



1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上Unit 8 The seasons and the WeatherTopic 1 Whatt the weather like in spring?1、Whats the weather like in fall? 秋天天氣怎么樣? (1)Whats the weather like?=Hows the weather?用來詢問天氣狀況的句型。 Eg: Whats the weather like there in winter?=Hows the weather there in winter?那里冬天天氣怎么樣?(2)fall n. 秋天。美式英語,英式英語是a

2、utumn Eg: Fall is the harvest season.秋天是收獲的季節(jié) Fall v. 落下;過去式為fell Eg: The little bird fell off the tree. 小鳥從樹上掉下來。2、Its a good time to climb hills.這是登山的好時節(jié)。 It + be + 名詞/形容詞+ to do/for doing sth 這是做某事的 Eg: It is a good season for hiking.這是徒步旅行的好季節(jié)。 It is hard to say.這難說。3、-Why ?為什么? -Because I learn

3、ed to swin last year, 因為我去年學(xué)了游泳, (1)“why?”的完整句子應(yīng)為Why do you like summer best?(2) learn to do sth.學(xué)做某事。 Eg: She is learning to dance.她在學(xué)跳舞。4、When it snows, the ground is all white and I can make snowmen.當(dāng)下雪的時候,地面上一片雪白,而且我可以堆雪人。Snow v. 下雪。Eg: It may snow this evening.今晚可能下雪。Snow n. 雪。Eg: The kids are

4、playing the snow.孩子們在玩雪。相同的詞 rain v. 下雨。Eg: Its raining outside. Please stay at home.外面在下雨,請呆在家里。 rain n. 雨。 Eg: There was a heavy rain last night. 昨晚下了場大雨。5、Its rainy today.But it was sunny and warm yesterday.今天下雨呢,但是昨天晴天而且暖和。 rainy adj. 多雨的。由rain+ y rainy即 名詞+y 形容詞 eg: cloudy 多云的; snowy下雪的;sunny 晴

5、天的;foggy多霧的;windy多風(fēng)的6、Whats the temperature,do you kown?你知道今天氣溫是多少嗎? The low temperature is -8 and the high temperature is 2.最低溫度是零下8,最高氣溫是2.(1) 問氣溫是多少度用疑問詞what,而不用how many或how much.(2) -8零下八攝氏度,讀作eight degrees centigrade/ celsius below zero或minus eight degrees centigrade/ celsius.期中,美語中常用celsius 代替

6、centigrade.2二攝氏度,讀作two degrees centigrade/celsius.7、If you plan to travel on your holldays,youd better find out the weather in different places in August.如果你打算假期旅行,你最好了解8月不同地區(qū)的天氣狀況。 整個句子是一個含有由if引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句的復(fù)合句,主語為youd better find out the weather in different places in August.在由if引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句中,謂語動詞多用一般現(xiàn)在時

7、表將來。 Eg: If you see him, give him this book.你要是見到他就把這本書給他。 If it rains tomorrow,Ill stay at home.假如明天下雨我就呆在家里。 had better (not) do sth.最好(不)做某事,better后用動詞原形,不帶to. Eg: Youd better (not) go there by bike.你最好(別)騎自行車去那兒。(3)find out 查明,弄清(情況) Eg: Can you find out what time the meeting starts?你能查清楚會議什么時候開

8、始嗎?8、Of course, please remember to wear warm clothes. You need to wear sunglasses, a T-shirt and shorts.當(dāng)然了,請記得要要穿保暖的衣服。你需要戴太陽鏡,穿一件T恤衫和短褲。 remember to do sth.記得要做某事。 Eg: Remember to lock the door before you leave home.離家之前,記得要鎖門。 比較: remember to do sth 強調(diào)某事還未做,要記得去做; remember doing sth. 強調(diào)某事已經(jīng)做,現(xiàn)在還記

9、得它。 Eg: I remember posting the letter.我記得把信寄出去。 I remember to post the letter.我記得要把這封信寄出去。foreget to do sth .忘記要做某事。foreget doing sth 忘記已做過某事 eg: I forget to ask him for his address.我忘記向他要地址了。(目前我沒有他的地址) I forgot asking him for his address.我忘記已向他要過地址了。(目前我有他的地址) 句中wear是行為動詞,意為“穿,戴”,表示狀態(tài)。 Eg: She wea

10、rs a new hat today.她今天戴了一頂新帽子。 put on ,be in ,dress都有表示“穿,戴”之意,但用法有很大的區(qū)別。 put on 意為“把穿上(戴上)”,強調(diào)穿戴的動作。賓語是有關(guān)衣服的詞。Eg: She is putting on her coat.她正在穿大衣。 be in 表示狀態(tài),賓語為有關(guān)衣服和顏色的詞。She is in a new dress today.她今天穿了條新裙子。The girl in green is my sister.穿綠色衣服的女孩是我妹妹。 dress意為“給穿衣”,賓語為人或反身代詞。The mother is dressi

11、ng her dsughter.那位母親正在給她女兒穿衣服。sunglasses(太陽鏡),shorts (短褲),英語中這兩個單詞只有復(fù)數(shù)形式,沒有單數(shù)形式。類似的還有 pants (長褲),sicssors (剪刀),glasses (眼鏡)。9、but later on,it may get fine again,但隨后,天氣又會變得晴朗起來。 later on 后來,以后,隨后 Eg: Im going out later on.我過一會兒要出去。 Later on,she found her ket.過了一會兒,她找到了鑰匙。 get fine 天氣放晴。Get意為“變得”,是聯(lián)系動

12、詞,后跟形容詞作表語。 Eg: When winter comes,it is getting colder and colder.冬天到來時,天氣變得越來越冷。 類似的動詞還有turn ,look等。 Her face turned red.他臉變紅了。 The dress looks nice on you.這裙子穿在你身上真漂亮。10、Is the weather in England different from that in Australia?英格蘭的天氣與澳大利亞的天氣不同嗎? be different from與有區(qū)別,不同于 Eg: He is very different

13、 form his brother.他與他兄弟完全不一樣。 代詞that在此指代前文中的the weather,以避免前后重復(fù)。 Eg: Live today is much better than that in the old days.現(xiàn)在的生活比過去(生活)好多了。11、We arrived there early.我們很早就到達那兒了。 arrive 到達,抵達,常與at(后接小地點,如:車站、機場、村莊等)或in(后接大地點,如:國家、城市等)連用。如果arrive后跟地點副詞,則不用介詞。 Eg: What time does the plane arrive in Paris?

14、這架飛機幾點到達巴黎? The bus arrived at the station 20 minutes late.公汽遲了20分鐘到站。 When will you arrive here?你什么時候會到達這兒? 與arrive同義表“到達”并可以互相替換的動詞還有reach和get to. reach 是及物動詞,后直接接地點。 They reached London yesterday afternoon.他們昨天下午抵達倫敦。 get to 為動詞短語,后跟地點。 We got to school at 7:30.我們七點半到達學(xué)校。 注意:reach與get to表“到達”時后面必

15、須帶表地點的名詞或副詞,而arrive則可以不帶。 Eg: Ill call you when he arrive.他到達時我會給你打電話。12、We took a walk in the park and saw some old people performing Beijing Opera. 我們來公園散步,看見一些老人在表演京劇。 take a walk (with sb) (與某人)散步。 Eg: Id like to take a walk with my father after dinner.我喜歡飯后和父親散步。 see sb doing sth.看見某人正在做某事。 Eg:

16、 I saw him crossing the road.我看見他正在穿過馬路。see sb do sth.看見某人做某事,指看見事情的全過程或事情經(jīng)常性、重復(fù)性發(fā)生。Eg: I saw you put your key in your pocket.我看見你把鑰匙放進口袋里。We often see him play soccer there.我們經(jīng)常看見他在那兒踢足球。類似的還有 hear sb doing sth(聽見某人正在做某事)和hear sb do sth(聽見某人做某事)。13、I hope you are well !我希望你身體健康! hope 希望,常有:hope to

17、do sth/ hope for sth.希望,期望(某事發(fā)生)。hope (that)+ 從句 Eg: I hope to see you soon.我希望能很快見到你。 Were hoping for good weather on Sunday.我們希望星期天天氣好。 I hope youre coming to the party.我希望你能來參加聚會。14、It is very hot.It often rains and sometimes it rains heavily.天氣很熱,經(jīng)常下雨,有時雨下得非常大。rain heavily 下大雨。副詞 heavily,hard和形容

18、詞heavy常用來形容雨或雪下得大;副詞strongly,hard和形容詞strong常用來形容風(fēng)刮得大。snow/rain/heavily/hard 下大雪/下大雨 a heavy snow/rain大雪/大雨blow strongly/hard刮大風(fēng) a strong wind大風(fēng)eg:It rains heavily in Fujian today.=There is a heavy rain in Fujian today.今天福建下暴雨。15、Fall comes after summer. 夏去秋來。come after “在之后到來”,反義詞組為come before “在之前到

19、來”eg: Fall comes before winter.秋天在冬天之前來臨。16、It is the harvest season,and the farmers are busy harvesting.這是個收獲的季節(jié),農(nóng)民們正忙于收割。be busy doing sth=be busy with sth 忙于做某事eg: Mary is busy doing/with her homework. 瑪麗正忙于做作業(yè)。be busy=have no time 但have no time to do sth.意為沒有時間做某事eg: Im busy now = I have no time

20、 now. 我現(xiàn)在沒時間。 Mary has no time to do her homework.瑪麗沒有時間做作業(yè)。17、Winter lasts from December to February.冬天從十二月持續(xù)到二月。last v. 持續(xù),后接表示時間段的名詞或短語。Eg: last long/four years / a few minutes/ fromto 持續(xù)很久/四年/幾分鐘/、從(時間)到(時間)last adj.最近的,上一個的,常用于過去時。Eg: last night/Tuesday/ month/summer/year 昨晚;上個星期二;上個月;去年夏季;去年二、

21、重點詞語:1. 季節(jié)詞匯:四季名詞springsummerAutumn / fallwinter四季特征warmhotcoolcold四季色彩greenbrightyellowwhite四季活動hikeswimclimb mountainsmake snowmen2. 天氣詞匯:天氣名詞rainwindcloudsnowsunfog對應(yīng)形容詞rainywindycloudysnowysunnyFoggy3. in spring / summer / fall / winter在春天;夏天;秋天;冬天4. go climbing mountains / shopping / swimming 5

22、. quite = very 很,相當(dāng)6. come back to life 復(fù)蘇,復(fù)活 7. 名詞轉(zhuǎn)化為形容詞:hope hopeful care careful 8. from December to February 從十二月到二月9. fall off落下;掉落 10. weather report 天氣預(yù)報11. a hopeful season 一個充滿希望的季節(jié)the harvest season豐收的季節(jié)12. come after 緊跟其后 13. get warmer and warmer 變得越來越暖和14. make dinner 做飯 make tea 泡茶make

23、 faces 做鬼臉make friends 交朋友make wishes 許愿make a mistake 犯錯誤make a noise 制作噪音make a sentence 造句make sure 確信make dumplings 包餃子三、重點句型:1. Whats the weather like today? = How is the weather today? 今天天氣怎么樣? It looks like rain. = It looks like raining. 看起來好像要下雨。2. Which season is the warmest / hottest / coo

24、lest / coldest in the year? 一年里哪個季節(jié)最暖和;最熱;最涼快;最冷?3. Sometimes it rains quite heavily / hard. 有時候雨下得很大。 4. Its a good time to swim. 它是游泳的好時節(jié)。 Its a good season for hiking. 它是去遠足的好季節(jié)。 Its a good time / season to do something. 它是做某事的好時間;好季節(jié)。5. Do you like summer? Yes, but I like winter better. 你喜歡夏天嗎?是的,但是我更喜歡冬天。Which do you like best, spring, summer, fall or winter? I like summer best.你最喜歡哪個,春,夏,秋,還是冬?我最喜歡夏。Likebetter 更喜歡likebest 最喜


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