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1、課名是否屬于地方課程或校本課程學科英語學段教材書名:英語必修二教學基本信息Un it5 Music年級咼一出版社:人民教育出版社授課日期2017.1.10出版日期:2009年5月教學設(shè)計參與人員設(shè)計者實施者指導者姓名潘李娜潘李娜郭燕單位霸州一中霸州一中霸州一中聯(lián)系方式指導思想與理論依據(jù)以英語新課程標準作為指導思想和理論依據(jù),堅持從學情出發(fā),進行教材分析和課外資源的引 入,充分利用網(wǎng)絡(luò)和多媒體教學資源,使教學更直觀形象化,多元立體化,最大限度地激發(fā)了學生 的學習興趣,充分發(fā)揮了學生的創(chuàng)造性和積極性。本課在側(cè)重提高學生的閱讀技能的同時培養(yǎng)學生 的聽,說,寫的基本技能。強化體驗式情景教學,有效提高教

2、學質(zhì)量。教學背景分析教學內(nèi)容:1 .在本單元的 Warming up中,首先呈現(xiàn)了八種不同的音樂類型的圖片, 其次,從三個問題來了解學生對音樂的感覺,認識和喜好,從而為閱讀課奠定了一定的 基礎(chǔ)。Pre-reading部分設(shè)計四個問題了解學生對樂隊的熟悉程度。通過一個個問題把 學生的思路引到Reading部分,為進入閱讀做鋪墊。2.Reading部分主要介紹了門基樂隊的成長過程。另一方面,課文中出現(xiàn)了兩個介詞+ which/whom的定語從句,引出了即將要學的語言知識。所以說,這節(jié)閱讀課在整 個單元模塊中起著承上啟下的作用。學生情況:學生對于音樂這個話題感興趣,在 Warming up與Pre-

3、reading中對音樂 有一定的了解與認識。他們也具備了一定的閱讀技能,如查找細節(jié)信息,獲取主要信息, 抓住要點等。但農(nóng)村學校的學生受到教育條件的限制,同時學生的英語基礎(chǔ)不夠扎實, 在閱讀課文中,不能在較短的時間內(nèi)把握文章的脈絡(luò),概括出文章大意。另外,這篇課 文中出現(xiàn)了較多的新詞匯,有一部分詞匯對于學生而言有難度。所以,要求學生提前對 詞匯及課文進行預習。教學方式:體驗式教學方式;任務(wù)型教學方式;研究型學習方式 教學手段:多媒體輔助;歌曲欣賞;問題引導 技術(shù)準備:多媒體教學目標(內(nèi)容框架)1.通過聽歌曲及對不同風格歌曲的簡介,提高學生對不同樂隊的了解,加深對外國文化的熟悉。2.學會 fast

4、reading and careful reading閱讀方法在文章中找尋答案,理解課文內(nèi)容,知道如3.4.何捕捉細節(jié)。通過Ianguage points ,使學生掌握本課知識點。鼓勵學生學習不同的文化和音樂,同時使學生學會分享和合作。教學流程示意(可選項)Lead in fast readi ng careful readingIan guage points ,homework教學過程(文字描述)本課以不同的音樂風格的單詞為開始,引發(fā)學生的興趣,并通過對代表性的樂風的解釋說明來加深學生對本課的理解,通過歌曲欣賞使學生加深印象,并引出本課的主題;Fast read ing 使學生通過快速閱讀

5、,掌握本文的主體大意;Careful readi ng通過讓學生仔細閱讀,總結(jié)段落大意和判斷正誤,學生就能對本篇文章掌握很好,并且了解了“The Monkees”這個樂隊的主要發(fā)展過程及經(jīng)歷;Language points 展出了本課中的重點單詞及短語,通過講解舉例的方法,并讓學生模仿造句,使學生很好地掌握了本課的重要內(nèi)容;Homework中的相關(guān)練習和小短文的寫作能進一步加深學生對本課的理解和體會,從而使學生從知識上得到提高,并深刻了解了外國的音樂文化。教學過程(表格描述)教學階段教師活動學生活動設(shè)置意圖技術(shù)應用時間安排Step one1 . Show some music styles a

6、nd explain them by pi ctures,a nd liste n to six songs .2. Show pictures of six kinds of bands to the stude nts, and give some questi ons :(1) . What kind of music do you like?Why(2) . Which sin ger do you like bestand why?1.2.3.Review some words related to music styles. Listen to the music and figu

7、re out the styleAn swer the questi ons with the words give nLead in and motivate the stude nts in terestPPT6'1.3'2.(3). How does music make you feel?Step twoLead in The Mon kees "and give more in formatio n about the band Give a song sung by The Mon kees"Fast read ingList four ques

8、ti ons:1.Step three2.3.4.How many bands are mentioned in the passage? What are their n ames?Which ba nd is “ TheBa nd That Wasn ' t ” ?When did “ TheMonkees" break up and when did it reun ite?When did" The Monkees"celebrate their time as a realband?Careful read ing1. Read the p as

9、sage and try tofind the main idea of eachPara. 1.Para.2P ara.3P ara.42.True or falseStep four(1) .The writer believes that most of us have dreamed of being famous musicia n or sin ger.(2) .Bands in American are all formed by high school stude nts.that.It was" The Beatles" started in a diff

10、ere nt way.(4).It was hard for the organizers to look for good musicia ns.At first," The Mon kees" did n't p lay their own son gs.(6) .They can earn some extra money if they form a band to p lay in the street.(7) . “ TheMonkees" broke up in about 1790 and it reun ited in theTVrock

11、mid-1980s.Liste n to the song and figure out which music style it bel ongs toMake thestude nts learn aboutthis textPP1.2.Do the fast readi ngAn swer thequesti onsfour1 . Read the text carefully and find the main idea of eachp aragra ph.2. Do the True or false ",and figure out the mistakes3. Fil

12、l in the blanks make the comp aris onandHavegen eral idea of thistextLetthestude ntsgetthedetailsofthispassagePP6'PP10'(8) . “ The Monkees 的 was successfulbecause they were serious about their work.(9) . “The Monkees ” played one or two songs a year written by themselves.(10) .They p roduced

13、 a new record in 19963. Fill in the blanks and make thecomp aris onDoStep fiveGive the summery and let the stude nts fill in the bla nksLan guage Points1. dream of / about (do ing) sth夢見,夢想2. with every one clapping andenjoying your singing?a. “ with + n. /pron. + doing 的結(jié) 構(gòu)。用作狀語,說明與謂語的動作 同時發(fā)生的情況。b.

14、 with + sb + to do sth說明在謂語動作之后發(fā)生,主動表 被動Fill in the blanks and recitethe summerysummery and let the stude ntsrecite it1.PP5'Step sixc. with + sth. + done說明在謂語動作之前發(fā)生或與 為被動關(guān)系。3. Play jokes/a joke on 開玩笑, 戲弄某人stheg.No one like to be p layed jokes on by others.make fun of laugh at p lay tricks/ a tr

15、ick on4. break up破裂,拆散,打碎Their friendship has been brokenup.驅(qū)散The p olice breaks up the crowd by viole nee.2.3.The students should put dow n what has bee n show nUse the words or p hrases to make some senten sesRemember some relatedin formatio n.Make the stude ntshave a good kno wladge of theIan gua

16、ge poi nts in this textPP14'停止,結(jié)束放學了。The thief broke in/into the p alace last ni ght.The electricity was broken off by the flood.The car breaks dow n sudde niy.The war broke out in 1943.Moder n music has broke n away from the 18th century rules.5. be hon est with sbbe hon est about sthbe hon est

17、 in ( doing ) sth6. attach vt. & vi.系上;縛上;附加; 連接attach. . . to認為有(重要性、意義); 附上;連接?Do you attach much importanee to what he said?7. form vt.(使)組成;形成;構(gòu)成n.形態(tài);形狀;表格8. familiar adj.熟悉的;常見的;親 近的?1 am not familiar with this part of the coun try.?The things are familiar to people.Stepseve nHomework:1.2.D

18、o the exersise in the workbookMake up a short essay accord ing to the in formati onReview the kno wledge in this less onWrite a comp ositi onEnhencethekno wledge learnedtodayPP1.2'2.評價方式評價項目自評對本節(jié)知識的興本節(jié)課獨立思考的習慣自信心體驗到學習成功的愉悅理解別人的思路, 與同伴交流的意在知識、方法等方面獲得收獲的程同伴互評本節(jié)課發(fā)言的次質(zhì)量課堂練習的重要學習效果評價設(shè)計評價內(nèi)容濃厚較濃厚較強較多較好較高較多較好較高評價等級一般一般一般一般一般一般一般評價量規(guī)項目A級B級C級個人評價小組評價教師評價聽課情況聽課認真沒 有走神、講閑 話現(xiàn)象聽課較認真 偶爾有走神、 講閑話現(xiàn)象聽課不認真 嚴重有走神、 講閑話現(xiàn)象ABB發(fā)言情況積極舉手發(fā) 言,有自己的 見解能較少舉手 發(fā)言,有自己 的見解很少發(fā)言,不表達自己的見解 1BAB合作學習情 況善于與人合 作,虛心聽取 別人的意見能與人合作,接受別人的意見缺乏與人合 作


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