1、有效地擴大中學生詞匯的技巧Techniques of EffectivelyEnlarging Middle School Students'VocabularyContentsAbstract 1Key words 1I . Introduction 2II The Importance of Vocabulary Teaching and Learning in Middle23SchoolIII Different Categories of Words31 Content Words 332 Dictionary Words 333 Derived Words .334 Lex
2、ical Items 435 Context .436 Passive Vocabulary and Active Vocabulary 4537 Similar Words and Opposite Words 538 Parts of a WordIV Word Formation4,1 Affixation 642 Compounding 643 Conversion 644 Blending .745 Clipping .746 Acronymy .7V The Present Problems of Students Studying English in MiddleSchool
3、851 The Mentality of Disregarding the Learning of Vocabulary852 The Mentality of Loathing to Study Vocabulary 85.3 The Mentality of Feeling Anxious to The Learning of Vocabulary95.4 The Mentality of Helping Foreign Language Study With MotherTongue .99八*10VI . Discuss Some Good Techniques to Teach En
4、glish VocabularylW961 Using Visuals6.2 Using Gestures6.3 Drawings 106.4 Teaching Series and Word Sequence* .116.5 Using Known Vocabulary : .116.6 Grouping .126.7 Discovery Techniques 136.8 Using the Native Language .13156.9 By Communication . .146.10 Teaching Vocabulary in Context6.11 By Introducing
5、 the Knowledge of Culture Background .15VII . By Adopting Scientific Vocabulary Teaching Techniques, TeachersCan Help Students Improve Their Language Acquisition Abilityand Language Competence .16VIII . Conclusion 1617ReferencesTechniques of Effectively Enlarging Middle School Students ' Vocabul
6、ary摘要:當我們進入二十一世紀,詞匯的獲得成為一個更重要的角色。因此,有一些人就開始爭論,爭論詞匯在第二語言學習中的位置。語法是語言的基本模型,詞匯是語言的基本材料;如果沒有語法,我們幾乎不能明確地表達思想;而如果沒有詞匯我們則完全無法表達任何東西。詞匯教學是英語教學中不可或缺的一部分。一些中學英語教師在講授詞匯時,把詞匯從上下文中脫離出來,忽略了科學的學習規(guī)律;從長遠來看,這種傳 統(tǒng)的詞匯教學方法不僅不利于學生形成和提高英語語言能力,反而會導致他們對英語失去興趣。作為中學生學習英語的啟蒙老師,中學英語教師應對此承擔一定的責任。 在該論文中,我提供了一些較為科學的詞匯教學方法,我希望這些方法
7、對中學英語教師會有一定的參考價值。關(guān)鍵詞:詞匯教學方法詞匯教學教學策略語言能力Abstract:As we en ter the 21st cen tury, acquisiti on of vocabulary has assumed a moreimportant role, and as some would argue, it has assumed the central role in lear ning a sec ond Ian guage. Grammar provides the overall patter ns, and vocabulary is the materi
8、al to put in the patter ns. Without grammar we can convey a little, but without vocabulary we can convey nothing. Vocabulary teaching is an indispensable part of English curriculum. But some traditional vocabulary-teach ing methods seem to isolate the words from the con text or break away from the s
9、cientific rules, which they can' t help students to developIan guage compete nee in the long run but cause them to lose in terest in En glish.Middle school English teachersshould take great responsibility for this, since they are the premier ones who in troduce stude nts to the field of En glish
10、. In this paper, I would provide several scie ntific vocabulary-teachi ng tech niq ues. I think they could be valuable for middle school En glish teachers duri ng their teach ing process.Key words: vocabulary; teaching methods; lexical teaching; teaching strategies;compete nee第1頁共18頁Techniques of Ef
11、fectively Enlarging Middle School Students ' VocabularyI. IntroductionIn China, En glish teachers have sometimes ten ded to overlook the importa nee of the lexical system. This is especially obvious in the middle school. This phe nomenon might have resulted from the fact that lin guists have wor
12、ked out a perfect equivale nt Chin ese vocabulary system to En glish vocabulary system, so that teachers and stude nts can more easily deal with the vocabulary than with the grammar and pronunciation of English which are quite differe nt from the Chin ese grammar and sound system.Lexical items may a
13、lso have appeared tobe of sec on dary importa nee because theyhave sometimes been seen as that whics used to “ flesh out ” the structure or to exemplify parts of the sound system. However, without lexic on the major mea nin g-cari ng eleme nt in Ian guage is miss ing. Therefore, the acquisiti on of
14、vocabulary is an in tegral part of En glish teachi ng.On the other hand, there are teachers who have ten ded to overemphasize the lear ningof words in the len gthy vocabulary lists. The old En glish textbook (JUNIOR ENGLISH FOR CHINA, People ' Publisher of China, 1990) bears silent witness to su
15、ch an approach.The solution here is to seek scientific techniques of vocabulary teaching. Students should be exposed to the vocabulary needed to express the ideas they want to com muni cate. The vocabulary items should not be strictly limited, nor should vocabulary acquisiti on be stressed to the ex
16、clusi on of other parts of the Ian guage system.II . The Importance of Vocabulary Teaching and Learning in Middle SchoolWord is one of the three basic Ian guage un its (so und, word, grammar). It is esse ntialto com muni cati on. One of the famous lin guists Wilk ins once said that,“ Without gramver
17、y little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. ” (Wilkins,ENGLISH STUDY, Foreign Language Study Institute, 1987) Little children learn to speakin isolated words and the n in cha ins of nouns and verbs. A child who says-bye “ Mum bbike ” is eayiunderstood by English-speaking ad
18、ult. Students who are immersed into a new linguistic settling tend to pick up vocabulary first, and then gradually develop a more accurate, structural framework in which to use these words. And they must continu ally be learning words as they lear n structures and as they practice the sound system.
19、Therefore, vocabulary teach ing is an in dispe nsable part of En glish less ons in middle school, and an第2頁共18頁Techniques of Effectively Enlarging Middle School Students ' Vocabularyimportant task for the teachers. Whether a middle school English teacher can follow scie ntific methods to teach v
20、ocabulary or not directly bring good or bad in flue nee toward the students. If his methods are suitable for the students and beneficial for them in the long run, he could arouse their in terest in En glish and help them to develop a solid foun dati on of Ianguage acquisition ability; whereas if he
21、fails to do so, it might result in the students diffide nee toward themselves and might cause them to disgust En glish.Ill. Different Categories of WordsThe teaching of new words is vague and misleading, as it does not tell us what words' are and gives no ideas of why or how we should teach them
22、. Let us first of all try to give some precision to the vague term word' . To do this I need to establish differentcategories of words.3.1 Content WordsAll nouns, adjectives and adverbs and n early all verbs are content words. If some one says to you judgeor witnessor' repeayou will have som
23、e idea what he is talking about eve n though the speaker is not com muni cati ng in grammatical uttera nces. You un dersta nd someth ing because you, as the liste ner, are able to associate these words with refere nts. All content words have refere nts and therefore have meaning. The teach ing of vo
24、cabulary is mainly concerned with the teachi ng of meaning and therefore with the prese ntati on of content words.3.2 Dictionary WordsA word when it appears in dictionary, a word list or an index is a dictionary word. A dictio nary word can be asked to produce other forms of the word, for example:Lo
25、ve, loves, loved, lo vingA dict ionary word can have many differe nt meanings depe nding on whe n, where and how it is used. It is therefore poin tless to teach dict ionary words. For example, it is not practical or useful to teach favor ' (it has many forms antential tmetynings)but it ' s p
26、ractical and useful to teach a favor ' with the meaning show in WaBill. Will you do me a favor? I n eed some one to give my mother a lift to the stati on.3.3 Derived WordsWe should give the name derivedvords' to the words, which are derived from第3頁共18頁Techniques of Effectively Enlarging Midd
27、le School Students ' Vocabularydictionary words.Thus the dictionary word drink ' can be said to represent the derived words drunk ' , drinking ' , drinks ' , drinker ' , etc. In lists the dictionary word is used to sand space but in the classroom the derived words should be t
28、aught. Many derived words differ only in form and grammatical function and are therefore taught in structure lessons. However some related derived words differ in pote ntial meaning and are therefore taughtin the vocabulary less on.3.4 Lexical ItemsWhen a derived word is used in a particular utteran
29、ce with a particular meaning werefer to it as a'lexical item ' .In the following sentence there are ten words and five lexicalitems.I put up with my brother' insults for a week.A lexical item is a word (or group of words) which whe n used in a particular type of utterance has one referen
30、t and therefore one meaning. Notice that puup with 'is one lexical item; the three words have one referent and if one of the words is omitted the meaning will cha nge.Lexical items are what we actually use to com muni cate meaning whe n we speak or write and therefore it is lexical items and not
31、 dicti onary words that we should be teachi ng in the vocabulary less on.3.5 ContextThe con text of a word is the real life situati on in which the word is used. Thus in thefollow ing sentence the con text of the lexical item pen alty ' is football match:Holla nd was awarded a pen alty in the fi
32、rst few mi nu tes of their World Cup Final match aga inst West Germa ny.However, i n the followi ng senten ces the con text of pen alty ' is not a football matA. The penalty for throwing rubbish in the streets is £ 5.B. There is a pen alty clause in the con tract.C. You are now paying the p
33、enalty of a life of drunkenness.In these sentences, the meanings of the different lexical items penalty ' aretheir refere nts are differe nt because their con texts are differe nt.3.6 Passive Vocabulary and Active VocabularyThere is no difference between passive vocabulary and active vocabulary
34、in第4頁共18頁Techniques of Effectively Enlarging Middle School Students ' Vocabularyvocabulary itself. Passive vocabulary and active vocabulary only in dicate the level which stude nts have grasped vocabulary.A student ' s passive vocabulary consists of the total number of lexical items, Whch ca
35、n understand correctly and a student' s active vocabulary consists of the total number oflexical items, which he can accurately use, in speed and writing.A learner ' s passive vocabulary will always be larger than his active vocabulary as he will have heard or read items which he will never
36、need to use, and he will be able to un dersta nd approximately many items which he cannot use with any degree of accuracy.3.7 Similar Words and Opposite WordsEvery Ianguage has groups of lexical items, which are very similar in meaning (synonyms) but differ slightly from others. Synonyms can differ
37、according to a degree, reference, implication, grammatical form, for example: goods belongs, property, gear and so on.A new lexical item can ofte n be effectively taught by con trasti ng it with ano ther item which has some relation of opposition to it and which is already known to the students. Thi
38、s is especially true of extreme opposite (i.e. polar opposite), for example: North Pole- f South Pole, evi-> virtuous, heavy-> light, and easy-> difficult.3.8 Parts of a WordaiJust as a sentence is split up into units called words, so a word itself can be divided into un its. The word in ed
39、ible ' can be divided into three un its in ' , ed'unit, 'in ' is a prefix,ed' is a root and'ible ' is a suffix.The root of a word is that part of a word which com muni cates the main meanin g. If you take out the root the word becomes meanin gless. A prefix comes befo
40、re a root and adds something to the meaning of the root. A suffix follows the root and usually indicates that part of speech a word bel ongs to.IV . Word FormationThe expa nsion of vocabulary in moder n En glish depe nds chiefly on word formati on. There is a variety of means being at work now. The
41、most productive are affixation, compo unding and conv ersi on. The test of the new words come from shorte ning in clud ing clipp ing and acronymy, nu mberi ng 8%, together with 1% to 5% of words born out of ble nding and other mea ns.第5頁共18頁Techniques of Effectively Enlarging Middle School Students
42、' Vocabulary4.1 AffixationAffixatio n is gen erally defi ned as the formatio n of words by add ing word-formi ng or derivati onal affixes to bases. Accordi ng to the positi on affixes occupy in words, affixati on falls into two subcategories: prefixation and suffixation.a. prefixation is the for
43、mation of new words by adding prefixes to bases. e.g:dis: discredit, disorder.extra: extra-large, extra-bright.in: injustice, immature.mi ni: min卜 market, mini-boom.de: demystify, deforestati on.super: supermoder n, superhuma n.un: un bug, uni ock.tele: telescope, telepri nter.b. suffixati on is the
44、 formati on of new words by add ing suffixes to bases. e.g:er: tee nager, glover.ess: hostess, priestess.ful: careful, armful.hood: adulthood, daughterhood.ent: depe nden t, resp ondent.able: washable, admirable.4.2 CompoundingCompounding is the formation of new words by joining two or more bases. M
45、ost compo unds con sist of only two bases but are formed on a rich variety of patter ns and the in ternal grammatical relatio nships within the words ate con siderably complex. this secti on will focus on the three major classes of compo un ds, lay ing emphasis on the two aspects as stated abovea. N
46、oun Compo undsn + n: moom walk, end product.n + v: toothache, frostbite.b. Adjective Compo undsa + a: deaf-mute, bitter-sweet.a + v-i ng: easy-go ing, high-soud ing.4.3 ConversionConversion is the formation of new words by converting words of one class to ano ther class, i.e. by turning words of one
47、 part of speech to those of ano ther part of speech in traditional terms.a. Conv ersi on to Nounswantwhat is wan tedhelpone who helps第6頁共18頁Techniques of Effectively Enlarging Middle School Students ' Vocabularywalk a place for walk ingb. Conv ersi on to Verbsto put the money to nurse the baby t
48、o bicycleto put money into the pocket to be the nurse for the baby to go by bicyclec. Conv ersi on to Adjectivesan iron gatea chalk boardstone housea house made of stone4.4 BlendingBle nding is the formatio n of new words by comb ining parts of two words or a word plus a part of ano ther word. Words
49、 created through ble nding are related to all aspects of society. But structurally, they fall into four major categories:a. head + tailchu nnel from (cha nnel + tunn el)b. head + headAmeri nd from (America n + In dia n)c. head +wordmedicare from (medical + care)d. word + tail workfare from (work + w
50、elfare)4.5 ClippingAno ther com mon way of maki ng a word is to shorte n, or clip a Ion ger word, known as clipping. it is the formation of new words by cutting a part off the original and using what remai ns in stead. There are four com mon types of clippi ng.drome (aerodrome)fan (fan atic)pop (pop
51、ular music)a. Front Clipp ingquake (earthquake)b. Back Clipp ingmemo(memora ndum)c. Front and Back Clipp ingflu (in flue nza)d. Phrase Clipp ingpub (BrE public house)4.6 AcronymyAcronymy is the process of forming new words by joining the initial letters of composite n ames of social and political or
52、ga ni zatio ns or phrases used as tech ni cal terms. Acronymy can be subdivided into initialisms and acronyms depending on the pronun ciati on of the words.VOAVoice of AmericaBBCTVBritish Broadcasting Corporation televisi on第7頁共18頁Techniques of Effectively Enlarging Middle School Students ' Voca
53、bularyIDide ntificati on or ide ntity cardAIDSacquired immune deficie ncy syn dromeV. The Present Problems of Students Studying English in Middle SchoolIn practice we can find that some students can' get good marks in English study because they can't learn vocabulary well. It also brings som
54、e other related difficulties of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Of course, there are many reasons why it is difficult to learn and teach vocabulary. One of important reasons is a student ' s psychological obstacle caused by their in correct poi nts of view in the lear ning of vocabular
55、y. There are four kinds of mai n men talities, which in flue nce the stude nts to study vocabulary.5.1 The Mentality of Disregarding the Learning of VocabularySome stude nts misun dersta nd that they can study En glish well provided they are able to liste n and speak because in rece nt years we spec
56、ially emphasize liste ning and speak ing in En glish study, which separate liste ning and speak ing from vocabulary. They also think that it is uni mporta nt and easy to study vocabulary because they ithk it ' s eno ugh for them only to know how to spell out the word. So they ignore the importan
57、ce of vocabulary study. With this in correct thought, some stude nts aren't willi ng to study vocabulary hard and in crease the size of vocabulary. They only remember some words and phrases in order to pass the exam in ati on. After that they will forget these words and phrases very soon, so the
58、y can' enlarge their vocabulary efficaciously. And some other students think the learning of vocabulary is simply equal to studying the spelling of words. They aren' t adeptin finding out the regular pattern of Ianguage, so they only memorize the new words mecha ni cally and have low efficie ncy of study.5.2 The Mentality of Loathing to Study VocabularySome students ha
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