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1、專題07 情態(tài)動詞和虛擬語氣1Nowadays children have more freedom.I agree. They _ do what they like.Aneed BmustCshould Dcan2Please don't tell anybody.I _. I promise.Acan'tBdon'tCwon'tDmustn't3 _ from the bright smile on his face, he _ in passing the job interview. AJudging; must have succeeded

2、BJudging; might succeedCJudged; must have succeeded DJudged, might succeed4 I felt surprised that anyone of his intelligence _ such an easy test.A.might have failedBcould have failedC.should have failedDmust have failed5You _ in person; a telephone would have been enough. Acouldn't have come Bne

3、edn't have come Cshouldn't have come Dmustn't have come6 _ your letter, I would have set off two days ago.AIf I could have received BShould I receiveCIf I received DHad I received7 When I lived with my roommates in the university, we _ often talk into the night.Amight Bcould Cshould Dwou

4、ld答案:D情態(tài)動詞用法。would 在此表示過去的習慣性動作,其他幾項沒有此意。8Where did you get The Frog written by Mo Yan?I picked it up from a bookshop online if you _ know.Amust Bwill Ccan Dshall9Every time she was in trouble, she went to him for help, as he said he _ do anything for her.Ashould Bmust Cwould Dmight10 _ me what you

5、wanted to know, I should not have wasted my time talking so much with you.A.Had you toldBYou have toldCYou had toldDHave you told11 I wrote a letter to John for his help during my high school years,without which I _ the college entrance exam.Awould fail Bwould have failed Cshould fail Dmust have fai

6、led12Did Ann fail in English?She _. Don't you notice that she looks depressed?A.might Bmust Cmay have Dcould have13 Students _ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.AwouldBshallCwillDcould答案:B考查情態(tài)動詞。該空 shall表示規(guī)定、命令,故選B。14She didn't come to the party last Sunday. _, s

7、he must have made the party more exciting.AIf she came BWould she come CHad she come DDid she come答案:CHad she comeIf she had come。語境為與last Sunday 的事實相反。15 I know that it will be difficult to pick him out in such a crowd, but if you _ happen to see him, give him this packet.A.wouldBmightCshouldDcould

8、16 _ the arrival of the police, I would have been robbed by two masked men.AHad it not been for BIf it were not forCHad it been not for DIf it would not be for17Why does Thomas speak through every discussion but never listen to the others?That's what he _ do. We used to hate that, but are used t

9、o it now.Aought to BcanCwill Dmight答案:C考查情態(tài)動詞。ought to最基本的意思是“應該”,既可指有責任或義務,也可指建議或勸告某人“應該”做某事,還可指推測某事或某情況“應該”會發(fā)生等;can表能力;will表意愿,還可表示決心、許諾、指示、叮囑等;might意為“也許”,常表推測。由語境可知,答句意為:那是他愿意做的事情。過去我們討厭,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)習慣了。故C項正確。18One of our rules is that every student _ wear the school uniform while at school.Amight Bcoul

10、dCshall Dwill19 If the island _ a tourist attraction, last week's earthquake would have caused far more deaths.Aremained Bwould remainChas remained Dis to remain20We can't use it to tie the goods because it _ be broken at the weakest position.Ashall BmayCcan Dwould21May I smoke here?If you _

11、, choose a seat in the smoking section.Ashould BcouldCmust Dmay22 No matter how healthy you _ be, you need to consult a doctor from time to time.Ashould BwillCmust Dmay23 We all know that we _ our carbon footprint, but I suspect that many people wouldn't be prepared to go as far as Joan Pick, a

12、retired scientist living in south London.Amust have reduced Bshould have reducedCmay have reduced Dcould have reduced24Brain, like muscles, also needs some kind of exercise and nutrition. The more you use your brain in the right direction, the more you _ enhance your ability.Acould BmightCshall Dwil

13、l答案:D考查情態(tài)動詞。句意為:大腦像肌肉一樣也需要一些鍛煉和營養(yǎng)。以正確的方式用腦,你用得越多,就越能夠增加你的能力。根據(jù)語意可知,此處表示“將,會”的概念,因此應用will一詞。故答案選D。25Mum, I'm tired.Well, if you _ go to bed after midnight every night, what do you expect?Awill BmayCshould Dcan26 The sleeping baby would be scared _ a sudden loud noise.Awas there Bthere wasCshould

14、there be Dthere should be27.Could you please have my car ready today?Sure, the damage is not that serious, so it _ be ready by 5:00 pm.Ashould BcouldCmight Dneed28 The parcel was a whole week late. How I wish I _ air mail instead.Ahad chosen Bwould chooseCchose Dchoose答案:A考查虛擬語氣。句意為:這個包裹晚了整整一周。我多么希望

15、我當初選擇的是航空郵政。根據(jù)題干可知,本句考查的是wish后的賓語從句使用虛擬語氣的用法。根據(jù)語境可知,此處是與過去情況相反的虛擬語氣,故應用“had過去分詞”結(jié)構(gòu),had chosen符合題意。故答案選A。29_ you leave now? You only arrived an hour ago!Sorry, but so much homework is waiting for me.AMust BMayCCan DMight30 There was something wrong with the network, or the e­mail _ earlier.Acoul

16、d have been sent Bmight be sentCneed have been sent Dmust be sent31A hot balloon blew up in Egypt. There _ something wrong with the quality of it.Amay have been Bmust beCneed have been Dmight be32David is often absent from class.Tell him he _ answer for it if he goes on behaving like that.Ashall Bmi

17、ghtCwould Dcan答案:A考查情態(tài)動詞。句意為:David現(xiàn)在經(jīng)常曠課。告訴他,如果再這樣,后果自負。情態(tài)動詞shall用于第二、三人稱的陳述句中,可表示警告、許諾、命令、威脅等語氣。故答案選A。33 Time _ heal a broken heart. After five years, Steve seems to have got over the sorrow of losing his son.Ashould BwouldCshall Dcan34For those of you who _ a few very popular articles that came ou

18、t last week, check out this mail.Amay miss Bmust have missedCmay have missed Dwould have missed35Can you keep a secret?You _ worryI'm not going to mention it to anyone.Aneedn't Bcouldn'tCmustn't Dwon't答案:A考查情態(tài)動詞。句意為:你能幫我保守秘密嗎?你不必擔心,我不會向任何人提及的。needn't不必要;couldn't不能夠;mustn&

19、#39;t禁止;won't將不會。根據(jù)句意可知,答案A符合語境。36 We _ here on time but we were caught in a traffic jam.Amust have arrived Bcould have arrivedCneed have arrived Dshould have arrived37 If you _ home without a word, your parents wouldn't be so worried now.Adidn't leave Bcouldn't have leftChadn't

20、left Dshouldn't leave38 If I _ your advice then, I think that the crops could be growing better.Atook Bwould have takenChad taken Dhave taken答案:C考查虛擬語氣。句意為:要是當時我聽了你的建議,現(xiàn)在莊稼可能長得更好。由“then”可知,此處是對過去事實的虛擬,所以if引導的條件句要用“had過去分詞”形式。故答案選C。39How was your trip to Yancheng last week?Wonderful! I only felt

21、sorry that I _ the nature reserve of red­crowned cranes, but the weather was awful.Acould visit Bcould have visitedCmight visit Dmight have visited答案:B考查虛擬語氣。句意為:你上周去鹽城的旅游怎么樣?相當不錯!要不是天氣糟糕的話,我本可以去參觀丹頂鶴自然保護區(qū)的。那是我唯一感到遺憾的事情。本題為含蓄式虛擬語氣的表達,其中but引導的句子相當于if條件句。根據(jù)語意可知,此處是對過去情況的假設虛擬,因此主句中的謂語動詞應用“should/c

22、ould/wouldhave done”的形式。故答案選B。40 If you want somebody to go window shopping with you, why not try calling Marie? she _ be home by now.Ashall BshouldCwill Dwould41 People love the convenience of bottled water, but if they _ the problem it causes, they _ try carrying water in a reusable steel containe

23、r instead of plastic.Arealized; will Bhad realized; willCrealized; would Dhave realized; would42Show me your permit, please.Oh, it's not in my pocket. It _.Amust have fallen out Bmight fall outCcould fall out Dshould have fallen out43 According to the rules and regulations, all payments _ be mad

24、e in cash in the shopping center.Ashall BcanCmust Dshould答案:A考查情態(tài)動詞。句意為:根據(jù)規(guī)定,購物中心的所有款項都應以現(xiàn)金支付。情態(tài)動詞shall用于第三人稱時,表示“法律和條文等的規(guī)定”。故答案選A。44 Martin hasn't got in touch with me for ages. He _ my new cell phone number.Acan't get Bmustn't getCcan't have got Dshouldn't have got45How dangero

25、us it was!Yes, but for the passer­by's quick action, the girl _.Awas drowned Bcould have been drownedChad drowned Dshould be drowned46 The project was carefully planned, or a great deal of money _.Awill lose Bwill be lostCwould have lost Dwould have been lost47 I _ him in time, otherwise he

26、 would have fallen off the bike.Ahad supported BsupportedChave supported Dsupport48The research on the new flu virus vaccine is challenging and demanding. Who do you think can do the job?_ my students have a try?AMay BMustCWill DShall49 She often shares her deepest thoughts and fears with friends th

27、rough QQ, as if they _ chatting in her living room.Awere BareChad been Dhas been答案:A考查虛擬語氣。句意為:她經(jīng)常在QQ上和朋友們分享她內(nèi)心最深處的想法和擔心,好像他們正在客廳里聊天似的。根據(jù)語境可知,as if引導的狀語從句是與現(xiàn)在事實相反的虛擬語氣,因此,從句中用be的過去式were。故答案選A。50 Oh, I'm not feeling well in the stomach. I _ so much fried chicken just now.Ashouldn't eat Bmustn

28、't have eatenCmustn't eat Dshouldn't have eaten答案:D考查情態(tài)動詞。情態(tài)動詞與動詞原形連用可以表示對現(xiàn)在和將來的推測;當它與動詞完成式連用時表示對過去的推測。本題根據(jù)just now可排除A、C兩項;must have done意為“想必過去一定做過某事”,其否定式常用can't have done形式;shouldn't have done意為“過去本不應該做某事”。由語境可知,此處是指剛才本不該吃那么多炸雞。故D項正確。51 Thanks to my teacher's valuable hel

29、p, otherwise I _ my college entrance exam.Acan't pass Bhadn't passedCwould not have passed Dhave not passed52 Your teacher _ very angry at that moment because you talked back to her like that.Ashould have been Bmust have beenCmust be Dmight have been53Don't be angry with us. We _ with you together, but we were busy with our final reports when you called in.Awould eat out Bmust have eaten outCshould


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