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1、人教版初中英語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)大全(2020)七年級(jí)上冊(cè)一雙a pair of你好?How are you?一套;一副;一a set of(物)多少?How much , ?求;求(予)ask-for多大年?幾了?How old , ?我能幫您?Can I help you?學(xué)生卡;身份ID card快點(diǎn)兒come on用英in English;原excuse me姓l(shuí)ast name名字first name中學(xué);初中middle school無(wú)疑;肯定for sure機(jī)模型model plane從到form -to 筆盒;文具盒pencil box下午好!Good afternoon!再!See you

2、!晚上好!Good eve ring!(央式)足球soccer ball早上好!Good morning!磁播放機(jī)tape player生日快!Happy birthday!號(hào)telephone/phone nomber(表示祝愿)得愉Have a good day!而感你thank you for 快1 Have a good time!思考;思索think about你。Here you are.看watch TV(提出建)怎么?How about, ?(消息或提出建) 怎么?好?What about - ?七年級(jí)下冊(cè)一點(diǎn):少量a little出去吃eat out在面across from

3、要么要么:或者或者either - or -的來(lái)all in all喜eniov reading世界各地around the world每天every day亶干 be good at 喂feel chickens善干付的:有法Be good with消防站fire station于(極大)危之中be in(great danger放箏flv a kite感趣be interested in遵守follow the rules1制成的(be) made of吃驚get a surorise中等身高(be) of medium height穿上衣服get dressed準(zhǔn)(be)on timeg

4、et lost(某人)要求格be striet(with sb.)老迎:流行set DODular在和之between-and -到汰get to來(lái)好運(yùn)bring good luck to起床;站起getup自行by bike沿著(條街)走go along(the s tre e t)(臬人)匚1callfsb Jback外出(so out:成come true夫能院go to the movies砍倒cut down必不徨不haa tn做作dofonefs Ihome work在具方面都助(章人)helofshwith sth.清沸餐具do the dishes中學(xué)high school端午

5、Dragon Beat在前面in front ofFestival喝茶drink tea在下;在村in the countryside±1稍彳??冢?區(qū)eicn omei取,口ume ena戒;有示、兒<mci or廠瑤口lado station聽(tīng)li5ten to有readi newspaper_L客livi*日一ig room目 < Jnd二二e a bick然.里;多FST幾o(hù)ts O1nd(力 IU二:a horse怨mAke a wiSn此刻:上tgnt now父朋友mace frienas, s J.,F-J- 3Vf+跑開(kāi)1un away沐in <11

6、e one s bea什大尸叫嚷siout at L做rrake soup人尸喊叫st-+-Hout to 牛奶m/、rjIk a cow央speak English度假on(z)va cation花S1>end time在)周末°nweekends侏,萸不睡;熬夜stay up lateon the weekend自個(gè)口1日;takea message,(人)帆one(lar寸pge)bowl or 洗芯泊takea showeriy phone筋、步;走 ,走ialce a walk1國(guó)象棋pliy chess點(diǎn)米take(-r*- 1 Hii)neTs order散豉pl

7、a:r qps/ the drums來(lái)地takethe subway琴playthe piano跟liIk to “小提與playhe violin;想起think of警察局police station1可石/左turnnght/left提局post ornce上.上下下;起伏upand down、起;起put up把弄醒,vakeup多quite clot(of )(不皆思)愿意;喜W)uld like八年級(jí)上冊(cè)各種類型 其他作影斤action movie的;各種各樣的all kinds of1 列夕口tor example去看醫(yī)生go te the/a doctorancther tim

8、e;匚成熟;成grow up、要;既然aslong as近;常去某1iang out至少;I、少十;起at least幾乎從小hardly ever午開(kāi)立臺(tái)at the有相同, beginning of寺征;(想法、興f,havt, in common與不&&趣等刀面)相同"故某事be司;與有差一be di鉗able to天-jrent from將至11 r 1、與內(nèi)天系have:人的 )信、由話等hto do withear from準(zhǔn)好 愿異(做臬事); 意(做某事).f (幫助 ready to)分擔(dān)JL作、 解決ielp out與相彳: 確信;象的、似的be

9、s有把握be similar toure about確切地,說(shuō)多;大量hu;事實(shí)事;實(shí)際上ndreds ot in fact是的;由決,.te up to分成兩半in half/EJL使J因be吏表出bcause of ing out垃圾食品ji保守秘密keepnk food to oneself關(guān)心;在意care about少于1(ss than計(jì)算機(jī)程序設(shè)計(jì)員;編程人員干得好computer programmerdo a good job照料;照找;求look afterlook forIress uplook forward toh 11 down確任明make-sure.的感;感受到f

10、 e 1 like成足球的一make the soccerteam明;弄清奶昔當(dāng)然;自然多次;反復(fù)地參與;作用作用;有影響炸土豆片;炸薯?xiàng)lfind outn ilk shakei lore than(f courseover and over againp ay a partp ay a rolepc tato chips造(故事、言等)make up例如;像such asWsv7ing dance真地待take -seriously去旅行ta ce a trip代替;替take sb/s place(尤指為消遣)學(xué)著做;開(kāi)始做take up -后天ft epa re. forthe day

11、after tomorrowthe day beforeyesterday相當(dāng)多;不少pririary schoolq lite a few相同;與致the same asturn down到目前止;迄今止太空站;宇宙空站so forsp ice station接通(流、煤氣、水_等);打開(kāi)寫下;下turn onw ite down八年級(jí)下朋兩個(gè);一;幾個(gè) 有點(diǎn)兒;稍微繁;反復(fù)全年 游 就我所知a couple ofa ytie bital the timeall ear round自從 入莖;睡著 一上;喜上 倒ever since fall asleep fall in loveiall

12、over至于;關(guān)于就出生汜己初:字已先掌管:管理 于:活干.(MB澳游面包機(jī)打(某人);征一照;非常喜唱;(使)變得更高興;振奮起來(lái) 打 ( 或清除-)-下一 清理;掉 幾乎;接近am isement park as for as I know(可以)隨便(做某事)lell freeas forz s soon asat birthat firstbe ir control oft e used tobig dealI oard gameb Dad mnkercall upcare for:heck o u tche ei ulCclli le q f o close iupTTtto-修理;

13、裝 是內(nèi);(有)大量的;(有)豐富的宿入;參與婚和睦相:關(guān)系良好開(kāi):從出來(lái)送:捐分:散放棄()出響聲Ww 趕書(shū)做某事)fix upget into get married _get off get on with g 3t out of give away give out give up_go offhand out-+ra ve-trcrrldhrr ver"trn vt u luukc ci stoniuchqchehurry up想出;提出(主意、劃、回-7比;比村音7 ,一靠;信 逐加;逐消失II使;然come up with依看in one's opinionco

14、npare-with的是;了in crder tocountry mi sic( 也作 country)crt-offut outdepend on"rfh down影前很畸不再;不復(fù)一方面另一方面從前互相-放棄,交山(尤指不舍得的西)推立即;止用盡;耗盡科幻力 (或影片等)建起;立體玩具;布玩具貌或行)像休息脖丁理拆除;往下拽;,三前面 突然;猛地 同;除以外 同;一起一部或端某人朋友對(duì)某人苛刻對(duì)某人要求嚴(yán)厲even thdmakeUgh(=6Vil if)rdrffere nee萬(wàn)默;無(wú)聲 一、困等) 代替;反而r¥速看;in silencein theinstead

15、ofjunior hgh school揀 downlookmake one*s waynoon thelongerne handonthe other handonceoneupoti a litneanotherpart withP(二picick up k up thephone)ut offright awayrunsciencout(of)e fictionet uptt toye after(taketakebreaksa break)care oftake downafter all,吞入(體內(nèi))take one's倒垃圾茶具以各的;多多的在的使驚的是; 出手的意料參力拔;

16、用 成(某數(shù)量、程度至多有;不多于; 走路撞著成功?出什么事了?L不舒服?-地展;解決庭院拍會(huì)九年級(jí)全一冊(cè)ahead of召來(lái);叫來(lái)把擦掉allota suddenalong witnat thesame timeat the top ofbe born withbe friends with sb.be hbe 1接或系起來(lái)t裝舞會(huì)使人 /狂a rd on sb.armful tothiough kc intemperature out therub bis htake nsKs(taKe arisk)ta setsands ofto b > honestto ones suprise

17、t y outtu rn -intoup towalk intoWhatsWhathe matter?fs wrong?ork outrd salecall inclean offcon iect withcostdedivdrive sbime party a 1 withide :intorcraTzyTmaac rop byfirsof allfrom time to time以名;人知傲;感到自豪be known forbe proud of的路;妨礙get in the way of大肝火;氣get mad,有任,任某人心存感激be responsible Ibr be th: nk

18、ful to sb.geil used lo g15 e a lift信任;信恢旦;使想起;tJF" hirsty for"believe inbwing backn逝去;去 特地;格外努力go bygo out onti s way有道理h<Fe a point假燃T意外地一 地;無(wú)感中 在(某點(diǎn))以前accidentJ-bV mistake-tyy the end of幾次地 耳成一排 一身.;自in a row mine with -IT person在以前by the time 即然那樣;假使那樣的話共;合避免接近;離irrthat casein totalkeef away from公開(kāi)地;在別人(尤指生人)而前心力通力合作 增加(體重);胖ii oublicpirti togetherput onput sth.to good use沉住氣;保持冷靜一除某人keep oneTcooT-sb.off而不是追逐;追趕ra her thanr matter升;布置不包括:不提芨T會(huì)回首(往事);回憶;回顧使(某工)


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