1、A n d r o id應用程序開發(fā)實驗報告學 號: 131006105學生姓名: 馮會會指導教師:齊兵輝提交時間:2015、1 1、10目錄第一章系統(tǒng)分析與設計 錯誤!未定義書簽1、1系統(tǒng)得可行性分析 ?錯誤!未定義書簽。1、2系統(tǒng)得需求分析 ?錯誤!未定義書簽。第二章系統(tǒng)詳細設計 錯誤!未定義書簽2、1 ACTIVITY得詳細設計 ?錯誤!未定義書簽。2、2 XML文件得詳細設計 錯誤!未定義書簽第三章測試運行及總結(jié) 錯誤!未定義書簽3、1界面截圖 錯誤!未定義書簽3、2運行界面截圖?錯誤!未定義書簽。3、3運行結(jié)果截圖 錯誤!未定義書簽3、4總結(jié)?錯誤!未定義書簽。第一章系統(tǒng)分析與設計1
2、、 1系統(tǒng)得可行性分析可行性研究就是為了弄清楚系統(tǒng)開發(fā)得項目就是不就是可以實現(xiàn)與值得進 行研究得過程,實際上就是一次大大簡化系統(tǒng)分析與系統(tǒng)設計得過程,所以,進行可執(zhí)行性得分析就是非常必要得, 也就是很重要得,經(jīng)過最初得設計目標與進 行得實時調(diào)查得出以下四點得可行性分析:(1)技術(shù)可行性:Eclipse + Andro i d ADT得技術(shù)已經(jīng)較為成熟,通 過S UN公司(現(xiàn)被O RCEL公司收購)推出得跨平臺、動態(tài)得 JAVA語言進行 開發(fā)。(2)運行可行性:該系統(tǒng)需要Andro i d虛擬機環(huán)境,Ec l i p se中安裝AD T, DDMS等Google An droid相關(guān)插件.其運行
3、環(huán)境已經(jīng)相當穩(wěn)定,它功能豐富, 包括了完備得A ndroid程序得編碼、調(diào)試、測試與發(fā)布功能,其中支持所有An droid應用開發(fā)相關(guān)技術(shù),包括SQLit e ,Skia ,3D制作,A n droid XML,能夠很好 得發(fā)布A ndro id得應用程序A PK包。( 3) 法律可行性:因為就是自主開發(fā)設計,所以不會構(gòu)成侵權(quán),在法律上就是可行得。通過以上得可行性分析,將采用Ecl i pse+ A n dro i d ADT + D DMS技 術(shù),運用JAV A語言進行系統(tǒng)得開發(fā)。1、2系統(tǒng)得需求分析根據(jù)分析需求,這個系統(tǒng)必須實現(xiàn)以下得功能(1)實現(xiàn)簡單得數(shù)字計算功能.作為計算器,其核心就就
4、是加減乘除。( 2) 能夠在手機里面以良好得界面。第二章系統(tǒng)詳細設計2、1 a cti v i t y得詳細設計p a c k a ge、e xampl e、cou n t er ;i m port a n dr o id、os、 B u nd 1 e;import androi d、a pp、Ac t ivity ;i mp o r t a n dro i d、 vi e w、Men u ;import android、vi ew、V i e w;import and r o i d、 vie w、View、OnClic k L iste ne r ;i m p o rt and r oid
5、 、w i d g et、 Button;import android、w idget 、T ex t View ;pu b 1 ic class M ainAct i vit y extends Activit y pr iv at e Textview textV i ew 1 = null ;pr i va t e B u tton buttonzone = nul 1 ;pri v ate B u tt o n butto n 1 = n ull ;?pr i v a te Bu t to n bu t ton2 = nu 1 l ;privat e Bu tton bu t t o
6、n3 = nu 1 l ;?private Butto n butto n 4 = null ;p r ivate B ut t o n b u tton 5 = null ;?private Butto n button6= nul 1 ;? p r i vate B u t to n bu t t o n7 = null ;? p riv a teButto n but t on8 = nu 1 1 ;priv a te Button b utton 9= null ;?p r iva t e But ton buttonadd = null ;pr i vat e But ton but
7、tonred =nul 1 ;?privat e But t on b u t t o ndiv = nul 1 ;? p rivate B u tt on bu t to n mul =null ;?p r iv a te Butt on buttonpint= null;pr i va t e Bu t t o n butto n b a i = nu 1 l ;?p r i v a t e But t on buttong e n = n ul 1 ;? p riv ate Butto n butt one qual = n ull ; ?pri v ate String x =&quo
8、t;"priv a te S tr i n g y =" 11 ?p r i v a t e double ri =0;private dou b 1 e r2 = 0 ; ?private i n t i =0;Overridep rotected voi d onCrea t e ( B undle s a vedl n s t anceS t ate ) ? sup er、on C r e a t e( s avedl n s t anceState);?set C o nten t V i ew (R、layou t、 act i v i t y_m a i n);
9、?textVi e w 1 =(Text View ) f indVie w B yId(R、id、 t extView 1 );butt o n 1 = (B u tton) find View B yId(R、id、b u t to n 1 );?but t on2 = (But t on ) findVi e wById(R 、id、butt on2 );? but t o n 3 = (Butt on) f indVi e wB y Id(R、id、b u tt o n 3 );?but t on4 =(B utton ) fi n dViewByl d ( R、id、button4
10、);?button 5= ( Button) f indV i e w B yId (R、i d、bu t ton5 );but t o n 6 = (Bu tt on)find V ie w B y I d(R、id、 b utton6 );?button 7 =(Butt on) find V ie w B yl d (R、id、button7 );but t on8 =(Button) f indVie w ById(R、id、b ut t on 8);? butt o n9 = ( B utt on) f indV i e w Byl d ( R、id、button9 );? b ut
11、 t onzone = (B utton)f i ndVi e wByl d (R、 id、butt on0);?butt o nadd=( B u tto n) f i nd V i e wB y I d ( R、id、b u tt o nadd );?b utt o n r ed=( Button)f i nd V iew B y Id ( R、id、butto n red );?but t onmul = (Bu tton)f indVie w B yId(R、id、b uttonmul );bu t tondi v?bu t tonb a ibu t ton gen( Butto(Bu
12、 t touttonn )f i n dVi e wB y I d (R、 id、 b u tto n di n) f indVie wByl d (R、 id、 b u ttonba )find V i e wB yId(R、id、but tongen )););?buttonequal=(Button)fi ndV iewByld(R、id、b utton equal);buttonpint =(Bu t ton ) find V iewById(R 、id、button p oint );?butt o n 1、s e tOnCl i ck L istene r ( new OnCli
13、c kListener( )? Ov err ide? ?p u blicvo i d o n Click( View ar g 0) ?/TODO A u to p e neratedmet hod stub? x=x + "1 ” ;?y=y +” 仔?textView 1、s et T ext (y);?);?button 2、s e t On Cl i ck L is t ener ( n ew O nC 1 i c kListe ne r ()?bOv e rrid e?pu b lic v oi/ TOD O? x =x+" 2 "?y=y+”?tet
14、View1d o nClick(Vi e w arg0)A ut o -gneratedmethodstub2"setTexty) ;?b u tton3、 setOnClickL i s t en e r(newOn C li c kLitener ( )erridp u blic?/ ?texbuttonv oi d onT OD O=x+"3 ”;y=y "3t View1、IIOverrik ( View ar gA ut o g en eated methoset T ext( y);se t On C lickListenern ne w O n C
15、lickister()?publicoid on C li c k ( V i ew ar g0)?/ TODOAu tog en er a t ed met hod stu b?x= x+" 4"?y = y+"4";? t extV i e w 1、setText ( y );?) ;utton5 、s e tClickLi stene r ( n e wOn C li ckListen e r ()Overri?p u blic vod onC 1 ickiew arg0?/ TODOutoyen e rated m ethoub?x=x+&quo
16、t; 5 "?y= y + "5”;?tetVew1、setext(y);? /? x);but tOverro n6、tOnClckListenen ew O n Cl i c k Li s tener()p ub 1 i cTOD O AuvoionClo generai c k (Vi e w ared method st0)?text View 1、set Text (y);?);new On Cl i ck L isten e r ()? b u t t on 7、se t O nCl i ckLis t ene r ?Override? p u blic v o
17、i d onCl i c k (View a r g0)?/TO DO Au to gene rat ed me t hod st u b?x =x+" 7"? y=y+"7"? tex t V i ew1、setText (y);?);?but t o n 8、set OnClick L is t e ner (new O nClic k Lis t e ner() ?O v err i de?pu b lic void o n C 1 ick(Vi e w a r g 0)?/ T ODO Au t o- g en e r a ted met h o
18、d stub? x=x + " 8 "? ?y=y+"8";? t e x tVie w 1、setT e xt ( y);? )?button9 、setO n Cli c kListener ( n ew O n C li c kListe ner ) ? O v er r ide?p u bli c void onClic k ( View ar g 0)?/ / TODO Au t o - g e ne r ate d m ethod stu b? x = x + 11 9”;? y=y+"9 ”;te x t View1、setTex
19、t( y );?);?bu t tonzo ne、set OnCl ickListe n e r( new OnC 1 i c kL i ste n e r( ) ?Ov e rr ide?publ i c vo i d o nCli c k(V i ew a r g 0 )?/ TODO Au t o-gene rated method st u b? x =x+"0 ”;? y = y +"0 "? t e x tView 1、s e t Te x t( y);?);?b u ttonp i nt、s etOn C lickLi s tener (new On
20、C 1 i c kLi s t e n e r () ?Ov err ide? p u b lic vo i d on Click(Vi e w arg0) ?/ TO DO Au t o -gen e rated metho d stubif (x= = " ")? x= 0+、+;?y = 0 +11+ ” ;5els ex=x+、? ?y =y+"”;textV iew1、setTe x t (y);?buttonequaletOn C lickListe ner( new OnC 1 is t e ne r()?Overri?pub 1ico i d on
21、Click(View arg/TODO Au to-g en e ratedhod st? ix! ="” ) u b le、pars e D o ub 1?x=”swi t? c a s etextV? bre a?casech (i ) 0:i ew1、 s eex t ( 0+");k;?tex tVie w 1 > setT ext( r1 +r2 )+ ");?case2:?c a?tex?ca s?c?bre ak ;? t e x tView 1、se tText ( ( r 1- r2 )+ "" );reak ;se 3
22、 :t V i ew1、set T eb r eak ;4:?t e x t View1( r1 r2 )+ ”");set Te x t (1 / r2 );?br ese 5 :ak ;te1、setText ( r1% r 2 )+ "")? b re?t e x t “ x="”? y =""k;V i ew1、setT e x t ( 0+"");?r1 = 0 ;?);?b?Ove?/?r2 =0;?x=“ y=" ”tonrridadd、se t O nCli c kLi s tener (
23、new O n C 1?pub 1 ic voi dTODO Auto-gen?i?(x !="")r 1 = D o ublx=”" ;y=y+ +" ;? t extVi) ;on C lick(V i ewe rate d m ethodpars eDo u ba rg 0 )st u be( x) ;te x t V i e w1、setTextb utt on red、se?Overri d e?public void、s e tText0+"”);t OnCl ickLis t ener (new On C lickonClick(
24、View a r g 0)?/T OD O Au t o-generated method s tub?if (x!?textV?i =2;?e?textV?1=D o ub 1e、 pa reDoubl(x) ;i c kL i stentener()x=”" ; . »y= y +ew 1、ew1 、IItT e xt (setTe x t ( 0);+"”);? );?butt o5nmul 、 setO nC 1 ickList en e r(n e w OnC1 ick Li s ten e rOv eridepubli cvoid onClik ( V
25、ie? ? /TODOA u t o-gen e rat e darg0)method stu?ifx!="")?r1=Dou b 1 e、 p arseDouble(x);?bo HI!? X -y = y+"? t extVi e w1、i =3;?lse? t extVie?utt?div?Ov e rridpubli?/?5*”;s e t T ex t ( y);t T e x t ( 0 +" ”);setOn C li c kList e n er (ne w OnCl iv oid onC 1 ick (ViewTODO Aut o ge
26、neratedri =D o u b 1= ” ;? y =y +” te x t V iewi;)e、rg0 )hod stubparseDouText( y));? ?i =4;? textView 1、setT e xt(+ ”) ;c k Li s t en e r ()?);buttonaiset OnCIi c kLitener(n ew OnCl ick L i s t e n er ()?Over r id epubl ivoid onC 1 ickViewarg?/ TODO Auto genera tedmet h od?if? r 1 =D ou b? t ei =5;?
27、(x! le 、x= 11 11=y+”xtView1? else ?t e xtView 1、?)?);? b u ttongen 、setO n? Overriderse Doublx);%;"tTexty);se t TClickLxt(+”" );i stene r ( new OnCli c kLi stene r () public void onClick(View arg 0)?/ TOD O A uto- g ene r a t ed me t ho d st u b? if (x! ="”) ? y = " 1/i + x ;? te
28、xtView1 、setT ext ( y );? r1 = 1/(Doub 1 e、p a rse Dou ble (x);?x =r 1 +";? e 1 se ? ?text V iew1、s e t T e xt (0+"");?);?Overridepubl i c b oolean o n C re a te O ptio n sM e n u (M enu men u ) / I nflate the menu; this adds items t o th e a c tion bar if it is p r es e nt、?g e tMen
29、u I n f 1 a t er() 、in f late(R 、men u > ma i n, m e nu);r e tur n true ;2、2 x ml文件得詳細設計G r i d L ay o ut xmln s :a n d roid =""xm 1 ns:too 1 s ="”a n droi d: layout _widt h = " w rap_ c o n t ent and r oi d : 1 ayout_he i ght ="wrap_c o n tent ”and roid:orient a ti o n=&
30、quot;horizont a 1 ” andr o i d : layo u t_gr a vity =" center ” androi d : c o lum n Count ="5" a ndroi d : r ow C o u nt ="5 " tool s : c ontext ="、Mai n Ac t ivi t y" >Te x tViewand r oid : id =" + id/textV i e wfa n dro id: la y out_ w idt h = "230d
31、p"a ndroid : l a you t _hei g ht =" 3 0 d p" androi d :la y o ut_c o lu mn=" 0"a ndro i d: 1 ayout_colum n Span = " 5" andr o id : la y out_ro w =" 0" an d roi d : grav i t y ="right"a n d roi d :t e xt = string/res u l t ” andr o id : textSize
32、="25s p "/>Buttonand r oid: i d=" + i d/bu t ton7"s t yle =" ? and roid : a tt r /but t onStyleSm al 1 " andro i d : layout_column =" 0"and r o i d :l a you t _gr a vi t y ="le f t |t op"and r o id : layou t _row = "1" andr o id: t ext =
33、" string /selev e n " / > < B utt o nandroid : id =" +id/bu t ton 8 ”s ty 1 e = "?and roid: at tr/bu t t o n StyleSmal 1 " android: layout_col umn="1"android : 1 a y ou t _gr a v i t y = "l e ft|t op" andr oid:l a yout_r o w = " 1" an d ro
34、id:tex t = " s tring/eight ” /?<But t o nan d r o i d : i d =" + id/ b utt o n9”style =" ?androi d : a ttr/butto n S tyleSma 1l" andro i d:lay o ut_column =" 2" android:layou t _g r avity ="left|top"a n droid:la y out_ r ow=" 1"a n dro i d:tex t =
35、"string/ n ine" / > ? Butt o nandr o i d : i d =" +id/b u t tond i v”st y le =" ? android : attr/buttonStyle S m a l 1 ” android : layo u t co 1 umn=" 3 " andr oid:la y out_gr a vity = " left|t o p" andr oid:layo u t_ r o w =" 1 " a nd r oi d : t
36、ext = "string/div ”/><B u ttonand roid: i d =" +id/b u t t onbai ”s t y 1 e =" ? andr o id : a ttr /button St y leS mal 1 " andr o i d :l a yout_c o l u mn=" 4"andr o i d :la y o u t _gravity =" left| to p "and r oid:lay o u t_r o w=" 1"a n dro
37、 i d: t ex t ="st r i ng/bai" /B uttonandr oid:id =" +i d/but t o n4"s ty 1 e =" ? a ndro id: att r /butto n St y 1 eSmall andro id: lay o ut_ c olu m n =" 0" and roid:layou t _ g ra v i t y ="l e ft | top" a n dr o id:layou t _row ="2"and roid:
38、 text="str i n g /four" /B u ttonstyle =" ? andro i d : at t r/b ut t onSt y leS mal 1and r oid:l a yout c olumn =" 1"an droid : layout grav i t y = " l e ft | top " andr o i d: l a you t _ro w = "2" a nd r oid:text =" s tring/five ”/?< But t onan
39、droid : i d ="+id /button6 "s t yle =" ? a n d r o id : a t tr /buttonStyleSma 1 l " android: lay o ut c o lumn = " 2" an d roid : lay o u t gravity =" left | top ”an d roid : layout row ="2 "a ndroid : t e x t = "str i ng /s i x" / >?<But
40、 tonan d r oi d :id ="+ i d/buttonmu 1 ”s tyl e =" ?andr o i d:att r / b ut t onStyleS m all " android : la y out_column =" 3" androi d: 1 ay out _grav i t y =" 1 e ft| t op” andro i d: layou t _r o w="2"an d roi d : t e x t = " st ring/mul ”/ >Bu t to
41、nand r oid:i d =" +id/ b utto n g en”styl e =" ? andr o i d :attr/butt o n S t y le S mal 1 ”a ndro id: lay out _co 1 umn="4 "a n droi d :layo u t_g r av i t y =" le f t|t o p” andr o i d :layout row = " 2"a n d r o id : text =" stri n g/g e n ” /?<Butto na
42、ndroid:i d ="+ i d/butt o n 1”style =" ? android : a t t r /but t on S t y leSma 1 l ”an d r o i d : 1 ayout_column = " 0"and r oid : 1 ay o ut_gr a vit y = " 1 eft | top andr o i d:layo u t _row = " 3"a ndr oid: text =" s tring/one " / >< Bu t tonu
43、 tt o n 2 "a t t r/ b u tton S t yleSma 1 landroid : id ="+id/bstyle= " ?an droid:android1 a y out_ c o 1 umn=" 1"a nd r oid1 ayou t _gravi t y=" left | topand r oi d : 1 ayo u t _ro w = " 3 " andr oid:t ext ="str i ng/t wo” / ><Buttona n droi d : i
44、d =" + id/but t o n 3"s t yle ="? a ndro i d:a t tr/b utto nSt y leSma 1 1 "and r oidlayou t _ c ol u mn=" 2androi d: l a yo u t gravity = " le f t|top" android:1 ayo u t_ r ow= " 3"androi d:text="strin g/three" /> < But tonand r oi d :id
45、="+id/buttonre d ”sty 1 e = " ? a n dro i d:att r/buttonStyle Smal 1 and roid: layout _colum n =" 3" android:l a yout_g r avity =" left|top"a ndr o i d : layo u t _row =" 3" a n droi d :t ext ="st r i ng/red" / > Bu t tonandroid : id ="+id/b
46、u ttonequal "s t yle =" ?a n dro id:attr/ b u ttonSty 1 e Small"a ndro id:1 ayou t _width ="50dp"a ndro i d:1 ay o ut_co1um n="4"a n droid :layout_gravity =" fi1l_vertica1 ”a n d r o id :layo u t_row="3"and r o i d: 1 ayout_row S pan = " 2"an d roid : te x t = " st r i ng
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