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1、嘉興英語教學(xué)網(wǎng) 收集整理 歡迎使用2010高考二輪復(fù)習(xí)英語考案專題八 非謂語動(dòng)詞和獨(dú)立主格結(jié)構(gòu)【專題考案】1. Im thirsty. Will you get me something _? A. drink B. to drink C. eat D. eating2. How long did you spend _ your new house yesterday? A. to decorate B. decorate C. decorating D. decorated3. It was great fun _ a picnic on the hill. A. to have B. o

2、f having C. have D. had4. -Lily, keep the window _. The sandstorm hasnt stopped yet. -OK, Ill do that.A. close B. closed C. open D. opened5. A policeman saw two thieves _ a girls mobile phone on a bus and he caught them at once.A. to steal B. stealing C. stole D. stolen6. Its bad for your eyes _ com

3、puter games for a long time. A. plays B. to play C. play D. played7. The scientist suggested _ the experiment in a different way. A. do B. to do C. doing D. done8. -Do you often hear John _ in his room? -Yes. Listen! Now we can hear him _ in his room.A. sing; to sing B. singing; singing C. sing; sin

4、ging D. to sing; singing9. The headmasters words are quite _. A. encouraged B. encouragement C. encouraging D. encourage10. Why not _?A. let him to go home B. to let him go home C. let him go home D. to let him to go home11. They were made _ fourteen hours a day. A. work B. working C. worked D. to w

5、ork12. Is it always easier _ friends than to keep them? A. making B. make C. to make D. made13. He stood there for two hours _ the game. A. watched B. watching C. is watching D. was watching14. It _ Jack twenty minutes _ the math problem yesterday.A. took; to work out B. takes; worked out C. has tak

6、en; work out D. is taking; working out15. When you leave, dont forget _ off the light. A. to turn B. turning C. turn D. turned16. Who do you think youd like _?A. to make friends B. make friends C. to make friends with D. make friends with17. Although Jeff loves KFC, he tries _ it too often. A. to ea

7、t B. not eat C. to not eat D. not to eat18. -Hi, Betty. Shall we go swimming this Sunday? -This Sunday? I am sorry, I have a lot of homework _ this Sunday.A. to do B. done C. do D. to be done19. Sally had no pen _ yesterday morning. A. to write B. to write with C. writing D. writing with20. John ask

8、ed David how _ Christmas. A. celebrating B. to celebrate C. to be celebrated D. celebrate21. -Excuse me, sir. Look at the sign on the wall “NO _”. -Oh, Im sorry. Ill never do it again.A. PARKED B. SMOKE C. SPITTING D. SMOKED22. -Boys and girls, will you please _ the park this afternoon? -OK.A. not c

9、leaning out B. not to clean out C. to clean up D. clean up23. Do you practice _ English every morning? A. speak B. to speak C. speaking D. spoken24. The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from _ the earth away.A. blow B. blowing C. blew D. to blow25. We all considered Mr Zhao _ teacher. A. be the b

10、est B. to be the best C. being best D. being the best26. My sister used to be fond of _ table tennis. A. play B. played C. playing D. to play27. How about _?A. to go out for a walk B. go swimming in the riverC. visiting the sick children in the hospital D. to having lunch in the restaurant28. Its ve

11、ry kind _ you to _ me _ the heavy bag.A. for; tell; to take B. of; thank; for C. to; speak; to have D. of; help; carry29. Have you decided _? A. to go with whom B. whom to go with C. whom go with D. with whom to go30. Her hope _ a gold medal in the 2008 Olympic Games. A. to win B. is to win C. winni

12、ng D. will win31. The meeting room is big enough _ one hundred people. A. holding B. hold C. to hold D. holds32. Would you please pass me the knife _?A. to cut the watermelon with B. to cut the watermelonC. cutting the watermelon D. cutting the watermelon with33. It is better to teach a man to fish

13、than _ him fish.A. giving B. to give C. gives D. gave34. Jenny is interested in _ in her free time.A. listened to the radio B. reading magazines C. watch TV D. plays tennis35. The policeman warned the young man_ after drinking.A. never to drive B. to never drive C. never driving D. never drive36. Wh

14、at do you think is the best way _the wild animals?A. protecting B. to protect C. protected D. protect37. Id rather _ on the land _ in a factory.A. work; than work B. work; work C. to work; than to work D. to work; to work38. My grandfather is used _ a hat in winter.A. to wear B. for wearing C. weari

15、ng D. to wearing39. She is _with her mother this afternoon.A. going to shopping B. going shopping C. going to be shopping D. go to shop40. The result of the game is _.A. frustrate B. frustrating C. frustrated D. frustrates41. Im sorry _ you enough help. A. have given B. of not giving C. not to have

16、given D. to have given42. Her brother was _ at her words. A. annoy B. annoying C. annoyed D.being annoying43. After the earthquake, almost all the windows are _.A. break B. broke C. broken D. breaking44. They are looking forward to _ all over the world.A. travel B. traveled C. traveling D. be travel

17、ed45. Would you mind _ because therere so many children _ here?A. smoke; play B. smoking; playing C. not smoking; play D. not smoking; playing46. Some students from Grade 9 _ do some _ for the old. A. volunteered to; clean B. volunteered; cleaning C. volunteered to; cleaning D. volunteered; clean47.

18、 _ English is much easier than speaking it. A. Read B. To read C. Reading D. Reads48. The young man was often seen _ by the lake. A. to draw B. to drawing C. draw D. drew49. When he was in the office, he preferred _ something _ nothing.A. to do; than do B. to do; rather than C. doing; rather than do

19、ing D. doing; to doing50. Its too hot today. Why not _ your coat? A. taken off B. to take off C. take off D. taking off51. When he was a boy, he used to go there and watch _.A. to repair bicycles            B. bicycles to be repairedC. bicycles

20、being repaired       D. repairing bicycles52. - Have you considered _ your job as a teacher? - Yes. I like the job because a teacher is often considered _ a gardener.A. to change; to be         B. to change; beingC. changing; being 

21、60;        D. changing; to be53. The dog, _, will be made a good watchdog.A. to train properly      B. being trained properlyC. properly to train      D. trained properly54. _ the diamond, he had to look for a place

22、 to hide it.A. Having stolen  B. Having been stolen C. Stolen    D. Stealing55. _ the front door _, he had to enter the room through the back door.A. Seen; painted                 B. Seeing; paintedC.

23、 Being seen; being painted       D. Seeing; being painted56. And there, almost _ in the big chair, sat her little brother, who never had to be told to keep quiet.A. having lost     B. losing      C. to be lost     

24、D. lost57. He looked around and caught a man _ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.A. put      B. to be putting     C. to put      D. putting58. To answer correctly is more important than _.A. that you finish quickly   &#

25、160;  B. finishing quicklyC. to finish quickly            D. finish quickly59. The old farmer, _ the badly injured and burnt soldier, came out of the burning farmhouse, calling continuously for help.A. supporting     

26、60;           B. having supportedC. being supported by          D. being supported60. In January , 2004, the United States successfully launched “Spirit”, a Mars Exploration Rover, _ a new milestone in the hist

27、ory of mankind.A. it marked     B. marking     C. marked     D. to mark61. It was getting dark; I found a car _ in a pool by the side of the road.A. to be stuck     B. stuck     C. sticking    D. stick62. You c

28、ant imagine what great trouble they have _ the problem _.A. to solve; being talked about      B. solving; discussingC. to solve; to talk about           D. solving; being discussed63. The monument was built in honor of t

29、he explorer who was believed _ the river.A. to have discovered            B. to have been discoveredC. to discover                   D. having been discove

30、red64. The thief fell to the ground, his left foot _ and blood _ down from his mouth.A. breaking; running                B. broken; running C. breaking; run             &

31、#160;     D. broken; run65. The program was so exciting that the children kept their eyes _ on the screen.A. to fix     B. to be fixed     C. fixed       D. fixing66. As I will be away for at least a year, Id apprec

32、iate _ from you now and then so that I can know how everyone is getting along.A. having heard  B. to hear     C. hearing     D. being heard67. _, the subject was always in my mind.A. Walking or sleeping         

33、0; B. Walking or sleptC. Having walked or slept         D. To walk and sleep68. - Did you get a dictionary?- No, I _, but there were not any _.A. tried; to be left               B. had tried to; leavi

34、ngC. tried to; left                  D. had tried; have left69. When he came to, he found himself _ on a chair, with his hands _ back.A. to sit; tying            

35、60;       B. sitting; tyingC. seating; tied                   D. seated; tied70. The joke told by Tom made us _, so the teacher couldnt make himself _.A. to laugh; hearing 

36、60;              B. laughing; heardC. laughing; hear                   D. laughed; heard71. All of the flowers now _ here have developed from tho

37、se once _ in the forest.A. raised; grown            B. rising; growingC. raised; growing           D. rising; grown72. Henry cant attend the party _ at Toms house at present because he is preparing the spe

38、ech at the party _ at Maries house tomorrow.A. held; being held            B. to be held; to be heldC. to be held; held            D. being held; to be held73. Seeing the soldiers well _ for the flood-figh

39、t, the general nodded with satisfaction.A. prepare    B. preparing   C. prepared   D. having prepared74. Dont worry. Ill have it _ and get someone _ it to you tomorrow.A. typed; send  B. to type; to send C. type; send  D. typed; to send75. The sun was shining

40、brightly, _ everything there _ more beautiful.A. making; look          B. to make; lookedC. and made; looking      D. and making; be looked76. How could he get the plan _ without any one to support him?A. to carry out   

41、B. carry out   C. carrying out  D. carried out77. New ideas sometimes have to wait for years before _.A. being fully accepting       B. fully acceptingC. having fully accepted       D. fully accepted78. Having passed all the

42、tests, she felt a great weight _ off her mind.A. taking     B. taken     C. take     D. to be taken79. Im examining the article he has just finished _ the possible mistakes in it.A. being corrected B. to correct  C. corrected    D. hav

43、ing corrected80. _ full preparations, we decided to put off the meeting till next week.A. We did not make B. Having not madeC. We had not made     D. Not having made81. We should prevent such a silly mistake _ again.A. occurring   B. to occur   C. to be occurred  

44、D. from being occurred 82. I regret _ hard at school, or I would have succeeded in passing the exam.A. not to work                  B. having not workedC. to have not worked       

45、    D. not having worked83. They looked forward with hope _ a chance to receive further education.A. for getting    B. of getting   C. to get      D. to getting84. “Well, Ill tell you a secret .” said the boy, with his mouth almost _ m

46、y ear.A. touched     B. touching    C. touch      D. to touch85. Towards evening, the patient opened his mouth as if _ something to his son.A. said     B. say      C. to say     D. to have said86. - Would

47、you be _ lend me your bicycle?- Sure.A. so kind as to           B. kind enough as toC. very kind to            D. so kind to87. The beach is so beautiful that it is worthwhile, I think, _ for a short holid

48、ay.A. of going     B. to be going  C. your going     D. you to go88. The teacher asked more _ to prevent the students eyes from being injured.A. to do    B. done C. to be done     D. being done89. Some of the schools in Shanghai have moved

49、one step closer to _ with the global education community.A. being connected        B. connectC. having connected       D. be connected90. The performance of the host, _ to please the audience and draw their attention, was greeted with a cold sil

50、ence, however.A. had intended    B. intended   C. being intended   D. to intend91. _ and out of breath, we reached the top of the mountain and stopped _ the beautiful scenery.A. Tiring; to admire      B. Being tired; admiringC. Tired; to admire

51、      D. Tired; admiring92. The 18-storeyed building, when _, will shut out the sun _ up the rooms in my house.A. completed; lighted      B. completing; lightingC. completing; lighted       D. completed; lighting93. - I

52、hear Warren _ in a middle school.- What? I cant imagine him _ as a teacher.A. teaches; working         B. teaches; workC. teach; to work            D. teach; working94. _ hes only been learning English for a year, h

53、e speaks it very well.A. Considered               B. ConsideringC. Having considered          D. To consider95. It was _ computer games that cost the boy a lot of time that he ought to have spent

54、 on his lessons.A. to have played   B. playing   C. played   D. having played96. At no time does the salesgirl get up late in the morning, for she is always too busy _ a good rest.A. to take     B. taking     C. took    

55、 D. taken97. _ as the most excellent student in her university, as most classmates had expected, made her parents very happy.A. Mary was chosen          B. Mary chosenC. Mary being chosen         D. Marys being

56、 chosen98. _ the big snake, the little girl stood under the tree _ to death.A. Seeing; frightened       B. Seeing; frighteningC. Seen; frighten           D. To see; frightening99. You will see this product made in this factory _ w

57、herever you go.A. to be advertised  B. advertised C. advertise    D. advertising100. Mr. Green is said _ an experiment to prove the new method of solvingthe problem when young.A. to do    B. to have done C. to be doing   D. to have been doing101 

58、;The weather _ fine, they decided to go out for a walk.  A. were  B. was  C. is  D. being  102.The composition given by the teacher_ , Alice went to watch 

59、TV.  A. being done well  B. has been done well  C. having done well  D. done well  103. The last plane_ , they had to stay in the hotel for another

60、60;night.  A. left  B. having left  C. having been left  D. be leaving  104. It is a beautiful village with a mountain_ it.  A. Surrounded B. surrounding  C. ha

61、ving surrounded  D. having been surrounded  105. Everything_ into consideration, his work is well done.  A. taking  B. taken  C. has been taken D. being taken  106. All&#

62、160;his work_, he left his office at ease.  A. finished  B. had been finished  C. finishing  D. to finish  107 The power station was built on the river with

63、0;our village and some others_ with electricity.  A. to supply B. supplied  C. supplying  D. having supplied  108. _five minutes_ before the last train left, we arrived at the station.  A. There being; to go  B. It was; left  C. It had; left  D. There was; to go  109. Christmas_, the family was full of exciteme


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