



1、This module serves as a guide to the auditor in completing the TCCQS Evolution 3EnvironmentalComplianee assessment during an environmental audit. The auditorwilldeterm inewhether or not theorga ni zati oniscompl yingwith thespecificati ons and requireme nts of The Coca-Cola Compa ny by completi ng t

2、his audit module.本模塊可以作為TCCQSE環(huán)境審核指南,用以下的各項(xiàng)條款來衡量生產(chǎn)廠是否符合可口可樂公 司的要求Pla nDate:t:Auditor(s):1) Questio nn aire:Do operati ons have programs for the en vir onmen tal performa nee measureme nt?工廠是否有一個環(huán)境表現(xiàn)評估的程序?Do operations follow the Company' s requirements forManagement ?工廠是否遵守公司“水資源管理”的要求?Do operat

3、ions follow the Company' s requirements for工廠是否遵守公司“能源高效”的要求 ?Do operations follow the Company' s requirements forDiligenee ”?工廠是否遵守公司“環(huán)境優(yōu)良”的要求 ?“Water Resource“En ergy Efficie ncy“En viro nmental DueYesNoM二M二o2?32) Refere nee Stan dards List:Water Resource Management RequirementsEn ergy Eff

4、icie ncyRequireme ntsEOSHDue Dilige neeRequireme ntsEOSHPerforma nee Measureme nt Requireme ntsTCCQS updates are captured till June 30, 20053) Specificati ons and Requireme nts Summary:Specificati ons / Requireme ntsChecks and Bala ncesEn vir onmen tal performa nee1Do operati ons have programs for t

5、he en vir onmen tal performa nee measureme nt? EOSH: En viro nmen tal, Occupatio nal Safety and Health工廠是否 有一個環(huán)境表現(xiàn)評 估的程序? EOSH 環(huán)境/職業(yè)安全和 健康?EOSHPerforma nee Measureme nt Requireme ntsEOSH表現(xiàn)評估要求:-measure and report en vir onmen tal impact(pleaserefer to KPI spreadsheet excel file for the parameters to

6、 be reported and refer to the en tire docume nt for the calculati ons)測量和報(bào)告環(huán)境影響(須報(bào)告的參 數(shù)請查閱KPI表格,計(jì)算方法請查 閱整個文件)- set goals for elim in ati ng or mi ni mizi ng en vir onmen tal effects and for cost sav ings 建立減少或消除環(huán)境影響以及節(jié)約 消耗的目標(biāo)。- in clude reviews of the performa nee metrics ad progress towards improve

7、me nt goals in Man ageme nt Review program. 包括在管理評審中評審向目標(biāo)進(jìn)步 的過程和分解的表現(xiàn)要求。Water Resource Man ageme nt2Do operati ons follow the Company s requireme nts for“ Water Resource Management ? 工廠是否遵守公司“水資源管理”的 要求?Water Resource Man ageme nt Requireme nts水資源管理要求: Operatio ns develop and execute a water man age

8、me nt program to en sure continu ity and quality of water supply through a docume nted Water Supply Assessme nt. (reliabilityand vulnerability of the plant' ssource of water).工廠通過文件化的供水評估方法建立和 執(zhí)行一個確保持續(xù)供水和水質(zhì)符合的程 序(工廠水源的可靠性和缺陷) Con duct an in itial Water Usage Assessme nt and periodically identify

9、 opportunities to utilize water resources more efficie ntly, docume nting in Water Mini mizati on Pla n.初步建立用水評估,疋期確疋提咼用水 效率的機(jī)會,并形成文件化的減少(節(jié) 約)用水計(jì)劃 Impleme nt and main tai n a water utilizati on measureme nt system and a program for con ti nu ous improvement (H 2O recycle, reuse). Define water utiliz

10、ation objectives and goals in annualbus in ess pla ns.持續(xù)執(zhí)行水利用測量系統(tǒng)和持續(xù)改進(jìn)計(jì) 劃(水回收和再用) Develop internal and exter nal water contingency pla ns.建立處理內(nèi)部和外部用水意外事故的計(jì) 戈嘰* Is a docume nted assessme nt available that dem on strates the medium / lo ng term risks, if any, with respect to the con ti nued availabili

11、ty of good quality water?是否有可用的評估表以 論證中期或長期的風(fēng) 險(xiǎn),如有,須有對應(yīng)的 繼續(xù)可用的符合水質(zhì)的 供水?En ergy Efficie ncy3Do operati ons follow the Company s requireme nts for“ En ergy Efficie ncy ”? 工廠是否遵守公司“能源高效”的要 求En ergy Efficie ncyRequireme nts高效能源的要求:* Con duct periodic internal en ergy audits with a comprehe nsive assessm

12、e nt of en ergy usage by the facility .執(zhí)行定期的內(nèi)部能源審核,全面評估工 廠能源使用情況。* Testi ng and tuning of bur ners.boilers, gen erators annu ally by eompete nt experts.每年通過有能力的專家測試和調(diào)整燃燒 器/鍋爐/發(fā)電機(jī)組。 Set annual goals for eon ti nu ous improveme nt on en ergy use.設(shè)定有關(guān)能源使用持續(xù)改進(jìn)方面的年度 目標(biāo)。 Purehas ing prefere nee to en ergy

13、- effieie nt tools and equipme nt.優(yōu)先采購節(jié)能的工具和設(shè)備。 Inv estigate the purehase ofen vir onmen tally frie ndly power for use where available.在適用的時(shí)候調(diào)查/采購使用環(huán)保型的 能源En vir onmen tai Due Dilige nee4Do operati ons follow the Company s requireme nts for “ En vir onmen tal Due Diligenee ”? 工廠是否遵守公司 “環(huán)境優(yōu)良”的要 求。See

14、 full doeume nt for details on minimum levels of purehas ing, sell in g, leas ing before assessme nt is n eeessary (e.g. % equity own ed).評估前必須閱讀整 個文件有關(guān)米購/ 銷售/租賃最低要 求的詳細(xì)內(nèi)容。Most due dilige neeEOSH Due Diligenee Requirements環(huán)境優(yōu)良的要求: Assess Due Dilige nee for:評估優(yōu)良-aequiring real property 獲得固定資產(chǎn)-selling

15、 real property 出售固定資產(chǎn)-leasing prop. (manufact. / main te n.)相關(guān)的租賃(生產(chǎn)和維修)-leasing prop. (warehouse / distr. >1y)相關(guān)的租賃(倉儲和分銷大于1年的)Refleet diseovered risks in the purehase, sales or lease agreeme nt.匯報(bào)在采購/銷售/租賃合同方面發(fā)現(xiàn) 的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。 Resolve the level of Env. Due Dilige nee for tran saet ions not in eluded in t

16、he list above.在上述清單沒有包含的解決最低環(huán)境優(yōu) 良的處理 Is a loealen vir onmen tal due dilige nee proeedure in plaee in line with the Company ' s GEP?是否有地方環(huán)境優(yōu)良方 面的程序?qū)?yīng)于公司 “良好的環(huán)境實(shí)踐” Is the operati on, or pla ns it to been gaged in aequiri ng, selli ng or leas ing real estate (e.g .bu ying or leas ing additi on al l

17、a nd to aeeommodate expa nsion of the faeility; buying or leas ing exter nal warehous ing whieh is operated un der the eon trol of the faeility)?工廠是否有或計(jì)劃參與 獲得/出售/租賃固定資 產(chǎn)(如購買/租賃另外 的土地以用來擴(kuò)展工assessme nts invo Ive only a Phase 1 level of review. Please see the full docume nts for the details of Phase 2

18、and 3 if applicable.It is possible that DueDilige nee is un der con trol of a higher level of Bottler Mgt. tha n the audited operati on. In that case, Due Dilige nee procedures & resp on sibilities from the higher man ageme nt level must be available on site duri ng the audit.裝瓶場較咼層比審 核更能有效控制 “環(huán)

19、保方面節(jié)約” 這是可能的?;?以上事實(shí),較咼管 理層有關(guān)“環(huán)保方 面節(jié)約”的程序和 責(zé)任必須在審核現(xiàn) 場能看到。 Assessme nt to be con ducted by qualified, experie need professi on als.評估必須由有資格的有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的專業(yè)人士 進(jìn)行。 Minimum steps for the Phase 1 assessm.:采購最小化的措施-Review plant or property records評審工廠或機(jī)構(gòu)的記錄-Examine property and surrounding area檢杳機(jī)構(gòu)和其周圍區(qū)域-In tervie

20、w key people-會見關(guān)鍵人物-Review government & hist.Records-評審政府和相關(guān)的記錄-Evaluation of wetlands andendan gered species-評估濕地和頻鄰滅絕物種-Evaluation of complianee with applicable law-評估相關(guān)法律法規(guī)的符合性-Evaluation of water supply to in clude-評估相關(guān)的水供應(yīng)Access to water (legal right and permit status) 水域進(jìn)入(法律和許可) Availabil

21、ity of water 可用的水源Quality of source water 原水質(zhì)量Social and com mun ity issues (e.g. impact of curre nt of forecasted water withdrawals on water local supplies)社會和社團(tuán)事件(防止當(dāng)?shù)?水供應(yīng)商收回原有供水的沖 突)。-Identification and evaluation of廠,購買/租賃工廠自 己管理的外部倉庫)? If so, is the operati oncontrolling the due dilige nee process?如果這樣,工廠如何控 制環(huán)境優(yōu)良? If so, is the operat


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