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1、LOGO旅游文本中的旅游文本中的用詞及其翻譯用詞及其翻譯 LOGOWords used in tourism materialn范圍 伍峰等指出:旅游詞匯涉及文化、經濟、政治、宗教、地理、歷史、民俗、休閑與娛樂等,有時甚至會有某一領域的術語,如Karst topography(卡斯特地貌)stupas(佛塔)等,還大量使用特定文化的專有名詞(proper nouns),如人名地名,西子、蘇堤、玉皇山等。 LOGOn The choice of words are closely related to the style of text(文體),since each style owns spe

2、cific features of words.n斯威夫特(J.Swift)gives a definition of text style: Proper words in proper places make the true definition of a style.。 n 詞的恰當與否“首先取決于作者和說話者的主題、對象與目的?!保ㄍ踝袅迹⊥?,1987:55)LOGO共同特點一:使用描述性很強的詞匯n無論是英語的旅游材料還是中文的旅游材料,在介紹宣傳景點時都會使用一些描述性很強的形容詞或動詞,以渲染所介紹的景點之美,從而達到說服讀者來旅游景點旅游的目的。n英譯漢時,因為漢語更注重

3、文辭的華美,所以這些描述性的詞匯往往可用漢語的四字格翻譯;漢譯英時,要盡量挑選一些描述類英文形容詞或動詞表達中文的四字描述詞匯,但可能要打一定的折扣,同時還要注意避免語義重復。LOGOnThe Hawaiian Islands are one of the most beautiful places on earth. The weather is friendly. The temperature range from 60-90 degrees(Fahrenheit) all year long. n夏威夷是世界上最具魅力的地方之一。這里天氣晴朗,氣候宜人,氣溫常年在華氏60-90度之間。

4、 LOGOn 英:Welcome to breath-taking views, unforgettable moments and impressive scenery. Springtime in Interlaken debauches with blooming landscapes, natural alpine air, crystal clear rivers and rustling waterfall.n 譯:歡迎來到因特拉肯。這里美得讓人屏住呼吸,這里美得讓人流連忘返,這里的美更是讓人久久難以忘懷。春天的因特拉肯景色宜人,生機勃勃。山區(qū)空氣自然清新,流淌的河水猶如水晶般清澈

5、剔透,還有那飛流直下的瀑布在嘩嘩作響。LOGOn中:這里千峰競秀,有奇峰72座,其中天都峰、蓮花峰、光明頂都在海拔1,800米以上,拔地擎天,氣勢磅礴,雄姿靈秀。n譯:You can enjoy numerous magnificent peaks including 72 in odd shapes, with Tiandu, Lianhua and Guangmingding above 1,800 meters in altitude. They all rise up like giants, forming into spectacular scenery.LOGO共同特點二:表達信

6、息時適用相對簡單的詞匯n中英旅游文本都旨在向讀者傳遞一定的信息。對于涉及到的實質信息,中英文旅游材料都會使用簡單常用的詞匯,去掉夸張渲染的成分,也沒用過多的修辭手法。n對于這類信息的翻譯,無論是中譯英還是英譯中,都應該挑選常用詞匯,使受教育程度一般的讀者都能讀懂,以期達到在目的語讀者群中介紹信息的目的。LOGO n中:云南有26個少數民族,是中國少數民族種類最多的省份。各民族的服飾、建筑、風俗、歌舞、飲食等,形成了一幅美麗的風情畫卷。n英:Home to 26 ethnic groupsthe largest number in ChinaYunnan Province offers tour

7、ists a cultural feast of unique ethnic costumes, architectures, customs, cuisines, songs and dances.LOGO n英:Cross the bridge and turn behind the Winter Palace. In the middle of the huge Palace Square stands the Alexander Column. It commemorates Russias victory over Napoleon.n譯:過了橋轉到冬宮的后面,巨大的冬宮廣場中間豎立

8、著亞歷山大圓柱,該柱是為紀念俄國和拿破侖交戰(zhàn)的勝利而建的。LOGO共同特點三:使用第二人稱代詞n第二人稱代詞用在廣告宣傳文體中用語拉近與讀者的距離,使讀者產生一種親近感,從而更好地宣傳推介產品或服務。因此中英旅游文本都有選擇使用第二人稱代詞的現象。這里的第二人稱代詞有時并不特指某個人,而是一種泛指。n中英旅游文本中的第二人稱代詞有些可以直譯,但由于漢語有時表示泛指的句子中會省略LOGO n中:當你在作坊里親眼所見那傳世的印版、五彩的顏料、嫻熟的畫技,或許更能領略到這早已聞名四海的中國非物質文化遺產的無窮魅力。n譯:When you see in the workshops for yourse

9、lf the printing plates handed down from ancient times, the multicoloured pigments and the consummate skills, perhaps you will get a better understanding of the charm of this world-famous Chinese nonmaterial cultural heritage.LOGOnYoull not only find sport here, but also culture.and emotion.n這里,您不僅可以

10、 體驗體育運動,還可以嘗試各種文化運動,一切充滿了激情。LOGOSo where the bloody hell are you? weve poured you a beer; and we have got the camel shampoed; weve saved you a spot on the beach; And weve got the shark out of the pool; weve got the Roos off the green;And Bills on his way down to open the front gate; The taxis waitin

11、g; An dinners about to be served.Weve turned on the lights;And weve been rehearsing for 40,000 years;So where the bloody hell are you ?LOGOn Yet in spite of this, you can still find some of the citys grand past.n盡管如此,還是可以找到一些這個城市輝煌的過去。LOGOnKangroo Islandyou can escape from the rush of life and becom

12、e a modern Crusoe.在袋鼠島你你能逃避喧囂的塵世,成為現代的魯濱遜。LOGOn英:Youre not permitted to bring your own food to the park; you can only consume the fast food sold on the premises.n譯:不允許自帶食物進入公園,只能在里面的快餐店用餐。LOGO共同特點四:使用形容詞的比較級和最高級n旅游文本屬于宣傳廣告類型,而廣告在使用形容詞時往往會用比較級或最高級,以示廣告的產品或服務優(yōu)于同類產品或服務。n比較級的翻譯一般可以直譯,但是英語的比較級轉譯為漢語的最高級會更

13、具說明力,更簡潔,更通順。LOGOn中文:全國以西湖命名的淡水湖有36處,杭州西湖就是其中自然風光最秀麗的一個。n譯:In China, there are actually 36 fresh-water lakes that have got the name of West Lake, but of them the one in Hangzhou is blessed with the most picturesque natural scenery.LOGOn英文:Out of all of Americas symbols, none has proved more enduring

14、 or evocative than the Statue of Liberty.n譯文1:在美國所有的標志中,沒有比“自由女神”更持久、更具感召力的了。n譯文2:在美國所有的標志當中,“自由女神”最為持久,也最具感召力。LOGOn 中:1. 太湖奇峰環(huán)抱,煙水迷蒙,自然天成的湖光山色美不勝收。n 2. 當你步入溝中,便可見林中碧海淡蕩生輝,瀑布舒灑碧玉。一到金秋,滿山楓葉絳紅。盛夏,湖山幽翠。仲春,樹綠花艷四時都呈現出它的天然原始,寧靜幽深。LOGO中英旅游文本用詞的不同特點及其翻譯 n 1.漢語旅游景介的寫作要顯得“文采濃郁”一些,多仰仗辭藻的渲染而不是物象的明晰展示.漢語的語言表達常常伴

15、有大量的對偶平行結構和連珠四字句,以求行文工整,聲律對仗,文意對比,達到音形意皆美、詩情畫意盎然的效果。n 英語旅游文體大多風格簡約,結構嚴謹而不復雜,行文用字簡潔明了,表達直觀通俗,注重信息的準確性和語言的實用性,最忌啰嗦堆砌。多數情況下,景物描寫往往用客觀的具象羅列來傳達實實在在的景物之美,為求忠實再現自然,讓讀者有一個明確具體的印象LOGO. 英漢旅游文體特色美學基礎漢民族的寫作美學一貫強調“意與境混”的上乘境界,追求客觀景物與主觀情感高度和諧、融為一體的渾然之美?!耙磺芯拔锝郧檎Z也”。西方傳統哲學在主觀與客觀的物象關系上,主張“客主分離”,更多的強調摹仿和再現,在描繪外界自然美時,總是

16、“站在自然之外”去欣賞自然之美LOGO英漢旅游文體特色漢語語言表達常常人文色彩濃郁,物我一體,具有一種超越現實、虛實不定的朦朧、變形之美,一景一物,皆有靈性,主觀色彩濃厚英語表達客觀、簡約,語言上追求一種自然理性之美,行文用字最忌重復堆砌;另一方面,十分講究句式結構的邏輯層次和有機組合,語法規(guī)則十分嚴格,反映出英語表達邏輯嚴謹、思想縝密的美學特點。LOGO英文旅游文體特色分析n Tiny islands are strung around the edge of the peninsula like a pearl necklace. Hunks of coral reef, coconut

17、palms, and fine white sand.LOGO譯例分析中譯英n太湖奇峰環(huán)抱,煙水迷蒙,自然天成的湖光山色美不勝收。nGrotesque peaks around and mist over the surface have turned the Taihu Lake into a marvelous natural landscape.LOGO譯例分析中譯英n當你步入溝中,便可見林中碧海淡蕩生輝,瀑布舒灑碧玉。一到金秋,滿山楓葉絳紅。盛夏,湖山幽翠。仲春,樹綠花艷四時都呈現出它的天然原始,寧靜幽深。n Limpid lakes and sparkling waterfalls

18、captivate your eyes as you enter the ravine. The trees are in their greenest and flowers in full bloomspring when intensified by colorful flowers. In summer, warm tints spread over the hills and the lakes and in autumn, the maple trees turn fiery red. Tranquility pervades primitive Jiuzhaigou throug

19、hout the year.LOGO譯例分析譯例分析英譯中英譯中nTiny islands are strung around the edge of the peninsula like a pearl necklace. Hunks of coral reef, coconut palms, and fine white sand.n座座島嶼玲瓏小巧,緊密相連,像一串串珍珠綴成的項鏈,環(huán)繞著半島邊緣。島上珊瑚礁紅,椰樹成片,沙灘如銀,景色如詩如畫。LOGO譯例分析譯例分析英譯中英譯中n For me this landscape was always a magical prospect, the austere countryside stretching away with the sharp definition of an 18th-century aquatint across hill and woodland to Mt. Battie outlined against the horizon -The Last Hill by Francis Ruselln 我總覺得這兒的山野山野風光風光格外迷人格外迷人,那鄉(xiāng)間淳古渾樸淳古渾樸的原野綿綿延伸展延伸展,跨過小山,越過森林,一路延


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