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1、東平湖水資源現(xiàn)狀分析及優(yōu)化利用對策許士杰 李艷華摘要:調(diào)查分析了東平湖及濱湖三縣(東平、梁山、汶上)水資源現(xiàn)狀、利用情況及存在的問題。認為:;大氣降雨利用率偏低;地下水超采;水庫蓄量少,河、湖干枯;水質(zhì)受到污染;河湖水量缺乏統(tǒng)一調(diào)度管理等是東平湖水資源匱乏的主要原因。并提出了優(yōu)化配置和有效利用水資源,改變東平湖水資源不足現(xiàn)象的對策及建議:1.加強攔蓄雨洪水工程建設;2.強化取水登記制度,有計劃的開采地下水資源,并加強補源措施;3.加強水資源保護,防止水質(zhì)污染;4.提高東平湖水庫的蓄水功能,實現(xiàn)防洪、供水、生態(tài)并舉,達到東平湖水資源、南水北調(diào)水資源的優(yōu)化配置;5.加強河、湖水資源的統(tǒng)一管理調(diào)度,

2、提高東平湖水資源的有效利用率,促進東平湖地區(qū)社會經(jīng)濟持續(xù)穩(wěn)定地發(fā)展。關鍵詞:東平湖;水資源;分析;優(yōu)化利用;對策1 東平湖基本概況東平湖是山東省第二大淡水湖,古為大野澤和宋代梁山泊的一部分,位于現(xiàn)東平、梁山、汶上三縣境內(nèi),北臨黃河,西界梁濟運河,東納汶河來水,是黃、汶的交匯處和黃淮兩大流域的交叉點。1958年后,東平湖自然滯洪區(qū)被改建為能控制運用的平原水庫。由于工程薄弱,1963年經(jīng)國務院批準,東平湖水庫由原來的綜合運用改為“以防洪運用為主”,“有洪蓄洪、無洪生產(chǎn)”的滯蓄洪區(qū)。水庫總面積627平方公里,由二級湖堤分隔成新湖區(qū)和老湖區(qū),實行二級運用。其中老湖區(qū)面積209平方公里,新湖區(qū)418平方

3、公里,汶河來水全部進入老湖區(qū)。當老湖水位44.0米時,蓄水7.77億立方米;當老湖水位44.5米時,蓄水8.82億立方米。汛末老湖水位可至42.5米,相應庫容4.86億立方米,其余洪水排入黃河,常年水面一般在120平方公里左右。2 東平湖水資源現(xiàn)狀及利用情況由于東平湖地處黃河與汶河下游沖積洪積平原交接的條形洼地上,是東西地表水,地下水匯集的地帶。雖然歷史上由此帶來較嚴重的水災,卻使本地區(qū)擁有豐富的地表水資源和地下水資源。2.1地表徑流。東平、梁山、汶上三縣19562002年多年平均降雨量604.4毫米,平均徑流深為8595毫米,年降水徑流量平均為16223.48萬立方米,人均219.97立方米





8、%。但由于部分地區(qū)超采地下水,已形成大面積降落漏斗,加之補源不及時,地下水位呈逐年下降趨勢。3 水資源供需平衡及短缺情況3.1水資源供需平衡情況。東平湖地區(qū)可利用的淡水資源量人均占有約700立方米,為山東省人均占有量的2倍,現(xiàn)狀利用的水資源量為99236萬立方米,人均占有量448立方米,超過山東省人均水資源量344立方米的水平,但只占全國人均占有量的19.14%,更遠遠小于國際公認的貧水區(qū)臨界值人均水資源量1000立方米的水平。據(jù)統(tǒng)計,2005年梁山、東平、汶上三縣國民經(jīng)濟需水總量為93582萬立方米,現(xiàn)狀利用水量略大于國民經(jīng)濟需水總量,相對山東省人均水資源量來說,濱湖三縣水資源量還屬較豐富的


10、下水位最大埋深達18米(2002年),人蓄飲水都出現(xiàn)困難。4 東平湖濱湖區(qū)水資源出現(xiàn)短缺的主要原因4.1 特殊的氣候條件和雨洪水的利用率偏低是水資源短缺的主要因素之一。由于東平湖地區(qū)存在大氣降水年際變化大,年內(nèi)分配不均,時空分配不勻的三大特點,地表徑流的7585%集中在汛期的7、8、9三個月份,農(nóng)灌期的35月份和1011月份占年徑流量的比重很小,因而形成了春旱、夏澇、晚秋又旱的格局。又因地表水的利用受蓄水工程的攔蓄能力,灌溉配套設施及技術條件的限制,利用率僅占地表徑流量的15%左右,大量的“天賜之水”被排到溝渠河流里,而到3-5月份和10-11月份農(nóng)灌時,則又因降水的稀少而出現(xiàn)無水灌溉的局面。

11、4.2 對地下水的 超量開采導致了地下水資源的匱乏。隨著社會經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展,需水量的增加,東平湖地區(qū)水資源供需矛盾也日漸突出,原地下水資源豐富的東平湖地區(qū),也因地下水的超量開采,造成部分地區(qū)成為漏斗區(qū),地下水位普遍下降。旱情嚴重的2002年,東平縣北部山區(qū)地下水位降至30米,汶上縣漏斗區(qū)地下水位最大埋深達18米,梁山縣機井也多數(shù)引不上水來。20世紀90年代,東平湖平原區(qū)機井深度一般在20米左右,后來由于大量超采,地下水位下降,機井深度多達50200米,最深的已超過300米。4.3 河道干枯、水庫蓄水不足或有時“空腹”是水資源短缺的必然因素。東平湖北臨黃河,東納大汶河,西界梁濟運河,可謂具有得天獨厚


13、把接納的汶河洪水大部分排出(據(jù)統(tǒng)計19852005年年均排入黃河水量6.8億立方米左右,最大年出湖流量為2004年的27.2億立方米),但到第二年的15月份,濱湖周邊地區(qū)又出現(xiàn)了水資源量不足現(xiàn)象。4.4 水質(zhì)受到不同程度的污染而致的水資源短缺。近些年來,河、湖沿岸工、農(nóng)業(yè)有了長足發(fā)展,但因有些人缺乏環(huán)保意識,忽視了長遠利益和大局利益,把一些工業(yè)廢水和生活廢水傾入河道(湖泊),亂排亂放,致使廢水污染了河道(湖泊)水質(zhì)。隨著地表水體污染的加劇,污染物也不斷滲透地下,使地下水質(zhì)受到不同程度的污染,部分地區(qū)污染嚴重,有水不敢用。據(jù)大汶河干支流13處排污口監(jiān)測網(wǎng)資料顯示,除瀛汶河倪家莊河段基本未受污染為

14、類水,大汶河河口的王臺橋河段為類水以外,其余各監(jiān)測斷面均為類水;經(jīng)有關部門對東平湖水質(zhì)取樣化驗分析,距東平湖堤防工程2公里內(nèi),水質(zhì)受到污染,2公里外基本未受污染,原因就在于距堤防及水域近的村莊、企業(yè)向湖區(qū)排放污水,群眾和游人亂丟亂扔垃圾所致。4.5 水資源缺乏統(tǒng)一調(diào)度管理,是東平湖濱湖區(qū)水資源短缺的關鍵因素。由于長期以來缺乏對水資源的有效管理,存在著任意取水和浪費水的現(xiàn)象。東平湖庫區(qū)、大清河范圍內(nèi)的地表水,地下水在取水管理上還未統(tǒng)一,流域機構(gòu)水資源管理權(quán)未落實到位,多口取水,爭水的現(xiàn)象依然存在,影響了水資源的有效利用和優(yōu)化配置。5 對策及建議5.1加強雨水攔蓄工程建設,優(yōu)化雨水資源,提高雨水利

15、用率,緩解“春旱、夏澇、晚秋又旱”的矛盾,以達到攔住雨洪水、蓄住地表水、補充地下水、涵養(yǎng)生態(tài)水的目的。5.2 全面貫徹落實國務院頒布的取水許可管理辦法等法律法規(guī),嚴格執(zhí)行取水登記規(guī)定,做到 有計劃的開采調(diào)度地下水資源,并及時攔蓄雨水資源補充地下水資源,引河湖之水補充地下水資源,使地表水、地下水相互補濟,平衡供給,水資源得到優(yōu)化配置,改善水生態(tài)與環(huán)境。5.3 根據(jù)社會經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的形勢要求,東平湖水庫應改變調(diào)度運用方式,蓄洪與興利并舉,實現(xiàn)蓄洪、供水、生態(tài)的協(xié)調(diào)發(fā)展。全面開發(fā)東平湖水庫的蓄水功能,盡可能的儲蓄出現(xiàn)頻率較高的汶河洪水。一方面可將東平湖作為調(diào)節(jié)黃河下游水資源不足的節(jié)點,當黃河水資源不足時

16、,用以補充黃河水,調(diào)節(jié)下游水沙關系,補充下游沿岸工農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)和城市生活用水等;另一方面可將東平湖作為南水北調(diào)工程的調(diào)劑水源,蓄大汶河水補充東平湖以北和膠東地區(qū)水資源的短缺,發(fā)揮東平湖水資源效益,降低受水區(qū)用戶成本。當然,在提高東平湖老湖調(diào)蓄能力的同時,也帶來一系列的問題,諸如加高加固堤防工程,庫區(qū)群眾的安置、生活保障、損失補償?shù)葐栴}需要解決。只有解決了這些問題,才能實現(xiàn)東平湖“防洪運用為主,兼顧調(diào)水、蓄水、養(yǎng)殖、旅游、航運等綜合運用”的目標,推動濱湖區(qū)經(jīng)濟社會持續(xù)發(fā)展。5.4 加強水資源保護和各項水質(zhì)監(jiān)測,提高全民環(huán)保意識,防止河、湖水質(zhì)污染,維持河流健康生命,保證工、農(nóng)業(yè)用水、生態(tài)用水和飲用水

17、安全。5.5 流域和區(qū)域相結(jié)合,在科學發(fā)展觀指導下,統(tǒng)一調(diào)度管理河、湖水量。對于協(xié)調(diào)地區(qū)間、部門間用水,統(tǒng)籌生活、生產(chǎn)和生態(tài)用水,發(fā)揮有限水資源的綜合效益,實現(xiàn)各方共贏具有重要意義,這既是黃河流域水資源調(diào)度大局的需要,也是東平湖地區(qū)經(jīng)濟社會可持續(xù)發(fā)展,構(gòu)建和諧社會的迫切需要。結(jié)語隨著科技的發(fā)展,社會的進步,水資源的統(tǒng)一管理和運用,以及南水北調(diào),西水東調(diào)等規(guī)劃的實施,東平湖從單純防洪運用至綜合運用的轉(zhuǎn)變,東平湖水資源一定會得到優(yōu)化配置和有效利用,濱湖區(qū)的社會經(jīng)濟也將會得到高速發(fā)展。參考文獻山東黃河志1988年版,.東平湖志 1993年版,東平縣志2006年版,梁山縣志1997年版,大汶河、泰安市

18、水文資料等.Dongping lake water resources present situation analysis and optimized use countermeasureXU Shi jie LI Yan huaAbstract: Diagnosis Dongping Lake and lakeside three counties (Dongping, Liangshan, wenshang) water resources present situation, use situation and existence question. Considering: The

19、atmospheric rainfall use factor is somewhat low; The ground water ultra picks; The reservoir gathers the quantity to be few, the river, the lake are withered; The water quality is polluted; The river lake water quantity lacks the centralized dispatcher management and so on is the Dongping lake water

20、 resources deficient primary cause. And proposed the optimized disposition and the effective use water resources, change the Dongping lake water resources insufficient phenomenon the countermeasure andsuggested:1.enhancements retains the rain flood engineering construction; 2. strengthening takes th

21、e water registration system, has the plan mining ground water resources, and strengthens makes up the source measure;3. enhancement water resources protection, prevents the water pollution; 4. enhances the Dongping Lake reservoir the inpoundment function, the realization flood prevention, the water

22、supply, ecology developing simultaneously, achieves the Dongping lake water resources, the northward rerouting of southern river water resources optimized disposition;5. enhancement rivers, the lake water resources unification management dispatch, enhances the Dongping lake water resources the effec

23、tive use factor, promotes the Dongping Lake area social economy to continue to develop stably.Key words: Dongping Lake; Water resources; Analysis; Optimized use; Countermeasure1 Dongping Lake basic survey Dongping Lake is the second big fresh water lake of Shandong Province, ancient for Ono Ze and a

24、 Song Dynasty Liangshanpo's part, is located in presently Dongping, Liangshan, wenshang, North is near Yellow River, west Liang aids the canal, east accepts Wen River to come the water, is yellow river, wen river intersection point and yellow river and Huai He River two big basin intersections.

25、After 1958, the Dongping Lake natural detention basin is rebuilt for can control the utilization the plain reservoir. Because the project is weak, in 1963 authorized by the State Council, the Dongping Lake reservoir changed by the original synthesis utilization;prevents floods the utilization primar

26、ily;has Hong to store floodwater, non-Hong produced; stagnates the flood storage area. The reservoir total area 627 square kilometers, separate the new lake district and the old lake district by two level of lake dikes, implements two levels of utilization. The old area of lake region is 209 sq. km.

27、 among them, 418 sq. km. of new lake regions, river of Wen wants all of water and enters the tough lake region. When old lake water level 44.0 meters, stores water 777,000,000 cubic meters; When old lake water level 44.5 meters, stores water 882,000,000 cubic meters.At the end of the high water old

28、lake water level may to 42.5 meters, the corresponding storage capacity 486,000,000 cubic meters, other floods disperse into Yellow River, year to year water surface generally about 120 square kilometers.2 Dongping lake water resources present situation and use situationBecause Dongping Lake is situ

29、ated at Yellow River and the Wen River downstream silts alluviation Hong to accumulate the plain connection on the linearity marsh land, is the thing surface water, the ground water collection region. Although in the history from this brings a more serious flood,actually enable this area to have the

30、 rich surface water resources andthe ground water resources.2.1 surface runoff.Dongping, Liangshan, the wenshang three county more than 19562002 year mean annual precipitation 604.4 millimeters, the average runoff depth is 8595 millimeters, the year precipitation amount of runoff is equally 162,234,

31、800 cubic meters, average per person 219.97 cubic meters, Chinese acre even 126.39 cubic meter.2.2 yellow river waters resources. The surface water resources anotherimportant origin is the rivers guest water resources. The yellow riverwater resources then is one of them. The Yellow River main curren

32、t flows after Dongping lake district Liangshan, the Dongping two county xianjing in river course span is 67.3 kilometers, along yellow constructs Chen Gai and country there two directs the yellow floodgate. The design pilots the current capacity is 75 cubic meters each second,the design irrigated ar

33、ea 1.0518 million Chinese acres, 1,991 in2005 two directs the yellow floodgate yearly average to direct thewater volume is 125.24 million cubic meters, the irrigation farmlandyearly average 945,000 Chinese acres. At the same time, Liangshan, Dongping County have yellow sandbank area 6, 5 construct d

34、irects the yellow project, 1 for well irrigation area.5 beach areas direct the yellow engineering design pilot current capacity altogether for 18.67 cubic each second, the design irrigated area 108,900 Chinese acres, the yearly average amount of water diversion 9,052,500 cubic meters. Chen Gai, the

35、country there two floodgates most bumper year directedthe yellow water volume is 1993 446 million cubic meters, next was2002 290 million cubic meters (two yearly averages contains to thesouth four lakes supplies water).2.3 Wen River water resources.Wen River is a Yellow River downstream biggest bran

36、ch, is one of Dongping, Wenshang County's guest water resources. Dai Cunba the hydrologic station 1,986 in 2005 the materialdemonstrated that, the multi- annual means current capacity is 25.9cubic meters/seconds, the multi- annual means diameter currentcapacity is 818 million cubic meters. The m

37、ost bumper year diametercurrent capacity is 2004 2.632 billion cubic meters, most lunar yearin which the last month has 29 days the diameter current capacity in1989 was zero. Dongping County constructs south Dai Cunba puts on the dike to direct wen culvert and sluice one, the pilot current capacity

38、10 cubic meters each second, the design irrigated area 97999.5 Chinese acres, the multi-annual means pilot 17,200,000 cubic meters; Wenshang County constructs in the Dawen River main current has eastwest the pipa mountain, Sungshan, Sungshan the third gear, the multi-annual means direct the water vo

39、lume are 145 million cubic meters, theirrigated area 280,000 Chinese acres.2.4 Dongping Lake inpoundment resources.The Dongping Lake reservoir changed the flood prevention utilization since 1963, the flood season occurred besides Yellow River surpasses the downstream water flood prevention ability t

40、he big flood to need to have the control flood detention to enter the lake, general, the small flood no longer entered the lake to store and regulate, the reservoir (old lake district) only admitted the Wen River basin to come the water. Resists communists in Daqing River and the Dongping Lake dikec

41、onstructs has irrigation and drainage culvert and sluice 13, eightmiles bays 引水閘, the horse mouth irrigation and drainagefloodgate, the jigging machine hang the irrigation station, the Liumouth irrigation station and Nancheng directs the clear floodgatedesign irrigation to pilot the ability altogeth

42、er for 65 cubic meterseach second, the design irrigated area is 209,400 Chinese acres,profits the area for Dongping County's business Lao-Zhuang, the newlake, the old lake, the state city, villages and towns and so on PengJi, Liangshan county Dongping Lake (new lake district) the area youngAn mo

43、untain, the hall post, township the and so on Han Gang partialfarmland.At the same time, constructs in the old Huzhen directs the lake electric pumping station, the design irrigated area 115,000 Chinese acres, the profiting area for the Dongping County old Huzhen, the ladder gate township western mo

44、untainous area.The total water demand yearly average is approximately 80,320,000 cubic meters.2.5 ground water resources.While the Dongping Lake area the Wen River basin silting alluviation delta and Yellow River exude the connection region, underground has fossil stream channel going through genera

45、lly, the sand bed deposition is thick, the distribution is broad, the diving buries shallowly (before for the 80's ground water burying depth generally in 23 meters), is high for Shui Dujiao, and may obtain the river, the lake surface water military supplies unceasingly, the ground water resourc

46、es is rich. According to the investigation, the Dongping County ground waterresources quantity is 191.36 million cubic meters; The Liangshancounty ground water resources quantity is 175.993 million cubicmeters; The Wenshang County ground water resources quantity is 186million cubic meters, three cou

47、nties ground water resources totalquantity is 546.33 million cubic meters, is bigger than the surfacerunoff 447.2375 million cubic meters water resources total quantity. Three county full use ground water resources richer condition, altogether constructs mechanical well 27644, the irrigation land ar

48、ea 1,818,000 Chinese acres, accounts for three county cultivated area 67%.Wenshang County well fills the area to account for this county cultivated area 88%, Dongping County accounts for 59.6%, the Liangshan county accounts for 54.2%.But because the partial areas ultra pick the ground water, has for

49、medthe big area to descend the funnel, adds it to make up when the sourceis inferior to, the subsoil water level assumes year by year drops thetendency.3 water resources supply and demand balanced and short situation3.1 water resources supply and demand balanced situation.The Dongping Lake area may

50、the use fresh water amount of resources average per person hold approximately 700 cubic meters, is Shandong Province average amount per capita 2 times, the present situation use water amount of resources is 992,360,000 cubic meters, The average amount per capita 448 cubic meters, surpass the Shandon

51、gProvince average per person water resources to measure 344 cubicmeters levels, but only accounts for the national average amount percapita 19.14%, is smaller than the internationally recognized poorwater district marginal value - average per person water resources tomeasure 1,000 cubic meters level

52、s by far.Statistics have indicated, in 2005 Liangshan, Dongping, the wenshang three county national economy needs the water total quantity is 935,820,000 cubic meters, the present situation is bigger than the national economy using the water volume to need the water total quantity slightly, The rela

53、tive Shandong Province average per person water resourcesquantity said that, the lakeside three counties water resourcesquantity also is a richer area.3.2 existence water resources short questions.Since on century 890 ages, the Dongping Lake area water resources appeared actually deficiently, the 90

54、's Yellow River once blocked the flow specially, Wen River's withered,Causes three counties guests water resources obvious reduction or cutsoff, the labor, the agricultural water used and the domestic waterseriously lack. Is in the normal year, every year in March to May and in OctoberTo Nov

55、ember must water time the farmland, also often have the anhydrous available condition; the spring drought, Xia Lao, the late autumn also are dry; the phenomenon still exists. The dry evil spirit appearance, frequently gives three counties people to bring the serious economic loss. Statistics have in

56、dicated, in 1986 2005, three counties altogether have 15 years to have the drought, each county many years hit by disaster the area yearly average approximately 500,000 Chinese acres. The drought most serious 1986, 1988, in 2002 the river course blocked the flow nearly, the small reservoir and the p

57、it pond were dry, The big mouth well is withered, Dongping, the Wenshang County mountainous area villages and towns subsoil water level falls to 13 15.4 meters, the Wenshang County funnel area subsoil water levelgreatest burying depth amounts to 18 meters (in 2002), the persongathers the potable wat

58、er all to have the difficulty.4 Dongping lake front lake district water resources appear the short primary cause4.1 special climatic conditions and the rain flood use factor issomewhat low is one of water resources short primary factors. Because the Dongping Lake area existence atmosphere precipitat

59、ion year border changes in a big way, in the year assigns unevenly, space and time assignment not uniform three major characteristics, The surface runoff 7585% concentrates in the flood season 7, 8, 9 three months, the agriculture fills the time 3 in May and 10 in November occupies the year amount of runoff the proportion to be very small, Thus has formed the spring drought, Xia Lao, the late autumn drypattern. And further because the surface water use is


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