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1、仁愛版英語七年級(jí)下冊(cè)重點(diǎn)短語與句型總結(jié)Unit5 Topicl1.在校門口見面2.新年快樂 3.你也一樣4.騎自行車到學(xué)校2種5乘地鐵兩種6.步行到學(xué)校2種7.在工作日8.很少9.乘公交車去學(xué)校兩種 10.騎自行車2種11. 了解美國(guó)學(xué)生的學(xué)校生活 12.在外面吃 13.休息一會(huì)兒 14.結(jié)束15.在某人有空的時(shí)候 16. 一年四次 17.與你談天真愉快 18.踢足球 19. 一次 20.兩次21.多經(jīng)常 22.上課 23. 一刻鐘 24.看電視看一小伙兒 25.工作第一 Un it 5 Topic23. 此時(shí)4. 在健身房5餐廳6.游泳池7.借入8.在-方面做得更好 9.多久10.保存、保存

2、11 .準(zhǔn)時(shí)歸還某物12. 很樂意效勞,不用謝13. 尋找 14.別的什么 15. 一些學(xué)生2種16. 擦黑板 17.在教室的后面18.在長(zhǎng)城Un it 5 Topic31.今天是星期幾? 2. 10: 453. 在周三4. 在周四上午 5. 戶外活動(dòng)6. 哪一科7最喜歡歷史9.別的一些科目 10.8. 對(duì)某人友好有一點(diǎn)難和煩13.16.18.請(qǐng)注意觀看足球賽報(bào)紙謝謝你的辛苦工作 12. 在-和-之間 14. 集郵展 15.新聞,消息17. 從-中學(xué)到許多 Unit6 Topic11.在二樓為什么不到樓上來在架子上你的書桌上有什么?在房子前有一輛車2.在隔壁6.8.11 .在左

3、邊Unit6 Topic2你的家是什么樣的?在鄉(xiāng)下每個(gè)月在三百元以下在街道拐角處12.看一看 玩寵物狗_ 把收起來,放好_ 10.在院子中心_在浴室隔壁4.有兩層樓的房子有家具的房子6.租一間小公寓8. 停車場(chǎng)15.打 向求助16.我的廚房風(fēng)扇壞了兩種17.讓某人檢查它18.現(xiàn)在19.從城市搬到郊區(qū)20.嘈雜的21.22.交通很擁擠23.生活費(fèi)用很高24.有大院子的房子25.右邊沒有房子26.我聽不見你27.線路很差吵聲9.聽到你在彈鋼琴_11 . 一個(gè)安靜的社區(qū)_13 離這兒不遠(yuǎn) 10. 在的盡頭 12.靠近我家的餐館14.在我們這個(gè)區(qū)域1.

4、 it6 Topic3沿著這條街走上去走到盡頭 到達(dá)書店3種沿著這條街走 穿過這座橋2種去郵局怎么走3種 在的拐角處 在和之間_ 你不會(huì)錯(cuò)過它的_ 乘1路車離這兒有多遠(yuǎn) 紅綠燈不能停車受傷_ 4. 向左拐6.大約在前方100米處9.11.13.15. 轉(zhuǎn)乘到在-對(duì)面繼續(xù)走離這里大約15公里遠(yuǎn) 2路車 17.人行道20. 斑馬線_ 23. 直直走_(dá)26.失去生命21.28.在中國(guó)的大局部地區(qū) 不許在街上放風(fēng)箏等輪到你遲到公寓建筑30. 公用 不能向右拐24.使道路平安遵守交通規(guī)那么做某事是的29.酒后駕車罰單_ 在班上保持安靜 沿著

5、這條路走下去Unit7 Topic11.出生 2在 1986 年 6 月 3.所有剩下的 4.19765. 20216.今天是幾號(hào) 7.下周三 8. 方案做某事 9.慶祝 10.為某人舉行生日宴會(huì) 11.在 1996 年 4 月 22 號(hào) 12. 一個(gè)飛機(jī)模型 13.你的禮物是什么形狀的2 種14.它是什么樣子的? 15. 剛剛 16.一伙兒前 17. 它是多長(zhǎng)的? 18.它是多寬的 ?19. 我們使用它來做什么 20.用它來放鉛筆 _ 21. 它一定是個(gè)筆盒 22.煮一餐特別的飯 23. 為某人買某物 2 種 24.淺藍(lán)色 25.那會(huì)是一個(gè)驚喜 26.做生日賀卡 27. 做衛(wèi)生 Unit7

6、Topic21.別的什么 2.彈吉它 3.表演芭蕾 _ 4.玩得開心 5.沒門,不可能 6.數(shù)數(shù) 7.把 - 帶到 -8. 戶外活動(dòng)時(shí)間到了 9.擅長(zhǎng) 2 種 10. 在 5 歲時(shí) 11.她再也看不見任何東西 _12.生活對(duì)她來說是艱難的 _13.在某人的幫助下 14. 你真是太聰明了 15.你會(huì)跳迪斯科還是會(huì)表演芭蕾 _Unit7 Topic31.背一首詩 2.表演一些魔術(shù) 3.輪到你了 4.摔倒 5.使某人受傷 6.立刻 7.這邊請(qǐng) 8. 向某人撒謊 9.告訴真相 10. 晚會(huì)結(jié)束得很晚 11.我們每個(gè)人 12. 手工 13.默默地許個(gè)愿 _ 14. 吹滅蠟燭 15.一口氣 Unit8To

7、pic11. 天氣怎樣 2 種 2. 放風(fēng)箏的好季節(jié) 3. 爬山的好時(shí)候 4. 在冬天堆雪人 5. 地面全白了 6. 一整天 7. 散步 8. 溫度是多少 9.去上海旅行 _10. 去度假 11.帶一把傘 12. 記得穿暖和的衣服 _13. 明亮地照耀14. 過后 15. 英國(guó)天氣與澳大利亞天氣是不同的16.18.20.蘇醒,復(fù)活 收獲的季節(jié) 從十二月持續(xù)到二月17.19.雨下得很大 忙于收獲 21. 風(fēng)猛烈地刮著Unit8Topic21.3.5.7.環(huán)球旅行 名勝古跡 任何時(shí)候 這聽起來真的很有趣 不同的風(fēng)俗 2.4.6.與某人相聚 _做某事的最好時(shí)間終年 11.脫掉 12.頭發(fā)濕著出去 _

8、13.指向 14.摸小孩的頭 _15.做OK手勢(shì) 16.用你的手指 17.包壓歲錢 18.把 - 傳給某人19. 在五一假日期間 20. 前天 _9.10.Unit8Topic32 種8. 一幅太陽鏡 進(jìn)入 1.3.春節(jié) 慶祝圣誕 意味著 - 的結(jié)束2.4.舞龍舞獅 _互相給禮物新年前夕7.在復(fù)活節(jié) 8.開玩笑、耍詭計(jì) 9.對(duì) - 表愛心 10.教師節(jié) 11.中秋節(jié) 12.明亮的滿月 13.忙于做某事 14.為- 準(zhǔn)備 15.用 B 裝飾 A 16.彩色的 17.掛起 18.在壁爐旁 19.在- 的末端 盡頭 _ 20. 互相問候 21 圣誕快樂 _ 22.一件大事 23.為 - 準(zhǔn)備 - 2

9、4.熬夜 25.在午夜 _ 26.農(nóng)歷新年 27.敲門 _ 28.款待某人 29.國(guó)際勞動(dòng)節(jié) 30.一天的假日 31.舉行劃龍舟比賽 32.觀看升國(guó)旗 5.6.Unit5 Topic11. meet at the school gate 2. Happy New Year! 3. The same to you.4. come to school by bikeride to school subwaytake athe subway6. go to school on footwalk to school 7. on weekdays8. seldom9. go to school by b

10、ustake a bus to school 10. ride a bikeby bike11 know about the school life of American students out 13. have a short rest14. be over 15. in one' s free time 16. four times a year talking to you.18. play soccerfootball 19. onceoften 22. have classesquarter 24. watch TV for a little while must com

11、e first!Unit 5 Topic21. I ' m making cards. 2. on the playground the moment 4. in the gymhall 6. swimming pool 7. borrow 8. do better in9. how long 10. keep 11. return -on time ' s a pleasure.13. look for 14. what else 15. some studentsafew students 16. clean the blackboard17. at the back of

12、 the classroom 18. on the Great WallUn it 5 Topic31. What day is it today? 2. a quarter to eleve n 3. on Wedn esday Thursday after noon5. outdoor activities 6. which subject 7. like history best 8. be frie ndly toother subjects 10. a little difficult and boring 11. Attention,please!-13. watch the fo

13、otball game 14. the stamp collection show16. n ewspaper 17. lear n a lot from- 18. Thank you for your hard work.Unit6 Topic1I. on the sec ond floor2. n ext to 3. Why not come upstairs? 4. have a look5. on the shelf 6. play with the pet dog 7. What' s on your desk?8. put- away 9. There ' s a

14、car in front of the house.10. in the center of the yardII. on the left of- to the bathroomUnit6 Topic2's your home like?2.a house with two floors 3. in the country 4. a house with furniture5. under 300¥ per month a small apartment 7. on the street corner8. park ing lot you play ing the pia

15、no 10. at the end of-11 . a quiet commu nity 12. the restaura nt close to my home 13. not far from hereour area 15. call - for help kitchenfan doesn' t work. There is something wrongwith my kitche n fan some one to check it nowfrom the cities to the cou ntryside 21. no ise22. The traffic is heav

16、y. 23. The cost of liv ing is high. 24. a house with a yard25. There are no houses on the right. 26. I can' t hear you. 27. The line is bad.Unit6 Topic34. Go up this street to the end toreacharrive at the bookstore along the street4. turn left across thecross the bridge 6. It ' s about one h

17、undred metersalo ng7. Which is the way to the post office?How can I get to the post office?How can I reach the post office? 8. on the corner of 9. across from 10. betwee n-a nd-on 12. You can ' t miss it. 13. It ' s about 15 kilometers away from here.Bus 15. cha nge to Bus far is it from her

18、e?17. sidewalk pho ne 19. traffic lights 20. crosswalkright tur n 22. No park ing 23. go straight 24. make roads safe25. get hurt one ' s lives 27. obey the traffic rules most parts of China29. It ' s -to do -30. Don ' t fly kites on the street. 31. a ticket fordri nk-driv ingfor your tu

19、r n. 33. keep quiet in class 34. be late dow n this street36. apartme nt build ingsUnit7 Topic11. be bornJun e,1986 3. all the rest 4. nin etee n seve nty-six5. two thousand and eight ' s the date today? 7. next Wednesday8. pla n to do 9. celebrate 10. have a birthday party for -Apr. 22n d,19961

20、2. a model pla ne13. What' s the shape of your present? What shape is your present?14. What is it like? 15. just now 16. a moment ago long is it?18. How wide is it? 19. What do we use it for? 20. use it to keep pen cilsmust be a pen cil-box. 22. cook a special dinner sth. for sb.buy sb. sth.24.

21、light blue 25. That would be a surprise.26. make a birthday card 27. do some clea ningUnit7 Topic21. what else 2. play the guitar 3. perform ballet 4. have a good times time for outdoor activities.5. No way! 6. count 7. take -to-9. be good atdo well in theage of fi ve. 11. She couldn ' t see any

22、thingany more.s help 14. You are so smart.cks 3. It ' s your turn. 4. fall down12. Life was very hard for her. 13. with one15. Can you dance to disco or perform ballet?Unit7 Topic31. recite a poem2. perform some magic tri 5. hurt on eself 6. at once 7. This way,please. 8. tell a lie to sb.lie to

23、 sb.9. tell the truth 10. The party en ds very late. 11. each of us 12. by hand13. make a sile nt wish 14. blow the can dles out 15. in one breathUn it8Topic1How is the weather?1. What' s the weather like?2. a good seas on for flying kites 3. a good time to climb hills4. make sno wme n in win te

24、r 5. The grou nd is all white.6. all day 7 . take a walk 8. What' s the temperature? 9. go on a trip to Shanghai10. go for holidays 11. take an umbrella 12. remember to wear warm clothesbrightly 14. later on 15. The weather in England is different from that inAustralia.16. come back to life rain

25、s heavily. 18. a harvest seas on19. be busy harvesti ng 20. last from December to February wind blows stro ngly.Un it8Topic21. travel arou nd the cou ntry 2. get together with sb. 3. places of in terestbest time to do- 5. any time 6.all year rou nd 7.It sou nds really in terest ing.8. a pair of sun glasses 9. differe nt customs 10. en ter11. take off12. go out with one ' s hair wet 13.


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