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2、國* 大學(* University)o美國*大學成立于*年,美國綜合大學排名第* 位,其中*專業(yè)排名第*位。*大學始建于*年,隸 屬于該校*系。該中心始終致力于*技術研究,研究 內容主要包括*等,與申請人的研究方向非常一 致,其研究成果具有較高的學術水平和應用價值。申請人與對方成員有著較為密切的聯系,主要通過電 子郵件等方式交流相關技術問題;另外,申請人于*年 在*曾與該中心的*做過深入的交流。達到本次出國學習預期目標的可行性申請人曾先后承擔及作為技術骨干參與本領域科研 課題*余項,出版*技術方面的專著*部,發(fā)表論文* 余篇。對本研究領域有著較為深入的了解和把握。這些都為 本次出國學習奠定了

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5、每個人平等地提升自我留學美國簽證研究計劃模板大全(1)Descriptions of the research planTitle: Synthesis, Formation Mechanism, and Properties of Different Metal/Metal NanostructuresKeywords: Multi-Shell Nanostructures, Ionic Liquids, Electrochemistry, Multi-Functionality,Porous Metal Materials, Low-Dimensionality, Green Chemis

6、try Objectives: This program is to develop a novel method for fabricating heterogeneous or alloyed different metal/metal low-dimensional nanostructures, for example, multi-shell or porous Ag-Au nanowires, nanorods, and nanocubes using an ionic liquid as both the solvent and shape-inducing template.

7、Synthesis of ionic liquids (ILs) with different alkyl chains and functional groups, as well as the formation of different metal/metal nanostructures with new properties are involved in this research plan. Alloyed or heterogeneous multi-shell nanostructures are generated by utilizing electrochemical

8、(electroless) deposition or a simple galvanic replacement reaction in ILs. By controlling the size, shape, composition, 18crystal structure and surface properties of these structures, it enables us not only to uncover their intrinsic properties, but exploit their formation mechanism in ILs media, as

9、 well as their applications in catalysis, surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), sensors, porous electrodes, etc. This green chemistry process also may be extended to synthesize other organic and inorganic nanostructures with novel properties,morphologyand complexform.State-of-the-artMetal nanost

10、ructures have numerous applications as nanoscale building blocks,templates, andcomponents in chemical and biological sensors, as well as electronic/optical devices,due to theirinteresting optical, catalyticand electricalproperties that depend strongly on both size and shape. Over the past decade, im

11、pressive progress has been made towards the fairly good shape and size control of metal nanostructures 1 2. For noble metals, more emphasis is placed on tuning the novel shape-dependent properties of these nanostructures in contrast to the size-dependency. A variety of metallic building blocks 18百度文

12、庫讓每個人平等地提升自我with unique properties have been synthesized including cubes3 4, prisms 5, disks 6, and hollow nanostructures 7. Currently the interests migrate to the synthesis and application of more complex structures with different metals, such as multi-shell and heterogeneous nanostructures having

13、new properties89, coupling a conception for optimizing preparative strategies in an environmentally benign system10. Therefore, besides creating novel nanostructures with unique properties, a problem arising from the utilization of volatile or poisonous organic solvents and additives is of much conc

14、ern in view of cleaner technology throughout both industry and academia.Most of the current shape selective synthesis of metal nanostructures that their optical properties are markedly affected by their shape and aspect ratio are centered either on a solid substrate by physical methods or in aqueous

15、 or organic media through chemical procedures 2. For instance, complex and highly regular crystalline silver inukshuk architectures can be produced directly on a germanium surface through a simple galvanic displacement reaction that only three ingredients were required: silver nitrate, water, and ge

16、rmanium 11. Despite these advancements, however, limited reports have been reported on how the particle morphology and dimensionality could beregulated by the utilization of ILs12.Recently, environmentally benign room-temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) have received increasing attention worldwide due

17、 to their favorable properties including excellent thermal and chemical stability, good solubility characteristics, high ionic conductivity, negligible vapor pressure, nonflammability, relatively low viscosity, and a wide electrochemical window. This class of fluid materials contains complicated mol

18、ecular interactions such as ionic interactions, hydrogen bonding, “一 ji interactions, and amphiphilic polarization, rendering various molecular structures from merely local orderness up to macroscopic thermo tropic or lyotropicliquid crystalline phases13. These advantages make them actively being em

19、ployed as green solvents for organic chemical reactions, extraction and separation technologies, catalysis, solar cells, and electrochemical applications14 15.In contrast to tremendous growth in R&D on application of ionic liquids to chemical processing, the use of RTILs in inorganic synthesis i

20、s still in its infancy. There have been only a few reports on the shape-and-dimension controlled formation, by using RTILs, of hollow Ti02 microspheres 16 and nanowires of palladium 17, gold nanosheets 12, tellurium nanowires 18, flower-like ZnO nanostructures 19, and CuCl nanoplatelets 20. So far,

21、alloyed metal structures, either spherical nanoparticles or nanocomposite films, have been generated in RTILs using electrochemical deposition of nanocrystalline metals such as Al-Fe, and Al-Mn alloys on different substrates 21. However, formation of multi-shell or hollow nanostructures by controlli

22、ng both the shape and dimension in RTILs has not yet appeared in literature, especially using an electrochemical approach. It is therefore proposed in this program that a new route to optically or catalytically tune the properties of complex metal/metal nanostructures through the control of shape an

23、isotropy and surface morphology is established in RTILs using a green chemistry approach. The reasons we choose RTILs as reaction media are not only in the view of environment protection, but in the consideration of their diversiform molecular structures, which could be used as shape-inducing templa

24、tes for the synthesis of new nanostructures. It is very unlikely that ILs will entirely replace organic solvents or aqueous systems or gas phase processes for the fabrication of inorganic matter. Nevertheless, ionic liquids with different functional groups may provide a means to fabricate nanostruct

25、ures that are not otherwise available. The applicant has accumulated good backgrounds in shape-controlled synthesis and characterization of metal and semiconductor low-dimensional nanostructures with unique optical properties. A series of approaches have been used to fabricate Ag-SiO2, and Ag-Ti02 c

26、ore-shell nanostructures and Ag-SiO2-TiO2 nanocomposite films. During the program, novel soft sol and polymer-assisted methods have been developed to form metal and semiconductor nanorods and wires, such as silver and gold nanowires, CdS and ZnS nanowires and rods, as well as anisotropic metal nanoc

27、rystals, for example, silver nanoprisms, gold nanocubes, nanodisks, and so on 22 23. At the same time, tuning the optical properties through the interaction of nanostructures with femtosecond laser pulses to control the size, shape or dimension in nanometer regime has also been investigated 24. As f

28、or the institution to which the applicant is applying and the group of Professor XXXXXXX, equipments including TEM, SEM, UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectrometer and other emission spectrometer (static, time-resolved and temperature dependent), as well as the group' s excellent research experience in

29、semiconductor and metal nanomaterials 2526 provide a sound foundation for the implementation of thisresearch plan, probably resulting in not only a better understanding of the utilization of RTILs in nanochemistry and electrochemistry, but creating new nanostructures, such as microporous Ag/Au multi

30、-shell nanowires with promising applications in SERS, catalysis, etc.A multidisciplinary approach and the planned activitiesA multidisciplinary approach is designed in this proposal through integrating organic synthesis, electrochemistry, materials science and optoelectronics, aiming to fabricate di

31、fferent metal/metal multi-shell heterogeneous nanostructures including nanocubes, nanorings, nanoplates, nanowires and nanotubes. This research plan covers three aspects: The first one is to create novel structures through the reduction of different metal precursors in RTILs using reducing agents or

32、 electrosynthetic processes. The second is to produce porous low dimensional metal nanostructures by etching with specific solutions (concentrated ammonia or hydrochloric acid) or using galvanic displacement reaction and electrochemical18百度文庫讓每個人平等地提升自我anodization. The third is to investigate the fo

33、rmation mechanism and properties of these nanomaterials.1. Synthesis of metal nanostructures with tailored morphology2. Formation of porous low dimensional nanostructures.3. Properties of different metal/metal nanostructures.4. A possible extension of this research planAnother important direction is

34、 to fabricate magnetic/semiconducting core-shell nanocrystals, such as Fe304/CdSe, or dye molecule complexed rare earth metals to form Gd(BPy)/CdSe using RTILs as reaction media. These nanocrystals containing both fluorescence and magnetic resonance embedded in silica nanoparticles can be used as pr

35、obes for the study of biological materials, especially in bio-imaging. The magnetic/semiconducting core-shell complex nanocrystals offer distinct advantages over conventional dye-molecules, magnetic resonance 18imaging (MRI), and simplex semiconductor nanocrystals not only in that they emit multiple

36、 colors of light and can be used to label and measure several biological markers simultaneously, but in the capability to target molecules with a good spatial resolution.Time schedule for the planMay 1, XX-July 1, XXTwo months German learning in a Goethe InstituteJuly 1, XX-Oct. 31, XX1. Discussion

37、on the detailed research plan and the preparation of materials2. Synthesis and characterization of low-dimensional nanostructures in RTILs3. Publishing 1 papers4. Attending one international convention on nanostructures and applicationsNov. 1, XX-Mar. 31, XX1. Further improvement of the optical and

38、catalytic properties of nanostructures by controlling 18百度文庫讓每個人平等地提升自我their composition, size, shape and morphology2. Formation of multi-shell and porous metal/metal nanomaterials and surface modification3. Applications of as prepared nanostructures in SERS and porous electrodes, ect.4. Publishing

39、about 2-3 papersApr. 1, XX-May 1, XX1. Summarization of experimental results and rethinking of the RTILs in synthesis of nanomaterials2. Discussion on the possible extension of this research plan留學美國簽證研究計劃模板大全(2)Advisor' s informationName:*Organization: Northwestern UniversityAcademic position:

40、* ProfessorE-mail: *TEL: *Address: *, Chicago, IL 60611Research planBackground: A number of key transcription factors, including the Androgen Receptor, the Polycomb group protein EZH2, and the TMPRSS2:ERG gene fusions, have been related to epigenetic changes and implicated in prostate cancer. As tra

41、nscriptional regulation, for instance those by EZH2, eventually leads to inheritable epigenetic changes and thus altered chromatin status. Epigenetic mechanisms may be fundamental to tumorigenesis. Based on lab ' s previous work, we hypothesized that in aggressive tumors altered transcriptional

42、controls and chromatin states lead to de-differentiation and a stem cell like cellular status. In our study we will reveal the link between transcriptional control and epigenetic changes including histone methylation, DNA methylation and the regulation of miRNAs.Therefore the proposed work seeks to

43、find the mechanisms between epigenetic regulation andprostate cancer. We plan to do the followingprojects:Project 1: Cell Culture and In Vitro Overexpression, Inhibition and Function Assays.From November XX to February XX, I will conduct experiments on: cell lines culture, expression vector construc

44、t, RNA analysis by RT-PCR.Project 2: Protein Interaction Assay, ChlP-Seq Assays and Bioinformatics Analysis.From March XX to August XX, I will perform the Assays on: Protein interaction between target genes, Chromatin immunoprecipitation using the histone methylation antibody and sequence the DNA fr

45、agments, Search the binding site sequence by Bioinformatics analysis.Project 3: Paper Writing and PublicationFrom September XX to October XX, I will write my research paper and submit it to a high influence factor journal.Return planEpigenetic regulation, as one of the most fascinating research fiel

46、ds, has appeared in US & Europe since XX' s. Now this discipline has emerged as a new research frontier and received more and more attention in the world. However, in China, epigenetics has only received little attention compared to overseas. In many universities and institutes, few people c

47、oncentrate on epigenetic regulation. So plenty of researchers will be needed to work on this discipline in the near future. With good expertise in epigenetic research including histone methylation and DNA methylation acquired in National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement in past seven years and a deeper insight into epigenetic regulation that will be acquired in Northwestern University, I am full of confidence that after the completion of my post-doctoral research program, I will be able to


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