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1、精選第四課時(shí)一、課時(shí)內(nèi)容教科書第52頁: Lets learn Find and say二、課時(shí)分析本課時(shí)是義務(wù)教育靈通版(pep)小學(xué)英語教科書五年級上冊的第五單元第四課時(shí),包括Lets learn 和Find and say兩部分。其中,Lets learn是Find and say的基礎(chǔ),F(xiàn)ind and say是對Lets learn部分的實(shí)際運(yùn)用,兩者相輔相成,缺一不可。第一部分Lets learn是基礎(chǔ)板塊,以單詞教學(xué)為主要任務(wù)和目標(biāo),呈現(xiàn)了五幅圖片、五個(gè)單詞和一組問答句型,旨在讓學(xué)生學(xué)會聽、說、讀、寫5個(gè)表示物體相對位置關(guān)系的介詞和介詞短語,分別是:in front of/bes

2、ide/between/behind/above。這五張圖片每張圖片對應(yīng)一個(gè)單詞,描述球和狗的不同位置關(guān)系。第一幅圖描述的是球在狗的前面,引出in front of這一介詞短語,含義是“在前面”,in front of the dog,意思是“在狗的前面”。第二幅圖展示的是球在狗的旁邊,對應(yīng)單詞是beside,翻譯為“在旁邊”,“在狗的旁邊”就是beside the dog。第三幅圖畫的是一個(gè)球在兩只狗的中間,引出單詞between,翻譯為“在中間”,“在兩只狗的中間”就是between two dogs。第四幅圖為我們展示的是球在狗的后面,對應(yīng)單詞behind,“behind the dog

3、”含義就是“在狗的后面”。最后一幅圖的內(nèi)容是球在狗的上面(球和狗不接觸),對應(yīng)的單詞是above,“above the dog”就翻譯為“在狗的上面”。一組問答句型是:Where is the ball?(球在哪兒?) Its in front of the dog.(它在狗的前面。)要求學(xué)生把本課時(shí)的5個(gè)表示相對位置關(guān)系的單詞靈活運(yùn)用到這組簡單的問答句中。第二部分Find and say 是拓展訓(xùn)練板塊,呈現(xiàn)了一幅插圖和一個(gè)陳述句,其設(shè)計(jì)用意在于讓學(xué)生使用Lets learn中學(xué)習(xí)的5個(gè)表示物體相對位置關(guān)系的介詞和短語以及介詞in和on,綜合本單元前面學(xué)習(xí)的There is和There ar

4、e句型對這一圖片進(jìn)行具體地描述。例如圖片里有一座房子,一棵大樹,可以表示為There is a house and a tree。房子里有兩把椅子,可以用There are two chairs in the house來描述。通過這一部分的看圖說話練習(xí),既考查了學(xué)生的觀察能力,又訓(xùn)練了學(xué)生對本課時(shí)乃至本單元的新單詞比如bike/photo/between/behind/in front of等的使用,同時(shí)還讓學(xué)生進(jìn)一步熟悉用There is和There are這兩個(gè)句型進(jìn)行日常對話。 本課時(shí)要求重點(diǎn)掌握5個(gè)表示物體相對位置關(guān)系的介詞和介詞短語,以及一組問答句型來描述物體的相對位置關(guān)系。我準(zhǔn)備

5、充分運(yùn)用多媒體的多種功能,充分展示相關(guān)的重點(diǎn)詞句和圖片,課前做好PPT課件,為學(xué)生設(shè)計(jì)幾個(gè)模擬情境,幫助他們把學(xué)習(xí)的新知識及時(shí)運(yùn)用到實(shí)際中,爭取讓每位學(xué)生都能夠準(zhǔn)確描繪自己身邊的事物。三、課時(shí)目標(biāo)1.能夠聽、說、讀、寫5個(gè)表示物體相對位置關(guān)系的介詞和短語:in front of,beside,between,behind,above,并能正確使用這幾個(gè)單詞和短語。2.能夠聽、說、讀、寫句型:There is a in/on/in front of/beside/between/behind/above There arein/on/in front of/beside/between/behi

6、nd/above3.能夠在情景中運(yùn)用句型There isThere are描述某處有某物四、課時(shí)重難點(diǎn)1.課時(shí)重點(diǎn)(1)能夠聽、說、讀、寫5個(gè)表示物體相對位置關(guān)系的介詞和短語:in front of,beside,between,behind,above,并能正確使用這幾個(gè)單詞和短語。(2)能夠聽、說、讀、寫句型:There is a in/on/in front of/beside/between/behind/above There arein/on/in front of/beside/between/behind/above 2.課時(shí)難點(diǎn)能夠在情景中運(yùn)用句型There isThere

7、are描述某處有某物五、教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備教師課前精心制作PPT課件,準(zhǔn)備與本課時(shí)相關(guān)的詞卡和圖卡,教學(xué)中會用到的實(shí)物。六、教學(xué)過程1.課前熱身教師用課件出示以下圖片:一個(gè)鐘表,兩個(gè)水瓶,一輛自行車,三盆植物,一張照片。T:What can you see, boys and girls?Ss:I can see a clock, two water bottles, a bike, three plants and a photo.(教師板書:a clock, two water bottles, a bike, three plants,a photo)T:Now please make a sen

8、tence with one of them. Make a sentence like this: There is a clock on the wall.S1:There are two water bottles on the desk.(教師板書:There are two water bottles on the desk.)S2::There is a bike in the room. (教師板書:There is a bike in the room.)S3:There are three plants under the desk.(教師板書:There are three

9、 plants under the desk.)S4:There is a photo on the wall.T:What does in mean?Ss:在里。T:What does on mean?Ss:在上。T:What does under mean?Ss:在下面。設(shè)計(jì)意圖:復(fù)習(xí)前面課時(shí)中學(xué)習(xí)的兩個(gè)主要句型There isThere are,同時(shí)通過復(fù)習(xí)以前學(xué)習(xí)的幾個(gè)表示方位的介詞on/in/under,為本課時(shí)即將學(xué)習(xí)的重要內(nèi)容打下鋪墊。2.導(dǎo)入 (1)歌曲導(dǎo)入教師播放本單元的主題曲A photo of me,學(xué)生聽歌曲。A photo of me 一張我的照片Beside the

10、 big plant, 在這盆大植物旁邊,What can you see? 你能看見什么?Above the big clock, 在這個(gè)大鐘表的上方,Theres a photo of me. 有一張我的照片。Beside the big plant, 在這盆大植物旁邊,What can you see? 你能看見什么?Between the two windows, 在兩個(gè)窗戶中間,Theres a photo of me. 有一張我的照片。設(shè)計(jì)意圖:通過播放本單元主題曲,讓學(xué)生在復(fù)習(xí)已學(xué)知識的同時(shí),預(yù)先感知即將學(xué)習(xí)的新知識。聽過歌曲之后學(xué)生會產(chǎn)生很多疑問,帶著疑問去學(xué)習(xí)能夠做到有的放矢

11、,目標(biāo)更加明確。(2)語言導(dǎo)入。教師用課件出示單元主題曲中的這幾句歌詞:Beside the big plant,Above the big clock,Between the two windowsT:Beside, above, between, what do they mean? Lets go and have a look.3. 新課呈現(xiàn) (1)教學(xué)Lets learn 教學(xué)本課時(shí)新單詞教師拿出準(zhǔn)備好的一個(gè)有蓋的盒子和一個(gè)小玩具熊,先將玩具熊放入盒子里面,問學(xué)生:Where is the bear?學(xué)生回答:It is in the box.然后將盒子蓋好蓋,把玩具熊放在盒子的上面

12、,問學(xué)生:Where is the bear?學(xué)生回答:It is on the box.教學(xué)單詞front及其短語in front of教師把玩具熊放在盒子前面,問學(xué)生:Where is the bear?學(xué)生回答:It is in front of the box.設(shè)計(jì)意圖:單詞front及其短語in front of 在上一課時(shí)的教學(xué)中已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)過,在此教師可以根據(jù)學(xué)生的總體掌握情況進(jìn)行適當(dāng)講解。教學(xué)單詞beside教師把玩具熊放在盒子的旁邊,自問自答:Where is the bear?It is beside the box.同時(shí)板書beside 在旁邊 beside the box

13、在盒子旁邊教學(xué)單詞between教師另外拿出一個(gè)盒子,把玩具熊放在兩個(gè)盒子中間,請學(xué)生提問:Where is the bear?教師回答:It is between the two boxes.同時(shí)板書between 在中間 between the two boxes 在兩個(gè)盒子中間教學(xué)單詞behind教師把玩具熊放在盒子后面,學(xué)生提問:Where is the bear?教師回答:It is behind the box.同時(shí)板書behind。然后教師問:What does behind mean? Can you guess? 學(xué)生根據(jù)兩個(gè)物體之間的位置關(guān)系作出推測并回答:在后面。教師板書

14、:在后面 behind the box 在盒子后面教學(xué)單詞above教師手捧玩具熊,雙手停留在盒子上方,教師提問:Where is the bear?學(xué)生回答:在盒子上方。教師用英文回答:Yes, it is above the box.同時(shí)板書:above 在上面。將玩具熊放在盒子上,自問自答:Where is the bear? It is on the box.教師此時(shí)向?qū)W生講解on 和above的區(qū)別:on 指的是面與面相接觸的“在上面”,above強(qiáng)調(diào)不接觸的“在上面”,可翻譯成“在上方”。設(shè)計(jì)意圖:通過不斷變換兩個(gè)物體之間的位置關(guān)系,為學(xué)生講授本課時(shí)的五個(gè)重要單詞。實(shí)物教學(xué)是英語課

15、堂上常用的教學(xué)方式之一,更加形象直觀,更能引發(fā)學(xué)生參與課堂的興趣。朗讀單詞T:Boys and girls, please look at these new words on the blackboard. Read them with me, please. front,f-r-o-n-t,frontSs:Front,f-r-o-n-t,frontT:Front,front,正面。Ss:Front,front,正面。T:In front of ,In front of 在前面。Ss:In front of ,In front of 在前面。T:Beside,b-e-s-i-d-e,besi


17、bove,a-b-o-v-e,aboveT:Above,above,在上面。Ss:Above,above,在上面。設(shè)計(jì)意圖:教學(xué)完單詞的形和義之后鞏固單詞發(fā)音。教師用課件依次出示本課時(shí)Lets learn 中的五幅插圖,遮住文字部分,進(jìn)行問答練習(xí)。出示第一幅圖T:Where is the ball?Ss:It is in front of the dog.(教師板書:It is in front of the dog.)T:Translate it.Ss:它在狗的前面。出示第二幅圖,將學(xué)生按男女分為兩大組,男生提問,女生回答。Boys:Where is the ball?Girls:It is

18、 beside the dog.(教師板書:It is beside the dog.)出示第三幅圖,師生問答Ss:Where is the ball?T:It is between two dogs. (教師板書:It is between two dogs.)教師板書:between two dogs,同時(shí)再列出幾個(gè)含有between的短語:between two cats,between the doors,between the door and the window提醒學(xué)生between后常跟表示兩者的名詞或代詞。出示第四幅圖,女生提問男生回答。Girls:Where is the

19、ball?Boys:It is behind the ball.(教師板書:It is behind the ball.)出示第五幅圖T:Where is the ball?Ss:It is above the ball. (教師板書:It is above the ball.)設(shè)計(jì)意圖:借助教科書中的插圖再次熟悉本課時(shí)五個(gè)單詞,同時(shí)熟練使用本課時(shí)的一組問答句型。師生共同朗讀中板書的5個(gè)句子,或者男生朗讀句子,女生翻譯句子。之后交換,女生朗讀句子,男生翻譯句子。It is in front of the dog. 它在狗的前面。It is beside the dog. 它在狗的旁邊。It i

20、s between two dogs. 它在兩只狗中間。It is behind the ball. 它在狗的后面。It is above the ball. 它在狗的上面。設(shè)計(jì)意圖:反復(fù)朗讀是英語學(xué)習(xí)的必要方法之一。帶領(lǐng)學(xué)生熟練朗讀對話語句,熟練掌握各種英語句型的朗讀要領(lǐng),培養(yǎng)學(xué)生們好的朗讀習(xí)慣,為今后的學(xué)習(xí)打下良好的基礎(chǔ)。(2)教學(xué)Find and say教師用課件出示教科書Find and say中的配圖,師生共同討論圖片。T:What is in the picture?S1:There is a house in the picture.S2:There is a dog in th

21、e picture.S3:There is a bike in the picture.S4:There is a tree in the picture.S5:There is a cat in the picture.S6:There are two chairs in the picture.S7:There are two people in the picture.T:Where is the bike?Ss:It is in front of the window.T:Yes. We can say “There is a bike in front of the window”.

22、(教師板書:There is a bike in front of the window.)Where is the tree?Ss:It is in front of the house.T:So, “There is a tree in front of the house”.(教師板書:There is a tree in front of the house.)Where is the cat?Ss:It is behind the door.T:There is a cat behind the door.(教師板書:There is a cat behind the door.)W

23、here is the dog?Ss:It is under the tree.T:There is a dog under the tree.(教師板書:There is a dog under the tree.)Where is the chairs?Ss:It is in the house.T:There is a chair in the house. (教師板書:There is a chair in the house.)Where are the two people?Ss:They are under the tree.T:There are two people unde

24、r the tree. (教師板書:There are two people under the tree.)設(shè)計(jì)意圖:學(xué)生們通過看圖畫,與教師進(jìn)行問答練習(xí),復(fù)習(xí)鞏固了已經(jīng)學(xué)習(xí)過的There isThere are句型,同時(shí)在教師的引導(dǎo)下,將本課時(shí)所學(xué)的五個(gè)表示物體相對位置關(guān)系的介詞和介詞短語綜合運(yùn)用到There be句型中,做到多個(gè)知識點(diǎn)的融會貫通,綜合使用。朗讀中所板書的重點(diǎn)句型。首先教師領(lǐng)讀,然后指名學(xué)生讀,教師注意糾正學(xué)生發(fā)音,進(jìn)行朗讀點(diǎn)撥。一名學(xué)生領(lǐng)讀,其他學(xué)生跟讀。最后全體學(xué)生齊讀。設(shè)計(jì)意圖:各種朗讀方式相結(jié)合,鞏固熟練本部分的重要句型。4.操練 (1)Where is the r

25、uler?教師將學(xué)生分為兩人一組,每組同學(xué)準(zhǔn)備一個(gè)直尺和一個(gè)文具盒,仿照Lets learn 中的圖片,將直尺和文具盒不停變換位置,同時(shí)進(jìn)行問答練習(xí)。 Where is the ruler? It is in front of the pencil box. Where is the ruler? It is beside the pencil box. Where is the ruler? It is behind the pencil box. Where is the ruler? It is above the pencil box.設(shè)計(jì)意圖:學(xué)生自己動手不停變換兩個(gè)物體的位置,同時(shí)

26、練習(xí)Lets learn 中的一組問答對話,在游戲中學(xué)習(xí)。(2)學(xué)生全體起立,教師發(fā)出指令,學(xué)生按照老師的指令做出相應(yīng)動作。教師設(shè)計(jì)的指令中要穿插使用各種不同的方位介詞,比如:Stand behind your chair./Stand between two desks. /Stand on your chair./ Stand in front of your desk.設(shè)計(jì)意圖:聽指令做動作,讓學(xué)生動起來,活躍了課堂氣氛,在輕松愉悅中考查了學(xué)生對幾個(gè)方位介詞及其短語的理解。(3)教師用課件出示幾個(gè)描述物體間相對位置的句子,學(xué)生讀句子,根據(jù)描述畫一畫。 There is a water b

27、ottle on the desk. There is a cat in front of the house. There are two dogs behind the tree. The bird is above the house. The chair is between two desks.設(shè)計(jì)意圖:變常用的“看圖片,寫句子”為“看句子,畫圖畫”。推陳出新,既豐富了教學(xué)方法,也更能引起學(xué)生的興趣。(4)Where am I?教師將學(xué)生分成五人一組,一名學(xué)生站中間,其前后左右各站一名學(xué)生,這幾名學(xué)生按前后左右依次被命名為A、B、C、D。站在正中間的學(xué)生以自問自答的形式對自己的位置進(jìn)

28、行描述,在練習(xí)過程中其他小組成員監(jiān)督這名學(xué)生表述是否準(zhǔn)確。小組成員依次輪流站在正中進(jìn)行練習(xí)。Where am I? I am in front of B.Where am I? I am behind A.Where am I? I am beside C/D.Where am I? I am between A and B.Where am I? I am between C and D.設(shè)計(jì)意圖:該活動是對Lets learn中的一組問答句型的延伸演練。(5)教師再次播放本單元主題歌曲A photo of me,學(xué)生跟唱。設(shè)計(jì)意圖:以歌曲結(jié)束本節(jié)課的授課環(huán)節(jié),學(xué)生第二次聽這首歌,會有不同的

29、體會和感受。5.課堂小結(jié) T:Boys and girls, Lets look back this class. What English words do you remember?Ss:in front of,beside,between,behind,aboveT:Excellent! What new sentences do you learn today?(教師手指板書,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生回答)Ss:It is in front of the dog.It is beside the dog.It is between two dogs.It is behind the ball.It i

30、s above the ball.There is a bike in front of the window.There is a tree in front of the house.There is a cat behind the door.There is a dog under the tree.There are two people under the tree.七、課堂作業(yè) .英漢互譯1.在前面 _ 2.球在狗的后面。 _3.房子旁邊有一棵樹。_4.The ball is between two dogs._5.在床的上方有一張照片。_.選出正確的一項(xiàng)。( )1. _ a p

31、en and two pencils. A. There is B. There are C. There be( )2._ two pencils and a pen. A. There is B. There are C. There be( )3.There is a tree _ the house. A. in front of B. in C. on( )4.The bag is under the desk, the desk is _ the bag. A. above B. on C. in front of( )5.There _ some water _ the bott

32、le. A. are,in B. is,in C. is,on.連詞成句。1. is , front , in , of , ball , the , dog , the _.2. a , there , tree , is , the , behind , house _.3. are , trees , there , of , lots , in , park , the _.4. wall , on , is , photo , there , a , me , the , of _.5. water , some , there , water bottle , is , the ,

33、 in _.看圖片,仿照例句,照要求寫句子。例句:There is a table in the picture.1.用in front of 描述圖片中的物體。_ 2.用beside描述圖片中的物體。 _ 3.用between描述圖片中的物體。 _ 4.用under描寫圖片中的物體。_5.用on 描述圖片中的物體。 _ .閱讀短文,補(bǔ)全句子。My favourite room is my classroom. It is very big, and it is very clean and beautiful. There are many plants and a desk beside

34、the window. There are lots of books on the desk. On the wall there are some pictures. There are photos of students behind the door. I like my classroom very much.1. My classroom is _ .2. There are many _ beside the window.3. On the desk there are many _ .4. There are some picture _.5. Where are the photos?_.答案:. 1. in front of 2. The ball is behind the dog. 3.There is a house beside the tree.4.球在兩只狗中間。5.There is a photo above the bed. 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B.1.The dog is in front of the


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