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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上四年級知識點總結(jié)按單元Unit 1:look/loot at用法人稱、this/that vs. these/those搭配名詞單復(fù)數(shù)Would you like / Do you like a/an;some/any帶do的一般疑問句回答how/what引導(dǎo)的感嘆句:同義句互改This is for you. Thank you.on the tree/in the treewhat/what time祈使句及其否定:dont帶do和三單的陳述句變否定句(do的三單does)人稱:主格、賓格區(qū)分Unit 2:lets + v. / Lets=Let usMango,

2、 potato, tomato, hero復(fù)數(shù);fruit不可數(shù)Would you like? Yes, please. / No, thank you.I like / Id likeHow many+復(fù)數(shù)Wake upIts time for .Cake with 水果人稱:主格、賓格、形代區(qū)分Unit 3: 情態(tài)動詞的否定句和一般疑問句加法:Whats and ?Can I have a look?Look / see區(qū)分a/one區(qū)分to/too/two區(qū)分what about / how about名詞變復(fù)數(shù):半規(guī)則(library, strawberry, monkey, boxe

3、s, sandwiches, peaches, glasses)Unit 4: can+實義動詞 can三單不變化Too/either(陳述句改否定句)現(xiàn)在進行時構(gòu)成: be+doingBe good at doing sth.名詞所有格sPlay football不加the加法:andAnd / butHave a try.Very well / very goodUnit 5: on, in, under, behind, atShe/sheswhere/wheresthey/theyreSome+不可數(shù)名詞Happy birthday to you.Over thereLike doin

4、g sth. Like to do sth.Unit 6:Can I help you? Id like .或直接回答什么東西不可數(shù)名詞:milk, tea, coffee, juice, rice, hair:用量詞(量詞可用復(fù)數(shù)),be動詞用is果汁兩個詞都用單數(shù)單復(fù)同形:fish, sheep必須用復(fù)數(shù):noodlesHow many+可數(shù)/how much+不可數(shù)Its time for + 名詞Unit 7:數(shù)字:英數(shù)題How much問價格Hes /his區(qū)分Unit 8:被夸獎回答thank you.Unit 1:形代Its time for sth. / Its time to

5、 do sth. 互換陳述句變否定句和一般疑問句,對劃線部分提問:實意動詞原形&三單Too / two / toLike subjects/have lessonsLets + doToo / eitherGood / well形容詞/副詞區(qū)分Have/has原形/三單區(qū)分How about you? / What about you? 沒有老虎In the morning / this morningWelcome back to school.時間介詞:atLike舉例There be句型Unit 2:動詞原形/三單區(qū)分On+周幾Play+球類不用theSwimming lesso

6、ntwo Chinese lessons周日是一周的第一天Unit 3:at+點鐘,in+上下午晚上,on+周幾,on+周幾早中晚,at night,in+月/季/年In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at nightGood evening. / good night.Do ones homework選擇題選動詞:一山不容二虎。動名詞變化方式Lots of +復(fù)數(shù)Unit 4:can+動詞原形陳述句變否定句和一般疑問句:情態(tài)動詞I can, but he cant.特殊疑問句中do可以替代所有的動詞But主格賓格區(qū)分Go to

7、bed, go to school, go to the playground, go home, come home, come here, go there船:On the river;魚:in the river名詞所有格sWhose回答用所有格Unit 5:go+doing不規(guī)則名詞復(fù)數(shù):snowman動詞變形容詞To be / will be的be不穿衣服Unit 6:對所有格提問:用whose形代/名代區(qū)分成雙成對的名詞:復(fù)數(shù)try sth. onUnit 7:Whats the matter with him?want to do sth.Can I have some wate

8、r?Unit 8:This is sb. speaking.動詞形容詞區(qū)分:ill/cough, fever/tiredAt schoolBe動詞+形容詞:主系表;have a +名詞:主謂賓Whose/whos; his/hes; its/its區(qū)分:句子有沒有公虎?Have+食物:吃;have+?。旱昧薎d love to.按知識點對劃線部分提問:1. 對人提問:who?2. 對東西提問:What?3. 對時間提問:When?4. 對地點提問:Where?5. 對動作提問:What加do (do可以代替所有的動詞)6. 對形容詞提問:How?7. 對多少提問:可數(shù)用How many?不可數(shù)

9、用How much? 8. 對顏色提問:What colour?9. 對年齡提問:How old?10. 對價格提問:How much?11. 對季節(jié)提問:what season?12. 對病提問:Whats the matter?考點:1. 數(shù)字用How many,數(shù)字+名詞用what;顏色用what colour,顏色+名詞用what。2. 對誰的提問,對所有格:whose?(回答用所有格)對誰的東西提問,用What?3. 對周幾提問:What day is it? 對on 周幾提問:用when4. 對幾點提問:What time is it? 對at+點鐘提問:用when5. 對名詞前面

10、的數(shù)字、顏色提問,名詞跟在后面6. 對動詞提問,出動小助手do7. 三單,過去時8. 找不到be動詞,用縮寫she / shes; where / wheres; they / theyre名詞單復(fù)數(shù):1. 前后一致:和人稱一致;和be動詞一致;和this/that these/those一致2. a/an vs. somt/any3. lots of +復(fù)數(shù)4. 復(fù)數(shù)不規(guī)則變化:a) 輔音+ylibrary, strawberry, monkeyb) S, x, ch+esbox, sandwich, peach, glassc) 單復(fù)同形:fish, sheepd) 必須用復(fù)數(shù):noodl

11、ese) 不規(guī)則:snowman5. 成雙成對的名詞算復(fù)數(shù),加了a pair of限定詞算單數(shù)6. 蘋果汁用apple juice,女老師用women teachers7. 不可數(shù)名詞:fruit, milk, tea, coffee, juice, rice, hair。不可數(shù)加量詞,單數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)看量詞名詞所有格:1. +s2. 復(fù)數(shù):以s結(jié)尾+,不以s結(jié)尾+s3. A and Bs / As and Bs4. At s人稱:1. 主格、賓格、形代、名代區(qū)分2. Hes / his;its / its; whose / whos區(qū)分:必有一只公虎be動詞:1. 單數(shù)is復(fù)數(shù)are,不可數(shù)名詞算單

12、數(shù)2. A of B結(jié)構(gòu)看A:a pair of shoes, two glasses of water3. Here be / There be 結(jié)構(gòu)看后面,疑問句主語在后面4. A and B 算復(fù)數(shù)Would like知識點總結(jié):1. Would you like/ Do you like區(qū)分Do you like? Yes, I do. No, I dont. / Would you like? Yes. Please. No, thank you.Would you like some apples? Do you like apples?2. 特殊疑問句What would you

13、 like回答:Id like .Id like = I would like3. 另一種提問:Can I help you?也可用Id like回答。4. 陳述句變一般疑問句:Id-would開頭;some不變any5. 后跟的What about/How about+someLook知識點總結(jié):Have a look; look!Look atLook/see區(qū)分Have:1. Have a look2. Have a try3. Have +食物=吃;have+病=得了4. 三單:has陳述句改否定句和一般疑問句:涉及be動詞,情態(tài)動詞,動詞原形,三單,祈使句you / I your /

14、 mysome / any (would you like / what about + some不變,can i have some water?)too / either一般疑問句的提問和回答:1. 動詞對應(yīng)2. 人稱對應(yīng)3. 單復(fù)數(shù)對應(yīng)4. 疑問詞5. 動詞對應(yīng)6. You的單復(fù)數(shù)判斷:根據(jù)名詞介詞固定用法for, to, with:This is for you. Thank you.Its time for breakfast. IIts time to have breakfast.Happy birthday to you.Welcome back to school.Cake

15、with fruitWhats the matter with him?后加動詞原形的單詞:1. Lets + v.2. 情態(tài)動詞 + v.3. To + v.4. Be在這些詞后不穿衣服,用原形時間表達法:1. 介詞:at+點鐘,in+上下午晚上,on+周幾,on+周幾早中晚,at night,in+月/季/年2. 周日是一周的第一天3. In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night4. Good evening. / good night.5. In the morning, this morning, on Sund

16、ay morning帶go的詞:Go to bed, go to school, go to the playground, go home, come home, come here, go thereGo doing結(jié)構(gòu):go boating; go camping; go climbing其他零散知識點:1. On the tree / in the tree(4上1)2. 船: on the river; 魚: in the river(4下4)3. 地點介詞on, in, under, behind(4上5)4. At school(4下8)5. 英數(shù):Whats and ? 加法(4上4)6. 不定代詞:a / one(4上3)7. To / two / too區(qū)分(4上3)8. Wake up(4上2)9. Over there(4上5)10. Try sth. On(4下6)11. Paly football不加the(4上4)12. 連詞:and / but區(qū)分(4上4)13. 形容詞/副詞區(qū)分: very good / very well(4上4)14. 被夸獎回答thank you. (4上8)15. Be good at doing ath. (4上4)16. Its time for sth. / Its time to d


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