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1、研卷知古今;藏書教子孫。安徽省2013屆高三英語一輪復(fù)習(xí)單元測試題(十二)Unit 12 Culture Shock隨堂演練鞏固1 .單詞拼寫1.1 must make an a to her for breaking her glasses.【答案】apology2.Tom was a in the book when walking so that he was knocked down by a car.【答案】absorbed3.I 'e ll my apple for your orange.【答案】exchange4 .There are more than 42 coun

2、tries where the m of the people speak English.【答案】majority5 .Research j that eating habits are changing fast.【答案】indicates6 .The food made me lose my (食欲).【答案】appetite7 .The students should be (謹慎的)not to make any mistakes in spelling.【答案】cautious8 .He is(熟悉)with three languages.【答案】familiar9 .The t

3、imely (至U達)of the police prevented the situation from becoming worse.【答案】arrival10 .He(低語)a word to her in her ear so that the others couldn ' t catch him.【答案】whisperedn.完成句子1 .我們依附于我們賴以生存的土地。We the land we live on.【答案】are attached to2 .一直盯著別人看是粗魯?shù)?。It ' s rude to people all the time.【答案】star

4、e at3 .我認為這本書沒趣兒,相反,它相當(dāng)無聊。I don ' t think the book is interesting;I think it ' s boring.【答案】on the contrary4 .我們公司以自己公平交易的好名聲而自豪。Our companyits reputation for fair dealing.【答案】is proud of5 .作家一定不能對別人的批評太過敏感。A writer mustn ,t criticism.【答案】be sensitive to6 .記住我所說的話。what I say.【答案】 Bear in min

5、d7 .他把所有的精力都專注于拯救自己的祖國。His whole soul saving his country.【答案】is absorbed in8 .我必須堅持要你們很快完成這項計劃。I must your finishing the project soon.【答案】insist on9 .警察最后得出結(jié)論那個年輕人就是兇手。The police at last that the young man was the murderer.【答案】 made a conclusion10 .我應(yīng)就剛才所說的話向你道歉。I you for what I said just now.【答案】 o

6、we;an apologym.單項填空1 .We saw green mountains,blue sky and clear water. it was really a beautiful place.A.In turnB.In vainC.In brief D.In short【解析】in turn依次,相應(yīng)地";in vain徒勞地”;in brief簡言之";in short綜上所述"。顯然 后一句是對前一句的概括 ,應(yīng)用in short?!敬鸢浮緿2 .The writer was so in her work that she didn notide

7、t him enter the room.A.absorbed B.abandonedC.focused D.centered【解析】句意:那位作家全神貫注于她的工作,以至于沒注意到他進入房間。be absorbed in全神貫注于o【答案】 A3 .The steady rise in the quality of our products much to the improvement of our equipment.A.meansB.earnsC.benefitsD.owes【解析】句意:我們產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量的穩(wěn)步提高在很大程度上歸功于我們的設(shè)備有所改進。owesth.to sb./sth.表

8、示“歸因于;歸功于;起源于"?!敬鸢浮緿4 .When I was in London,at first I had no idea where I could my RMB for pounds.A.chargeB.exchangeC.changeD.chance【解析】 句意:我在倫敦時,開始我不知道在哪兒把人民幣兌換成英鎊。exchange”兌換”?!敬鸢浮緽5 .Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future to the well educated.A.belongs B.is belongedC.

9、is belonging D.will be belonged【解析】考查動詞belong的用法。句意:威廉姆斯教授不斷地告訴學(xué)生們未來屬于那些受過良好教育的人。belong to屬于沒有被動語態(tài),也沒有進行時態(tài),故選 A項?!敬鸢浮?A6 .Your face seems.I ' ve probably met you somewhere.A.familiarB.knownC.similarD.alike【解析】句意:你好像有點面熟,我大概在什么地方曾見過你。此處應(yīng)用familiar表示“熟悉的”。【答案】 A7 .We should primary importance to th

10、e development of economy.A.addB.connectC.attachD.fasten【解析】 句意:我們要把發(fā)展經(jīng)濟放在第一位。attach importance (significance,value,weight,etc.)to sth.表示”認 為 有重要性(意義、價值、分量等)【答案】C8 .The old worker insisted that he old and back to the working post again.A.wasn ' t;be sent B.wasn ' t;was sentC.be not;send D.isn

11、 ' t;sent【解析】句意:那位老工人堅持說他不老,堅決要求再把他送回到工作崗位上去。第一個 空用insist表示“堅持說”從句用陳述語氣;第二個空用insist表示"堅決要求”從句用should do,should可省略,且此處用被動形式?!敬鸢浮?A9 .Olive ' s face was as white as paper. ,Mr.Smith ' s face was very red.A.But B.AlthoughC.On the contrary D.Frankly【解析】前面一句說明Olive的臉色像紙一樣白,后面一句則說明 Mr.Smi

12、th的臉很紅,二者 情況正相反,故應(yīng)用 on the contrary?!敬鸢浮緾10.The new highway took most of the traffic from the old roadand Mr.Hanson ' s motel business.A.came to an end B.brought to an endC.put an end to D.drew an end to【解析】句意:舊路上的大部分車輛都轉(zhuǎn)移到新公路上,漢森先生的汽車旅館生意也因此而終止。bring/put an end to 表示"毀掉或殺死”?!敬鸢浮緾提升能力達標(biāo)I .單

13、項填空1 .Which sport has the most expense training equipment,players ' personal equipmentand uniform?A.in terms ofB.in relation toC.by way of D.in case of【解析】考查介詞詞組。in terms of"就 而言,在方面";inrelation to ”關(guān)于,和有關(guān)";by way of經(jīng)過,經(jīng)由";in case o假口果,萬一"。A項符合語意?!敬鸢浮?A2 .Scientists hope

14、 someday to cameras to small animals like bats and birds,so thatthey can do filmmaking on animals.A.adaptB.attachC.appealD.adjust【解析】考查動詞辨析。語境表示把照相機綁在蝙蝠和鳥這樣的小動物身上,用attach表示”系上,縛上”。【答案】B3 .The black clouds that it will rain soon.A.tellB.indicateC.are indicated D.indicated【解析】indicate聲明”,做意思不符;C項語態(tài)不符;

15、D項時態(tài)不符?!敬鸢浮緽4 .一You seem to show interest in cooking.What?,I ' m getting tired of it.A.On the contrary B.To the contraryC.On the other hand D.To the other hand【解析】由第二句"我已厭煩了做飯”可知,與上句意義相反。on the contrary恰恰相反”。on the other hand另一方面”與題意不符。B、D兩項為錯誤搭配?!敬鸢浮?A5 .To some people life is enjoyable,wh

16、ile to it is suffering.A.onesB.othersC.thoseD.another【解析】"some.others表示'”一些丁些'是固定搭配?!敬鸢浮緽6 .John is leaving for London tomorrow and I will him at the airport.A.send;away B.see;offC.leave;off D.show;around【解析】考查動詞辨析和句意理解。句意為:John明天要去倫敦,我要到機場去給他送行。send away意為"打發(fā)走";see 0fls為"

17、;給某人送行";leave。暄為"停止";show around 意為” 帶領(lǐng)某人參觀”。【答案】B7 .She was so in her job that she didn' t hear anybody knocking at the door.A.attracted B.absorbedC.drawn D.concentrated【解析】be absorbed in ”專心于某事”;be attracted to "吸引";be drawn to"吸引";beconcentrated on 專注”?!敬鸢浮緽

18、8 .The doctor suggested that he smoking.A.give upB.gave upC.give inD.gave in【解析】suggest在句中表示“建議”后面的賓語從句應(yīng)用"shouldd。”結(jié)構(gòu)表示虛擬語氣,should可以省去?!敬鸢浮緼9 .We looked forward to the day when the motorcar has been replaced by some less dangerous of transport.A.means B.methodsC.manners D.ways【解析】means此處表示“交通手段

19、";method表示“做某事的方法”;mannerS旨"禮貌";way指”途徑,方式”?!敬鸢浮緼10 .Actually,anyone can be whatever he wants to be, he sets his mind to it.A.as far as B.as soon asC.as well as D.as long as【解析】這里用as long as引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句表示“只要"。【答案】D11 .There is a great deal of evidence that music activities engage dif

20、ferent parts of the brain.A.indicate B.indicatingC.to indicate D.to be indicating【解析】句意”有大量證據(jù)表明,音樂活動能使大腦的不同部分都參與進來現(xiàn)在分詞短語在此處作后置定語,修飾evidence?!敬鸢浮緽12 .The message is very important,so it is supposed as soon as possible.A.to be sent B.to sendC.being sent D.sending【解析】be supposed to do相當(dāng)于should do。句意:這條

21、消息很重要,所以應(yīng)該盡可能快 地發(fā)送。send和it之間為被動關(guān)系,故用被動結(jié)構(gòu)?!敬鸢浮緼13 . How about eight o' clock outside the cinema?That me fine.A.fitsB.meetsC.satisfiesD.suits【解析】考查動詞辨析。這四個單詞在漢語意思上很接近 ,fit 一般指衣服等的尺寸對某人 很合適;meet有"滿 足的 要求”之意;satisfy的意思是"使?jié)M意";sui甘旨樣式、場合、方 便等,意思是"適合的要求”。答句意為:這約定正適合我?!敬鸢浮緿14 .You ma

22、y over by a car if you are careless while crossing the street.A.get runB.get runningC.runD.get to run【解析】考查"get+去分詞”結(jié)構(gòu)。run over車輛碾壓?!敬鸢浮緼15 .Could I bother you for a moment?I need someone to copy this file for me.I need to do some copies too and I can copy them together.A.Sorry,but I canB.Y ou

23、are welcomeC.That ' s no trouble at DllDon ' t say so【解析】考查交際用語。由"I need to do some copies too可知”,答話者也要復(fù)印一些材料,恰好可以一塊兒復(fù)印,即可以幫助對方,顯然C項符合句意。A項與句意不符 出項表示“不用謝”;D 項為漢語式表達?!敬鸢浮緾n.閱讀理解閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出最佳選項。I hated dinner parties.But I decided to give them another shot because I

24、 ' m in London.And myfriend Mallery invited me.And because dinner parties in London are very different from those back in New York.There, " I' m having a dinner party " means: " I' m booking a table for 12 at a restaurant y( can ' t afford and we ' ll be sharing th

25、e cheque evenly,no matter what you eat." Worse,in Manhthere is always someone who leaves before the bill arrives.They throw down cash,half of what they owe,and then people like me,who don' t drink,end up paying even more.But if I try to use thesame trick,the hostess will shout: " Where

26、re you going? ”And it ' not like I can say I have somewhere to go:everyone knows I have nowhere to go.But in London,dinner parties are in people' s homes.Not only that,the guests are an interestingmix.The last time I went to one,the guests were from France,India,Denmark and Nigeria;it was li

27、ke a gathering at the United Nations in New York.The mix is lessstriking. It 'like a gathering at Bloomingdale ' s,a welnown department store.For New Yorkers,talking about other parts of the world means Brooklyn and Queens in NewYork.But at Mallery ' s,when I said that I had been to Myan

28、mar recently,people knew where it wias.I New York people would think it was a usual new club.1 .What does the word " shot " in Paragraph 1 probably mean?A.ChoiceB.TryC.StyleD.Goal解析:詞義猜測題。從第一句的hate,到but意義上白轉(zhuǎn)折,說明盡管不喜歡,還是要“嘗試一下”所以try的意思更接近shot。答案:B2 .What does the writer dislike most about d

29、inner parties in New York?A There is a strange mix of people.B.The restaurants are expensive.C.The bill is not fairly shared.D.People have to pay cash.解析:細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第一段中"They' ll throw down cash,half of what they owe,and thenpeople like me,who don ' t drink,end up paying even more.可知類似作者這樣

30、的人在紐約吃飯吃 虧,因為付錢多。答案:C3 .What does the author think of the parties in London?A.A bit unusual. B.Full of tricks.C.Less costly. D.More interesting.解析:推理判斷題。根據(jù)第二段和其中的句子"Not only that,the guests are an interestingmix.可以推斷倫敦的party要比紐約的有趣。答案:D4 .What is the author ' s opinion of some New Yorkers from her experience?A.Easy going. B.Self centered.C.Generous. D.Conservative.解析:推理判斷題。從最后一段的”.talkingabout other parts of the world means Brooklynand Queens in New York.和""In New York people would think it was a usual new


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