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1、小學(xué)英語(yǔ)單詞課教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)模板B Lets learn Lets do單詞課教案加句子四.教學(xué)過(guò)程(5P教學(xué)模式 3P)Step 1 Preparation (準(zhǔn)備活動(dòng))GreetingsFree talk 課前交流:Step 2 Presentation(一)Learn the new words (整體呈現(xiàn))Ask Ss to watch a video: The fox and the tiger chopsticks, fork, knife, spoon, plate 全音 K 整體呈 現(xiàn)出來(lái)。(讓學(xué)生從整體上感知這五個(gè)單詞。)1. chopsticksI ' m hungry.

2、 I ' d like some noodles. ( Teacher shows a picture of noodles. ) Where are my chopsticks? Oh, they are here.T shows the picture of chopsticks, and get Ss to read the word after T three times. Then Ss will read the word chopsticks individually.T do the action and say I can use the chopsticks. Ca

3、n you use the chopsticks?T: Do you like noodles?S: Yes, I do.T: Here you are. Can I help?S: Yes. Pass me chopsticks.T: Here you are.S: Thank you!T: Good job !2.fork and knifeT: Do you like beef? s: Yes, i do.T: Here you are. Oh! Give you a fork and a knife.(師把刀叉給該生。)T: Pass me a fork.該生把叉子遞給老師。教師展示叉

4、子,教讀兩遍;師展示圖片,領(lǐng)讀,生跟讀;學(xué)生傳圖片開火車讀。(T: read it and pass it )T: Pass me a fork.學(xué)生把叉子圖片傳給教師。師貼圖。教師板書單詞,領(lǐng)讀,生跟讀。教師展示刀子,教讀兩遍;師展示圖片,領(lǐng)讀,生跟讀; 學(xué)生傳圖片開火車讀。(T: read it and pass it )T: Pass me a knife.學(xué)生把刀子圖片傳給教師。師貼圖。教師板書單詞,領(lǐng)讀,生跟讀3.spoonI ' d like somsoup. Give me a spoon.學(xué)生把勺子遞給老 師。教師展示勺子)教讀兩遍)師展示圖片, 領(lǐng)讀,貼圖,學(xué)生分組讀

5、或開火車讀。教 師板書單詞,領(lǐng)讀生跟讀??凑n件(單詞 遷移)。教師對(duì)學(xué)生說(shuō):Give me a spoon.學(xué)生做動(dòng)作。4.plateTeacher tell the Ss he would like some meat. Andask them to pass/give a plate to the teacher. T:Show me your plate. ( Ss show their plates toT.)Then Ss read Plate after T three times while showing the picture of plate.教師接過(guò)盤子并展示,教讀兩遍,

6、師展示圖片, 領(lǐng)讀,貼圖,學(xué)生分男女生讀或開火車讀。教師 板書單詞,領(lǐng)讀??凑n件(以舊引新planer plate)。教師對(duì)學(xué)生說(shuō):Wash the plate.教師手拿洗碗巾,做洗盤 子的樣子,然后讓學(xué)生做動(dòng)作。(設(shè)計(jì)意圖:通過(guò)吃食物引出餐具,教師展示實(shí)物、圖 片、詞卡、一系列讀的活動(dòng)和 TPR,讓學(xué)生充分練習(xí)單 詞.)(二)Listen and learn (聽音正音)1. Listen, Ipoint and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.2. Listen to the tape and repeat. (設(shè)計(jì)意圖:

7、通過(guò)看書,聽錄音,手指單詞,注意語(yǔ)音語(yǔ)調(diào),跟讀,最大程度上地模仿 認(rèn)讀單詞。)(三)Pair work (合作學(xué)習(xí))Do pair work with deskmates, using flashcards. A: Jack , can I help? B : Yes. Pass me a .Then exchange roles and go on with the pair work.(設(shè)計(jì)意圖:在語(yǔ)境中練習(xí)餐具單詞。)Step 3 Practice (趣味操練)1. Lucky babyT: I want a tableware. Guess, which one I want?(教師點(diǎn)

8、擊鼠標(biāo),開始轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng),學(xué)生猜,再點(diǎn)鼠標(biāo),停止 轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng),某件餐具停下來(lái)并變大。)(設(shè)計(jì)意圖:通過(guò)lucky baby這個(gè)活動(dòng),讓學(xué)生在音、 意上練習(xí)單詞。)2. What ' s missing?Teacher shows five flashcards, then take away one of the cards quickly and ask Ss to find out which card is missin匚 After Ss guess right, show the card and Ss read the word on the card twice.I will show

9、 flashcards, then take away one of the cards quickly and ask Ss to find out which card is missing. After Ss guess right, I will show the card and Ss will read the word on the card together. This game will go on until all the new words are practiced at least three times.(設(shè)計(jì)意圖:通過(guò) what' s missing這個(gè)

10、活動(dòng),讓學(xué)生達(dá) 到音、形、意練習(xí)的目的。)(Hot potato, High land low voice, Snowball )3. Let ' s do ( TPRtalPhysical Response ) T:Look, listen and do actions.(設(shè)計(jì)意圖:通過(guò) TPR活動(dòng),進(jìn)一步復(fù)習(xí)鞏固單詞。)4. Pair workStep 4 Production(輸出 Consolidation & Extension)T: The tiger invites the king to eat big dinner. I.Teacherldemonstrate

11、 a dialogue with a student. T: What would you like for dinner?S: I ' d like some beef T: Can I help?S: Yes, pass me a fork / T: OK. Here you are.S: Thank you.T: Super!2. Group work: imitate the dialogue in the group.3. Some Ss act out their dialogues in front of the class.(設(shè)計(jì)意圖:通過(guò)設(shè)計(jì)了一個(gè)老虎請(qǐng)客的情景,讓學(xué)

12、生 練習(xí)句型和餐具單詞。)Step 5 Progress (檢測(cè)提高)1. 做當(dāng)堂達(dá)標(biāo)題 基礎(chǔ)訓(xùn)練P40第1題。(設(shè)計(jì)意圖:進(jìn)一步從形、意上鞏固單詞。)2. Summary :T: What have you learned today ?學(xué)生自己總結(jié)本課所 學(xué)的內(nèi)容。S1:我學(xué)習(xí)了 5個(gè)有關(guān)餐具的單詞。S2:我知道了如何詢問(wèn)是否需要幫助。S3:我知道了左手叉右手刀。(設(shè)計(jì)意圖:讓學(xué)生自己說(shuō)一下這節(jié)課的收獲,可以是 學(xué)習(xí)了單詞,可以是飲食文化方面的知識(shí)。)3. Homework(1)聽錄音跟讀 B Let ' s learns錄音做動(dòng)作(Let' s doLets learn CCW«e«e甲EhSChlfMLMmaths,PE


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