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1、2010屆高考各地模擬閱讀理解分類匯編科普環(huán)保類1(2010 湖南省株洲市二中高三第一次月考)Microwaves may be great at warming up food, but what about warming people?Using microwaves to directly heat owners of a room would save much of the energy wasted by heatingwalls and furniture. And despite popular ideas about microwaves, this technique w

2、ould be safe, according toCharles R. Burlier of the Microwave Research Center in Marlborough, New Hampshire. Low-powermicrowaves only penetrate 貫( 穿) the skin (low-power microwave penetration in a ham is about 0.2 inches,for example) and with no negative effects.To test this idea, Buffler subjected

3、himself to microwaves in a special room using a standard 500-watt,2459 MHz magnetron (磁控管 ). He found that a person will start to feel warmth at about 20 milliwatts persquare centimeter (mw. / sq. cm. ) ; a satisfactory feeling of warmth occurs between 35 and 50mw. / sq. cm.By comparison, a person s

4、tanding in noonday summer sun feels the amount of 85 mw. / sq. cm. And afrozen meat pie in your microwave oven receives about 1000 mw. / sq. cm.In houses of the future, each room could be provided with its own magnetron, says Buffler. When youstepped into the living room, for example, a motion detec

5、tor would turn on the magnetron, filling the roomwith low-power microwaves. In the same way that a microwave oven heats up a hamburger, but not the plateit s on, you would feel warmth from the microwaveswithout changing the temperature of your coffee table. (You could, however, make your favorite ea

6、sy chaireven more comfortable by treating it with a radiation-absorbing chemical. )While it might be some time before homeowners are comfortable enough with the idea to set upwhole-body microwave heaters in houses, Buffler says microwaves may attract livestock farmers. Lambsthat are born outdoors in

7、 winter, for example, are frequently lost to cold. Microwaves could warm the lambssafely and quickly.60. Which of the following can tell the main idea of the passage?A. A new heating system.B. A new microwave oven.2C. A popular technique.D. The magnetron.61. According to paragraph 2, which of the fo

8、llowing does not describe the characteristics of amicrowave heater?A. It directly heats people in a room.B. It heats walls and furniture in a room.C. It is safe.D. It saves energy62. The test conducted by Buffler shows that when a person feels comfortable warmth, he receivesabout.A. 20 mw. / sq. cm.

9、B. 40 mw. / sq. cm.C. 60 mw. / sq. cm.D. 85 mw. / sq. cm63. According to paragraph 4, which of the following fills the room with low-power microwaves?A. The magnetron.B. A frozen meat pie.C. The microwave oven.D. The radiation-absorbing chemical.64. Which of the following statements about microwave

10、heaters would Buffler most probably agreewith?A. Microwave heaters will soon be widely used by homeowners.B. Microwave heaters sometimes make people feel uncomfortable.C. Perhaps microwave heaters will be first used by livestock farmers, who wish to protect their lambs inwinter.D. Microwave heaters

11、cannot be accepted by the public because they are somewhat unsafe.答案: 60-64 A BBAC(2010 天津市耀華中學(xué)高三暑假驗(yàn)收考試)In the atmosphere carbon dioxide, acts rather like aone-way mirror or the glass in the roof of a greenhouse which allows the sun but prevents the heat fromescapingAccording to a weather experts pr

12、ediction,the atmosphere will be 3C warmer in the year 2050than it is today, if man continues to burn fuels at the present rateIf this warming up took place,the ice caps inthe poles would begin to melt thus raising sea level several meters and severely flooding coastal citiesAlso,the increase in atmo

13、spheric temperature would lead to great changes in the climate of thenorthern hemisphere,possibly resulting in an alteration of the earth chief food growings zonesin the past, concern about a man-made warming of the earth has concentrated on the Arctic becausethe Antarctic is much colder and has a m

14、uch thicker ice sheetBut the weather expels are Bow paying moreattention to West Antarctic,which may be affected by only a few degrees of warming,in other words,by awarming on the scale that will possibly take place in the next fiftyyears from the burning of fuelsSatellite pictures show that large a

15、reas of Antarctic ice are already disappearingThe evidenceavailable suggests that a warming has taken placeThis fits the theory that carbon dioxide warms the earthHowever, most of the fuel is burnt in the northern hemisphere,where temperatures seem to befallingScientists conclude,therefore,that up t

16、o now natural influences on the weather have gone beyondthose caused by manThe question is:Which natural causehas most effect on the weather?One possibility is the variable behavior of the sunAstronomers at one research station have studiedthe hot spots and coldspots (that is, the relatively less ho

17、t spots) on the sun As the sun rotates 旋轉(zhuǎn)) ,every27. 5 days, it presents hotter or colder faces to the eart, and different aspects to different parts of the earthThisseems to have a considerable effect on the distribution of the earths atmospheric pressur,eand consequentlyon wind circulationThe sun

18、is also changeable over a long term:its heat output goes up and down in cycle,sthe latest trend being downwardScientists are now finding shared relations between models of solar weather interactions and theactual climate over many thousands of yea,rsincluding the last Ice AgeThe problem is that the

19、models arepredicting that the world should be entering a new Ice Age and it is not One way of solving this theoreticaldifficulty is to assume a delay of thousands of years while the solar effects overcome the inertia 惰性性)of theearth s climate. If this is right, the warming effect of carbon dioxide m

20、ight thus be serving as a useful oppsoedsraybalance to the sun s fading heat46. It can be concluded that a concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmospherewould.A.mean a warming-up in the ArcticB.raise the temperature of the earth s surfaceC.prevent the sun s rays from reaching the earth s surfaceD

21、.explain the cause of great changes in the climate in the northern hemisphere47. The article was written to explainA.the greenhouse effectB. the solar effects on the earthC. the causes affecting weatherD. the models of solar weather interactions48. Although the fuel consumption is greater in the nor

22、thern hemispher.e temperatures thereseemto befalling. This is.A.mainly because the levels of carbon dioxide are risingB.partly due to changes in the output of solar energyC.possibly because the ice caps in the poles are meltingD.only due to the effect of the inertia of the earth s climate49. On the

23、basis of their models , scientists are of the opinion thatA.the climate of the world should be becoming coolerB.the new Ice Age will be delayed by the greenhouse effectC.the man. made warming effect helps to increase the solar effectsD.it will take thousands of years for the inertia of the earth s c

24、limate to take50. If the assumption about the delay of a flew ice, Age is correct ,A.ice would soon cover the northern hemisphereB the greenhouse effect could work in favor of the earthC the best way to overcome the cooling effect would be to bum more fuelsD the increased levels of carbon dioxide co

25、uld warm up the earth even more quickly 答案: 46-50BCBAB3(2010 寧夏銀川實(shí)驗(yàn)中學(xué)高三上第一次月考)Some people can stay up all night and stillget work done the next day. Im not one of them. After a night w i t h o ul et e pn,oIufgehe lsbad-tempered. I have trouble remembering things. And all I want to do is crawl into b

26、ed and sleep.How do you feel after youve stayed up late to finish schoolwork? Or the day after anovernight party? Scientists now say that your answers to these questions may depend on your genes.New research suggests that a gene called“period 3 ” affects how well you function withousleep. The “perio

27、d 3 ” gene comes in two forms: short and long. Everyone has two copies of the gene. So,you may have two longs, two shorts, or one of each. Your particular combination depends on what your parentspassed on to you.Scientists from the University of Surrey in England studied 24 people who had either two

28、 short or two longcopies of “period 3 ”. Study padrtitcoipsatantysahwake for 40 hours straight. Then, they took tests thatmeasured how quickly they pushed a button when numbers flashed no a screen and how well they couldremember lists of numbers.Results showed that the people with the short form of“

29、period 3 ” performed much bethese tests than the people with the long form did. In both groups, people performed worst in the early morningAfter the first round of experiments, participants were finally allowed to sleep. People in the group thatperformedwell on the tests (those with the short form o

30、f“period 3 ”) took abouminutes to nod off.People with the long “period 3 ” gene, by contrast fell asleep in just 8 minutes. They also spen moretime on deep sleep. That suggests that people with the long form of the gene need more and deeper sleep tokeep their brains working in top form.I think I mus

31、t have the long form of“period 3 ”. What about you?63 .The purpose of this passage might be ?A. to tell us the importance of plenty of sleepB. to tell the result of a research on sleepy geneC .to inform the harm of lacking sleepD. to announce the sleeping rules of humans 64What kind of people need l

32、ess sleep according to theresearch?A. Those with two short copies of the geneB Those with two long copies of the geneC Those with one short and one long copy of the geneD Those with three short copies of the gene65 If one lacks enough sleep, one should avoid doing important or dangerous things .A at

33、 noonBat nightCin the afternoon Dat dawn66Why did the writer suppose he or she had the long form of“ period 3 ”?A.Because the writer could remain energetic without enough sleepB Because the writer could do things correctly at dawnC Because the writer needed more sleep to keep energeticD Because the

34、writer recovered quickly after sleep 答案: 63-66 BADC4(2010 黑龍江省哈三中高三上 9 月月考) How do you feel after youve stayed up late to finishschoolwork? Or the day after a slumber party? Scientists now say that your answers to these questions maydepend on your genes.Genes are stretches of DNA that work like an i

35、nstruction manual for our cells. Genes tell our bodiesand brains what to do. People have about 40,000 genes, and each gene can have different forms. So, forexample, certain forms of some genes make your eyes blue. Other versions of those genes make your eyesbrown.In a similar way, new research sugge

36、sts that a gene called period3 affects how well you function withoutsleep. The discovery adds to older evidence that period3 helps determine whether you like to stay up late or getup early.The period3 gene comes in two forms: short and long. Everyone has two copies of the gene. So, you mayhave two l

37、ongs, two shorts, or one of each. Your particular combination depends on what your parents passedon to you.Scientists from the University of Surrey in England studied 24 people who had either two short or two longcopies of period3. Study participants had to stay awake for 40 hours straight. Then, th

38、ey took tests thatmeasured how quickly they pushed a button when numbers flashed on a screen and how well they couldremember lists of numbers.Results showed that the people with the short form of period3 performed much better on these tests thanthe people with the long form did. In both groups, peop

39、le performed worst in the early morning. Thats the timewhen truck drivers and other night-shift workers say they have the most trouble concentrating.After the first round of experiments, participants were finally allowed to sleep. People in the group thatperformed well on the tests took about 18 min

40、utes to nod off.People with the long period3 gene, by contrast, fell asleep in just 8 minutes. They also spent more time indeep sleep. That suggests that people with the long form of the gene need more and deeper sleep to keep theirbrains working at top form.61. We can know from the passage that gen

41、es can not _.A. tell our bodies and brains what to doB. make our eyes blue or brownC. decide how well you work without sleepD. ensure whether you re good at driving62. Which of the following statements about the period3 is wrong?A. It affects whether you like to stay up late or get up early.B. It co

42、mes in two forms: short and long.C. One has either two longs or two shorts of it.D. Your parents determine what particular combination you have.63. People with the short form of period3_ .A. need to go to bed early and get up earlyB. can work better than the people with long form of period3 without

43、sleepC. take less time to fall asleep after they stay up lateD. need more and deeper sleep to keep their brains working at top form64. What s the best title of the passage?A. The Period3 Gene B. The Function of GenesC. Wake up, Sleepy Gene D. Stay up Late or Get up Early?答案: 61 64 DCBC5(2010 黑龍江省哈三中

44、高三上 9 月月考) Wherever you go, there you are. This is the title of a fantasticbook by JonKabat Zinn. Often when going through a difficult time, some think about making a major change, achange of a job or residence. Will this really help? Of course if you are being abused or stressed, such actionmay wor

45、k. But for the most part, if we change nothing about ourselves, we merely take what is inside of uswherever we wander.In therapy(心理療法),1 have see n in dividuals who have literally take n geographic treatme nt, makinga major change out of their city or state. What was most discovered was that at firs

46、t, the change was fun andexciting. But after a period of time, after the“newness” wore off they still saw people as they had seen thembefore. If they felt taken advantage of, they still felt that way. If they had low self-esteem, they felt the sameway.Is there an answer to this problem? Work on your

47、self first. In 12-step programs, we say no major changesfor a year. That is because people need to see who they really are without their addiction. And it takes about ayear to give up your system and to find out who you really are emotionally.Taking some time to clearly focus and see what the real i

48、ssues are is very important. A quick changewithout any forethought is often merely an escape from reality.And remember, happiness is an inside job.65. According to the author, you can change your job if _ .A. you are going through difficult timesB. you are ill-treated or stressedC. you don t want to

49、 change yourselfD. you want to live a new life66. By saying“ happiness is an inside job” , the author really means that _A. happiness remains inside wherever you goB. you can t find happiness even if you change your job or residenceC. you cant find happiness unless you change the inside of yourselfD

50、. giving up your addiction can lead to happiness67. What would be the best title for the passage?A. Work on Yourself FirstB. Don t Change Your Job or Residence in a HurryC. Don t Escape From RealityD. Join in 12-step Programs and Give up Your System答案: 65 67 BCA6(2010 安徽省蕪湖七中高三上第一次調(diào)研)When nature is

51、left alone. a balance is reached among the animals and plants living in one area. But whenman starts his work in nature. the balance is likely to be destroyed. He grows a crop and takes it away to eat;then there are no dead leaves to fall on the ground. holding water while it sinks into the surface.

52、 or decay ing(腐爛) and add ing humus(腐殖質(zhì)) to the soil. Uni ess a farmer acts with knowledge and skill. he is thereforemost likely to make the land poorer. To take the place of the useful matter in the crops that he removes. he usessome kind of fertilizer 肥巴料).Chemical fertilizers are of great help. b

53、ut the waste products of animals anddecaying remains of plants should also be put on the land. In some places. it is a habit to burn waste materiallying about. but such burning destroys the useful matter in the dead plants. Although the ashes that are left arevaluable when put on the land. a better

54、practice is to bury the waste so that it decays and increases the humusin the soil.In the past. when the world population was much lower than it is now. a man had little difficulty in ordinarytimes in growing the food that was needed. When a field had been used some years and had become tired. thefarmer could move to another place. The tired land then slowly recovered. Gradually grasses and other plantswould appear on it and its productive power would slowly return to normal through their


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