已閱讀5頁,還剩6頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、師生對語:師:Good morning(afternoon、evening)everyone、 boys and girl。(早上好,同學(xué)們或男孩、女孩)生:Good morning, Miss huang。(早上好,黃老師)師:Stand up,please! (請起立) 生:I stand up!(我起立)師:Sit down ,please! (請坐下) 生:I sit down!(我坐下)師:How are you ?(你好嗎)生: I am fine,thank you! And you?(我很好,謝謝,你呢)生:I am fine,too(我也很好)師:Be quiet! (安靜點

2、) 生:Listen!(聽著)師:Look at my eyes。(看我的眼睛) 師:Follow me! (跟我來) 生:Follow you! (跟隨你) 師:Attention,please! (請注意) 師:Go back to your seat。(回到你的座位上)師:Lets play another game,OK?(我們我們玩另外一個游戲,好嗎?) 生:OK! (好)師:Lets sing a song,OK?(讓我們來唱一首歌,好嗎?) 生:OK! What song? (好的,是什么歌)師生:Hands! Music,please! (跟著音樂說、唱、跳)生:Goodbye

3、,Miss huang。師:Now I say,you do,O K?(我說你做,好嗎) 生:O K!師: Very good(非常好) 師:what is it ?(這是怎么回事)生:Its a tiger(它是一只老虎) 師:Look! Whos coming?(看看,誰來啦) 師:Whats coming?(是什么)師:Lets play a game,OK?(讓我們來玩?zhèn)€游戲,好嗎) 生:OK! (好)師:Who wants to try? (誰來試試) 生:Me me,Miss huang! (我我我,黃老師) Hello,Lily。 Nice to see you( 你好,莉莉,見

4、到你很高興)Please bring your chair and sit right here( 請帶上椅子坐在這)Come in,please(請進(jìn))Are you fine( 你還好吧) No speaking(別說話)Louder,please(大聲點) Its your turn(該你了)Good, Please go on (不錯,繼續(xù)吧) Say it again(再說一遍)Great, Please go on (好,繼續(xù)吧) Line up( 請排隊)Please repeat after me(請跟我讀) One more time(再來一次)Please follow m

5、e(請跟我做(來)Have a try! 試一試!Try again! (請再試一試?。¦ho wants to try?( 誰來試試)Louder,please(請大聲點) Please think about it(請想一想) Can you catch me? (你懂了嗎?)Could you please try it again? (請再試一次)Please close your eyes( 請閉上眼睛) Please be quiet(請安靜) Did you have a good time on the weekend(周末過得好嗎)Did you have a good ti

6、me on your holiday( 假期過得好嗎)You dont look well(你看起來不太好)Now,you can go back to your seat。(現(xiàn)在可以回到位子上了)  Get into one line/two lines( 排成一隊/兩隊)Face to face and hand in hand (面對面,手拉手)Stand in two lines(站成兩對)Look at me,boys and girls(小朋友們看著我)Please do as I do(請和我一樣做動作)Spread out。( 解散)One by one,p

7、lease (一個接一個)Do you understand? Let me give you an example( 明白了嗎?我來做個示范)Here you are(給你) Listen to the music and dance along/do the steps。(讓我們隨著音樂的節(jié)奏跳舞/做動作)Lets get them moving! Come on,come on!” (讓我們?yōu)樗麄兒啊凹佑停〖佑?!?Now lets take a break(現(xiàn)在讓我們休息一會兒)Keep your hands on your laps(請把手放膝蓋上)Linda, you may sh

8、are the book with Lily, will you? (琳達(dá),和莉莉一起看這本書好嗎?)Lets play together(我們一起玩吧)Sit on the floor(坐在地板上)What are you doing, Lily?( 莉莉,你在做什么?)Right Good, Great,Smart,Wonderful!對(很好,聰明,太好了)Whats wrong。?(怎么啦)Please return your book to the bookshelf (請把書放回去)Now please clear up your table (現(xiàn)在請收拾桌子)Put the ch

9、airs along the wall, please (把椅子靠墻擺好)How many children are here today? (今天來了多少個小朋友)Lets count。 One, two ( 讓我們數(shù)一數(shù),一,二)Whos absent today?(今天誰沒來?)One two three,Eyes on me。 Four ,five,six。 Hands on knees(小眼睛,看老師;小小手,放放好)Lets say it together(我們一起來說吧)Put up your hands/ Put down your hands(舉起小手,放下小手)P

10、lease listen to the tape(請聽磁帶)Are you ready? Now, lets begin。 One, two, start。 (準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?現(xiàn)在我們開始,一二,開始)Clap your hands to with music(隨著音樂節(jié)奏我們拍拍手吧)Please look at the blackboard(請看黑板)Now your turn,please(輪到你來)Speak in English(用英語說) How to say in English( 英語怎么說)Please take out your books (請拿出書來)Open/ Close

11、 your book,please (打開/關(guān)上你的書)Please go back to your seat(請回到你的座位哦去)Who can help her?(誰能幫助她) Who wants to try? (誰想試試)Dont be shy(別害羞) Go on,please(請繼續(xù)) Stand in lines,please(請站線內(nèi)) Come here(過來)Look at my mouth,please(請看我的口型)Hello,everyone。 Now,lets begin the class(大家好,現(xiàn)在開始上課)Look at me(請看我) Listen car

12、efully(注意聽)Are you ready? (準(zhǔn)備好了嗎)Boys and girls,listen to me now(孩子們,現(xiàn)在聽我說)Today we will listen to a story。 The story is called (今天我們聽第一個故事,故事的名字叫)Whats the name of the song? (這首歌的名字叫什么?)Please follow me and sing the song(請跟我一起唱歌) Look at the picture(請看這幅圖)Please tell me what did you hear in th

13、e story? (請告訴我,你們在故事中聽到了什么?)That was a good try;please go back to your seat(不錯,請回座位)Do you understand? (你明白了嗎?) Use your head(動動腦筋)Show me your fingers(伸出你的手指)Lets clap hands for(讓我們?yōu)楣恼谱YR) Can you give it a try? (你能夠試試嗎?)Can someone else read this story? (還有誰能念這個故事)How do you say this in ENGLISH? (這

14、個用英語怎么說)Can you tell me how a lamb bleats? (你能告訴我小羊是怎么叫的嗎)Dont run around(不要到處跑) Form a circle(圍個圈)Lets work in groups(我們分組活動) Take turns(一個一個來)Say it in English (用英語說) You did it(你做對了)Dont give hints (不要提示) Do what I do( 跟著我做)Would you please speak a little bit louder?(你能說的再大聲一點嗎?)All together,say

15、it with me(大家一起來跟我說)Watch my actions and say the words(看我的動作說單詞)Lets play a touching game(我們來一個猜謎的游戲)Now we are going to look at some pictures( 現(xiàn)在我們要看一些卡片)Look and listen carefully,please( 請仔細(xì)看,認(rèn)真聽)Lets count,One,two,three (讓我們一起來數(shù)一數(shù), 一,二,三) Everybody quiet,please(請保持安靜)Lets act out the story/sketch

16、( 讓我們來表演故事/短?。¦ho wants to be the cat? (誰想扮演貓)Listen to the action story and draw the dots。 (聽行動故事錄音帶然后畫點) Good job/Very nice/Well done/ Excellent/Bravo/Terrific/Super/Pretty good。(做的好 / 非常好 / 做的好 / 棒極了 / 好 / 好極了 / 好棒/ 很好!)Thats all for today! (今天的課就上到這里了)Time is up(時間到了)Shall we stop here today (今天就到此為止吧)Thats all for today( 今天就到這兒)Class is over(下課了) Good-bye(再見)See you tomorrow( 明天見) See you next week( 下星期見)  附錄(日常交流)


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