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1、Tess of DUrbervillesAnalysis of each characters impact on Tess adversity1. The story of TessIn the book Tess of DUrbervilles, Thomas Hardy portrayed a poor innocent girl Tess who was seduced, abandoned and ultimately hanged on account of murder. The essay aims to explore the multiple reasons led to

2、Tessfinal mishap through the analysis of each characters personal traits and influence on Tess.Tess, a comely innocent country girl, was born in an impoverished family. Her good-for-nothing father accidentally acquired the knowledge that they were kin to a noble family who was still in existence and

3、 sent her to claim kindred. Unexpectedly, the man called Alec DUrbervilles was stunned by her beauty and sought all possible means to seduce her. Poor Tess lost her virginity when she was asleep. Bearing the crushing guilty and shame, she left there and later gave birth to a baby who died before lon

4、g. Tess, in the hope of evading the floating rumors prevailed the village, sought a job in the adjacent dairy-house. It was there her fervor towards life was kindled again. She felt deeply in love with a gentleman named Angel Clare. Though shamed of her past misfortune, Tess accepted his ardent purs

5、uit and married him before she could sought the proper chance to confide her secret. On the very night of their marriage, Tess retailed her heart-wrenching history to her loved one. Nonetheless, the story was too much for Clare who had been regarding Tess as a pure and innocent girl. He abandoned he

6、r in spite of her earnest and desperate imploration and left for Brazil. For the sake of her impoverished family, Tess was forced to resume toiling in another village where she ran into the culprit of her miseryAlec DUrbervilles. Detesting him to the utmost degree, Tess rebuffed any favor he offered

7、 and wrote to Clare begging his forgiveness and return. However, her fathers abrupt death plunged the whole family into a homeless impasse. With no one to turn to, desperate Tess was forced to subdue to Alecs pursuit. On the other hand, Clare, who had gone though a fierce psychological struggle, eve

8、ntually resolved to forgive and accept her abandoned wife. However, things all changed dramatically. When Tess found the return of her loved husband, she was again trapped in extreme anguish. She killed Alec in anger and despair. The couple, who have finally unit, enjoyed transientbliss and felicity

9、 before Tess was hanged. And, the story ends.2. Each characters personal traits and influence on TessThe harrowing story of Tess is no individuals fault, but is the collective result of a bevy of people emerging in her life. They shaped the trajectory Tess plodded along. Some of them were good in na

10、ture and bore no ill-will towards Tess, however, their ignorance and selfish inflicted immense torment on her. In the passages to come, I shall analyze each character, with their influence decrease progressively, to better understand why fine innocent Tess would end so tragically.2.1. Alec DUrbervil

11、lesAlec DUrbervilles is the arch criminal of Tess miserable life. He is a profligate, skittish, self-centered, irresponsible and oscillatory dude.Since the very first sight of Tess, he had been obsessed by her gorgeous appearance and coveting her body. Taking advantage of Tess parents vanity and des

12、ire, he flattered, coaxed Tess and even won support from her family with money and materials. Seeking his own happiness and lusty desire, he seduced Tess in the condition of her sound sleeping without the slightest consideration, especially in that time when girls virginity was so important, of the

13、consequences of his conducts. Worse still, he left Tess after the misconduct with no further inquiry of what might befall her. It was on account of his selfish and imperious behaviors that Tess was pregnant with helplessness and humiliation; it was because of his recklessness and irresponsibility th

14、at Tess lost her child grievously beyond measure even without a formal funeral for her baby. Seems that he had tortured Tess enough, however, his reappearance after Tess was abandoned by his husband once again stirred her life and exacerbated her misfortune. Years after their departure, Tess encount

15、ered him when he was preaching among clusters of people. A former devil with bloody crime was persuading people to believe in God, he looked more like a clown. However, the outward devoted priest relinquished all his belief in God the moment he glanced at Tess and resumed his ardent and brazen pursu

16、it of her despite her marriage. In order to make him drop his love, Tess told him the story of their poor baby and her tragic life after his departure. It seemed that there was a moment that Alec took on the coat of kindness. He offered to help her out but wasrebuffed decisively. Although Tess was s

17、toical enough to convince every one that she would not betray his husband, she had no choice when the whole family was on the verge of homelessness and all burden was thrown on her shoulder. The then kind favor offered by Alec, however, turned out to be most heavy bonds trammeling her from returning

18、 to her husband. In order to talk Tess into accepting his help, he repeatedly convinced her that her husband would never return. However, when Clare eventually reasoned out that his punishment imposed on Tess was more than she should deserved and came back for her, Alec had already induced Tess to b

19、e his mistress. Whats more evil about Alec is that he didnt mean to comfort her when she was desperate about her husbands return, instead, he taunted and scoffed at her. Grievous beyond description, Tess stabbed him to death.Alec DUrbervillesemergences never gave Tess a break. He distorted Tesslife

20、to a miserable shape and ended up with a tragedy himself. In the eyes of Tess, Alec DUrbervilles is nothing but embodiment of devil who relentlessly deprived her of her humble felicity.2.2. Angel ClareAngel Clare, as his name denotes, was like an angel in Tess life. When he presented, Tesslife would

21、 be brightly illuminated and safely protected; when he was absent, Tesslife was encroached by endless darkness and threatened by lurking dangers. Angels feathers have two distinct colors: white and black. When he put on the white one, he was a brilliant, versatile, learned and capable, upright, virt

22、uous and promising man. While when he put on the other, he would transform into a hard-core, stubborn, cold-blood and cruel creature. Therefore, as he changed his color, Tess life would be stirred drastically.Angel made his first appearance in Tess life when she was merely a pure and innocent girl.

23、The two imprinted deep impression on each other at their first mute encounter. The belated angel didnt show up until Tess was already hurt by evil Alec. However, the two fell so deeply in love to the degree that the stoical Tess would subdue to his love. Brilliant Angel was fascinated by Tessglamour

24、 as well as her unique insight of life which differed her from other girls. Tess, similarly, could hardly resist Angels charm and tenderness as well as his extensive knowledge. Not only did Angel kindled Tesspassion and courage to life, but also enlightened her by imparting her knowledge. However, o

25、vershadowed by the past nightmare, Tess was trying, though in vain, torefuse his proposal. Even their marriage was disapproved by Angels parents, he married her whatsoever before Tess could possibly find a proper chance to confess her history to him.On the very evening of their marriage, the two wer

26、e finally all by their own. Angel confessed to Tess that he had been,for a short period of time, in a sexual relationship with a woman and begged for her forgiveness. With no hesitation, Tess forgave him and was expecting the same result after her confessing. Nevertheless, Angels attitude changed dr

27、astically, or I would say to the opposite of his former attitude, that his passion and love for her died out in an instant. No matter how sincerely and pathetically Tess implored him, his hardened heart would not soften and even insisted that the two should depart immediately. All of a sudden, angel

28、 flew away, leaving poor Tess enduring the ceaseless mental and physical toil. Though bitter in heart, obstinate Angel went to Brazil with the bid to evade the unbearable truth and inflicting more despair on his newly married wife. Trammeled by the then conventional mental bonds, he could hardly acc

29、ept his incomplete wife who had had such a horrible history and still concealed it from his knowledge. Whereas, he was steeped in his own mishap so much so that he ignored what might befall his wife after his departure. Selfishness is by no means an excessive word for him. Should he had known that T

30、ess was bearing so much suffering, he would have come back earlier. But he assumed that his wife was not the one that he loved, only because she was deprived of virginity. It was not until the death of his friend, who claimed his doings as incorrect, that he eventually wakened from his obsession. Be

31、cause of his obstinate, his wifes attitude transformed from mute endurance to ardent imploration, and finally disfigured into despair and rage. Driven by the belated awakening, Angel scramble home for his abandoned wife, but only to had discovered all traces of her suffering. Regretted to the utmost

32、 degree, he found his wife in her ex-lovers apartment. Seems that the story should have ended here, but its not over yet. Angels reappearance plunged Tess into greater misery. She had been longing for his return so intensely and desperately, but when he did come back, she could not accept him. What

33、a tragic. Being extremely despaired, Tess killed Alec and went to Angel. Luckily, Angel didnt refuse her this time. They had been escaping from arrest for several days, and it was for the transient felicity that Tess would die with no regret.Those who are consistently evil are deplorable, but they a

34、re no match with those who transform from angel to devil. As is known, the one you love most is the one hurt you worst. If we call Alec DUrbervilles the devil who took Tess to the hell, then Angel Clare must be the one whoascend Tess up to the Heaven, than throw her back into inferno.2.3. Tess Durbe

35、yfieldNo one should impute all his or her misfortune to others, so does Tess. There is no doubt that a couple of defects imprinted in Tess nature partly contributed to her mishap. Though it is widely acknowledged that Tess is an innocent, kind-hearted, filial, single-minded, defiant, enduring and st

36、aunch country girl, we have to admit that she is easy to compromise both to Angel Clare and Alec DUrbervilles, and timid to face her own history especially when she encountered Angel. Besides, her confiding nature also entails her miserable story.At the beginning of the story, Tess was sent to claim

37、 kindred with the DUrbervilles who were actually not genuine. Knowing that Alec DUrbervilles had been coveting her beauty, she didnt rebuff him decisively because his material endowment to her poor family. For one thing, she was responsible so much so that she didnt want to fail her family. For the

38、other, she was so confiding that she even enjoyed his teaching her whistling. Worst of all, in the very night of the accident, Tess made the inconsiderate decision to go with Alec when she was trapped in a wrangling. Feeling deeply beholden to his favor, she distorted her own life trajectory on acco

39、unt of her innocence and purity.Since her encounter with Angel Clare, Tess gradually resumed her passion for life as well as her courage to love. Her sense of guilt eventually gave way to her ardent love for Clare. Never before in her life had she been so valiant and devoting. But still, the tainted

40、 past had always been the core stuck in her throat. We may, speaking for her sake, defend that she always missed the proper time to confess her history. However, she didnt disclose her past, in my view, owing to her timidity and cowardliness. She loved Clare with heart and soul so that she could har

41、dly bear losing him before she even got him. Anguish beyond measure deep down, she was abandoned by her love and plunged into ceaseless regret. All those agony, she felt she deserve. When her father abruptly died and placed her whole family on the verge of homelessness, she had no alternative but tu

42、rn to Alec. She compromised finally, but extremely unwillingly. When Angel came back for her, she was eventually overwhelmed by her love and stabbed Alec to death. What seems a wretched ending for us but a satisfactory one for Tess. The final days company with her love was sweet enough to offset all

43、 her bitterness she had endured.Tess, innocent as she was, had being brewing her misery all her life. Therefore, she was also a major element contributing to her tragedy. 2.4. Mr. and Mrs. Durbeyfield As the parents of our heroine, Mr. and Mrs. Durbeyfield disappointed us with their ignorant, superf

44、icial, self-interested and irresponsible nature. It is never exaggerative to say that it was them who pushed their daughter into the misfortune abyss. Mr. Durbeyfield opened the story with his stupidityhe was so convinced by the story of being the descendent of an extinct noble family. Sluggish and

45、stupid as he was, he even fancied to become rich by claiming kindred. As the elder daughter, Tess was naturally became the tool for his ill-planned “blue-print”. With the knowledge of their daughters being molested, what came into the mind of Mrs. Durbeyfield was that she might marry noble and rich

46、rather than that she might in danger. Never had they make self-examination. After Tess was insulted, they didnt comfort her, instead, Mr. Durbeyfield even regarded her as a stain on their reputation. A family without families due warmness is the reason why Tess was so independent and shouldered ever

47、ything herself. Mrs. Durbeyfield was no better than Mr. Durbeyfield. In her letter to her daughter when Tess was struggling with her choice of marrying Angel, Mrs. Durbeyfield persuaded Tess to mine the secret forever. Although, it is understandable that a mother wish her daughter possess felicity,

48、her conduct unconsciously laid the foreshadowing of the terrible end. If they were a slightly more competent and responsible, their daughter would not have to shoulder so many burdens and pressure which ruined her due happiness. As parents, they were far from competent. Family, as is known, is suppo

49、sed to be the haven for those drifters. Whereas, Tess family left her nothing but unbearable stress and became the last place she wanted to go. As parents, they are more than pathetic. 2.5. Tess friends Izz, Retty and Marian Not everyone emerged in Tess life imposed misery upon her. There was some w

50、ho did bring her goodness, her three companions who shared the same room with her, for example. They were equally innocent, pure enduring and tough as Tess. Besides, they were also fascinated by Mr. Clare. 6 Rare animals they are. There is nowhere to find a girl who sacrifices her love for the sake

51、of her friend and even helped her out of her adversity. However, the three are precisely the sort of rare girls. Unlike Tess, the three had never had their past stained. They were brave in their fruitless love for Clare. Knowing that Clare and Tess were in deep love with each other, they were envious but not hatred toward Tess. On the day of their marriage, the three respectively did some stupid things because of their flooding emotion. However, when they found out that Tess was abandoned long before her marriage, they did not gloat at her calamity. In stead, they tried


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