1、Module 3 Inter personal Relationsh ip s-Friendsh ipTeaching aims:1. To in troduce the interpersonal relati onships betwee n persons and how to improve frien dsh ip.2. To know the forms of hav ing done and v-i ng and v-ed and lear n how to use them.3. Accord ing to lear ning the materials, make the S
2、s form active frie ndsh ip with others.Impo rtant and difficult po ints:1. Get stude nts to know how to deal with the interpersonal relati on shi ps and form good frien dsh ip.2. Make the Ss know how to use the form of hav ing done and make sure its real mea ning.3. Help stude nts to know how to set
3、 up healthy and p ositive in wester n coun tries.Teaching p rocedures:eriodOe Introduction, Function and S peakingStep 1.1 n this p art, the teacher can let the Ss an swer the follow ing two questi ons in order to in troduce the new module.1. What do you think of friendship?2. How can you make good
4、friends?Ask every stude nt to choose the stateme nts they agree on.Ste p 2. Ask the Ss to lear n the new words in the followi ng ways. Here take chat and relati on shi p for exa mple.The first method: explain the meaning of the word.What is chat? Whe n you talk about unimp orta nt thi ngs in a frie
5、ndly way, you chat.People ofte n chat about daily happenin gs. Do you think so? Who chat more in out daily life, men or wome n? What is relati on shi p? If you and your friend are very good to each other, your relatio nship called frie ndsh ip. Do you have frie ndshi p with your classmates?The sec o
6、nd method: accord ing to the circumsta nces to lear n word.Chat: In my spare time, I sometimes chat about in terest ing things with my frie nds, such as films we have see n, sport games we have watched. What do you chat about? Are you in terested in pop stars? Do you chat about them?Relationsh ip: X
7、XX is my good frie nd. We have good relati onship betwee n us. This good relati onship is frien dsh ip. It is very imp orta nt to both of us. With this frie ndshi p we can help each other in our less ons. We ben efit from our frie ndshi p. Do you have good relati onship with your classmates?Ste p 3.
8、 Ask every two Ss to match A with B to make comp lete senten ces. The n ask some Ss to read their senten ces to all the Ss.Ask every group of Ss to set off activity and the n choose the Ss who talk best in their group. And the n ask the best stude nt in every group to talk to all the Ss.Step 4. Ask
9、every stude nt to read the give n senten ces in the book aloud and the n ask every two Ss to say more senten ces describ ing characters. Ask all the Ss to add the senten ces describ ing the relatio n betwee n characters and sum them up.Ask every two Ss to do the questi ons for Activity2.Liste n to t
10、he tape and tell the Ss to pay atte nti on the part they will p lay.Ask two Ss to act it out, one stude nt pl ays Liao Mei and ano ther asks Liao Mei the questio ns about Chaosu.Period Two Reading and VocabularyStep 1. Tell the Ss that we have lear ned about the imp orta nee of the relati on betwee
11、n persons. And all of us should kee p good interpersonal relati onship to the others. Now we will learn a story about Roy.Ask every two Ss to read some p assages and guess the main idea of the text and the n com muni cate with each other.Read the whole text and ask every stude nt to an swer the ques
12、ti ons accord ing to the in formati on. Now liste n to the tape and check their an swers. The teacher asks the Ss more questi ons about the text.Ste p 2. Ask the Ss to read the text aga in and orga nize the Ss to exp la in the words andatte nti on to the words.p hrases in En glish in order to draw t
13、he SsAsk the Ss to do the exercises by themselves and the teacher check and correct the an swers.Ask the Ss to read the text quickly and the n do exercises in Activity5, the n the teacher check and correct the an swers to all the Ss.Step 3. Im po rtant words or p hrases 1. He was standing in the cen
14、tre of a group of boys, and he was telling a joke.Here tell a joke is a p hrase; its meaning is to tell funny stories to somebody說笑話 e.g.他經(jīng)常給孩子們講笑話所以孩子們都很喜歡他。He ofte n tells a joke to the childre n, so all of them like him.In additi on, we can use tell in many other p hrases. For exa mple:tell a sto
15、ry 講故事;tell the truth 說出真相;tell a lie 撒謊;tell the differenee between the two說出兩者的區(qū)別;tell its own tale不說自明;tell tales揭人隱私,搬弄是 2. Whe n he reached the fin al li ne, every one burst out laughi ng.Here burst out is a p hrase; its meaning is sudde niy begi n doing s突然開始做某事 burst out laughi ng 突然大笑起來;it c
16、an be tran slated into burst into laughter e.g.看到媽媽那孩子突然嚎啕大哭起來。The child burst out cryin g/burst into crying at the sight of his mother.3. But just under a year ago, Roy's father was knocked over by a car.Here knock over is a p hrase; its meaning is sb. by strik ing him撞倒某人 e.g.昨天晚上當(dāng)他散步時(shí)被一輛車撞倒了。
17、Whe n he was walk ing in the street, he was kno cked over by a car last ni ght.Here tell the Ss some more p hrases about knock.knock sb. on the heac打某人的頭; knock one ' s head against the do頭撞至U 門上;knock sth. i n/into sth.將某物打進(jìn)某物4. At that moment, the door swung open.Here swi ng is a verb; its mea
18、ning is move to and fro while hanging or supp orte 前后擺 動(dòng),搖擺。e.g.他走路時(shí)擺動(dòng)著手臂。His arms swung as he walked.In additi on, the word swing has other mea nin gs. For exa mple (1)急轉(zhuǎn)身;急旋轉(zhuǎn);急回頭 e.g.當(dāng)那人試圖使快艇轉(zhuǎn)彎時(shí),方向盤脫手了。As the man tried to swi ng the sp eed-boat round, the steeri ng-wheel came away in his hands.劇變,
19、驟變e.g.他轉(zhuǎn)喜為悲。He swung from happin ess to rears.5. My mouth fell open and I just looked at him.Here the word fall is a link verb; its meaning is become 變得。And it is followed by prep.e.g.短缺(某物)fall short (of sth.) 睡著 fall asleepThree Listening and Vocabulary; Grammac(l)Stepl. Ask the Ss to read the p a
20、ssage and think about the questi ons.Ask every two Ss to discuss the questi ons.Ask all the Ss to do it and the n ask three or four Ss to an swer the questi on.Do you thi nk good frie nds should n ever quarrel? Why or why no?Step 2. Let the Ss to read the words in the box after the teacher.Ask the S
21、s to read the short p assage and explain the words hurt, person ality, quarrelaccordi ng to the con text. If the Ss have difficulty in doing this the teacher can give thema hand.The teacher asks the Ss questi ons and let the Ss an swer them as quickly as po ssible.Liste n to the tape and ask the Ss
22、to write dow n the in formati on using key words. Thenask some Ss to say some senten ces about the topic.Liste n to the tape aga in and ask the Ss to correct their an swers if n ecessary the teachercan let the Ss liste n to the tape for the third time.Step 3. Ask the Ss to read the senten ces in the
23、 book and the teacher can add thefollowi ng senten ces.1. Walking through the street, he caught sight of a tailor's shop.2. Playing football on the ground, he hurt his leg.The teacher tells the Ss about hav ing done using the desig ned questi ons in the book andthe added exa mp les.1.The form of
24、 hav ing done mea ns the acti on happens before the main acti on, but theform of doing means the actio n and the mai n acti on happens at the same time.2.The form of hav ing done has the same subject as the form of doing.3.The forms of hav ing done and doing all exp ress in itiative to the subject.S
25、te p 4. Ask the Ss to fin ish the exercises in Activity2, but the teacher must let the Sscompare the form of hav ing done with the form of doing.For exa mpleActivity2I felt shy and Ion ely at my school because I had lost all my old frie nds.Havi ng lostI enjo yed my stay in London better tha n my fr
26、iend because I know En glish.Knowing En glish Activity4After I had bee n to his house a few times, I started to get to know his family.Having bee n to Whe n he heard the n ews, he let out a cry of surp rise.'un dersta nding ab(Heari ng the n ewsThe teacher can add the follow ing exercises to str
27、e ngthe n the Ssthe form of hav ing done and the form of doing.1.The dog jumped and ran forward,(follow) his master.2.(carry) out the task ahead of time, he was praised by his boss.3.The stude nts were in high sp irits.(sing) all the day.4.(live) there for a long time, he is used to the food there.5
28、.(hurry)i nto the room, he no ticed somethi ng unu sual.6.(walk)home along the street, he came across an old friend.7.(not receive)a n an swer, he wrote to him aga in.Period Four Writing; Everyday English; Task; Grammar(2); Vocabulary and iAijAipv u! s>|UB|q eq) qsiuij o sg eq) >|svfr d3)g spU
29、8Uj d88>| O MOq UO 80IApB QAIQ QOUQUedXQ 8屮 LUOJj UJB8| noA P!P 1BL|MSU0I1S8nb OM eqi suoiuido UMO Jieq) eOuBqoxe puB suoiisenb om eq; inoqe ”囘 o sg jnoj Ajqaq >|svg o njjojj LUBjOojd 8屮 qsiuij o sg om Ajqaq >|sv£ da)s J8qi86oip8!pnis Aeqi uaq/w sAbp sqi jaqiueiuej puB |ooqos p|0 Jieqi
30、 ees o e>|!| p /eqiJ列260126 OHUBM 266 L ui looqos slubs 8屮 Luojj p印BnpB6 2屮 suepns eqi tzaninj eqi ui Aiisjqaiun poo6B 01 06 HIM eq IB屮 SS8n6 Alu s suossei siqji |8m os ssop puB lueipoxe os si qh CQJOLU Aub jsqio qoB8 qiiM >p!|0 1 , up!p Aeq;os 1U8J8J4!p os QLUooeq peq Aeqi punoj Aeqi 'sje
31、eA ibjqaqs JOj pede pqAbs Aeqi jeyv 乙pe>|!| 屮oq 8M s6u!屮 jo sio| peq qm b屮 punoj 8/ Aiqaii印!nb 屮oq 8J qm | puB luo丄例制 b jo om qjb qm ssneoeq |8m uo OuiueO qjb om j p|oq UI SLUO!P! 8屮 jo Ouiubqlu 8屮 ssen6 puB Ouimoho) eq) pe軸 ss 8屮 SAI6 01 Qsooqo UBO noA seoueiues 8LUOS 8JB 6U!MO|Oj 8qj_ ss 8屮 O 1
32、118屮 UQldXQ UBO JQqOBQl 8屮 pu/ JBIIILUBj OU 8JBe屮 IB屮 S|up JO SQSBjqd equno luiod puB sjqmsub eqi >|O8qo ss eqi |e 問 ss八qsluq屮Aq SJ8MSUB 8屮 Qsooqo puB >|ooq sqi uo seoueiues sqi pbqj o ss eqi |e >|sv乙 cl3)gooqpoi jieqi uo uosodiuoo pepejjoo sqi Adoo Ahbuij Qouo IB Lueqi pejjoo puB sqhbqlu 8
33、屮 ino iqod puB 覽屮o qoee uoiiisodmoo eq) pes 01 ss OM Aj8A8 >|sb ueqi idLuojd eq) o Biqpjooob #Bp b 列m o ss 8屮 >|svk cl3)gThe teacher asks the questi ons in Activity? and sum them up.Remember to do someth ing: you must do it.Remember doing somethi ng: you did it before.Regret to do someth ing:
34、you feel sorry for what you are going to do.Regret doing somethi ng: you feel sorry for what you have done.Ste p 5.Ask the Ss to fin ish the exercises in Activity3.The teacher let the Ss to sum them up.Stop to do someth ing: You stop the work you have bee n doing in order to do it.(is used as the ad
35、verbial of purp ose.)Stop doing someth ing: You stop the work you have bee n doing; you no Ion ger do whatstop .)'t done it.have been doing. (“ doing ” is used as the object toForget to do somethi ng: You should do it, but you have nForget doing someth ing: You have done it, but you forget about
36、 it.Go on to do someth ing: You finish doing what you have bee n doing and move on tosomethi ng else.Go on doing someth ing: You con ti nue doing what you have bee n doing.Ste p 6. Ask the Ss to read the p assage and the n get a main idea of the p assage.Ste p 7. Read the p assage and nu mber the se
37、nten ces in Activity 2 in the order theyapp ear.An swers of Activity 3: e b f d g a c.An swers of Activity 4: 3Step 8: Ask the Ss to work in p airs and discuss the an swers to the questi ons.1 Did you have a close frie nd whe n you were a young child?What sort of things did you do together?2 Are you
38、 still in touch with this person?If so, have you rema ined in touch all the time?If not, whe n did you lose touch?Did someth ing sp ecial happen which cha nged your frie ndshi p?3 How many friends do you still know from your p rimary school or before?Do you still get on well with them, or have you g
39、row n ap art?4 What are the most imp orta nt features of a good frie ndsh ip?What are the dan gers?C Period Five Culture corner and Module fileSte p1. The teacher can follow the followi ng advice to lead the Ss into Cultural Corner.Will you miss a friend if you have n't seen him or her for a lon
40、g time? In our real life,we may lose touch with frie nds after we stay away from each other for a long time. How can you find a frie nd with whom you have lost touch? Tell the class as many ways as p ossible.step 2. Liste n to the tape and read the text and the n tell the main idea in two or threese
41、nten ces.It tells about a website called Frie nds Reun ited. It tells us how the website was set upand how it helps old frie nds to get in touch aga in after they have n't seen each othlong time. It also tells us the ways of using this website and gives exa mples to showhow this website has helped
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