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1、1>. advertising u _做廣告;廣告業(yè)_ advertisement n. _廣告;廣告宣傳_ 廣告商 n. _ advertiser _ advertise v_登廣告_ 在報紙上登廣告_ advertise (sth) in a newspaper _/_put an advertisement in a newspaper2. shine n. 【u】光亮 v. 發(fā)光,照射 pp. shone sunshine 3. persuade vt. persuasion n. persuasive adj. Persuade sb to do sth/ persuade s

2、b into doing2>. welfare n. 幸福,安康;福利 同義詞_well-being_ 兒童福利_ child welfare _ 公眾福利_public welfare_3>.skilful/skillful adj._有技巧的;熟練的_ n _skill_ adv. _ skilfully _ be skilful at _有技巧的; 熟練的_ be skilled at/in 熟練的司機/表演者_ a skilful driver, performer _4>. innocent adj._清白的,無罪的;純真的_ n._ innocence無辜; 清白

3、; 天真純潔 innocent victims _無辜的受害者_ (be) innocent of a crime _未犯某罪_ be guilty of murder/theft5>.breath n._氣息;呼吸_ v. _breathe 吸進_breathe in_屏住呼吸_ hold ones breath _ 上氣不接下氣_ out of breath _6. cure vt. 治愈 n. 藥物, 療法 Cure sth. cure sb of sth. 治好某人的 a cure for sth 的良方 6>.fool vt._欺騙,愚弄_ n._傻瓜_fool sb.

4、into doing sth. _哄騙某人做某事_ 愚人節(jié)_April Fools' Day._make a fool of sb 愚弄,欺騙7>. pleased adj. 高興的_ v. please使?jié)M意,愉快_ n. pleasure_ pleasant adj. 使人愉快的; 合意的; 可喜的_ with pleasure 愉快地接受 同意等_(Could you help me ?)Its a pleasure _不客氣._(Thank you.)be pleased(happy, satisfied) with8>.comment n. _評論,評價_ v.

5、_comment評論,議論_就做出評論_make comments on / comment on_ make remarks on/aboutremark on/uponno comment 無可奉告9>. trick n. _騙局;玩笑;戲法_ v. _trick欺騙_ 欺騙,捉弄 play tricks on make jokes about/make fun of/make a fool of用計誘使某人做某事 trick sb into doing sth Trick or treat!萬圣節(jié)前夕兒童挨家索要糖果等的用語, 謂若不給則搞惡作劇10. aim vt./ vi. 以

6、為目標; 瞄準 n. 目標aim to do sthbe aimed at doing sthwith the aim of doing sth.11. benefit v. 使受益; 得益于 n. 益處 beneficial adj.benefit sb. benefit from be of benefit to sb.12. promote vt. 推廣;提升; 促進 n promotion promote sb to sth10>. intelligence n. 智力,才智 adj. intelligent 智力高/低下的人a person of high/low intell

7、igence of + n = adj 作表語,定語聰明的孩子an intelligent child 11> slave n. _完全受控制的人;奴隸_ slavery n. 受奴役的狀態(tài);奴隸制 treat sb. like a slave _像對待奴隸一樣對待某人_ be a slave of/to sth. _生活方式受(習慣 興趣等)支配的人_12. consult vt. consultant. n. 顧問 consultationconsult sb about sthconsult with sb12>.comprehension n. _理解力;理解練習_ v.

8、_comprehend_ 閱讀理解_reading comprehension_beyond ones comprehension_某人不能理解_13. recommend vt. 推薦 recommendationRecommend sth to sbRecommend doing sth.14. senior adj 年長的;級別高的 n. 年長的人;高年級學生 anto. junior John Brown Senior 老布朗 be senior to13>.amazed adj._大為驚奇_ v. _amaze使驚奇_ n. _amazement_ amazing14>.

9、design n._設計;目的_ vt._design設計;計劃_設計者 n. _designer_ well/badly designed 設計好/壞的_某目的或用途而制造或計劃be designed for sb/sth. be designed as sth.be designed to do sth. 15>. bargain n._便宜貨;協(xié)議_ vi. _討價還價_與某人討價還價_ bargain (with sb) (about/over/for sth) _It's a bargain. _這可是便宜貨_A good/bad bargain. _自己占便宜的/吃虧

10、的協(xié)議; 上算的/吃虧的交易_16>. target n._目標;靶子_ vt. _瞄準;以為目標_target audience_目標受眾_target sth (at/on sth/sb) _瞄準_aim sth at sb/sthaim at/for sth(a scholarship/degree) 努力,力爭aim to do 意欲,打算17>. determine v. _確定;決定_ n. _ determination決心確定 adj. _ determined _ determine to do be determined to do18>. persona

11、lly adv _個別地;就本人而言;本人,親自_ adj. _ personal _個人觀點 personal view/opinion_就我而言, 我一點都不喜歡他. _ Personally (speaking), I don't like him at all. 人格,個性n. _personality_character19>.poisonous adj._有毒的_ n. _ poison毒藥 _ v. _ poison毒害 _致命的毒藥 _ deadly poison _有毒的化學物質 _ poisonous chemicals _20> urge n._強烈的

12、欲望,沖動_ vt._敦促,力勸;竭力主張_ Police are urging anyone who saw the accident to contact them immediately. 警察鼓力勸事故目擊者立刻與他們聯(lián)系_have/feel an urge to do sthurge sb to do/that sb (should) do21> shock vt. _使震驚,驚愕 n. _震驚;休克 adj. _shocked _shocking_ culture shock 文化震驚我聽到她去世的消息十分震驚. I was shocked at the news of he

13、r death. _1)delighted adj. _高興的_; adj. _delighting_; n. _delight_ v. _delight_ be delighted at/ to do/ that讓某人感到高興的是 _to ones delight _高興地 _with delight_以做某事為樂(通常指不好的事) take delight in (doing) sth =delight in 2) significance n. _重要性,_ 意義_;adj. significant be significant (to sb.)=_3) tradition n. 傳統(tǒng),

14、風俗 adj. traditional adv. traditionally by tradition照傳統(tǒng)4) compete v.比賽,競爭;競賽,比賽;n. competition adj. competitive 競爭者;比賽者n. competitor compete with each other in singing contests 在唱歌比賽中互相競爭 compete against James for the prize in maths為了在數(shù)學上得獎和詹姆士競爭與某人為了在中競爭 _5) honour n./ v. _榮譽,榮耀 adj. honourable _hon

15、oured_ in honour of _為了表示對的尊敬,紀念it is a great honour to do sth.feel/be honoured to do sth.feel it an honor to do sth.6) absence n缺席,不在某處,不存在.;adj absent 反義詞adj present n. presence be present at出席 be absent from缺席absence of mind absent-minded 心不在焉during/in ones absence (from sth.)7) excite vt使興奮, 使激動

16、.;adj exciting;excited;n. excitement adv.excitedly8) final n.決賽 adj.最終的,最后的 adv. finally7) association n. 協(xié)會,社團,關聯(lián),聯(lián)想 adj. associated v. associate be associated with sb/sth 和有聯(lián)系,關聯(lián);聯(lián)想,將(人或事物)聯(lián)系起來in association with =in connection with8. routine n. 常規(guī) as a matter of routine 例行公事 a daily routine 日常,慣例

17、8) origin n.起源,起因,出身;adj. original , originally v. originate originate from 源自the origins of lifeFrench originThe word is French in origin.The tradition has its origins in the Middle Ages.9) attempt n./v. 嘗試,努力,試圖 attempt to do sth.make an attempt to do sth./ at doing sth.嘗試/試圖做某事The factory was clo

18、sed in an attempt to cut costs.in an attempt to do sth _試圖,企圖做某事_He passed his driving test at the first attempt 第一次嘗試attempted murder/robbery(區(qū)別manage to do)12) frequent adj.頻繁的,經常發(fā)生的 adv. frequently n. frequency13) technique n. 技術,工藝,技巧;技術的,工藝的;adj. technical 技術員,技師;n. technician 工藝,技術n. technolog

19、y 技術 science and technology 科技14) remove vt. vt.移開;脫下;去掉;把免職,開除 n. removal move v. 搬;動搖;感動 n. movement運動,動作;進展 remove the hat and gloves脫下帽子和手套 remove the President from office 免去總統(tǒng)職務 remove doubts消除疑慮remove the children with bad behavior from the school 開除那些行為壞的孩子15) championship n.錦標賽,冠軍地位 champion n. 冠軍,優(yōu)勝者16) outdo


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