according to the standards should be improved.4.4.2 Conduct energy isolation and LOTO assessment every year. All suggestions should be in the improvement plant and tracked regularly.RBA 手冊要素 Manual elements文件名稱 Procedure name文件編號NO.5.7 LOTO procedure 掛牌

40、上鎖治理掛牌上鎖治理程序RBAC-P-32-A.04.5 Early Equipment Management4.5.1 Requirements on LOTO should be communicated to the acquisition team and taken into consideration during acquisition of equipment.Attachment 1: LOTO 9 stepsAttachment 2: Terms and definitionsRBA 手冊要素 Manual elements文件名稱 Procedure name文件編號NO

41、.5.7 LOTO procedure 掛牌上鎖治理掛牌上鎖治理程序RBAC-P-32-A.0Attachment : LOTO 9 stepsSteplI dentify energyStep 2I nform effected personStep_3Shut down theequipmentStep 4Disconnect All EnergySourcesStep 5Apply Lockout -TagoutStep 6Release All StoredEnergyStep 7Verify the Isolation andLockoutStep 8Keep safe and lo

42、ckStep 9Dismantle LOTOO nly trained, approved and authorized person can conduct the LOTO work.LOTOoperation should be as follow:1. Identify energy: authorized person should know the LOTO 9 steps and can identify the energy.2. Inform affected person: before the LOTO start and after dismantle the LOTO

43、, all affected person should be informed. (including operators, technician, engineer and area manager)3. Shut down the equipment: shut down all power switch and buttons on the equipment.4. Identify and disconnect all energy sources (eg, electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic etc) so thatthe machine or equ

44、ipment is isolated from all energy source(s). Energy isolating devices such as manually operated circuit breakers or isolating switches are used for disconnecting energy sources.5. Apply Lockout-Tagout: authorized person should conduct the LOTO operation as one of the following requirements:Install

45、LOTO locks, red signs and fix them on the machine, equipment, program or circuit power isolationdevice (such as circuit breaker, valves etc.). If the power isolation device is inconvenient to lock, the use ofRBA 手冊要素 Manual elements文件名稱 Procedure name文件編號NO.5.7 LOTO procedure 掛牌上鎖治理掛牌上鎖治理程序RBAC-P-32

46、-A.0grab bucket, valve, switch, wall switch or gate valve locking device is required. "1 person, 1 lock, 1 key' must be followedNote: in the group working situation, can also be used with a lock box.Verification of dynamic isolation device is still in the state of "locking", which

47、 is "safe" or "off" position.If the red label is not directly fixed on a power isolating device, it should be placed on safe and the nearest area. In addition, signages should be put up at the operator' s work station to indicate whichmachine/equipment has been energy disable

48、d. For example, if it is located at the top of the electric bus isolation switch, the sign should be placed at the station. Do not use the equipment.6. Release All Stored Energy: Release or restrained any residual or stored energy (such as that in capacitor, spring, elevated machine members, rotatin

49、g flywheels, hydraulic systems, air, gas, steam, or water pressure, etc) to ensure the effectiveness of lockout so that the lockout will not create any hazard to workers. This can be done by methods such as grounding, repositioning, blocking, bleeding down, etc.7. Verify the Isolation and Lockout: C

50、heck that all personnel are clear from hazardous area and verify the isolation and lockout. Ensure that the equipment reduced to zero energy state by operating the push button or other normal operating control(s) or other means of testing to confirm that the equipment will not operate.8. Keep safe a

51、nd lock: avoid any attempt to re-start the equipment.9. Dismantle LOTO: before Dismantle LOTO, authorized person should follow below steps:Check the machine or equipment and the immediate area around the machine to ensure that items not supposed to be on there have been removed and all items previou

52、sly removed (eg, machine guarding, parts etc) are operationally intact. All affect people are safeAnnounce that the machine will be turned on.Remove the lockout devices and tag and reenergized the machine or equipment.Check all maintenance work has been done. If yes, than machine and equipment can t

53、urn on, if not, LOTO should conduct again.Turn of the machine or equipment properly.RBA 手冊要素 Manual elements文件名稱 Procedure name文件編號NO.5.7 LOTO procedure 掛牌上鎖治理掛牌上鎖治理程序RBAC-P-32-A.0Attachment 2: Terms and definitionsNear equipment/ Machines that are situated nearby should have their energy source pro

54、cedure : identified to prevent any potential danger brought by these energy sources.Affected person:Anyone who either works or may work in an area where a lockout procedure isperformed, is not authorized for LOTO.Relevant Relevant energy source is the power source independent from Equipment the affe

55、cted operating machines, equipment, procedures andcircuits. Take the drilling fixture for instance, components are/Process: : taken over from robot, which works continuously to getcomponents from transport. In this case, if the power of drilling fixture shuts off, it will not affect the operation of

56、 transport and robot, as they are powered independently. However, only if both robot and transport were locked, the security will be in good condition. Therefore, identifying the relevant energy source carried by robot and transport is important as well.Authorized Person:An individual qualified to p

57、erform a lockout procedure by virtue of trainingand demonstrated competency.The device can hold back the release of dynamic or theEnergy Isolationtransforming physically, which includes but not limited to:electric breaker of manual operation; disconnecting switch;Device :switch of manual operation,

58、which can be used without poleseparately, and get wire of circuits disconnected with all nonearth conductors;circuit valve; plug; other similar devices can block or isolate power source. To ensure power device is isolated by actively use of LOTO lock, which prevents equipment from being energized. LOTO lock includes blind flange and blind plate


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